ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN Production Note Project Unica Rare Book & Manuscript Library University of Illinois Library at Urbana-Champaign 2015{¿P xv 72 —-est ‘-f 2'Z-é i 2- $ mji ÏMQNJ ANNO TRICESIMO NONO GEORGII III. REGIS. e***************************************************** CAP. XCI. An Aft for granting to His Majefty a certain Sum of Money, to be raifed by a Lottery. [12th July 1799-] Moft Gracious Sovereign, rE, Your Majefty’s moft dutiful and loyal Subje&s, the Com- preambfc. mons of Great Britain, in Parliament affembled, towards raifing the neceffary Supplies to defray Your Majefty’s pub-lick Expences, have freely refolved to give and grant unto Your Majefty the Sum of Seven hundred and three thoufand five hundred and forty-one Pounds Thirteen Shillings and Four-pence, to be raifed by a Lottery, to confift of Fify-five thoufand Tickets, at Twelve Pounds Fifteen Shillings and Ten-pence each, in fuch Manner as is herein-after directed and appointed : And whereas, pnrfuant to and upon the feveral I erms and Conditions exprcfTed in the faid Refolution, feveral Perfons have, in Books opened at the Bank of England for that Purpofe, fubfcribed together the Whole of the faid Sum of Seven hundred and three thoufand five hundred and forty-one Pounds Thirteen Shillings and Four-pence, and made Depofits with the Calhier or Caihiers of the Governor and Company of the Bank of England, of One Pound Five Shillings and Ten-pence in re-fpe& of every fuch Ticket, Your faithful Commons do therefore moft humbly befeech Your Majefty that it may be ena&ed; and be it enatfed by the King’s moft Excellent Majefty, by and with the Advice and Con-fent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this press S lent > "J- 14 39° G EORGII 111. Cup. 91. Peifons who have mad llepo-fits, purluant to the Refolu-tion of the Houfeo. requii s ' :o pav the Kt r of thei Sib-lcnptioi.i at-< 1 ■ in 1 mus fpecified. fent Parliament aflembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That it (hall and may be lawful to and for all Perfons, Natives or Foreigners, Bodies Politick or Corporate, who, in purfuance of the faid Refolution, (hall have, on or before the Eighteenth Day of June One thoufand feven hundred and ninety-nine, fubferibed towards the faid Suin of Seven hundred and three thoufand five hundred and forty-one Pounds Thirteen Shillings and Four-pence, and made in refpeft thereof fuch Depofit as aforefaid, to advance and pay, and they, or their Executors, Adminiftrators, Suc-ceffors, and Alligns, are hereby required to advance and pay, unto the Cafhier or Caihicrs of the faid Governor and Company of the Bank of England, (which Calhier and Cathiers is and are hereby appointed the Receiver or Receivers of fuch Contributions, without any other Warrant to be had on that Behalf), the remaining Sum of Eleven Pounds and Ten Shillings, in refpeft of each Ticket fubferibed for, towards raiiing the faid Sum of Seven hundred and three thoufand five hundred and forty-one Pounds Thirteen Shillings and Four-pence, on or before the refpeftive Days, and in the Proportions herein after limited and appointed on that Behalf ; (that is to fay), For and in refpeft of each and every fuch Picket in the faid Lottery, the further Sum of One Pound and Ten Shillings, being Part of the Sum fo remaining unpaid, on or before the Thirteenth Day of Augujl One thoufand feven hundred and ninety-nine; the further Sum of Two Pounds, other Part thereof, on or before the Twenty-feventh Day of September then next following ; the further Sum of Two Pounds, other Part thereof, on or before the Eighth Day of November then next following ; the further Sum of Three Pounds, other Part thereof, on or before the Thirteenth Day of December then next following ; and the remaining Sum of Three Pounds, on or before the Twenty-firft Day of January One thoufand eight hundred ; and that every fuch Contributor or Adventurer in the faid Lottery, for every Sum of Twelve Pounds Fifteen Shillings and Ten-pence, which he or (he (hail have fo advanced, (hall be entitled to fuch Lot or Share, upon each Fortunate Ticket belonging to him or her, as is herein mentioned ; and that every Contributor or Adventurer to the faid Lottery, who fnall pay in the Whole ot his or her Contribution Money at any Time on or before the Twelfth Day of December One thoufand feven hundred and ninety-nine, (hall be allowed an Intereil: by Way of Difcount after the Rate of Three Pounds per Centum per Annum on the Sums fo completing his or her Contributions refpeftively, to be computed from the Day of completing the fame to the Twenty-fird Day of January One thoufand eight hundred ; which Allowance is to be paid by the faid Caihier or Caihiers, out of the Monies to be contributed in purfuance of this Aft, as focn as fuch Contributors or Adventurers, their Executors, Admini-drators, Succeflors, and Afligns, (hall have completed fuch Payment ; and that all the faid Contributors or Adventurers, their Executors, Ad-minidrators, Succeflors, or Afligns, paying in the Whole of their Monies to be by them refpeftively contributed towards the faid Sum of Seven hundred and three thoufand five hundred and forty-one pounds Thirteen Shillings and Four-pence, fnall have Lottery Tickets delivered to them to the Amount of the principal Sum fo by them paid for the Pur-chafe thereof, at the Rate of Twelve Pounds Fifteen Shillings and Ten-pence for each Ticket, as foon as fuch Tickets can conveniently be made out. II. Providede>3 ^70 39° GEORGII III. Cap. 91. 