ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN Production Note Project Unica Rare Book & Manuscript Library University of Illinois Library at Urbana-Champaign 2015/* ¿.„J A N ACT T O ‘Amend an Aft, palled in the Thirteenth and Fourteenth Years of King George the Third, j Entitled, An A£t for the better regulating! the Office of County Treafurers, and the Duty of Clerks of the Crown in refpe t of, Prefentments; and to enable the Grand Jury! of the County of Wicklow, to raife Money by Prefentment, for purchafing of Ground or Houfes adjoining to the Court-Houfe of faid County, for the Purpofe of building Additions to the faid Court-Houfe. Thurfday the Twenty-fourth Day of March One thoufand Jeven hundred and ninety-fx, Royal AJfent given. John Gayer, D. Cler. Pari. DUBLIN: Printed by George Grier30n, Printer to the King’s Moft Excellent Majefty. M dcc xcvi. Chap. XII.Anno Rcgni tricefnno fexto Georgii III. Regis. CHAP. XII. An A61 to amend an A&, pafled in the Thirteenth and Fourteenth Years of King George the Third, Entitled, An A61 for the better regulating the Office of County Treafurers, and the Duty of Clerks of the Crown in re-fpedt of Preferments; and to enable the Grand Jury of the County of Wicklow to raife Money by Preferment, for purchafing of Ground or Houfes adjoining to the Court-Houfe of faid County, for the Purpofe of building Additions to the faid Court-Houfe. Wi?Ctfie Securities require cD bp tlje fails 2ttt, to be gibeit bp t&e JCreafurer of Counties, are in fomc 4P2 3f,,ItanccS336 Anno Regni tricefimo fexto c 11 a p. gjnßaiues infufficicnt, from tlje itureafeD XI1- 5tjnount of tlje ifjoncp prcfentcD ro be Securities raifcD ; De it CnactcD bp tlje Bing’s QJoit r;'f,t¿co. Cjccellent £0afeftp, lip ana toiti) tlje Zti? Dire ano Contení of tljc Xorbs Spiritual ana Xcmporal, anb Commons m tljis prefent parliamcnt affcmblca, anb bp tlje G. Juries at 3lutijoritp of rljc fame, Xljat cberp <3rana SÄ. Jlurp fljali, at cberp á>prtng anD áuim» mer mffijes, ftatc in tlje all omit, neglctt, or re* • í ■ fufe to pvobí&c fnrtljcr Smrcrp or á>ure= ÍV^°£. tice, t»!jo Ojal! nuce i tito in fue!) Secogni* sanee, niib tnnlte fue!) ^füaabit or 2lfTx= '• Oabits at rljc i^cor tljcrcof, at fmlj 3U- — fi3cs or á>eíüons aforefaiD, as fljall be bi rcctcb üp tfjc Grana “Jurp, tíje “tluagc of Stfitsr, or tl)c gjuflíccs at ríje ¿Dtíü'ons, as t(jc Cafe map be, (bal! bifmifs futí) Urca-furer frorn !jis íDífirc, ano taufe üicb Dífmiíüon to be enterca in tlje Crotuu ISoolt. 4. 3tna be ít fnrtljcr Declaren ana Cu»: Trcafurers nrteü, Xí)at nll £Bonc>> veccíbeb bp anp ¡«r«^. 'SCreafurer on Account of tJ¡e áuitns pie* S,1;"'., fentcb, to be raifcb oif rljc Countp at large, or anp l&aronp or !?alf*í}aronp, ts applieabíe ítt !)is l?anbs to pap tljc ©emana of atip perfon Icgallp entitleD ‘'c"*,,iAÍ*-to rtteíbe publit üíoucp from Ijttn, r.u Account of futí) Comifp, i&aronp, or 4 Q, l?alfíAnno Regni tricefimo fexto fealfj'Baronp rrfpcííibclp, altíjonní) tíis ¡mftoic of tijc i©onep prcfcntcb, iie not sjaiD inte bis l^anbs, anb ttjat tJjc C3Iíí)oíe of ftufi CBcnep fo m ijis ijanbs, fl)ail i)c applicn bp i)im to pap rtoerp per* fon fo Segali? enritief, as long as f)e jpall ijabc an? cf tne fame in i}is fjanbs, unser tijc iDcnaltics, iforfnturrs, anb £>ifabiliticß cnactrb bp tj>e faib 2lct, in rafe of bis Scfufal ro pap an? per fon tegailp enfitieü ro rcccibc pttbiic ö3oncp. , itrs s. ?Áüts be ií furrier «EnattcB, Xfjat no gjuftite cf tJjc prarc fijall i>orc at anp c-jeßton for a Xreafurer cf a €ountp, Ä jsniefs fnri) Dnifirc fljali ijabc bren tu ... tije CommiUfon cf tijc peate á>ip Ca* ini bar fjjfjcntfjs at tijc icafr, prebietts fo tijc (Racancp. Trrafarfr 6. prebiteb altoaps, ana fcc ít furtftfr iaiK C-nactcP, Xijat no Xrrafurcr Gjail bc fo bifmiffrö bp fjirtuc cf tljis 31 et, tmiefs' per for rjjc Oranti rßuv}y rcqturing |)im to gibe requi fui t fúttiicr Siccuritp, ííjail prefent to bc raif* s«^:1 cti eff tijc Cotmtp at large, aub paib to fjim, a Stillt after tije Bäte cf Xcti peunbs bp tijc gcac, for cari) £>nc XIjoufanD peunbs, tyijicij furi) furtijer öcetuirp fi)ail amotmt to, anb fo in pro* pcttioit for anp icifcr £>um, ober anb abobe tijc Sann nota aiiotaeb bp iLabc to be prtfcntcb to bc raifcb anb paib to futí) Xreafurer, as a ecmpenfariou for i)is CBjrpcnce anb Xrcubie, tuijity prefentmentGeorgü Tertii Regis. îârcfcntntent it fljall be latoful for cberp <¡5ranb 3Jurp to malic at fuel) anb liiictuifc at cbery Slfltjcs ijereafter to be ijcib, fo long as futi) ¿»ecuritp fidali continue in jforcc.