ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN Production Note Project Unica Rare Book & Manuscript Library University of Illinois Library at Urbana-Champaign 2015  C 927 ] Anno Regni triceiìmó fexto Georgli III. Regis. CHAP. XLIV. An Ait tor preventing the Inundations of the Poddle River in Dublin, and for preferving the Cathedral Church of Saint Patrick, and the Houfes of the adjoining Inhabitants from the Damages ariiing therefrom. Wit)«£&<££;§> bp iDeans of bartons iftuifances anb SDbttrutttons in rijc 22iater=courfe ceilcb tfjc Poddle, tohitJ) tuns through Saint Patrick-ftreet, aitb from tfjence to tlje JRibcr Anna Li-ffey, Jnun&a= tiotts ocraftoncb bp futbrn Jficobs, Ijabc of late mote frequcmlp Ijappcneb, to ttjc great 2Dnmage of the Cathcbrnl Cintrdj of Saint Patrick, Dublin, anb to t|jC great HofS anb 31nj'urp of tlje ^Inhabitants of ail i^oufes in that 2>iftricr of tbe Cirp, near anb through toijtci) the faio fflKatcr runs: n B 2 3lnb on-, caulcd by ti e Olili ruction of the Poddle :G h a r XLIV. Anno Regni tricefimo fexto 2lní tx>\)evcas toV ¡„„^¿ig^tcenti mace in tljc 0f tis late S0a)cftl> ffles tV 't°¿ tóStVrWp »¿gubUjjgjf^‘5 Cliief §uftlte o£ s, tlie íTiiícf ‘Juílíce of tt)C coromon 'picas. ‘fe^taun, «¡« of 5?is fi@ajeíl> » &,frrctatp of é>tate, £0ajW5 principal & ^ ^olicitot ^a¡í1ÍUan ot m CatUcm-al Cl)urcl) ^tnf h ?S Dublin, tí)c S>«an of Df tV¡C Holy 1 5 , i 0f gajnt Patnek s, íbe Catíjeoral ^««y flf {l £itp ot Dublin, airt» tjje mi«Mimc ¿in¿ togetijer Dublin, ail fot tí ^ Meath Dr anp 5fi\>e toitíJ EdvvfiS tolicrcof t&e fLorD ,2Ucf&* or wcve of t^ m, tolere xjmc bfing> t0 tiiüiop °f Dublin, toi • «J . tc„ coman be aiwars 0>M, -mn »w ^ catpemaí, ftoncvS fov Plcíc^l ^tl0U t^c (eVicrai ftc-ant> PlltnnsJ”£S\n tije fait» 3Ut, fot 5lK»«.-wanfuS ^sarará^-««%Georgii Tertii Regis. 929 tlje Hebe! ánD SDangcv of tlje faiD 3JnumcJ'r Darion, fufitrient ro Definì tlje iDljargcs of C-,0 malting a neto ©raft er Current, or fronr^ ing or cleanüng tìjc olii (Srafts or Cúr* rettts, for prebenting fucij ^InunDations: 31 nD totjcrcas frotn tljc loto Situation of tljc (Brounös, in tljc continue!) Ccurfe of tUc faiD COatcr to tlje faiD 3Riber Ann*’Z\'T'" Liffey, tljc CG a ter of aDjacent Streets anD ILaneS, for a con&Dcrable Crtent in tíje jßeigljbouiljooD of tljc faiD ÖGatcr=coutfc, toítl) a large j&uantitp of £>oil, runs in* to tljc fame, anb Dp tlje Confínente of fucl) ÖGaters tljc ^JnunDation io mutt) in* crcafcD: 3lnD toljcrcas Xtoo tiptlls IjabC been crectcö ott tljc faiD iKUatcr=totirfc, cailcD tije Poddle, iPne near Ship-flreet, attD ttje Ottjtt bettocett Bride’s-alky, anD Rofs-lane, boti) ln tlje Citp of Dublin, bp toljitl) great ^bilruttion ijas been giben to tljc íDaffage of tlje faiD CGatcr : 3lnb totjereas tljc ^otoers giben to tlje faiD Commif-^ üoners bp tlje faiD 31 tt, are not fuffitient, unbcr tlje prefent Cimttnftantes of tlje !^rL,i fatb ÖGatcr=tcnrfe, to remobe tljc £>bßruc= i“«*«*"*“ tions to tlje íóaüagc of tljc CGatcr, anb prebent tljc 3(mmt¡ctíons occafcontD tijcrc; bp, anD tfje ifunb bp tlje faiD 31 ct treatto io inaDcquate to tlje löurpofe, ixijerefere, be ít CnacteD bp tfjc Iting’s fi@olt Cp celient í¡15ajeflp, bp anD toitlj tlje 3lDtoicc anD Confetti of tljc XorDS Spiritual anD SCcmporal, ano Commons ut tbis prcícnt idarltament affembltD, anD bp tlje ;3mt?jo-ritp of tlje fame, Xliat tljc fLorD íljapor of tlje Citp of Dublin, tlje ILoib iSrclj' bitljop of Dubim, tljc Xorb Cjjitf Unftitf cited Aét t ii C ofrjjo AnnoRegni tricefimo ieXto <: n a p. of Ireland, tljt Chitf 3U'fice Df MjC CTOND 3,v' in on ?2!cas, the eihicf Karon of the ^ d entire, the litcpcr cf tl?c Signet or ®vu Up Seal, lots ODafrilp’s l&ttorncy ant) S>o-liritov (General, the 2>can of tije CatijcDral GEijtircli Of tijC Holy Trinity, tljC 2Dcait of fljC Cathtfiai Ch«rd) o; Saint Patrick’s, Dublin, anD the 3RccorDcr of tl)c City of Dublin, all for the Xitne being, the Com* mifhefters CcfcribcD or namcD in the fait) 25ct, together toith the llicar (Scncrat or flirars General of the Snccefc of Dublin, for the Xitne being, the 2irch=&eacon of Dublin, for the Xiinc being, anD the Cham ter of the CatheDral Church of Saint Patrick’s, for the Ximc being, anD the XorD of the Manors of Thomas-coutt anD Do-nore, for the Ximc being, be, anD they arc hereby conflituteD anD appointee Conn mifltoners for putting into Cjcccution the ^»otoers in the faiD 2ltt anD in this 31 tt .comoiim- containcD, anD that they or any Xhree or ••»»a more of them (hall habc full potoer anD i““ Authority to execute anD perform all 35tts, Matters attD Xhinss, for carrying the faiD 2lct, anD this 25tt into «Execution, for the execution of tohith joiner is giben to the faiD Commiflioncrs, fatoe in fuch Cafe or crafts toherc by this 3lct a greater dumber is