715 II. Provided always, That fuch Caihier or Cafhiers lhall give Security sY"|."f,'4've to the good Lilting of any Three or more of the Commiflioners of the th"sat»tac-Treafury, or the High Treafurer for the Time being, for duly anfwering tjon of the, and paying into the Receipt of His Majefty’s Exchequer, for the Publick e,T"f‘tlie life, all the Monies which he or they hath or have already received, and frejiui) s fliall hereafter receive from Time to Time, of and for the faid Sum of Seven hundred and three thoufand five hundred and forty-one Pounds Thirteen Shillings and Four-pence, and for accounting duly for the fame, and for Performance of the Trail hereby in him and them repofed ; and and to PiV all lhall, from Time to Time, pay all fuch Monies, as foon as he or they ^fintothe fhall receive the fame, or any Part thereof, or within Five Days after- Exchequer, •wards at the farthefl, into, and (hall account for the fame in the Exchequer, according to the due Courfe thereof, dedufting thereout fuch Sums as fhall have been paid by him or them in purfuance of this Ad; for which Sums fo paid, Allowance fhall be made in his or their Accounts. III. And be it further enaded, That it fhall and may be lawful for comniiffiou-Three or more of the Commiflioners of the Treafury, or the High ^J.e°/ru,lhve em. Treafurer for the Time being, to ifl'ue and apply, from Time to Time, powered to all fuch Sums of Money as lhall be fo paid into the Receipt of His Majefty’s Exchequer by the faid Caihier or Caihiers, to fuch Services as IS caihier. 7 fhall then have been voted by the Commons of Great Britain in this prefent Seffion of Parliament. IV. And be it further enaded, That the Sum of Five hundred too.coo/, the thoufand Pounds, Part of the faid Sum of Seven hundred and three thoufand five hundred and forty-one Pounds Thirteen Shillings and paid out of Four-pence, fhall be diilributed and divided into Prizes, to be drawn prJnfea this in the faid Lottery, in fuch Manner as is by this Ad appointed and SciUon. direded ; which faid Sum of Five hundred thoufand Pounds fhall be payable out of all or any of the Aids or Supplies granted in this Seffion of Parliament, in fuch Manner as is herein-after mentioned ; and the Commiflioners of His Majefty’s Treafury, or any Three or more of them, or the High Trealurer for the Time being, is or are hereby required and authorized, by Warrant or Warrants under his or their Hand or Hands, to caui'e the faid Sum of Five hundred thoufand Pounds to be iffued and paid, out of the faid Aids or Supplies, to the Governor and Company of the Bank of England, to be by them diftributed and paid to and amongft the reipective Proprietors of the feveral Fortunate Tickets, in the Manner herein-after mentioned and directed, as foon as Certificates can be made out for the Sums due in rcfpect of the fame. V. And, for eftablifhing a proper Method for drawing the faid Lot- Minagers an ! tery, be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid, That fuch Perfons Diredors ot as the Commiflioners of Ilis Majefty’s Treafury, or any Three or more of them now being, or the High Treafurer, or any Three or more of the by the l ie*-Commiffioners of the Treafury for the Time being, /hall nominate and fl“7' appoint, {hall be Managers and Direftors for preparing and delivering out Tickets, and to overi'ee the drawing ot Lots, and to order, do, and perform, fuch other Matters and Things as are hereafter in and by this Aft direfted and appointed by fuch Managers and Directors to be done and performed ; and that fuch Managers and Direftors fhall meet together, from Time to Time, at fome Publick OlKco or Place, tor the i Executionjt,6 39c GEORGII III. Cap. 91. Method Of the Execution of the Powers and Trulls in them repofed by this Aft; and LottcryBooks. that the pajj Managers and Direftors; or fo many of them as ihall be prefent at any fuch Meeting, or the major Part of them, Ihall caufe Books to be prepared in which every Leaf (hall be divided or difhii-guifhed into Three Columns; and, upon the Innermolt of the laid Three Columns, there ihall be printed Fifty-five thoufand Tickets, to be numbered One Two, Three, and fo onwards, in an arithmetical Pro-oreffion, where the common Excels is to be One, until they rile to and for the Number of Fifty-five thoufand; and upon the middle Column, in every of the faid Books, Ihall be printed Fifty-five thoufand Tickets, of the fame Breadth and Form, and numbered in like Manner ; and, in the extreme Column of the fame Books, there ihall be printed a I bird Rank or Series of Tickets of the fame Number with thole of the other Two Columns; which Tickets ihall feverally be of an oblong Figure, and in the faid Books ihall be joined with oblique Lines, Flourilhes, or Devices, in fuch Manner as the faid Managers and Direftors, or the major Part of them, ihall think moil fafe and convenient; and that every 1 icket in the Third or extreme Column of the faid Books (hall have written or printed thereupon (befides the Number of fuch d icket,) Words or figures to this Effect: t LOTTERY for the Year One thoufand feven hundred and ninety-nine. < npHE Bearer of this Ticket will, by virtue of an Aft paffed in the ‘ 1 Thirty-ninth Year of the Reign of His prefent Majefty, be entitled . to fuch beneficial Chance as ihall belong thereto, in the Lottery to be 1 drawn purfuant to the faid Aft.’ Manners to VI. And it is hereby enafted, That the faid Managers and Direftors, examine the or fo many 0f them as ihall be prefent at any fuch Meeting, or the major ?h°e0Ticket«h Part of them fo prefent, ihall carefully examine all the faid Books with and deliver the Tickets therein, and take Care that the fame be contrived, number- be fo rolled up and made fall, as aforelaid, to be cut oil indentwiie, through the faid oblique Lines, Flourilhes, or Devices, into a Box to be prepared for that Purpofe, and to be marked with the Letter (xf), which is prefently to be put up into another llrong Box, and to be locked and put vita with Seven different Locks and Keys, to be kept by as many of the laid Managers and Direftors, and fealed with their Seals, or the Seals ot „p and ieal-fome of them, until the laid Tickets are to be drawn, as is herein-after «1. mentioned ; and that the Tickets in the firft or innermolt Columns of the faid Books (hall remain dill in the Books, for dilcovering any Mistake or Fraud (if any fuch Ihould happen to be committed) contrary to the true Meaning of this Aft. 8 T IX. And7 ±8 Books to be prepared with Two Columns on each of which 55,000 Tickets are to be printed. The Number and Value of the Fortunate Tickets- Tickets in the outermoil Column of tiie lait mentioned Books to he roiled u.) and tied, and cut off into a Box marked with the Letter w, »<-. 39° GEORG1I III. Cap. 9i. IX. And be it further enafted, That the faid Managers and Directors, or the major Part of them which fliall be prefent at any Meeting as aforefaid, ihall alfo prepare, or caufe to be prepared, other Books in which every Leaf fliall be divided or dittinguiihed into Two Columns ; and upofl the innermoft of thofe Two Columns there ihall be printed Fifty-five thoufand Tickets, and upon the outermoil of the faid Two Columns there ihall be printed Fifty-five thoufand Tickets; all which ihall be of equal Length and Breadth, as near as may be; which Two Columns in the laid Book fliall be joined with fome Flourifli or Device, through which the outermoit Tickets may be cut off indentwife ; and that Sixteen thoufand feven hundred and fixty-five Tickets, Part of thofe to be contained in the outermoil Columns of the Books lalt mentioned, fliall be, and be called, The Fortunate Tickets, to which Benefits ihall belong, as is herein-after mentioned ; and the faid Managers and Directors, or the major Part of them, or fuch of them as fliall be prefent at a Meeting as aforefaid, fliall caufe the faid Fortunate Tickets to be written upon, or otlierwife expreffed, as well in Figures as in Words at Length, in Manner following; that is to fay, Upon One of them Thirty thoufand Pounds Principal Money ; upon Two of them feverally, Twenty thoufand Pounds Principal Money; upon every One of Three of them feverally, Ten thoufand Pounds Principal Money, upon every One of Four of them feverally, Five thoufand Pounds Principal Money ; upon every One of Five of them feverally, Two thoufand Pounds Principal Money; upon every One of Ten of them feverally, One thouland Pounds Principal Money; upon every One of Ten of them feverally, Five hundred Pounds Principal Money; upon every One of Twenty-fix of them feverally, One hundred Pounds Principal Money; upon every One of Fifty-four of them feverally, Fifty Pounds Principal Money ; and upon every One of Sixteen thoufand fix hundred and fifty of them feverally, Eighteen Pounds Principal Money : Which Principal Sums fo to be written, or otherwife ekpreffed upon the faid Fortunate Tickets, together with Twenty thoufand Pounds Principal Money to be allowed to the Owner of the Firit drawn ticket on the Twentieth Day of the Drawing of the faid Lottery; and Thirty thoufand Pounds Principal Money to be allowed to the Owner of the Firft drawn Ticket on the Twenty-fixth Day of the Drawing of the faid Lottery; will amount in the Whole to the Principal Sum of Five hundred thoufand Pounds: Which Sum of Five hundred thoufand Pounds only, after dedufting out of the faid Sum of Seven hundred and three thoufand five hundred and forty-one Pounds Thirteen Shillings and Four-pence, the Sum of Two hundred and three thoufand five hundred and forty-one Pounds Thirteen Shillings and Four-pence, for the Benefit of the Publick, is to be paid at the Bank of England to the Proprietors of the faid Fortunate Tickets, in Proportion to their refpeftive Interefts therein, in fuch Manner as is appointed by this Adi; And the faid Managers and Direftors, or the major Part of them who ihall be prefent at a Meeting as aforefaid, fliall caufe all the faid Tickets contained in the outermoil Columns of the faid laft-mentioned Books to be, in the Prefence of the faid Managers and Directors, or the major Part of them which fhali be prefent at a Meeting as aforefaid, and in the Prefence of fuch Contributors or Adventurers as will then be there, to be carefully rolled up and fattened with Thread or Silk, and carefully cut out indentwife through the faid Flouriih or Device, into another Box to be prepared for this Purpofe, and to be marked with 7 the7ig 39° GEORGII IN. Cap. gr. the Letter (5) ; -which Box ihall be put into another ilrong Box, ami locked up with Seven different Locks and Keys, to be kept by as many of the faid Managers and Directors, and fealed up with their Seals, or the Seals of fome of them, until thefe Tickets ihall alfo be drawn in the Manner and Form herein-after mentioned ; and that the whole Bufinefs of rolling up and cutting oft', and putting into the faid Boxes the laid Tickets, and locking up and fealing the faid Boxes, Ihall be performed by the faid Managers and Directors, or fuch of them as aforefaid, before the lalt Six Days immediately preceding the Day by this Aft appointed for the Drawing of the faid Lottery : And Publick No-to the End every Perfon concerned may be well allured that the Coun- L’iv'nuf p-it-terpart of the fame Number with his or her Ticket is put into the Box “mg ti e Tic-marked with the Letter (Li), from whence the fame may be drawn, g't’e,"to tlle and that other Matters