ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN Production Note Unica Project Rare Book & Manuscript Library University of Illinois Library at Urbana- Champaign 2013 nnr Mi~htary Ro~c4, begin-= adCityr Court-fl ufes' rf agr4 in the County jte~ Towns if Kill t ru*4.dLfxo 'and 'to. the Bounds of the PD kMrc, -oe Mhoufand' ? Jix, Royal Af ne giveii , tsrhn lar, . AC/er, Par. . . t dffl's Mpft If 4. or tf. ur louesi ...''n of llow terd, though a, bVini cat '4~and leadiMO 'kd o h County E f.r e ex ti.g C >x A?'. ttitcent fptte~piug 2(1% anCLub ing il kfnu +i G I v "' o t,}y i~im&r! r t LS : w R, T.«4- . b t otii;I i ty of* M~ic~ord t ato ' .Pefo< er-cout foe rae x:.aprnccl ef IFCqotm fPt4prnti Pf~4~ ' iait tot thime al o h illiam M oor, { :.51C~~~'i John ITv}at best 'Uniadk, p10$e Power,' eruft 3 ham zChriftnas4& t Cfquivc, xGrice Stmt Power, °e4fqu$ie R?'ol Pier e.Baron, *JEf qte, 1giNewp v Wvyfe, ef4uftr.4$.A Arthur WoVrthevill A Thomas Garde, Smitli $ eur, Rutb "'a. a ecntZ . s ,. t.W t ~ C .X Is Sb C (3 dA oC. . 'n: Comt4 f$ol~ bI #an ' f it fO ila~ffttft* *lot .£ru aWItli totxAi afort I 4e of Meet-Int4e ,int4 C pang in Newt- onueachiPay b thatUC0101x Il AM aC tutbt as, 7 comiitf- fary to confte tote a Meet- inMtdority ""' Uinding ou the reft. 54 X~y tyyEytye it nct af" t~tib thatl *t of ~ct tid t up t nt. commi'ffi- oners may adjourn from Time to Timhe, and P'lace to Place, eomo- gonS toiiida tborit at rttag,64i er% n ot t.x~e ton, or xssasma Wip prb f«4 t' atoO tj~ rrntot *jt ti of ia tn tI;t flite do is totake rhe following Oath : w~fl th. Mons- q to nmeet and 9 J''a ofib anb ili f Erot to ecred tiR S F.Attendances tn ~si.t - of Supervifor £I ~t r t 4 -t c to be takAi OftN ct~ on Oath be- C { ta~fre ashrc-. pt~utatb#5 4' s ~of unpr forc 4flVS4 tftA tbjem itt~e yl~%)i 7 ~ ~~ g bieosDreleb to abnumtt~f m tay remove motu tfSuper, 4fors or m ~ L t il:$.y4~ and appot.n ne Yp oehero; tt C 485 8tfoui 4 like i aeA i of) Dath bor r stpM Lv Db .i~afntett rt; "} anD ~zbgA pp~ ~ *uZb; RIP.-k t tr m, k i4p X t. SnperdSr IdOath. f 96 .6r0- of nt fip -or . r to make Re p t urns to Di- rcora of Stt of ¢ im Rtoad, t# to removenn. Wrtieoi ~ yl ott .1 nTt WW! an * cpaxem1tem tviiv ii vifor to keep Book of 0E utftt L proceedings, t - a and attend allfan~} IA' WIJH St j*Utn t Meetings if ttg%1j required Penalty on rnie~t# a Supervifor or xp}' fur not per- fn4u3trY DC ngltt fore anp~ . xCountp, orcjt E ~ford, eberp fuib.: In .. t¢ a. a urn 'f ii Woe tnt jt t$ .'i..E A. P. } i.sXtt tg,,.I W8 Power, ft *on:. the following To41s may b- taken in each of Laid Divi- Lava., viz. ilU.4aui 6 00.11 fl,.rr I..u.. Ru I> Cch; &a. 4drtflanby 6. or mots 4or 5 dg.a r .... cs o 3 Horf, by t Horfy 60. err, Foataey9 p{r 'aggoa, CtCly &Q. rW tgsc i the ,ociog=qf, } 1j a, fcrtbed id .fA teacit 1t~fotf ; wheto the flwpcinA is fet cii in like Mvaniner. and ,,f Breadth hcia, ipi.. f,,, each Horfe ; and ifof Brcaach lieretn,' 3d. for each htiike if Streaks or Sl:Ui Yg be i, t on as hsretn, is. for each Lorfe, &fi. r I for every. P Ir, &c. 1,aden or tin- icaden, td. Oxen, &kc. ,td. per Score ; CaiveeSheep,. &tc. sod.,w>4 &core. ta a1 I N .353. X1II. .Not.toex 1*En wh: C~i~Oft for wt v' Ge nr f}fm.b,. riwtb: t Xricbitof attviail for . n p tbe No0 Toll for. Materials for repairing ;faid Roads.: yr Road. ia the aifhs ia whbkh the f ume doth lit; amt fod~codnt &Cr'r car, I iagfl of ac4. Okr4ttd- or tot flarfe,, 40., travel- has~ with Fa- lg~OOr V rit'acts.. Olt j1111% Cow'f tbomt a a.. of ancpt d urns ftlinb Hol . !a tbert4y ttt$ .