ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN Production Note Project Unica Rare Book & Manuscript Library University of Illinois Library at Urbana-Champaign 2015 7, A N A C T T O Afcertain the Powers of the CommifHoners for making wide and convenient Streets in the City of Dublin, for opening the PaiTage from Sack ville-Jlreet, to Carlijle-Bridge, and for laying out new Streets to the Ealf ward thereof, and to ratify certain Grants heretofore made by the faid Commilfioners. Friday the Fifteenth Day of April, One thoufand fcven hundred and ninety-Jix, Royal AJfent given. John Gayer, D. Cler. Pari. DUBLIN: Printed by George Grierson, Printer to the King’s Moft Excellent Majeily. Mdccxcvi. C H A 1*. L1V -vsSi¿U it has been foitnD nr- c n a f. cctfary to afeerrain the potoers of ; !V-the CommiiTtoncrs for malting tope an& coabemcnt Streets in the City of Dublin, to matte Contracts for the or Coim fceyance of any piece or pieces of (¡5rounD tohith it has been, ez may be neceffary to puvehafe, for the purpofes mentioned a no 12 G 2 cji’prctTcQ1024 Anno Regni tricefimo iexto chap. cjrpiTfixft in tl)C feberal Acts of pariitD went, I)erctcfo?e paffcft in tins l&ingftom, ^ ' foi tije 'Jjmprobcmcnt of ti)C Citp of Dublin, ftp mailing toiftc anD conbcnient paf= fages tljrowgi) tilt fame; be it therefore ©edareft anft Cnactcft, ftp tije Bing’S £l5ofl ©tcelicnt ipajefip, ftp anft toitf) tije Aft= bice anft Content of ti)e fLoifts Spiritual anft temporal, anft Commons in tins prefent parliament affeinbieft, anft ftp tf)e Powers of Auiimtiip of iftc fame, tijat tije powers c”« of tin Commiffioners tmftcr anft ftp Efir-fur of tije faift feberal Acts ejetenft onip to y £|jC Demiting, felling, 01 granting fuel) piece o? pieces of ©vounft, oftcr anft aftofte Wijat map tie ncceffarp for mailing toifte anft ronftenient Streets, as ijabe been oi ilisil lie in rijeir poffcftion, at tije Xime of furl) SDcmife, ^>aic, oi ©rant. c0«T..,t. 2. AnD tic it further SDcdarcft anft Cm orS.1, atteft, Xiiat all Covenants o? Agreements i;: ycictofoie mafic, oi fjcrcafter to tie mafte c"nvmt tip tije faift Commiffioners, foi ftemiting, ■ - ' "a felling, oi granting anp piece ot pieces u unu". cf ©rounD, not attuallp in tijeir poffeffion at tije Xime of fuel) Cobenant oi Agrees man, arc anft fljali fte null anft ftoift, to all intents anft purpofes toijateber, anft tije faift Commiffioners, tijeir ijeirs anft C-pecutois, rcfpeetibelp, freeft, ejconcratcft, anft ftifeijargeft from ail fuel) Covenants anft Agreements, anft from ail Actions 01 £>uits at Hato, oi in Cqtiitp, grounD* eft upon tije fame. probiftefi aitoaps, anft fte it Cnactcft, Xbat ail ©rants, SDcmifes, anft Conbeps antes, Georgii Tertii Regis. 102,5 antes, anD ali Sígrcemcnts in ffiiïntiufl, ^ foi tarants, 3Demifcs, anD Conbcpanccs, anD ail tïie <35rounDS Ut bp tïjc faiü Coni; tnifltoncrs to Henry Ottiwell, ŒÎfjltilT, ailS '¡U'w,,!, r! noto in ïjis ^offeilton, as containtû in a °™ il, £>cbcDulc annercû to tins 3«, anD of anp $irrc 0,: f&icces of <£5rounD toljícijOjaíí babe been on tijc XtócnípnimD IDap of March, ÖU;;„r £>r.c iijoufanD frbcu !