are done as hereby direfted, fome publick Notification in Print ihall be given of the precife Time or Times of putting the faid Tickets into the faid Boxes, to the End that fuch Adventurers as may be minded to fee the fame done, may be prefeut at the doing thereof. X. And be it further enafted, That, on or before the Third Day Lottery to be. of March One thoufand eight hundred, the faid Managers and Di-reftors ihall caufe the faid feveral Boxes, with all the Tickets therein, ,800. to be brought into fome convenient Hall or Place, within the City of London, whereof due Notice ihall be publiihed in the London Gazette Fourteen Days at leait before the faid Third Day of March One thoufand eight hundred, fo that the fame may be there, and placed on a Table provided for that Purpofe, at fuch Hour of the Day as the faid Managers and Direftors ihall fix and appoint, not earlier than Nine of the Clock in the P’orenoon of the fame Day ; and ihall then and there Me-hoiHobe feverally attend this Service, and caufe the Two Boxes containing the drawing, ate. faid Tickets to be feverally taken out of the other Two Boxes in which they ihall have been locked up ; and the Tickets or Lots in the refpec-tive innermoit Boxes being, in the Prefence of the faid Managers and Direftors, or fuch of them as ihall be then prefent, and of fuch Adventurers as will be there for the Satisfaftion of themfelves, well ihaken and mingled in each Box diilinftly, fome One indifferent and fit Perfon to be appointed and direfted by the faid Managers and Direftors, or the major Part of them, or fuch of them as ihall be then prefent, ihall take out and draw One Ticket from the Box where the faid numbered Tickets ihall be as aforefaid put, and One other indifferent and fit Perfon, to be appointed and direfted in like Manner, Ihall lake out a Ticket or Lot from the Box where the faid Sixteen thoufand feven hundred and fixty-five Fortunate, and Thirty-eight thoufand two hundred and thirty-five Blank Tickets, ihall be promifeuouily put as aforefaid ; and immediately both the Tickets fo drawn ihall be opened, and the Number as well of the Fortunate as of the Blank Ticket ihall be named aloud ; and if the Ticket taken or drawn from the Box containing the Fortunate and Blank Lots ihall appear to be a Blank, then the numbered Ticket fo drawn, with the faid Blank at the fame Time drawn, ihall both be put upon One File ; and if the Ticket fo drawn or taken from the Box containing the Fortunate and Blank Lots ihall appear to be One of the Fortunate Tickets, then the principal Sum written upon fuch Fortunate Ticket, whatfoever it be, ihall be entered by a Clerk, which the faid Managers and Direftors, or the major Part of them, as aforefaid,7 20 39° GEORGIT HI. Cap. 91. aforefaid, {hall employ and overfee for this Purpofe, into a Book to be kept for entering the Numbers coming up with the fa,d Fortunate Tickets, and the principal Sums whereunto they (hall be entitled rcfpec-tivclv and Two of the laid Managers and Directors Avail let their Names asWitneffes to inch Entries; and the jaid Fortunate and numbered Tickets l'o drawn together lhall be put upon another Hie ; and fo the laid Drawing of the Tickets lhall continue, by taking One Frcke at a Time out of each Box, and with opening, naming aloud, and filing the fame, and by entering the Fortunate Lots in luch Method as is before mentioned, until the whole Number of Sixteen thoufand feven hundred and fixty-five Fortunate Tickets, lhall be completely drawn : And as the fame cannot be performed in One Day s lime, the faid Manners and Directors lhall caufe the Boxes to be locked up andMealed m Manner as aforefaid, every Day by Two of the Clock, and adjourn till the next Dav, and fo from Day to Day, and every Day, except S««-dcris, Thankfgiving and Fail Days, and then open the fame; and the laid Managers and Diredfors lhall and may Ihorten the lime of continuing to draw the faid Tickets, and leflfen the Number of the find Tickets to be fo drawn on each Day of Drawing, as they, or the major Part of them, {hall in their Dilcretion think necdTary, and ihall proceed therein till the faid whole Number of Sixteen thoufand feven hundred and fixty-five Fortunate Tickets, lhall be completely drawn as aforefaid and afterwards the faid numbered Tickets fo drawn, with the Fortunate Tickets drawn againlt the fame, lhall be and remain in a Itrong Box locked up as aforefaid, and under the Cuftody of the laid Managers and Directors, until they lhall take them out to examine, adjuit, and fettle, the Property thereof. NumVr of XI. And, to the End the Fortunate may know, whether abfent or pre-tjie Fort; tine fent t0 what a Degree they have been lb, be it ena&ed, That the laid ui'e Sums,ato Managers and Directors foall on each Day of Drawing, as foon as con-bc piinteJ. veniently may be after the faid Drawing is over, caule to'be printed and publilhed the Number of the Tickets drawn on that Day againlt each Fortunate Ticket, and the principal Sum written on the lame ; and lhall alfo, as foon after as conveniently may be, caufe to be printed and publilhed complete Numerical Lilts of all the Tickets, as well of the n to lie Fortunate as Blank Tickets which ihall be drawn on each Day ; and it addict I.y*e any Contention or Difpute Aiall arife in the adjuihng the Property of the "" faid Fortunate Tickets, it (hall be wholly in the Judgement of the major Part of the faid Managers and Directors to determine to whom it doth Penalty on or ought to belong : And if any Perfon or Perfons lhall forge or counter-forgin, Tic- fe;t) or caufe or procure to be forged or counterfeited, or willingly act or keu, Sc. ;n rhe forging