ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN Production Note Project Unica Rare Book & Manuscript Library University of Illinois Library at Urbana-Champaign 2015ANNO TRICESIMO NONO GEORGII III. REGIS. a*#«****^********#********************************** CAP. C. An Aft to revive and continue, until the End of the next Seflion of Parliament, an Aft, made in the Thirty-fifth Year of the Reign of His prefent Majefty, to continue and amend an Aft, made in the Twenty-fixth Year ot the Reign of Ilis prefent Majefty, intituled, An AEl for the more effectual Encouragement of the Britifh Fijheries; and to amend an Aft, made in the Twenty-fixth Year of the Reign of His prefent Majefty, for extending the Fifheries, and improving the Sea Coaft of this Kingdom. [12th July 1799-] WHEREAS an Aft was palled in the Twenty-fixth Year of His prefent Maiefty’s Reign, intituled, An Ail for the more cjfec-tual Encouragement of the Britifh Fijheries, which was to continue in force from the Firil Day of June One thoufand feven hundred and eighty-feven, for the Term of Seven Years, and from thence to the End of the then next Seffion of Parliament: And whereas by t wo Acts, made in the Twenty-feventh and Thirty-fifth Years of Pits prefent Maiefty’s Reign, the faid firil mentioned Aft was further continued and amended: And whereas liy an Aft palled in the lalt Sellion of 1 arlia-ment, the faid lafl mentioned Aft was further continued until the 1'irlt 9 k Day Preamble. *6 Geo. Ill, Cap. 55x*774 55 Geo- III, Cap- 56, revived, and continued in Force till the End 'f the next Seflion. 390 GEORGII III. Cap. roo. Day of March One thoufand feven hundred and ninety-nine : And whereas it is expedient that the faid A£t of the Thirty-fifth Year of His prefent M ijeily’s Reign ihould be revived, and further continued and amended ; be it therefore enabled by the King’s moil Excellent Majeity, by and with the Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this prefent Parliament aifembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That the faid A£l, paffed in the Thirty-fifth Year of the Reign of His prefent Majeity, intituled, An Aft to continue and amend an Act, made in the Tiventy-Jixth Tear of the Reign of His prefent Majefty, intituled> 4 An Acl for the more effectual Encouragement of the Britiih Fifheries* and all the Powers and Provifions therein contained, ihall, from and after the Firft Day of March One thoufand feven hundred and ninety-nine, be revived, and the fame is hereby revived, and ihall continue and be in force until the End of the next Seflion of Parliament. The Governor, :tc. of the Britifl) Society incorporated by 26 Geo. Ill, Cap. 106, empowered to give Premiums and Loans to Per ions at the Society’s Settlements ; II. And whereas by an Ail, paffed in the Twenty-fixth Year of the Reign of His prefent Majefty, intituled, An AH for incorporating certain Perfons therein named by the Name and Stile of The Britiih Society for extending the Fifheries and improving the Sea Coafts of this Kingdom ; and to enable them, when incorporated, to fubferibe a Joint Stock, and therewith to purchafe Lands, and build thereon Free Towns, Villages, andFiJhing Stations, in the Highlands and lj'lands in that Part of Great Britain called Scotland ; and for other Purpofet; certain Perfons therein named and others were incorporated into a Company by the Name of The Britifh Society for extending the Fijheries and improving the Sea Coafts of this Kingdom : And whereas it would greatly tend to promote the laudable and beneficial Purpofes of the faid Society if the Governor, Deputy Governor, and Direftors of the faid Society, were empowered in certain Cafes to employ a certain Part of the Funds of the faid Society otherwife than they are by the faid A£t enabled to do ; be it enafled, That, from and after the Fifth Day of July One thoufand feven hundred and