}unbirö ani) ninctp^ c!*ilm¡ny ftp, in tíje ^offríTton of, 02 agrees to, 0# f.£ ptmbafcD bp fain Com mißt oners, fsmii be, b'i,inJius-anb fíjaíl be Secmeb to be geoD, baiiD, anö bínDing, ngainíf, anö on tije fasi Cents Biiilioncrs, anö tbeir êmccefCors, anû agaittU anö en ail Werfens öevibing from d¿ nnfccr tbnn, te ali ^Intents anö piu*; pofes toftateber, anp Xfting in tbe fail) re; ritcö 3icts, 02 berciti containeD, to tfte con; travp in anp toife nottoit&ftanDing. ê>cbcDuïe of tï)c iprounDS let bp tije faiû s-'hedule' Commiiïïoncrs to Henry Ottiwell} Cf; quire, ano noto in ifts poííeíüon. '%ï)ittyzt\)vtt XctS, fófteít ân'Dc of Sack-ville-ftreet, from ¿|2iimber ¿Dite to jlîumbcr XbirtpUbrce, boti) incinûbe, ana inciuD; ing XtoO Hots Oll tfte Batchelors-Walk, COSI; raining heften ï^unDreD anö Xtoentp; tijrec jfeet, at Xtoentp; three £>frittingg per ifoot. ®ut %Ot jî5crîl)ûbî of Abbey-ftreet, dumber Xïmtp=f0iir, containing Xtoen* tp;oite jfeet, £>ip Sntijes, at XbUteen é>Í)ÍtiíngS per ifoot. 12 D £Dne10 26 Anno Regni tricefimo fexto Chap. ^>ItC Hot 3>0Ut?) » 0f Abbey-ftrcet, Li'V. dumber containing Xtoen* ^ ür'feet, at XijU'tccit »Wm* P« ifoot. XtoO HotS Oli Eden-Quay, iftUUtbCl* £>11C ant) Xtoo, containing Xì)ittp=ùj: ifect, at XtccntVitljrcc fillings per ifoot. Xteo Hots €BaCfc $>iDe of Sackville-ftreet, 3l5utnbcv CEigijt anD i^inc, containing ifort^one ifcct, at Xtocntpitijtce iiligs per ifoot. ^jr Hots CBafl ^>iDC of Sackville-ftreet, dumber Xtocibc to dumber £>ebentcen, incitiitbc, containing il>nc i^unDreD anD Xtocntp'DiiE ifcct ^>ic 35ncI)CS, Xtucns t^tljrcc ^»ijiilings per ifoot. ideivi HincS draft of Sackville-ftreet anD Carlifle-bridgc, XbOO HOtS iftDCti) £>ÌDC Of Abbcy-ftreet, jßumbci; i£>nc anD Xtoo, con; taining Joctpitijccc ifcct, at %totntp= t|)rec fillings per ifoot* ifour Hots Sortii ^iDC of Abbey-ftreet, dumber Xinrt^nine to ifeumber ifortp* ttoo, inciuftbc, containing iftinetpifij ifcct, at Xtbcntpitfjrce fillings per ifoot. Xinrtcen Hots iftorti) ^>iDc of Bedford Place, dumber €»nc to dumber Xljiftccn, inclnftbc, containing Xijrcc J^unDrcD anD Xbocntpifibc ifeet, at %mnt^t i;ree g>i)iU iings per ifoot. ifourGeorgiî Tertii Regis. 102.7 Jfotir flots Œaft of Gardiner-ftreet, C » ^*. ilîumber ¿¡Dite to ilîunibct ifour, utcluûbe, v—y—j containing Œigïjty-four ifeet, at Xïjirtcen £>I)üïingS per ifoot. Xïiree flOtS CŒÎCÎt dÎUe Of Gardiner’s-ftreet tlîumbev ifibt to /|5umber debett, incïuûbe, containing di£tyrfour ireet, ^juljes, at dlnlling* per ifoot. &>ir flots tHUeft dibe of , , ilîumber £Dnc, to ilîumber dtf, wriuûbe, containing £>ne f^unUrcD anb %mnty* ninc Teet, at «rteen &Wm* Per ifoot. tfie famé flots are Defcribeb in a in Sherrard'a iü)aO maie bp Î0r. Thomas Sherrard, XZ* Maf maining in tïje ^offeCïon of tï)e Commit ûoners of ŒïiDe dtreets.