or counterfeiting, any Ticket or lickets, Certificate or Certificates, Order or Orders, made forth by virtue of this prefent Att, or any former Aft made for eftablilhing any Lottery _ or Lotteries, or alter any Number, Figure, or "Word therein, or knowingly utter, vent, ar ter, or difpofe of, any fuch falfe, altered, forged, or counterfeited, 1 lcket or Tickets, Certificate or Certificates, Order or Orders, or lhall bring any fuch forged or counterfeited Ticket, Certificate, or Order, or any fuch Ticket, Certificate, or Order, the Number whereof, or any Figure or Word therein, ihall have been altered, (knowing the fame to be forget , counterfeited, or altered), to the faid Managers and Directors, or any o them, or to the Calhier or Calhiers, or Accountant General of the Bank of England, for the Time being, or to any other Perfon or Perfons what-r loever»72i 39" GEORGII III. Cap. 9t. foever, with a fraudulent Intention; or ihall willingly aid, abet, affift, hire, or command, any Perfon or Perfons to commit any fuch Offence or Offences as aforefaid, then, and in every fuch Cale, all and every fuch Perfon or Perfons being thereof convifted in due Form of Law, Ihall be adjudged a Felon, and ihall fuffer Death as in Cafes of felony, without Benefit of Clergy : And the laid Managers and D.reftors, or any Two or more of them, are hereby authorized, required, and empowered, to caufe any Perfon or Perfons bringing or uttering fuch forged or counterfeited Ticket or Tickets, Certificate or Certificates as aforefaid, or aiding, abetting, affifting, hiring, orcommanding,any Perfon or Perfons therein, to be apprehended, and to commit him, her, or them, to llis Ma-ielty’s Gaol of Newgate, or to the Common Gaol of the County or Place where fuch Perfon or Perfons Ihall be fo apprehended, to be proceeded againft for the faid Felony according to Law. XII. And be it further enafted, That if any Perfon or Perfons who afarfm ihall commit any fuch Offence or Ollences as aforefaid, or be aiding, , ; r abetting, affifting, hiring, or commanding, any Perfon or Perfons therein, PtiLns¿.lilty, ihall afterwards, (being out of Prifon), difeover any One or more Perfon or Perlons who already have or hereafter Ihall commit, or be aiding, j0;. Ktward* abetting, or concerned in, any fuch Offence or Offences as af'orelaid, fo as fuch Perfon or Perfons fo discovered be lawfully convifted of the fame, fuch Difcoverer ihall have, and is hereby entitled to, His Majefty’s moil gracious Pardon for fuch his or her Offences; and moreover ihall be entitled to a Reward of Fifty Pounds, of lawful Money of Great Britain for every fuch Offender fo convifted; to be paid out of the Monies arifing by virtue of this Aft, or any other the Aids or Supplies granted in this Seftion of Parliament, immediately upon fuch Conviftion, as aforefaid. XIII. Provided always, and it is hereby further enabled, That no Proviftw Attainder for any of the Offences aforefaid (hall make or work any Corruption of Blood, Lofs of Dower, or Dillierifon of Heirs. XIV. Provided always, and it is hereby enafted, That every Perfon Mongers to that ihall be appointed as aforefaid to be a Manager and Director for ^ ''T0‘n-putting this Aft in Execution, before his acting in fuch Commiffion, (except the adminiftering the Oath immediately herein-alter mentioned), ihall take the Oath following ; (that is to fay), * t A. B. as a Manager and Director of the Lottery to be drawn in The Oatts « purfuance of an Act of Parliament made in the Thirty-ninth Year * of His Majefty’s Reign, do fwear, That I will faithfuly execute the « Trull repoled in me; and that l will not ufe any indirect Art or « Means, or permit or direct any Perfon to ufe any indirect Art or < Means, to obtain a Prize or Fortunate Lot therein, for myfelf, or any < other Perfon whatfoever ; and that I will do the utmoft of my Endea- « vours to prevent any undue or finiiler Practice to be done by any ‘ Perfon whatfoever; and that I will, to the bell of my Judgement, * declare to whom any Prize, Lot, or Ticket, of Right does belong, ac- 1 cording to the true Intent and Meaning of the faid Act.’ Which faid Oath ihall and may be adminillered by any Two or more of the other Managers and Directors. 8 U XV. Provided722 Cafhier may receive the Su ns fub-fcribed 5 giving a Note forth, fame $ which (hall entitle the Brarer to a Ticket for every i a/. 15 s. jo2 M >ntli after Expiration of Licences, the Commiil on-eis may g ve up Bonds or put them in Sait.39° GEORGII III. Cap. 91. 729 fuch Default was made, and fuch Forfeiture fhall take place from the Time of fuch Publication. XXX. And be it further enafled, That in Cafes where a Licence inCafta where granted to any Perfon or Perfons under the faid Acf of the Twenty-fecond Year of the Reign of His prefent Majefty, is declared to be void upon Cap. 47, ate ’ Conviflion or Profecution for any Offence againft the faid Aft, then and in every fuch Cafe fuch Licence granted after the Commencement of this Licences Aft, fhall, upon Conviction of or for any Offence againft this Ait, or againft an Act, parted in the Twenty-feventh Year ot the Reign of His mencement prefer; Majefty, intituled. An Ail to render more effeilual the Laws now in being for fupprejfmg unlawful Lotteries, alfo be void ; and that in all Cafes f01. o-r ti , where any Perfon fhall be profecuted for any Offence againft the faid Afts this of the Twenty-fecond and Twenty-feventh Years aforefaid, or either of ni, op/i.