rccittircD, any Xtn«S in the faib rccitcD 25tt containcD to the contrary nottbitljUanDing. An Infpec- 2* 3tnD be it CnactcD, Xhat the faiD r;P'rSi« Commifltoners fhall, anD may, from Ximc ■ ' to Ximc, appoint a proper iderfoit to be 2jnfpcttor of the faiD ttmatcivrDurfc, at fuchllilij Rullili «jw** vv, *•••- v» - r y »* tiiori5cD fo rteto anD tramine tije »täte oti,^. tilt faiö ddlater courfe, anD of all StctocrS ano SDrains toniti) fall inro ti)C fame, anD of all 3ipcrtures tfjcrein, anD Copunum-fa’tions tijeretoiti), anD to infpett anD ep-teure all ©uilDiugs, Cdlorfes anD Sepaies, tnlitri) filali te oii.eecD bp lite faiD Com* miiDonevs to be performeb, fot icpamng tiie faiD adlatcrcourfe, anD preferbing tue fame fvec from iiauifanres anD üPbftruc= tions, anD fot tirar iDurpofe, at all rca= fonable l&ours in tl)c £>ap Xtme, tolti) Cucii dii or fernen as filali bc cmploprD bp i)im, to entcr into anp llpoufc or garD UMi Der boffici) tire faiD ddlatce=courfc runs, ano to bring tlirougl) or into futi) l^oiuc or paro, all Materials militi) filali bc nc^ ceffarp for cretutittg futi) ddlorfes, anp to remobe tijrotigl) futi) fioufc or gara, ali ¿Dbftruttions founD in tljc faiD ddlater* courfc. 9. 51 nD be it «EnatteD, Xtiat it filali anD beA^;;5msy map bc latoful for tire faiD CommifftonerS ;XSm to caufe 5lrcl)cs of ©riefes or ^toncs be erctteD ober tl)c faiD ddlater-rDiuCe, in , fu eh lèlates as tficp filali tifimi proper,”^./-anD, from Ximc to Ximc, toljen tljep^ filali tinnii fit, to raufe ©rcacljes to bc maoe in anp 2irci) or otficr cobcring ober tir faiD lidiatcr=conrfe, far tire gurpofe of rcpairing or cleanfmg tire fame, anD to remobe all ¿btoncs, (¡arabel, or office s>o* ftructions toifiefi map bc founD tfiernn, nCa ano 932 Chap. XLIV. Hopped up. What (Iiall he done by Corr.miffiov era or infpec-tor, when Br< aches are •yade ; 6|d. a Yard to be paid to repairing Pavement. If Commi r-flone-sdo not do as herein before dircA eri, (heir In fpeflor fliall foi feit 5I. to Paving Board Anno Regni tricefimo fexto ano alfe te f cp anp opcntng to or coup munitane!» rnith tflc tatti äöatcr^tourie, freni anp l^cufc, gaib or otl)tr ©late throngh toijuf) anp batter map he con» beptb to thè fati) Ciliatrr tourfc, tonici) map taufe jäPbftructtom> tbetein. 4. :3lnb he it ffnattcD, Xìjat as oftnt as thè faiD CDommifTtcncrs or tljeir 3Jnfpcc* tor diali taufe anp ©reacp or ©reathes to be mane in thè ©abemcitt of nnp of tijc Streets or publicH ©afTagcs of tljc «Litp of Dublin, mithin thè 2ümirs cf thè Ciri tnlar Jftoab, (eptept in tlje ©aroup of Do-nore) thep diali fluidi tljc fato Caiord txjitij all tonbenient Speco, anD fljait raufe thè Cartfl tohere tljc ©reati) or ©reatfles (hall be mabe, to be firnilp trobben anD vanii ineD botun, anb fidali immcbiatclp after gibe jßotice thercof to tlje SDircttors anb Commiffi'oners for 0abing, Clcaufing anD Highting thè Streets of Dublin; anb fljalf pap to them to befrap thè Capente of rei pairing tlje faiD ©abeincnt, S*? ©enee i^atfpennp for eberp garb faib ©reati) diali be in Hengtlj, probibeb thè fame diali not ejctceb Xljrce Jfeet in ffillibth; anb if thè fame diali be more than Xljvcc Jfect teibc, tljat tijen 0apment iljaìi be mabe in bue Proportion. 5. 2lnb be it ftirther Cnatfcb, Xhat if thè fati Commiiüoncrs in tljis 2ltt nameb, or tljeir 3(nfpcßor, diali be guiltp of anp unticccffarp ©clap, in fìntOitng faib Ü2302U, or diali not raufe thè Carrlj throton badi to be tuell trobben or rammeb Domn, or if tljcp,Georgii Tertii Regis. 933 t!)tp, or the faiD ginfpettor, fljall not pap c » a p. to tljc faib SDirettors the Crpence of re^ xliv. jiaiviKS fuel) Breach or Breaches, at the Hate before menrioneD, tflep Hjaii forfeit anD pap for eberp furl) £>ft'chce a §um not ejcccctnng Jibe founts, to be recobcreti bp JDiftrefs ano ¿»ale of tlje ©cobs anD Citato tcls of their faiD ^Jnfpcctor. 6. ^nb be it CnatteD, Xbat if anp 10!. Penalty Stoner or GPrrupier of anp fjoufc or other °^i£L #Iacc ober the faiD Caatcr=courfc, fljall ^¡T" not at fuel) Ximes as aforefaiD, aBinit s;' ti)c faiD 3nf|)ector and fuel) GGlorltmcn as 'J'■>£»>"’ fball be cmplopeD bp Ijlm into fuel) ijoufe, m,rDcr of the faiD Commifltoncrs, or fljall prebent or obfinut fuel) gjitfpector, 02 anp CClorltraan cmplopcD bp bint in per^ forming anp GGioilt directed bp t!je faiD CommfiRoners to bepcrformcD, oj to malte Breaches in anp ^rclj oj• Cohering ober ti)e faiD C2Iater=eourfe, 02 to rentobc anp Atones, €>rabcl, 02 other iDbfhutfions boljicl) map be fouiiD therein, 02 (hail pre bent, 02 not permit fuel) 3finfpcctoj to flop anp opening to, 02 Communication toitn -the faiD aUlatcr^courfe, tohich the faib Commifltcners Htail thinb proper to be lioppeb, eberp furl) #erfon fljall for eberp fueh £>fTcnre forfeit the Smn of Xen ISounDs. 11 D 7. 