ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN Production Note Project Unica Rare Book & Manuscript Library University of Illinois Library at Urbana-Champaign 2015 ANNO REGNI G E O R G 11 III. REGIS Magna Britannia, Francia, & Hibernia, TRICESIMO SEXTO. At the Parliament begun and holden at Wejlminjler, the Twenty-fifth Day of November Anno Domini 1790, in the Thirty-firft Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord GEORGE the Third, by the Grace of God, of Great Britain, France, and Ireland, King, Defender of the Faith, &c. And from thence continued, by feveral Prorogations, to the Twenty* ninth Day of ORoler 1795 ; being the Sixth Seffion of the Seventeenth Parliament of Great Britain. LONDON: Printed by George Eyre and Andrew Strahan, Printers to the King’s molt Excellent Majefty. 179^ ■ i I > tgiooö ... » ***■» ..-..' ... * * »-li x ■ — ,jy -o;:« r;.' ..A b.v T ji) ‘ i ai Yutn.-'i' ■ ms miT • fi:.- gì/ » . i*r .,\k ; ..»A-■■> ¿fi;.. A» .iSi" a > ""'S' ¿ '.■.'Ui -. V ‘ . ' i \"í; . Vû ' ■ afe'ív i',\> ac ,*f»n¡ fci •. ; ui ■ " ’Di; t si ¡ni ' 3’ >•-•• ;Ji ■ • rilo ■ - . jruixo2 ? i° ( 1*83 ) ANNO TRICESIMO SEXTO Georgii . Regis. id***************************************************** CAP. LXXXI. An A&. for allowing the Importation of MelaiTes from any Country in Britißi Ships or Veffels, and in Ships or Veffels belonging to any State in Amity with HisMajefty, for a limited Time. [14th May 1796.] HEREAS by an Aft, pafled in the la(t Seffion of Par- Preamble, liament, intituled, An Ad to prohibit, for a limited Time, the making of Low Wines or Spirits from Wheat, Barley, h Malt, or any other Sort of Grain, or from any Meal, Flour, or Bran ; and for permitting Home-made Spirits, __ _depofited in the Wareboufes for Exportation, to be taken out for Home Confumption, on Payment of Duty, it is among!! other Things enafted, That, from and after the Tenth Day of July Onethoufand feven hundred and ninety five, until and upon the Firit Day of February One thoufand feven hundred and ninety-fix, in that Part of Great Britain called England; and from and after the Seventeenth Day of July One thoufand feven hundred and ninety-five, until and upon the Firit Day of February One thoufand feven hundred and ninety-fix, in that Part of Great Britain called Scotland; no Low Wines or Spirits fliall be brewed, made, prepared, extracted, or diftilled, from any Wheat, Barley, Malt, or Tilts, or any Sort of Corn or Grain, or from any Meal, Flour, or Bran, or any Mixture with the fame : And whereas by an Aft, pafled in the prefent Seflion of Parliament, intituled, An Ad to continue, for a ,6 Geo. Ill, further limited Time, an Ad, made in the laß Seffion of Parliament, intituled, ‘ An Ad to prohibit, for a limited Time, the making of Low Wines or ‘ Spirits, from Wheat, Barley, Malt, or any other Sort of Grain, or from * any Meal, Flour, or Bran; and for permitting Home-made Spirits, depo-‘ filed in the Warehoufes for Exportation, to be taken out for Home Confump-‘ tion, on Payment of Duty ; and to prohibit the Dißillation of Low lVines or ‘ Spirits from Melaffes, of the Manufadure of this Kingdom, or from ‘ Sugar or Potatoes,' the faid recited Aft, pafled in the lalt Seflion of Pat liament, is further continued until the Firit Day of February One thoufand feven hundred and ninety-feven, and all the Fines, Penalties, Forfeitures, Claufes, Matters, and Things, in the faid Aft to prevent the Diitillation of Low Wines or Spirits from Wheat, and the feveral other Articles therein enumerated, are extended to the brewing, making, preparing, extrafting, or diddling, of Low Wines or Spirits from Melaffes, of the Manufaftureofthis Kingdom, or from Sugar or Potatoes, or any Mixture with the fame refpeftively : And whereas, for the Benefit of the Didilleries of this Kingdom, it is expedient to permit, for a limited Time, the Importation of Melaffes from any Country in Europe, not in the Poffeflion