™ them, or of this AH, whether upon fuch Bond as aforefaid, or for any Penalty whatever, or as a Rogue and Vagabond, and (hall be duly condemned therein, the faid Cominiffioners may, if they fliall think fit, refute Licences m-y to grant to the Perfon fo condemned, or to any other or others jointly with j'f s*000° the Perfon fo condemned, a Licence to keep a Lottery Office at any Time «¡¿led. in future during the Continuance of this Aft. XXXI. And be it further enacted, That if any Perfons or Perfon to Penalty ,.n tvhom a Licence fhall have been or fliall be granted, fliall continue, or caufe to be continued, the Vvords, Licenfed to deal in lottery Tickets, ,heir Homes or any of them, or any Words to that or the like Lfleft, written or ex-prefftd upon or near the Door, or in the Front of his, her, or their Of- .¡{tr Eemf. fice or Shop, or other Place for felling of Tickets, after fuch Licence non of flex fhall have expired, or fliall be declared to be void, and due Notice there- L'ce"“*’ of in Writing to remove the fame fliall have been given to fuch Perfons or Perfon, or left at fuch Office, Shop, or other Place, of fuch Perfons or Perfon, under the Hands of any 1 hree or more of the faid Com-miffioners ; or if any Perfons or Perfon, not having been licenfed as aforefaid, fliall caufe to be written or exprefled in Manner aforefaid, the like Words, or Words to the like Effect, upon or near the Door, or on the Front of any Houfe, Shop, or Place, in their refpcctive Occupations, or fhall continue or caufe the fame to be continued thereon, after fuch Notice in Writing fliall have been given to fuch Perfons or Perfon, or left at fuch Houfe, Shop, or Place, as lait aforefaid, then, and in every fuch Cafe, all and every fuch Perfons or Perfon fo offending fhall, for every Day in which fuch Words or any of them fliall be continued, written, or exprefled, as aforefaid, forfeit and pay the Sum of Twenty Pounds. XXXII. And be it further enafted, That upon the Death of any Exrcuforc, etc. Perfon fo licenfed as aforefaid during the Term of iuch Licence, it fhall and may be lawful to and for the faid Commiflioners of the Stamp Duties, 0.1 Bnfinel', twin their Difcretion, to authorize and empower the Executors or Admini- ^eT ru'ot* fixators, or the Wife, Child, or Heir at Law, of fuch deceafed Perfon, Licences, being entitled unto the Pofleffion of the Premifes in which the Bufinefs refpefting fuch Lotteries was to be carried on under fuch Licence, or any of them, to continue fuch Bufinefs for the Relidue of the Term for which fuch Licence was granted, in the fame Premifes, without taking 8 Y out73° 39 GEORGII III. Cap. 9r. any oilier Shares than Halves, Quarters, Eighth:, and Sixteen hs, on Penalty of 5° Application ami Recovery of Penalties. Form cf Shares of Tickets. out a new Licence, during the Refidae of the faid Term, but fubjed to and under the fame Terms, Conditions, Rules, and Regulations, as iuch Licence was originally granted, and alfo fubjed to a Renewal of the Bond for the lean ing the due Performance thereof by fuch Reprefentatives refpedively during the Refidue of fuch Term. > XXXIII. And be it further enaded, That if any Perion or Perfons ’ whatever (ball fell any Share or Shares of any Ticket or Tickets in the Lottery eflablilhed by virtue of this Aft, or in the Lottery eftablilhed in Irehnd by virtue of any Aft for the prefent Year, in any other Proportion or Proportions than One Half, Quarter, Eighth, or Sixteenth Part or Share only; or fhall publiih any Propofal or Scheme for felling any Share or Shares, or any Agreement or Agreements tor any Share or Shares of any Ticket or' Tickets in the faid refpedive Lotteries in any other Proportion than One Half, Quarter, Eighth, or Sixteenth Part or Share, fuch Perfon or Perfons fhall forfeit and pay the Sum of Fifty Pounds; and One Moiety of all pecuniary Penalties inflicted by this Act, (except where other Provifions fhall be fpecially preferibed by this Aft), fhall be to His Majefty, His Heirs and Succeffors, and the other Moiety to him, her, or them, who fhall inform or fue for the fame ; to be recovered by Adion of Debt, Bill, Plaint, or Information, in any of His Majefty’s Courts of Record at Wejiminjier, in which no Ef-foin, Protedion, Wager of Law, or more than One Imparlance, fhall be allowed. XXXIV. And be it further enaded, That every Share or Agreement for a Share of every Ticket fo to be divided, fhall be written or printed according to the following Form : c t OTTERY for the Year One thoufand feven hundred and ninety- Perfons co terfeiting Shares, etc, guilty of felony. Ticket N” (or as the Share may be.') C Xhe Bearer of this Share will be entitled to One Part ‘ of fuch beneficial Chance as fhall belong to the Ticket numbered as < above, in the Lottery to be drawn by virtue of an Aft palled m the « Thirty-ninth Year of the Reign of His prefent Majefty.’ XXXV. And be it further enaded, 'I hat if any Perfon or Perfons fhall forge or counterfeit, or caufe or procure to be forged or counterfeited, or fhall willingly aft or affift in theforgmg or counterfeiting, any Share or Shares, or any Agreement or Agreements for any Share or Shares of any Ticket or Tickets divided by virtue of this Ad; or alter any Number, Figure, Word, or Stamp, therein or thereon; or fhall knowingly utter, vend, barter, or difpofe of, any fuch forged, counterfeited, or altered, Share or Shares, or Agreement or Agreements for any ? onare73i 39° GEORGII III. Cap. 9t. Share or Shares of any Ticket or Tickets, with Intent to defraud any Perlón or Perfons, then, and in every fuch Cafe, all and every Perfon and Perfons fo offending, and being thereof duly convicted, fhall be adjudged guilty of Felony, and fulfer as a Felon. XXXVI. And be it further enafted, That it fhall not be lawful for any Pírfons pre-Perfon or Perfons to prepare, make, fell, or