3tnD Q34 Anno Regni tricefimo fexto Chap. 7. ^CttO UC it €»<10*0, Xljat tftt $t0; xliv. 0f tljc ^iOCstoaliS of tljc fato abater; cctiife, ano of all 3lrcljes built, oz to bc built ober che fame, ano all tije Materials ¡■g»-. tljercof, iljall br, ano tije fame are Ijcrcbp beftcD in tljc faiD Commiflioners. Ko Min.. 8. 2lnD be it €natteb, Xljat no I0erfon Oiall erect, or malte anp £0iH=toljecl to be .“wm™ turncO bp ùSlater, or any Gatc=fluicc or ©am, upon, or in tljc faiö ttClater, or erect 7£fa anp IJotifc of €afc ober tljc fame, oz nearer SÌ' tljcreto tljan Cigljt ^eet ; or mali butlD, fuch Arches or rc=buiID, or procreo in tije builDmg oz SmnSison- rc=builDing of anp IJonfe ober tljc faiD £Ä,a£c. Caatcr courfe, unlcfs furi) #erfon mali Ijabc ranfeD an 5lrtlj of ©riebs oz é>toncs, fuel) as tije faiD Commiflioners mali ap= probe of, to be built ober tljc €jctcnt of tljat $art of tljc faiD ¡HHatcr=courfc ober boljicl) fuclj OUuilDing is intcnbcD to be nor an, Com- crccttD or built, or rebuilt, or fljall malte opcncd'with anp opening into, or Communication toitlj WaterCourfc tljc faiO «KUaterscourfc, ttniefs autljoriseD TizedbyCom- bp tljc fato Commiflioners ; ano if anp ’“'i5on"‘1 üjill^toljccl to bc turneo bp CHater, or fuch (hall bc anp Gate, Sluice or ©am fljall be crectcD Ä«.." ot maOc upon, or in tljc faiD abater-{cited'for” eoitrfc, or if anp ijoufc of Cafe fljall bc crectcD ober tije fame, or nearer tljereto tljan Cigljt jfeet, or anp Uoufe or 05uilD= ing ober tljc faiD aZHater^tourfe fljall be crectcD or procceDcD in before fuclj 2lrclj as aforcfaiD fljall bc crectcD or built, or if anp opening into, or Communication tuitlj tljc faiD ffläatcricourfc not autljoriscD bp tljc faiD Commiflioners fljall be maDe,t!je fame anDGeorgii Tertii Regis. _ ,, - 935 anD rberp of futi) battersi anb IChinfiS c.lf, U)a'! be beemeb a common ¿Buifaiue or XLIV rommon /Suifanccs, ano tbc fame ntapbe prcfcittcb ac fncb, ano remobcD or abatcb in tlje fame fl9anner as anp common 3ì5mfancc inap bp liato bc prefenteb anb remobeb, oc abateb, anb eberp tDcrfoit of= 0)aiì1, 011 nn^ 3Jn&«tfinent o? ìjn= m.Viif/if”’ br J)Unitl)CD as anp ?£>crfon gtiutp of catiftitg anp common i5uifance map bejpunifljcb, anb fljatl affo forfeit tbc émm of ifibe iDounbs, to bc rccobcreb in bcfore an? 3iuilice of tbc l^cace of tbc Countp, or Countp of tbc Clip ut toljiclj tbc iDffcnce fljail babe been commi tteb, in tbc fame fl0attner as anp pcnaltp for anp iPfFence againit tbis dtt %bXbef0VC an^«fticc of tb?^clcc maI)e rccobcrablc; anb fucb o^. iPffenber (bali bc fub/ctt to tbc faib 3ror; kSfJHi. .ober anI> «bobe tbc f3ttntfl)mcnt to Z;:Z“d tobtcb bc or Q)c map bc fiablc to, as aforc= I‘ua'ih^ litio* q. fàrobibeb altoaps, Xìjat notbing c berem contautcb, fball ertenb to empotuer tbc faib Comntifltoncrs to ftop up, or re-¡¡¡2fe nv of, PMWicfc ¿5ratcs, toJjicb u)all or map be placco ober tbc faib dlia^ '"Co" tcr-courfe, to cottbcp tbc CSIatcr front tbc 5>trccts, or from tbc Jroutttains anb Con= btuts tobicb bobe beett, oj map bc eretteti bp tljc Jdabing Corporation for tljc «llfc jo. 3nb bc it CnattcD, 3Cbat in eberp Cafe tbbcrc it fball - - ■ Il D 2 appear to tbc faib Com miflioitcrs E"CTOC|*-93 6 Chap. XLJV. fpeitor fhnll ^ivcNoilce Anno Regni tricefimo fexto ffrommiflioncrs ott ti)C ¿Dati) ot anp crm Dime (¡Slitncfs, tonici) ¿Patì) t!^, fai° mifltonerS are ijcreìav auti)on3CO to am mtniftcr, tijat anp Cnccoacljment or.¿Db-iìruction iati) liccn mane, or built on, or in tìic faib OZIÌatcmcourfe ibljcrcbp toc CUater-toap Dati) been contratte!) or nuniibcb, it iljaìì anb tnap be iatofuì for thè faib CommiiTt'oners to caute /¡ìotice ut CJJriting to bc giben bp tipo faib fi ut pc et or, reauiring tljc ¿Pixmer or ¿Pttupier ot ti»e Sonic otVacc mnt futi) ffintroacljmcnt or ¿Dbttruction ijatì) been tnabe, toremobc tìic fame, bcforc furi.) rcafonabic Xime as filali bc mcntioncb in futi) Botite ; anb it futi) ¿Ptuner or ¿Pccupier tljali ncglcet oi refufe to reinobe futi) CncroacDment or ¿Pbttruttion toitl)in futi) Xime, it filali anb mav bc ìatofuì for tije faib Comnuf= boiters to caufc ripe fame to be rentobeb ; anb furi) ¿Pboner or ¿Pccupier ilpnii pap tiic Cofls anb Cjtpcnce cf rcmobmg futi) CncroacDment or ¿Dbftruttion, anb tl)e fame filali anb map be fueb fcr, anb re^ coletela bp, aiti) in t\)t inaine ot i»)c faiD <31nfrifitnr. bv Cibil ©ili* Perfons who llt 2lnb be it Cnacteb, Xljat if anv SlTntoWd perfon fl)all tljroto or tail, or caufe to be Courfe, forfeit tijroton anp Hubbifl), mflies, £>oii, or pcrcc'ofre- ^Pjjt into tl)C faib ifCXatCV'COUrfC, CbCl'P ro0,inE“‘ fuel) iPerfon Ojall for eberp ¿Pffcnce forfeit tije gmm of ifortp Shillings, ann ajfo fuel) $um as tl)all be equal to tye <¡5%= pence anb Coil of remobing tijc 13ubbiil), mtljcs, -Soil, or 3Pirt, twl>ici) lljaii be tbroixm into tl)? faib iUtatemcourfe. i2. 