ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN Production Note Project Unica Rare Book & Manuscript Library University of Illinois Library at Urbana-Champaign 2015;u> ANNO QUADRAGESIMO TERTIO GEORGI I III. REGIS. ************************************************* CAP. XXXVII. An A£t to enable His Majefty to grant a certain Annuity to Rear Admiral Sir yames Saumarez Baronet, and Knight of the moil Honourable Order of the Bath, in Coniideration of his eminent Services which he has performed on various Occaiions. [22d April 1S03.] Moil Gracious Sovereign, WHEREAS, Your Majefty, by Your moft Gracious Mefiage to Your faithful Commons, hath been pleafed to fignify, That Your Majefty had taken into Your Gracious Coniideration the eminent Services performed on various Occafions by Rear Admiral Sir 'James Saumarez Baronet, and Knight ot the moft Honourable Order of the Bath, and particularly the Valour, Promptitude, and Ability which he difplayed in fuccefsfully attacking a fuperior Squadron of French and Spaniji) Shins in the Streights of Gibraltar on the Twelfth Day ol July One thoufend eight hundred and one, and to recommend to Your faithful Commons to make Provifion for the laid Sir James Saumarez, and that, for that Purpofe, an Annuity of One thouiand two hundred Pounds fhould be granted to the Paid Sir James Saumarez during the 1 erm of his natural Life, to be paid out of the Confolidated Fund ; now We, Your Majefty*« mod dutiful and loyal Subjedls, the Commons of Great Britain and Ireland, in Parliament affembled, duly confidering Your Majefty*« moft Gracious a ' Intention«342 43" GEORG1I III. Cap. 37. intention, Jo mod humbly bcfeech Your Majelty that it maybe enaited; and bc it enabled by the King’s moil Excellent Majelty, by and with the Advice and Oonfent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, His Maj fly in this prelent Parliament alfembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That empcmi id jt f)j;>J 1 and may be lawful to and for the King’s moll Excellent Majelty, to sir give and grant unto the faid Sir ’James Saumurez an Annuity not exceeding mir«! an An- One thoufand two hundred Pounds, clear of all Deductions whatfoever, tor and during the Life of the faid Sir James Saumurez ; and which may Twelfth Day of July One thouland eight hundred and one, until the fittn Day of Jiilv One thoufand eight hundred and three, and from thenceforth (hall be paid quarterly, at the Four ufual Days of Payment in the . • .1. -r xL _______r ta.....r «v______ Tim« of Pay- Tear : that is to fay, the Tenth Day of OElober, the Fifth Day of January, «„iBitr 1 VI* It 1 T'X C f ' * / - 1 al. 1! f*L 1 .AMT V 1 the Fifth Day of April, and the Fifth Day of July, in every Year; and that the faid Annuity fhall and may be iffuing and payable out of and charged and chargeable upon the Confolidated Fund of Great Britain, after paying, or referring fufficient to pay, all fuch Sum and Sums of Money as hath or have been direfled to be paid out of the fame by any former Act or Acts of Parliament, but with Preference to all other Payments which ihall or may hereafter be charged upon and payable out of the faid Fund. the hundred Pounds, fhall, during the Life of the faid Sir James Saumarez, be vuthuui ices, paid and payable at the Receipt of His Majelly’s Exchequer out of the faid Fund; and the Audhor of the faid Receipt ihall, and he is hereby required to make forth and pals Debentures, from Time to Time for paying the faid Annuity as the fame (hall become due and payable, without any Fees or Charges to be demanded or taken for paying the fame, or any Part thereof; and the Acquittance or Acquittances, Receipt or Receipts of the faid Sir James Saumarez, Ihall be a good and fufficient Difcharge for the Payment thereof; and the faid Debentures to be made forth and palled, (hall be a fufficient Authority to the feveral and refpeilive Officers of the Receipt of the Exchequer, now and for the Time being, for the Payment of the faid Annuity to the faid Sir James Saumarez, during the Continuance of the fame, without any further or other Warrant to be fued for, had, or obtained, in that Behalf. whEy rax. One thoufand two hundred Pounds fo to be granted to the faid Sir James } C________ Ko rrresA iTMtll http of nr lrp tllhiPrV fn anv Saumarez, Ihall not be charged with the Payment of, or be fubjeft to any ’l ax, Rate, or Affefiment impofed, or to be impofed by Authority of Parliament, or otherwife howfoever, nor to any other Charges whatfoever; any Law, Cullom, or Ufage to the contrary thereof in anywife notwith- llanding. LONDON : Printed by George Eyre and Andrew Strahan, Printers to the King’s moll Excellent Majelty. 1803. 11. And be it further ena&ed, That the faid Annuity of One thoufand two and not III. And be it further ena&ed, That the faid Annuity or yearly^ Sum of