buy, or to have in his or their or.h!w-Cuftody or PoflVlfion, or in his or their Houfe, Shop, Office, or Place, any c'uttmiy'any Regifter or Lift of the Numbers of the Tickets in the Lottery eftabliffied Rygiiter or by this Ad, other than complete Numerical Regifters or Lifts containing but» herein* all the Tickets in the faid Lottery, in Books of the refpedive Dimenfions paiticu-before mentioned and provided by the laid Commiflioners of Stamp Du- la,izedi ties, and ftamped in the Manner herein direded, and fuch Perfon or Perfons, or fuch Numerical Lift of each Day’s Drawing, as fhall be printed and publifhed under the Authority of this Ad by the faid Managers and Diredors, or true and full Copies of fuch Numerical Lifts of each Day s Drawing; nor for any Perfon or Perfons to fet down in any fuch Regifter or Lift, or in any Copy thereof, or of any Part thereof, the Order, Courfe, or Pi iority, of drawing any fuch I icket or ft ickets, other than fuch Tickets to which Benefits fhall belong, under this Ad, as being firfl drawn on any Day; nor to fet down in any fuch Regifter or Lift, or in any Copy thereof, or of any Part thereof, the Time in which any fuch Ticket fhall be drawn on any Day, or in any Manner whatever, either by writing or printing, to mark, denote, or fignify, the Order, Courfe, Priority, or Time of Day of drawing any fuch Ticket or Tickets, except fuch Benefit Tickets as aforefaid; and if any Perfon or Perfons fhall knowingly keep or have in his or their Cuftody or PoifeiTion, or in his, her, or their Houfe, Shop, Office, or Place, any Regifter or Lift containing any Numbers of the Tickets in the faid Lottery, other than fuch ftamped Numerical Regifters or Lifts, or fuch Numerical Lifts of each Day’s Drawing, or Copies thereof as aforefaid, or fhall fet down in any Regifter or Lift whatever, either by writing or printing, the Order, Courfe, Priority, or Time of Day of drawing any fuch Ticket or Tickets, other than fuch Tickets to which Benefits fhall belong as aforefaid, or any Marks, Figures, or Numbers, to mark, denote, or fignify the Order, Courfe, Priority, or Time of Day of fuch Drawing, except as aforefaid; or fhall, by himfelf or themfelves, „rkeepm^ny or by any other or others, keep any Office, Shop, or Place, forexamin- I’iacefor«/ ing, or in fuch Office, Shop, or Place, fhall examine, or caufe to be exa- kTtí'b* T'" mined, for any other Perfon or Perfons, or permit any other Perfon or oth-’r than'* Perfons to examine any Number or Numbers of fuch Tickets, whether lud.’ Lllt’ vdth or without Reward, by any Regifter or Lift of Tickets whatever “rtUt s°' other than fuch Numerical Regifter or Lift, or fuch Numerical Lift of each Day’s Drawing, or a true Copy thereof as aforefaid ; or if any Perfon or Perfons keeping or caufing to be kept any Regifter or Lift of Tickets in the faid Lottery, Ihall give, or caufe or procure to be given, any Notice or Information whatever to any Perfon or Perfons of the Order, Courfe Priority, or Time of Day of drawing any Ticket or Tickets, except fuch Benefit Tickets as aforefaid, every fuch Perfon or Perfons fo offending Ihall forfeit and pay the Sum of Fifty Pounds; and every fuch Regifter or Lift or Copy as aforefaid, made contrary to the Directions of this Aft Ihall be forfeited, and ihall and may be feized by any Conltable or pther Officer of the Peace, or by any Perfon employed bv the faid Com-8 miilioners732 39° GEORGII III. Cap. gr. miffioners of the Stamp Duties in the Execution of the feveral Ads for the Regulation of Lotteries, and upon Produdion thereof before any Juf-tice or Juflices of the Peace, fuch Juftice or Juflices fiiall and may, by his or their Order in Writing, direft the fame to be detained, or other-wile if he or they ihall think fit, t£) be deftroycd. Off nets aeainlt zi Geo. III. Cap. i, whereby the 1’arties may be liable to Puniflimtnt as Rogues, Juf- tho ; Per- lons to break open Houles, Persons difeo-veted m Inch Houies concerned m car- gal Tran factions, to be puniihed as Rogues, and may be arretted, etc. Penally on Perfons ob-ftrudtng Oifi- Perfons employing or aiding others to carry on lucli illegal Tianfac.ions, XXXVII. And be it further enaded, That upon Complaint or Information made upon Oath, before any Juflice or Jultices of the Peace, of any Offence committed againil the faid Ad of the Twenty-feventh Year of the Reign of His prel'ent Majeity in any Iloufe or Place within the Jurifdidion of any fuch Juffice or Juflices, whereby any of the Offenders may be liable to Puniihment as Rogues and Vagabonds, it ihall and may be lawful to and for the faid Juftice or Juflices before whom fuch Oath ihall be taken, if he or they ihall judge it reafonable, by fpecial Warrant under his or their refpedive Hands and Seals, to authorize and empower any Perfon or Perfons, by Day or by Night, ¡but if in the Night-time, then in the Prefence of a Confiable or other lawful Officer of the Peace, who are hereby required to be aiding or aflifting therein), to break open the Doors, or any Part of fuch Houfe or Place where fuch Offence ihall have been committed, and to enter into fuch Houfe or Place, and to feize and apprehend all fuch Offenders, and all other Perfons who ihall be difcovered in fuch Houfe or Place, and who Ihall have knowingly aided or affifted, or been anyways concerned with any fuch Offender or Offenders in committing fuch Offence, and to convey them before any Juftice or Juflices of the Peace of the County, Riding, Divifion, City, Liberty, or Place, wherein fuch Perfon ihall be fo apprehended, to be dealt with according to Law as aforefaid ; and all Perfons who ihall be difcovered in fuch Houfe or