3tnbGeorgiì Tertiì Regis. 2iiiì3 ììc it CSnactcD, XIjat ebcrpiroz- ®S'® s?«« £%&*«*• ISrìnSffi of ti» Pe«e, a«»B ioithiiitlje Countp, oz Co unti» et tijc Clip miiolci» riic ¿Dffetice map i)appetì to ftatoc Lccn comiutttcD, ano eberp imi) forici tuie m ^cnattp fljali ano map after fuclj Com $S, Oc leOicO off tue CSooDS ano ga * telo of tijc perfosts fo conOittcp, Op 2Uar-nnr miOcr tiic paliti ano Sitai or luci) S ttiK In»”» ¿Ce tue petron fo cou. ÌS ù «fmtfni», «)»« «« Sa»“»®; r'-nt effetto toijcrcout to IcOp fucL Jor-ffitei SWaitica, it «all ai* map le Sfili to ano fot ftuij Jnftice brio « SVoìu tlic mtnm cz mttibns «all be totioitìco, to commit furi) flpffcnocc oz ~ P ft-nìters to tfte Co in mtm Paci, oz poufe ot Srtlo," X« lUlamv, fot f«?® not cjcccctiinc riiiontiis, oz iris gnu One Sari), as futi) jJufluc: ut &uj Sp‘J-ctction Ì5)ail tinnii tir, uniefs futi) J .m-frinire o? pcnaltp «all bc fooncr pali. 0toitt>cD aiboapS, X&at it «alito *«!«, lamini foz tijc Muffite o’^affitcsUrioze,, . vjihom fnrij Convnttion fl)alt le 1)«®, io mitigate anp of tijc fa« pcnalms, ae* roitiinct to I)ÌS SDifcrctiou, UH3 3j ti> Sibili tp ot tijc partp ana CimuuiiaiucS of tijc Cafe map rcguirc. 14* Rf llD ii E938 Armo Regni tnieeftmo Texto c " .' r- 14. 3!::ü Ite it Cnacfcb, ÍTIjat in r vp ¿lili, Cafe tv Itere ,anp grifen ü;aü be con j of a ti?’ ¿Pffoiuc agninfi tljis 21 a, bv , w-™ «'»" Siuflire «f fije peate, furi) Coiniitftai f ilZÍ 1-ofm. be Ofiiicb bp futi) 51 liti ice, tmb Ojal! be m tiic fpítcíoincj iro:nt of üCtojí?, o?, <¡-nv rfíice ifojm of ÍKÍ02&5 to tíje fante Citen , arcotbíng t¡? clic /tature of tljc Cafe, tyat ís to Cap, rV!"’ County of A. B. of in thè County of is conviéted on his o\\ n Lon- feflion, or on the Oath orOaths of ■ (as the Cafe may be) of having (here def ribe tlie Oftence.) Given under rny Jrlund. and Seal, this Day of . r l* ^nl> 1,2 it fuitíjcr eiWífffi, T.'titt , , " í!> Cafe anp perfon toljo Cjaìl fjcrcafter ■ »■iv-Vf be conbícícD of nnp of tltr íPiíences pu= (A: nr fija ble bt> tlris 7La, fija II toiiccfoe Inm* ;, K fcií aggriebcb bp üuij Conuíaien, fijen tanb tu rberp futí) Cafe, it fijeáí an'0 utap iTff.f be íatoful fot* fari) periati to appeal to tire líete £luartcr tg>cíTtonc of fije peate to te í)olCcn fot fije Catini)» oí Cottntp cf tiie Cít)», ixitljnt txljúi) fari) ¿DfFence C;aU Itabc been committcb, gtbíng to fije Jafe tice oí ^Jaflírcs béfete teljom fati) Con-liiction fljalí be, á>i,r Da;.»s /3otice at tlje leali, of i)!5 oí tlyeír ^Intención to prcíer ittclj 2íppcal, anb cntrríng into a 3ílc¡:og= «pance, taitl) ftifRcicnt £>ccunttcs, to alnbc fitti) TPiDcr as tije Court íljatíl malte; anb on eberp futí) 2tppía! tlje Utilices atGeovgii Tertii Regis. 939 C H A p. XUV. futí) ^rffi'ons, uyon f»roof bcins tn«tc'bv tj5c í2>avty ío appcaJmg, ct l;is !)ai-uig piten fue!) jRoncr, as nforífaiD, avm i tcrincc tuto Cues Bíccgimance ae Caín, CljaU aun ntay, a»to £SCP aic autí,oti3tS) ío prortcO to tlje íjcaintg ano „lu.Jc. fínaí~2>ctcrmination cf tfje í0atwt of tfje tais Siapeaf, «na to mafet furij £hdci tomín.««® «toara (ftlj íUfvs, tojbe pafli bv at-'n to ctíi)fl‘ as tlKP in tfjcit gtí«tSm 0 aíi í$»m 6t, teljict) Caía px, ba- Chali be áinainc, contluíibc, ana e.nal upen all Sanies. l6.-ama fie it enattea, T.W aHgotoctj ana tfroaifions in Caía focmtr ana ín tbís %&, fot tt>e ^tcftr&ation ot ; faia '©UaterítautCt, callea ,Ffdf :.’/**» ¡r¿jfc-fcv fije |Src-l>íRt4ott «na Ivcmobat oi^a.v íDtiflnuíioiis, Cneroacfnncnts ana Se¿ tStvdn, Oafl «tena ta tíj e Baclt ¿ctr-er cr ¿rboevs, ftom tlje íata Catljcí bcaí CÍJIUCÍJ cf Saint Patríele, tO U>' uTifl caaíciv-couvíe. t7. mna be .itíPiMtttía, srfjat ana jrorfci tures tnfWetéa Cor anp'.íPffnirc, .'¡v* againft ti)is a«. CSall, tt*«n m£««a be rnib to tlje Xt'caíurcv, to tí)C fa»a Com ■ intflioncvs, to be appüeD tetóarBs Dtfiay-ing tj¡,e CEjcpctucs of tlje Cpccutioit of t¿st > i&ct. ig, ^nb toljevras teatral j^tvfoíts íjabe buíít Jjoufrs otoev tsje Cata GfRate^wuric, totíljout saains íuffietattjp ímmrea íuc& montes, ín futo ^annev as toar tlje Co* * 11 li 2 »eirtiycourfe, no • I > l I be brought Anro Regni tricefimo fexto cfing of faiD £KKater;courfe may not be cpnifD to clranfe or rep:::r tlie fame, toiti> cut injuring feme #art of t?)e BuilDing ejer tljc fame, unlcfs fonie aDDitionai ^support be maDe tijcrcto, prebious to die opening of tljc faiD CCfatev emufe, be it Gnattto, That in rbery Cafe tufterc rca. frnabic Retire from tf)e faiD Jinfpcttor fl)all be gibrn to tlje Stoner or fDcrupiev of any fjoufc or Xcncment, tljat any Brent!) or opening to tljc faiD oufe or Xcue-mint, to prebent any injury thereto, from tijc opening dje faiD Ciiaremromfe, anD f«dj ¿Dinner or ¿Dreupier fljalt neglect at Ins otbit jCoii effectual!)» to ftippoit uicij Jioufe or tenement, neither tljc faiD€om= mijutoners nor any ^erfon employes by or acting uuDer tijem, fijaii be iiabSe to any Action on 31crotmt of any ¿Damage or fury tuijiclj fudj fjoufc or Xenemcnt may its Irani by fl!9eans of any Brcarlj oz £>peiti ing maDe into tljc faiD {Miater-eottrfr, 19. 