} O, aos pottio b be flu1 r4ta~' Fdtwa h- + ter; ata togs * o 11 £' ?Irt. Tied eR(7bA I L4 F 1i***~ t~ aterbe .tE ii..e **featbrg ta. 4 kcaur, ot for 4icu' fort ¢ 5x. EiE D ' 'j of' rC ar, oar k~~~ck V x. °hr tnocr 11 Wibtht or as? *ci* is~ $ r Dnvrs cf CDRea "i#~ MV tc pty Cars, p c of an n 1 W t l . as. &o no tutn afide for yg 4 ~~~~~oaded Ca to urt ieZO 5iages. forfeittO ;urnflu ait =3.if not 4n't C i Ovrsof ~ fl*e On- itn co f 0 i Mitd to La Ay, hiowte (os-rn neccil tiMonh, tz rie #.i tjc jeGC#I s ~felt t. ¢ rs may be maQ taker. by any ur.hI) ?erson whocomttbpit xets them. fm tte p tjath l~abalu to~t :at oMne gstb anlebtvp ate dflit 1.... W, -~ .~w m~ En rn~* a o IL! At fl. A' Ito re v5 r 14 ' 4 p Dz 0itf~ s b et e 0. siQ lt vt y}or- " matted to Gadlfor not 'p M t i cre than 3 fiat be tt tb !:'a '.:. fe7i IEo, anDti Or 4Crf 'tbceoef, or ftTE, 3p , int tall te izprb astt flatnes F trtini cd Fines,.tc Lb epttingy ,tbre e,;T Rnb rwr fnrb .inht$~ ftaltp vj4 z ib tf theformh ett t~je gronftlbttz urtN# > or partip itnt A '.lpt~ of ttte fait fl, tta or aflp ar ' per. e Eermy Juil ,Ots °2 t o6..a m~ f ,y. a i betic ty s~ .- lwrerl bj 4 bC8(E au45L1 Jwifd:ehioo;1frJu iij! wbft c itae #* r 4n 1 r. ,fk Y, Pettorn who ,k. , Affirmrbi th Q ii nPac of O tan oath. *b&t .1%* ).vtu lip ttbe 0$ fpm Nrfonns W1 deenyctr fle riffers fu'r wnt fl0 t0i Mfato 00et griev ed mX IrPS'iS, t8inn fd r *r *: ov And .o.i r a(~~o City nEOf o re K I mp ot 7 M z ...................nbl f-orc Ca .p l RFt ti W . I qI -SPOT H t* oftener, *,heni ti~ t s perCeflL rya in3V c 9 No,. drz e May. fdr im." mediate Ea- i.t fit; =tomd 47 i $1[[y '. 0[ql aC* ,towsha oi Iqs ,lsi ,;I I, it PO IaUyi, jil +Ult iIG! A ..: OCANFUM '.4.*72 td V" '4 ZII, F t " : :.."K. x gn . .:, = ' . . k : , -'<: .- _ . . .e ; .K.: , - r- 1,7W2~7 ' ff a''cfi 4craite to L'ommdffin- 'ii, l ) i f perftms , tpfrrcd,:or nuvroh) Tisk, owr abm it. Men ihall afcertain tihe RCot as fol- lows: rr Y(( * fi Y from / + XIL NWckkc to O vt of 'fl** 6viud in- leddto be nor Ids O .bn jwlbcf to babe fla"hI'llb THe rw4......m Rto e Si to t C ] te a Enquiry by,' urnot es than 2t: Days after Notice; Plan of En- yi to he naowd in No- tics Shseriff to re. tu~rn aJury on Vrrant front Cor- iariffivncrs; of g6 Perfons funmitoned,. 12 to be "4 ;it Number is. St~nders by- may be (sum; 19 9t I 0.1 ' r 411I owl :+.= C a an 4 ow 4* .A p :E mi Yw 6 U # StP I. . T7 Cs K rtr .s A. 41n >3' airvtwwv '.t. 4%. b ,; apew asl. Al is e qaq 4 Ii's. r =: '033 ~ 7) ~ 0 '< * Fa itr b4 0 it Q W y 'r zitt t W mv c4 K p) i~-y Ot O gl op 'I I Uo ir , T V l1 ' till . C) .'j- M' it n Ont Meta ipa 0, 5hfthes,4 { A :4 AN is fi%! t