ninety-nine, it ihall and may be lawful for the Governor, Deputy Governor, and Directors of the faid Society, or fuch Part of them as is authorized by the faid Aft to direft the Affairs of the faid Society, or for fuch Perfons as may be by them diretted and authorized, to expend any Sums of Money, being Part of the Funds of the faid Society, which they Ihall deem 60). a Year in expedient, not exceeding Sixty Pounds in any One Year, in Premiums Perfon”"*.0 or R-ewar not exceeding legal Intereit, as the Directors ihall appoint, a th-nii - Vor is certain Sum or Sums of Money, not exceeding Five hundred Pounds in the Whole, for the Purpofe of purchafmg, building, or equipping Boats or other Veffels for the Fiihery; and alio fuch further Sum or Sums of Money in Loans to fuch Perfons as may build Houfes or Tenements at any of the Settlements of the faid Society, the Sum fo lent in no Cafe to exceed One Third of the Value of the Houfes or Tenements fo to be built, fuch Value to be afeertained by fatisfa&ory Certificates, and to be 9 repaid, cry, and f ther Sums k-r building Houfes;-fl'’£ O Z ‘1 - j 39° GEORGII III. Cap. ioo. 775 repaid, by equal Inftalments, in the Courfe of Five Years; and alfo fuch Sum or Sums of Money, not exceeding Two hundred Pounds, in Loans, on proper Security, to be repaid in One Year, to fuch Perfon or Per-fons as may undertake to provide Stores of Oatmeal, Salt, or other Ne-ceifaries, at any of the faid Settlements, for the Ufe of the Inhabitants thereof, the Sum lent to any fuch Perfon or Perfons in no Cafe exceeding Two Thirds of the Value of the Salt, Oatmeal, or other fuch Neceffaries which fuch Perfon ihall become bound to provide; and alfo fuch Sum or Sums of Money, not exceeding Two hundred Pounds, in Loans, to fuch Perfon or Perfons as may undertake to eitabliih any Manufactory of Nets, Sail Cloth, or Cordage, or of fpinning of Plemp, Flax, or Woollen Yarn, the Sum fo to be lent to any fuch Perfon or Perfons to be repaid within fuch Time as the Diredtors ihall think fit, not exceeding Three Years, and in no Cafe to exceed Two Thirds of the Value of the sen l. in Loan# to Perfons providing Stores at the Settlements 3 And *00 /. more to Per-fons who undertake to eitabliih a Manufactory of Nets and Sail Cloth, &c. Hemp, Flax, Wool, or other Materials which fuch Perfon Ihall have provided or become bound to provide for fuch Manufactory : Provided always, That nothing in this Ait ihall be conilrued to diminifli the Powers of any General Meeting of the faid Society as eitabliihed by the faid ACt, or to impeach tiie Validity of any Bye Law of the faid Society, legally made at any fuch General Meeting. III. And whereas the faid Briiijh Society are directed by the faid ACt to lodge the Money arifing from the Subfcriptions of the Members there- "¡Vty may b°" of, or otherwife, in certain Banks, without any Power to inveft the fame 'n"nt in fuch Manner as to produce an Intereil whilit the fame is not employed securities, or in profecuting the Purpofes of the faid ACt, which has proved to be dif- I™1 advantageous to the faid Society ; be it therefore enacted, That, front ‘" and after the faid Fifth Day of July One thoufand feven hundred and ninety-nine, it ihall be lawful for the Governor, Deputy Governor, and Directors of the faid Society, or fuch Part of them as is authorized by the faid ACt to dircCt the Affairs of the faid Society, to inveft fuch Surplus Money of the faid Society as may be from Time to Time under their Direction in Government Securities, or to lend the fame on Ileretable Bonds in Scotland, for the Purpofe of obtaining an Intereil for the fame during fuch Time as it cannot be beneficially employed for the Purpofes of the faid Act; any Thing in the faid ACt contained to the contrary notwithftanding. LONDON: Printed by George Eyre and Andrew Strahan, Primers to the King’s inoft Excellent Majefty. 1799.