3nD be it CitacteD, Xljat toijere any ¿Diitrcfs fljali be maDe, or any $erfon ap-prrijcuDrD for any jfine or forfeiture iiu fnetrD for any £>ffcnrc a gam ft t!jis 3i*-, tljc taUtjig of fnrij DiiTicfs or of fuel) Bcrfon mad not be DccmtD unlatuful, nor dje tDartpor parties taking dje fame be Deem-CD a Xrcfpaffcr or Xrcfpaffrrs, on ift!llLof an!’ ^cfanlt or want of form in tjc (ULvCutqut or 2©arcants, oc any j3co-cccbings reiating tijereto, nor be DccmrD a Xrapaifer or Xzcfpaffers, ab initio, Oil couir if <Georgii Tertii Regis. 941 touttt of any ^icrcgulavity to^ic^ üjali ^ XL1V. aftcrtoarbs Done, committed, or per hr the ©arty crettttiug fuel) ^a*r£! but the perfou or perfons aSSr'Cbc i> fuel) irregularity, may vecobci jansfac: tion for tlje fpccial »Damage only, by action on the Cafe. 20. probibcb altoayS, Chat no plains tiff or‘plain tiffs fjaU retober tn any' 3U* rimt for fuel) irregularity, Xrefpafs, ot other procecbings if Xenber of fufftcicnt iincnos ifiall be rnabe, by or on behalf ?f tlje iefettbant or a>rtenBant8 before fuel) Action brought; anb m •XenSer fliall habc been rnabe, tt than anb mav be latofnl for tl)c ¿efenbant or 3>e^ fmbants in anp fuel) ittion, if he or they KSlt fit! at any dme before W joineb, to pay into Court fuch ^tun o^ Lponey as he or they fhall fe¡fit, UDon fuel) procecbings or £>rbct, aiu qfunament fl)all be rnabe anb gibrn, trt rirWrt, as in other irtions tohere^the SDefenbant is alloiacb to pay eponey into Court. „ T 0(1111 iuhereas for preferbing the faio ^«SouSc free from ail Obitructions, • it mill be neceffary that the inn allüDams, Sluices, anb other üutoia> ÎSmto woniing. >»!>W> »»«‘“f ©affage of tlje CO a ter, «jail no longer re Sain anb it mill be reafonable that a Comuenfation be rnabe to all perfons hab-ingany Citateor intcrcft in tlje l^oufcs m rohith fticlj C0ills habc been eretteb, for Plaintiff* ver if Tende of Damages be made be fore Com- )t Admix. Defendant may pay Mo- fo e Iffuc is joined.($42. Anno Regni tricefimo fexto c h a p. furi) 3Lofs as tf)ep filali rcfpcctiDelp fuflain, xliv. uj, rnuoDing of futi) i©ilis : ©e it dtact= XTX cu, Xbat ti)e fato Commiffioitcvs fljall ?Ele ijabc full potrnr ano autljoritv to agree toitlj cuci)» per fon Ijabittg an gjutcrcft in tljc faiD itjilis, atto tljc l?oufcs in toljtclj tlicv l)al)e been meteo, fov a Bclcafc, atto Cjctinguilljment of tljcir Xigljt, Xitlc,, ano daini to continue or fteep tlje fato £0ilis, or attp £Pill toljatfocber, turino Ir.’ GSJatcr, in futi) ^oufes, or on tlje faiD ©Hatmcourfc. Per, 22. 3lnD be it CnactcD, Xfjat it diali è:"-;';:1 in anC map bc fatoful for all ©oDics polirteli or Corporate, Xruftcrs, OuarDians ano iithl.s.c conumttees to fLunaticfes, ano itoots, Cjtccutors, 3l0mimftrators aito C5uarDi= ans, toljaifoebcr, not onlp for or on ©e= balf of tljcmfelbcs, tljcir Fjcirs ano é>uc-ceffors, but alfe fot* anOon ©eljalf of Cefti= que Xr uils, toljetìjcr infanto or 3iffuc imbonì, Xunaticiis, iocots, Feme Coverts, or otljcr pcrfoits toljatfocber, atto for all Feme Coverts 0)1)0 are OC fl)all bc fCt3CD iti rtjcir otott Xigljt, ano for all perfetto toljatfocber, feiseo or poffeffeD of, or intc= rcitco itt tlje faiO £0ilìs, to releafe ano er= tingutd) tljcir Xigljt, Xitle, atto daini to continue or Iteep tljc faiO i@ills, or anp Ì0ill toljatfoeber, turino bp CUlatcr in tljc faiD ijoufes, or on tljc faiD 22Jater-cottrfe; ano tljat all Compatts, 3lgreemcnts, ©ar^ gains, S>alcs atto Conbepances, tobiclj fljall bc tnabe bp furij pcrfoits, as afore= faio, djall be gooo atto balio in flato, to all 'intento ano purpofes, not ottlp to re= IcafcGeorgii Tertii Regis. tIje K einpotoeieh tain Comwfflonera«attire ntth rcguircD to aDmimur ; ) ^cr^ of tlKÏLtalueol «*'*;•& BJ"s, oc ^crions y‘?,Ît ,S!i têiitttiM **»V> e^tmguiüjment ot tç » c 03iUS; xu %m, 8116 ^ >«, “¿4;‘tourte, turn* fpcctihclV, on tt :fag ÆiD Commiffionerg CD by îHKatcr, intiment for fuel) fl)ail anb ™al\ | ® f0 t0 jjC affeff* ium anb çuma of ®otwP vo an8 en, »Uitft,ta»J 1fi^ScSec or ©eterni tlje fàiD ^“bgmeni,^) ^ ^ j^riting nation tljereupon {on or ^eriong in^ being Sltoe*^SÜrtcen ©ays befove tlje tércftcD* at leaft 3fo«rtecn j- f gjurp, anb ¿lace of fuch Dcclanng tbe JLimt J- tm„,{ri0ncvs anD meeting f fl Notice at tfle gjury, bp habing ¿crfon 0r î^cr* iwelling^ouf« ?