of His Majefty, in any Ship or Veflel belonging to 1 13 U 2 Greatx!84 ANNO REGNI TRICESIMO SEXTO, etc. Cap. 8». Great Britain, or belonging to any Kingdom or State in Amity 'with His Majefty, fubjedt to the Duty on Foreign Melaffes, not of and from the Britijh Plantations in America, and to permit, during the Continuance of the laid recited Aits, the Importation of Melaffes from any Country out of Europe, not in the Pofleffion of His Majefty, in any Britijh Ship or Veffel owned and navigated according to Law, or in any Ship or Vcifel belonging to any Kingdom or State in Amity with His Majefty, fubjedt to the Duty on Melafles of and from the Britijh Plantations in America: Be it therefore enadted by the King’s moll Excellent Majefty, by and with the Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this prdfent Parliament affembled, and by the Authority Melaffes may 0f the lame, That until the Twenty-fourth Day of June One thoufand from”'”»'11 feven hundred and ninety-fix, it ihall and may be lawful to and for any Country7 Perfon or Perfons to import into this Kingdom, Melafles from any VeffeU ^ r Country in Europe, not in the Pofleffion of -His Majefty, and in any VeffelsW Ship or Veffel belonging to Great Britain, or to any Kingdom or State annBSute°in *n Amity w't'1 His Majefty, on Payment of a Duty of Eleven Shillings Amity With" and Nine-pence the Elundred Weight; and during the Continuance of His Majefty, tjje before-recited Adts, it ihall and may be lawful for any Perfon or of certain"' Perfons to import into this Kingdom, Melaffes from any Country out of Duties, and Europe, not in the Pofleffion of His Majefty, in any Britijh Ship or Drawback^n Veffel owned and navigated according to Law, on Payment of a Duty Exportation, of Three Shillings the Hundredweight; and alfo to import any Melaffes from any Country out of Europe, not in the Pofleffion of His Majefty, in any Ship or Veffel belonging to any Kingdom or State in Amity with His Majefty, on Payment of a Duty of Six Shillings the Hundred Weight; and on the Exportation according to Law of fuch Melaffes imported from any Country in Europe, not in the Pofl'eflion of His Majefty, there ihall be allowed a Drawback of Eleven Shillings and Five-pence the Hundredweight; and on the Exportation according to Law of fuch Melaffes imported in Britijh-built Ships, from any Country out of Europe, not in the Pofleffion of His Majefty, there (hall be allowed a Drawback of Two Shillings and Eight-pence the Hundredweight; and on the Exportation according to Law of any Melaffes imported from any Country out of Europe, not in the Pofleffion of His Majefty, in any Ship or Veffel belonging to any Kingdom or State in Amity with His Majefty, there Ihall be allowed a Drawback of Five Shillings and Eight-pence the Hundred Weight. Duties and II. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That the faid fceTevdedand0 Duties and Drawbacks Ihall be railed, levied, collected, paid, recovered, al-allowed lowed, applied, and appropriated, in like Manner, and under luch and tike a£rc'i ni° fame Rules* Regulations, Reftridtions, Penalties, and Forfeitures, as the Cap/13. ’ Duties on the Importation, and the Drawback on the Exportation of Melaffes, are refpedtively now raifed, levied, collected, paid, recovered, and allowed, by virtue and in purfuance of an Aft, palled in the Twenty-feventh Year of the Reign of His prefent Majefty, for repealing the feveral Duties of Cujloms and Excife, and granting other Duties in lieu thereof, and for applying the faid Duties, together with the other Duties compofirtg the Publick Revenue ; for permitting the Importation of certain Goods, lFares, and Merchandize, the Produce and Manufacture of the European Dominions of the French King, into this Kingdom ; and for applying certain unclaimed Monies, remaining in the Exchequer for the Payment of Annuities on Lives, to the Reduction of the National Debt. FINIS, 3