Place, knowingly aiding, affiiling, or any ways concerned with fuch Offender or Offenders in carrying on any Tranfaftions refpecling the faid Lotteries, or either of them, contrary to the exprefs Provifions of the faid Aft of the Twenty-feventh Year aforefaid, ihall be deemed Rogues and Vagabonds, and puniihable in like Manner as is direfted by the faid Aft or this Aft, as the Cafe may require; and it Ihall and may be lawful for the Officer or Officers having the Execution of fuch Warrant, and all other Perfons afting in his or their Aid or Affiftance, to flop, arre'l, and detain, all and every the Perfon and Perfons fo difcovered in fuch Houfe or Place, and to convey the laid Perfon and Perfons before fuch Juftice or Jultices of the Peace as aforefaid ; and if any Perfon or Perfons (hall forcibly obftruft, ©ppofe, moleft, or hinder, any fuch Officer or Officers, or others afting in his or their Aid or Affiftance, in the due Execution of their Duty, or in the due entering into fuch Houfe or Place, or in the feizing, detaining, or conveying before fuch Juftice or Jultices, any fuch Offenders or other Perfons as aforefaid, every fuch Perfon fo obllrufting, oppofing, moleiting, or hindering as aforefaid, (hall be deemed an Offender againil Law and the publick Peace, and the Court before whom any fuch Offender ihall be tried and convifted ihall and may order luch Offender to be fined, im-prifoned, and publickly whipped, as in their Difcretion ihall be thought fit; and all Perfons, although not difcovered in fuch Houfe or Place as aforefaid, who Ihall employ or caufe to be employed any Perfon or Perfons in carrying on any of the Tranfaftions aforefaid, or in aiding or affiiling any fuch Perfon or Perfons, ihall be deemed Rogues and Vaga-6 bonds,39° GEORGII nr. Cap. gi. 733 bonds, and {hall be puniihable in like Manner as is direfted by the laid to be deemed Aft of the Twenty-feventh Year aforefaid. Vagabonds1 XXXVIII. And be it further enafted, That, from and after the Com- Manner in mencement of this Aft, it iliall not be lawful for any Perfon or Perfons ^"penafties1* whatever to commence or enter, or caufe or procure to be commenced (hall be comer entered, or filed or profecuted, any Aftion, Suit, Bill, Plaint, or In- mt:nced-formation, for the Recovery of any Penalty or Penalties inflifted by any of the Laws touching or concerning Lotteries, or by this Aft, uiilefs the fame be commenced, entered, filed, and profecuted, in the Name of His Majefty’s Attorney General, in the Court of Exchequer at Weftminjlcr, if fuch Offence Iliall be committed in England, or in the Name of His Majefty’s Advocate General in the Court of Exchequer in Scotland, if fuch Offence iliall be committed in Scotland-, and if any Aftion, Suit, Bill, Plaint, or Information, ihall be commenced or entered in any other Perfon’s'Name or Names than as is before mentioned, the fame, and all Proceedings thereupon had, are hereby declared to be null and void, and the faid Court or Courts, where fuch Proceedings ihall be fo commenced, Ihall caufe the fame to be ftayed; any Law, Cuftom, or Ufage, to the contrary notwithftanding. XXXIX. Provided always, and be it further enafted, That where any where the Writ or Procefs ihall iffue againft any Perfon or Perfons for the Recovery pj„™.', of any Penalty or Penalties for any Offence committed againft any Law for is main-touching or concerning Lotteries, or againft this Aft, and the Amount of the Penalty or Penalties fued for ihall not be inferted therein, or no remtarit to be Affidavit thereof ihall be made or filed according to the Direftions of the ^oVof the* faid Aft of the Twenty-feventh Year of the Reign of His prefent Majefty, ploctn, sc. the Plaintiff or Informer ihall not proceed to arreft the Body or Bodies of the Defendant or Defendants, but it (hall be lawful to ferve him or them perfonally with a Copy of the Procefs, and to proceed therein in like Manner as in Cafes of Debt, where the Caufe of Aftion does not amount to the Sum of Ten Pounds in the faid Courts refpeftively ; any Thing in the faid laft mentioned Aft contained to the contrary notwithftanding. XL. And be it further enafted, That if any Perfon ihall be brought o.Ten-’er« sd-before any Two or more Juftices of the Peace, and iliall be convifted of any Offence or Offences againft the faid Aft of the Twenty-feventh Year of bonds may be the Reign of His prefent Majefty, or of this Aft, by fuch Juftices, whereby cjmmitud. fuch Perfon ihall be adjudged a Rogue and a Vagabond, then, and in every fuch Cafe, fuch Juftices ihall, and they are hereby required to order fuch Offender to be fent to the Houfe of Correction, there to remain for any Space of Time, not exceeding Six Calendar Months, nor lefs than One Calendar Month, and until the final Period of the Drawing of the Lottery, in refpeft whereof fuch Offence iliall be committed ; and lucli Proceedings Proceedings ihall not be fubjeft to Appeal, nor iliall be removed or removeable by Cer-tiorari, or otherwife, into any Court whatever. fan. XLI. And be it further enafted, That if any Sheriff's Officer or other Perfon or Perfons ihall be fued, molefted, or profecuted, for any Thing done by virtue or in purfuance of this Aft, fuch Sheriff’s Officer or other Perfon or Perfons ihall and may plead the General Iffue, and give this General iflu* 8 Z 8 Aft,39° GEORGII III. Cap. 91. Aft, and the fpecial Matter in Z Defences; and ' “ * Sifito« his, her, or «£ or Profecutjon, or benon^or 1^^ ^^r^-Me^b.eatfts awarded to hint, her, or them, again!! any fnch Plaintiff or Plamt.ffs. T ONDON: Printed by George Eyre and Andrew Strahan, Printers to the King’s moil Excellent Majeily. 17 99-