/er or tfeir ufual l&lacc fons, or at,M;^e 0ftnith fonte Xenant oc places of ^6°b , lg intntbcü to oc ©tcupier in «taie futi) ¥>arty De balucb anD aueflcD, in County anï eberp fcerfon or gérions, »» mitfe Coihmifiion-ersto give Judgment for Sum-- aiTeffcd} which Verdi tx and Judgment {hall be con-clufiv-, provided Notice be ferVed, as herein, on Parties ioter-efted-94-6 Anno Regni triceíimo fexto r: n a p XI.IV. Prpcceding# to be wrilten on l'arch-roent, and ligue 1 and í- altd by • iitlcfí ana Corporate, claímtng anp Aflate, Xític, Xrttíí, tWe or ^Jntereft inte, or out of tije faía spilis, cítfjce ín ^offeflion, 3ftel?crfion, íRcmainlier or Cr= pcctancp, as toril ^Infanrs anD %flTue un= born, Xunatít&s, ^aiots, anD Feme Co-verts, ana perfons nnaer anp orber Ir -al 3liuaparitp or ÍDifabílifp, as aíl crijcr Ceñique Xrulís, Ijís, ijer, anbtimr i¡clrs étorccífors, Ccmuors, ana ^aimnlítra* foxs, ana agaínft al! otíjer fScifons toljom-locacr; ana tfjcfaia íJlerBícís, IHiBgmenrs ana SDccrrcs, an¡3 alí otfjcr ílrocccaings cr fije falo Commsfftoners ano Enríes ro be niaDe, giben ana pronouncea as aforen faía, fijail Be fatríp toritten on i&arcl)= inrnr, ana ügnea ana fcalcD bp tljc mator 53arí of tfje faja Commtíiioners to£so tocrc prefent ar, ana pronouncca fuch lluag-ment ana 2>eerees. y a r 24. 3ina be it fnrtim* «Enaetea, Xí)a¡ TZmvfnunl üf íudj ^um á»mnsoi 1 3r°?-ep* fo t0 bc ataaí&cD 01* abrubgea, til! fh!íí°/1 °L ^Elfons í0 tolíont tíje fatm fljaü bc atoarDcb, for tjjc Ucleafc ana ttnguiflnncnr of iljeír Kígljr, Xitie, aní e faiD ^5ílls refpectibclp, oti Zn'S.SF'V’"*«'’ títonca bp CCIatcr, Sanr anD cíecute> or procure to bc maac ana cjrecutea, gooD, baila, ana iegai Xw ln fíe aato’ f0 t&e Wí Comí %3Z ttÍÁ*°LSl* mm Xitlc anD antl fl3ail procure aii neccffarp bo alí lis Siíf fudj Ucíeafcs> ailD ttjnlí far»Í,m £-Sters anD ^í>ms necefs arp ana reqmftte to renaer tlje fame cfs fectuaí,Georgii Tertii Regis. 94.7 fctfual, as (itali oit tije part of thè fato c n a p. Gommtffiotters Oc rcqulvco. 25. probiDcD altnaps, ano be it Gnatico, t-,,,,* A-!)at m Cafe tlje Werfen or perfotts fo“";,. cottbeping, Qjall not top Hata haue fuclj ditate or Jlnrcrcfi in titc fato iptlls as " iuouID cttabfc titem nmitout thè ‘Unter* XSTÄ ncnttoti of titts 31 et fo malie fnclt Gonoep* LY“' ance, or ut Gafe fucit perfori or perfotts, to initont fticit é>um or Stints (itali Oc,l'1, attiaroeö as aforefaio, (itali not ite altlc n.'»V’>w to cimice tijetr Xitlc to rite prcmtfrs to . Y; 1 titc fato Cotti mifltonerg, atto to malte, or Yì"Y, procure to bc ttiaDc gooD atto balio Ke* “■Y-'.L'"1 Icafcs, or (Itali rcfufefo toOo, bciitg tfjcrc* LY;. tutto retititreo, ano furli é>um 02 ètuits, fo aifeffcD ano atuarocò as afotefaio, bc= tttg tettOcreO to be paio to inni, Iter, or titem, ott titeir mafttng fuclj Xttlc, ano crccttting, or procitring to be erectitcD, fuclj ìlclcafcs as aforefatD, 02 tit Gale fnclt per fon 02 perfotts, ro miteni fuclj jbum 02 Sutms of il3oncp Citali be atuaroco, as aforefaio, canttot bc fotitto in titc fato Gi= tp, 02 in Gafe, bp licafon of Difptttes 02 Differentes, 02 fot Defeci of Gnioence, ic (itali not appear to tijc fato GommiÌRott* ers, toitat perfon 02 perfotts is, 02 are entitieO to fife premifes in ü&ucttion, tijett, ano in eberp fuclj Gafe as afotefaio, it (itali ano map bc lamini co atto fot titc fato Goinmiiftoners, atto tltcp are Ijcrrbp requireD to pap into, ano Oepoüre ttt titc t^anb of irtiand, in lite ilSantoof titc countanGcßcneral of ii?ifc ipatclip’s Iti glv Gottri of-Gitiurccrp in titts MingOOltt; titc 11 G 2 Caio“V 948 Anno Regni tricefimo fexto chap. (aiD Äutn oz £>ums, fo agreeb to be tfai'O, xliv. 01 fo affeffcb anb atoarbcb, as tije malue of, anb tfte l&urcljafe tJDonep foz tlje &e* leafc of all bis, ber, oz tfjeir JRigbt anb -¿itle to tf)c Abbantagc oz $ribitegc of tfft faib trills 01 U)9ili, töljicl) «Tourt is hereby cmpotocrcb, in a fummarp ClUap, upon tlje fcbcral petitions of the refpcti tibe parties, to bear, jubge of, anb betcr* mine, as torli bp tfje «Examination of GJHitncffes upon ¿Datlj, as bp all other Cdaps anb i0eans, toljicl) the faiD «Tourt fljall jubge proper, tl)e fetocral Kigljts, «Tlaims, anb 2Demanbs of all Werfens in= tercllcb in tlje faib fidili 01 ipiiis ; anb to afeertain anb pap unto fuel) 0rrfon oz jàcrfons refpettitoelp, to their fcbcral ^ntcteils, furl) èljare ani ^tos poztion of fuel) i0onep as the faib «Tourt ofCljanterp fljall jubge fit; tubuli gii.b 1= cuocio five. ment in fucb «Tafe fyall be final anb eoa-clufibe. All Afire- 26. Anb be it further «Enartcb, Hljat all S\c"' Agreements, «Hcrbitts, 3Jubgmcnts, é>cn= toMs“ tenets, l>ecrces, £T>rbers, anb other $to= idLVoii."' ccebings of tlje faib Commiffioncrs anb Office, ind juries, as relate to, oz concern tlje fain be Evidence ; i^ills oz U@ill, tlje JSigljt to toljitlj is to be purebafeb as afozefaib, (ball be etttereb in the JRolls iPlfiee of tlje faib «Tourt of «tljàncerp, anb