ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN Production Note Project Unica Rare Book & Manuscript Library University of Illinois Library at Urbana-Champaign 2015  3 ANNO QUADRAGESIMO QUARTO GEORGÎI III. REGIS. J***************************************************** CAP. LXXVI. An Aét for fettling and fecuring a certain Annuity-on the Vifcountefs Kilwarden, and on the Family of the late Arthur Lord Vifcount Kilwarden. [14th July i 804.] Moil Gracious Sovereign, WHERE 'S Your Majeily, by Your moil gracious Meflage ta Your moil faithful Commons, has been pleafed to declare that Your Majeily having taken into Your royal Confideration the Circumftances which attended the Death of that excellent and upright Magiftrate Arthur Lord Vifcount Kilwarden, the Lord Chief Juilice of Your Majeity’s Court of King’s Bench in Ireland, recommended it to Your faithful Commons to confider of enabling Your Majeily to grant an Annuity of Twelve hundred Pounds, for the better Support of the Vifcountefs Kilwarden the Widow of the faid Arthur Lord Vifcount Kilwarden, and for fecuring and extending the fame in fuch Manner as ihould be thought moil effectual for the Benefit of the Family of the faid Arthur Lord Vifcount Kilwarden : We, Your Majeity’s moil dutiful and ioyal Subjefts^ thé Commons of Great Britain and Ireland, in Parliament aifembled, duly confidering Your Majeity’s moil' gracious Intention, do moil humbly befeech Your.Majeily that it may be enaûed ; and be it cnafted by the King’s moil Excellent Majefty, by and with the Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this prefent Parliament aifembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That one Annuity or yearly Rent or Sum of Twelve hundred Pounds, Britijh Currency, lhall be hiding and payable out of and charged upon the Confolidated Fund of 8 U Ireland, An Annuity of i,ioo/• payable out of the Lonfolidated Fund of Ire- \ 722 land ihall be paid quarterly to the Vif-countef' Kd-twarcUn for her Life. After her Death,in what Manner the Annuity ihall be paid. When payable 44° GEORGII III. Cap. 76. Ireland, (after paying or referring fufficient to pay all fuch Sum and Sums of Money as have been direded by any former A& or Afts of Parliament to be paid out of the fame, but with preference to ail other Payments which (hall or may hereafter be charged upon or payable out of the faid Fund), and the fame fhall from Time to Time be paid Quarterly, free and clear of all Taxes and Deductions whatfoever, in Manner and Form following ; that is to fay, That the faid Annuity or yearly Rent or Sum of Twelve hundred Pounds ihall be paid to the faid Vifcouutefs Kilwarden for and during her natural Rife; and that, from and after her Deceafe, Eight hundred founds of the faid Annuity or yearly Rent or Sum of Twelve hundred Pounds ihall devolve on and be paid to John now Lord Vifcount Kilwarden, bon of the faid Arthur late Lord Vifcount Kilwarden, for and during his natural Life, and from and after his Deceafe to the Perfon on whom the faid Title, Honour, and Dignity of Lord Vifcount Kilwarden ihall next defeend ; and that the remaining Four hundred Pounds of the laid Annuity or yearly Rent or Sum of Twelve hundred Pounds ihall devolve on and be paid to Mary Anne and Elizabeth, the Two Daughters of the faid late Lord Vifcount Kilw rden, for and during their natural Lives, and the natural Life of the Survivor of them ; and that, from and after the Deceafe of the Survivor of them the faid Mary Anne and Elisabeth, the faid Four hundred Pounds ihall be paid in like Manner as the faid Sum of Eight hundred Pounds is herein-before direded to be paid; which laid ' Annuity or yearly Rent or Sum ihall commence from the Twenty-third Day of July One thoufand eight hundred and three, the Firft Payment to be computed from the Twenty-third Day of July aforefad, and from thenceforth ihall be paid and payable at theFour moft ufual Days of Payment in the Year, that is to fay, the Twenty-fifth Day of March, the lwenty-fourth Day of June, the Twenty-ninth Day of September, and the Twenty-fifth Day of December in every Year, by even and equal lortipns; and the Commiffioners for executing the Office of Lord High l reafuier 11 Ireland, or any Three or more of them, are hereby authorized and e -powered to iffue and pay, or caufe to be iffued and paid, the faid Annul y by Four Quarterly Payments in Manner aforeiaid. Acuittance II. And be it further enafted, That the Acquittance or Acquittances of V.iconntefs Rece;pt or Receipts of the faid Vilcountefs Kilwarden, and of the laid John f,'/T0te”’a Lord Vifcount if, AWe«, and of the Perfon on whom the laid i ide of Lord lent Dif- vifcount Kilwarden ihall next defeend, and ot the faid Mary Anne and charES' Elizabeth, ihall refpeaively, according to their fcveral andreipe&velntere is, be good and fufficient Difcharge and Difcharges for the 1 ayment of die faid8 Annuity or yearly Rent or Sum of Twelve hundred I ounds, m Manner and in the Proportions aforeiaid, without any other Warrant to be fued for or obtained in that Behalf; and that the laid Annuity or year y Rent or Sum, and every Part thereof, ihall be free and clear from ail Tuxes, Impoiitions, and other Charges \vhatfoe\er. III. And be it further enaSed, That the faid Annuity or yearly Rent oi Sum of Twelve hundred Pounds ihall be and the fame is by this At veiled in the faid Vifcouutefs Kilwarden, and the faid Lord Vifcount Kilwarden, and the faid Perfon on whom the hud t itle of Lord Vifcount Kilwarden fhall next defeend, and the faid ff ZeTet^lnd h the fbetfivelv, according to their feveral and refpetbvc Intel eits, and Proportion aforeiaid ; and that the fame, or any P.W thereof ^a1' a any Time or Times hereafter be aliened, conveyed, ^pofed of chaqged or incumbered, by the faid Vifcouutefs kdwarden or the faid Jotn Und Annuity not veyed 01 in cumbered.723 iU \ o1 7 / V 44® GEORGII III, Cap. 76. Vifcount Kilwarden, or the Perfon on whom the faid Title of Lord Vif-count Kilwarden ihall next defcend, or the faid Mary Anne and Elizabeth, or either of them, for any greater or larger Eftate or Time, than during the natural Life of the Perfon fo aliening, conveying, difpofing, charging, or incumbering the fame, or fo as to prevent the fame from devolving or defending in Manner and according to the Limitations and Proportions aforefaid. IV. Provided neverthelefs, and be it enaded, That no Grant which Ihall be made by His Majefty, under the Authority of this Ad, Ihall extend or be conftrued to extend to reftrain His Majefty from making any other Grant or Penfion, which He may lawfully do under the Provifions of an Ad, paffed in Ireland in the Thirty-third Year of His prefent Majefty’s Reign, intituled, An A8 for the Support of the Honour and Dignity of His MajeJiy’s Crown in Ireland, and for granting to His Majefty a Civil Lift Eftablijhment, under certain Provifions and Regtdations. LONDON: Printed by George Eyre and Avdrew Strahan, Printers to the King’s molt Excellent Majefty. 1804. * A