tlje fame, or true «Topics thereof, fljall be beenxeb anb taken to be goob anb effettuai «Ebibence anb 0roof tit any «Tourt oz Courts of JLato oz «Equirp Baljiitfoeber ; anb immebiatrlp on fttcb payment anb Cntrp of fifth Agreements, ÜÜetbitts,V Georgii Tertii Regis. clfvtiicts, 3Jtiigtncnts, ^rntcnccfi, De-rrecs, Drbcrs, ani) other prcccctiings of tlic faiD Commiflionas anti juries, aS I nforefatt), all clic 3ttigl)t, %Mt, ani? Claim . in Halo aliD ©qnitp, of the iàerfoti or ' (àcrfons for Whole Clic fuel) fijBonep filali ; Ite paio as aforefaih, in or io thè IjaDing ; Dr fece pi uff tìjc faio il3ills or fidili, fl>ali ccafc ano itcrcrminc; ano tljc faiD Ccm= ! miflieucrs filali auD map iffne their |&rc= rrpt di ftUrccptc to the é-hcriffs of the Citp of Dublin, to hifpiacc ant) retnobc tljc CEiatcr (IQhtcls anD alt other fDachincrp of the faiD £0i!Ss « fidili conncttcD therewith; aiih to remote all ©ares, ¿Dluices, Dams, ani) other £*biUi:ctions, on o: in the fait) dOatcc comic, belonging to fuel) i0ills. 27, 3lntJ in orber to raife a ifunts to raw rp tljc pttrpofcs of this 2lft into ©jrcctw titm, he it ©itattcD, Xljat the fain Ccut'-miflioners, 02 anp jfibc 02 11102c of them, filali, from -£ime to Dime, as often as tljep diali fino it nerefiarp, lap ft th "Car 02 xUTeffment as tljcp (hall tljinlt fufTiri= cut to tefrap the ©jepenre of the Cjtmition of this 2tcr, upon the Dean, Dignitaries, ants fSrebeiitsancs of tljc fait) CatijeDcal Chlirth Of Saint Patrick’s, Dublin ; ant) tipOll eherp ijoufc in the lUbeturs or Baronies of Saint Sepulchre’s, ct 1213 Thomas-C.ourt a lib Donore, in tljc fati) 2Ut namcD, anh upon eherp tjoufe nolo huilt 02 hereafter to he built, fintare in the Citp of Dublin, 02 in the aejoining ^Liberties 02 Baronies of Saint Sepulchre's, Thoin?s-Court, OIlD Donore, 11 H 02 949 Chat?« XL! V. V„,k Hoi:hr Tax, luCouii-•' City, or L hertu-s. 'q^o Anno Regni tricefimo fexto c h a r. 02 in tìjc Count)» of Dublin, ano tni)ic|) XUV. li)0UfCS arC) oz fljall De alfe liable to tlje rber of JUicffmctit to be mate bp tijetn, tljc Ximc txjljcn fuel) Hate aub ^UfclD tnent fijall be paiD. 28. 2inD be it CEnatteD, Xbat ti)c fati) ,crz"'r'?' Ccmmiffioncrs, 01 anp Jribe ot moie of tijem, filali Ijabc full i?omce to appoint ¿¿1’. proper prrfons to be Collcttois of tljc faiD Hates anD iJiffcil'mcnrs, anD from Xime to Xtmc to remobe furl) Coilectois, 02 anp of tijem, anD to appoint 11cm ones, in rate of IDcatij, 02 of furi) Hemobai, tMijo fljail forrijtmtij pap tljc fame to tlje Xveafttrer to tlje faiD domimflioncrs. 29. 3nD be it further CEnarteD, Xbat before t?)C Hate, ^Impoùtion or Cefs, tirali ¡t“;:"» be impofe'o, eaeij of tljc faiD Commifliom ^ ere, fo impoftng tljc fame, fljail take tljc following £>atlj: I A. B. (mentioning the Name) do folemn-ly fwear, in the Prefence of God, that t will adì: fairly, honeilly, and impartially, to the heft ot my Judgment, as a Coinmiffioner, under an Act, Entitled, “ An A£t for preventing the Inundations of the Peddle River in Dublin, and 11 H 2 forAnno Regni tricefimo feXto C H a p. fop preferving 1 lie Gathedral Church of Sctint XL1V. pat,ìck, and the Houfes of the adjoining In-v J habitants, from the Damages arifing therefrom and that the Cefs, Impofition or Rate which 1 fhall impofe, diali be fuch only as I fhall deem necefiary for the Purpoles of the faid A£t, and no other. So help me God. Commiffion- tUHljitlj X>atlj {fiali nut) map be abminib tcvrD bp am* of tlje fait) erommiiTtoncrs to oa.h.ocach jjjg reft( anb fo bp nnp of them (Colicit ftooitt) to tljc 0crfon toljo il)ali l)abc brìi aBminiftcrcD tljc fame. AflciTmcntsto 2inD be it cr-uactcD, Xl)at tosljcn anp mate Oja It be fo afteffeb, rim lame fljall be „„„ pa id to tljc Coilcctois tljcrcof rrfpcaibclp, cw'lfJii1 immcOiateip after fuel) Xunc as tije fame be-'ròbiè Qjaii pe tnabc papabic; anD all <5ocBs anD Chattels in tbc Ijoufcs ot tenements rc-fpcctibclp, liable to tljc fame, arc ijcrebp ;rn0tprdon maDc fubjett tljereto, anD if tljc fame filali ‘ Te"« nor be paiD to anp Cotiettoe of tl>c uvo ",“m,y‘ec mates, on tljc fceoitb XrmanD inabt at tljc lie life fubfeit to tlje iSapmcnt tijereef, Dly,i it Qjall anD map be iatoful for fuel) Collector to Dtlh-ain tlje OooDs in fuel) Douic, anD to fell tljc fame, if fur!) Eatc be not in cafes of paiD in Xcu Xaps: nub if anp f&cvftsn cj'S.rt' filali Iceplcbp tljc ©cobs fo DiftramcD, it ,nayjUftify Pc CufKcicnt in nato foe tljc CoilcG top of fuel) mates to atom et runa lip tljat tlje Snlhefs mas taiicu bp Xlirtue of tlje fdotuces in ti)is 31 ct, anb map jtittifp be tailing in tljc CGlotbs follotuing, oj ro tljc li he effect : BecaufeGeorgii Tertii Regis. 953 Becaufe the fa id A. B. was at the Time• (when and fo forth,) a ColleTor o t*.e a granted by an Aid of Parliament, made in I thirty fixth Year of thè Reign of His ^ajefty, Ctcire the Third, and io forth, Enn led. An AT tor preventing the Inundations of the L o Ale River, in Dublin, and for preferring the -Cathedral Chinch of Saint Patrick, and the Houfes of the adjoining Inhabitants, from the Damages arifing therefrom,” and that the Sum j, ° was the hum rated and aflcffcd, to be levied out of the Iloufe in which, and fo forth, on the Day of , , and that the fame had been twice demanded and was not paid, but was due at the Tune when, and fo forth. nti a (Certificate fignet» bp the fmc Coiic 'a’m«.»rLrp that Cucii Sum boas aSCcifca millionci&, tytic u y f , on the favu Doufc, bp Uiitiic ot njtb 1t1il «■**<> xime tiic fame ix>as DucttcU tol~ SS«? anbeia? A. B. bias, at the Ximc o Sing CiuVItftcefs, fuch Collector, be aVmittco as Cbibcnte of tljc faib 5a^s. “« VSuSrA’R if; SE A&gJgg the fame (hall be commence!) toitijm MRce ttje tasi a ujau ^ alleimeli Canfe of fBetltljS nert attvi J _ --»rryier fini! àrtica 01 information fhaU acci tie, ano pl^ t!ir, Ticfenbant oj SDefenbantS in inti) . «on ma tije gennai «tue, «n» !« hjts S et auD etc Cpenal «amt u. 954 Anno Regni triccfimo fexto Sfitte againil tïjc plainttff, upon anp X'rial to be ï?«D tijcicupon; ano if ti)C ÌDÌnintiiF c.i Iprcfcctìtor diali bercine in ir, oz inRcr JDifconfiiuinncc, 02 if a tirrDiit pafs agama tljr pia in tifi", « pro= frmto.2, OMf upcn ©etiti: rm-, ghiUgincut P'fs a gai nit Ijun, tïje ©efenbant di ©e* fenbants fljail rrcotocr terble Ooüs agami* Aiti) piniiittff or proferutor, for uaisù inde il; be iilìc Kcnìcbp as in anv CTafr tbljcvc Gofrs bp ìlata are aibcu to ©efenbants. cm'"',"i !”i 32* 2ibSï)C it Gnatici), Xftat tfic fati) ,,t CTc-iîîijïtfTtoiîct's fi)?.U anD map alter tfîe i:,;,:;!,1' Dirtuion 02 Cottrfe of Caia Xsbcr et '■Uy>i"k- Æ-rtoer. if to tljcm it fljall appear cppeDi= C!!t ÌO tO SO. 33- -AiS be it fnrtljer Gita etra bp tlic : • xtntsievitp a foie fa iû, Xijat tïje Caio Cent* inmioners, or anp j? ¡be or mote of tljem, m,l!er Ajfit l?an3s ano Srals, diali ano map, anD ìljcp are berebv autijomrO anb cmpoiperrù to cicce, nomU nate ano appoint ont fît ano proper per= lon to bc Xrraftim-, anb freni Xitnc to 5-ime, as tbrp fi;ail.fee ©rca&oii, to tc-mobe fuclj Xreafnrrr, anb to deci, nomù nate ano appoint a netti cnc, in cafc of die ^>eatlj or Annottai cf (nei) prrfon, anù 't.ry perfen fo to be circtcb, nnninatcb tuiû mppomrcD Xrrafnrer, diali, upou X’atl), it tljercto rcgnireb bp tlje fam Com= • P! iribe 0212102c of tijfnt, (tornii) iDatl) iSjc fati Comnniîtoners, cz anp ¿¡¡inc cf tliem, arc ïjcrcbp cmpctocico to Tr,»£ur<.r upon Oub, a lie un rtqi^ircd. b ifGeorgii Tertii Regis. 955 10 afimuiifter) on tficfirft Da fi of March, c^vp; in cbcrp gear, oì ottener if recitine®, Elbe ^ in a fuse, tirati, ani) perfett fUrccrut ut ÌKLirifing tintici- tir- $anl), Di' all fRonep bufiteli fie (fiali, tumuli tfieèpatc cf % rotile Cìalenìmr ¿Bcmtfis. ite* e immcDiatelp pre* ccUinrs tfie Cai® jfivfi: Da fi of March, tabe ve* ceibe®, paio, aub BisburfcD, bp fUirtue cf I)ir, Caio £>iT:cc of Creatura-, aiib from Uiljom, aliato fotoni atiD for tofiat pur* pofr ano purpofes, ants cn befist iPccnfiott ani: iDreaÌtono ìjc fias io «ceibe®, pai® sud Bi sfi urie® thè fame, 02 cv.y pati tficrtcf, ariti af tbfiat Dime au® Xnncs vcipcctitoc-Ip, inoinBcD futi) perfon filali fiabe beni cierftD, nominate®, ani) apponiteli "Crea; futa- for tfie èpa te of Xtoclbe CaicnEar ‘Bomns, nc-pt immcDratclp prtreBing tfie falli invìi SDap of March, au®, tf nor, fcv fuefi è pace of xmte as fie fi) all fiabe fieni tifiteli, nominate® anb appointc® Xrca* fu ver, before tfie Cai® ifiriì Dar cf March iti cbcrp gcav. •34. probibrfi aitoaps, a ufi it is fievebr Deviarci) anb Cnaitcs, "Se fiat notfiing fiere* ¡^¡»»u in containefi filali epempt, or filali fie con* ««"w ftrucD to cjrcmpt nnp ijotife front bang tajccfi, for tfie pnrpofe of drammg tfie fai® aa3fatcr*€ourfe calici) tfie Pcdddl cr Poddle, tufiiefi tucul® fiabe been liablc to bc tare® fot tfiat pnrpofe, Ut Caie tfiis 21 ti fin® nebev pafic® or beni matte®. 5ìpD-fie it ftirtfia-«Buatte®, Xfiat èian as filali bc tnfftticnt to Befrap ££»■“. cutes tbfitrfi filali bc iwcÌTariip in* 11 la tur refi •9 Anno Regni triccfimo fexto, &c. C„H.'p- ftn-rcD in procuring tljis 3ltf, fljall be ab* banreb anD pais out of tfjc fail or £>mns of sIBonep toljirlj fljall be ratfrb ana lebirb imbrr tlje jDotoers beficb in rlje faia Cemmiflioncrs bp tljis 3lcr, anp TAUng Jjmin before comaincb nettoith-ilaubittg. A Publick 3 6. 3tnb be it Cnattcb, Xbat tins Za fljaii be DrcnieD, raHen, anb allotccb tn all Courts tvitbin tins SUngbom, as a pnb= lie 31 tt; anb all sjjttbgcs arc bercbp re^ QttireD as fntjj, to taUe Notice thereof, iuitijDiit fpeciallp plcabing rlje fame.