ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN Production Note Project Unica Rare Book & Manuscript Library University of Illinois Library at Urbana-Champaign 2015 ANNO QUADRAGESIMO QUARTO GEORGII III. REGIS. ****************************************************** CAP. LXXVIII. An A ft for making Compenfation to the Proprietors of certain Lands and Hereditaments, iituate at Weedon Beck in the County of Northampton, pur-chafed in purfuance of an Aft, made in the Forty-third Year of His prefent Majefty, for erefting Buildings thereon for the Service of His Majefty’s Ordnance. [ 14th July 1804.] WHEREAS by an A£l of Parliament, made in the Forty-third Year of the Reign of His prefent Majefty, intituled, An Ail 43 0- 3 for vejling in Trujlees certain Lands and Hereditaments at Weedon Beck in the County of Northampton, for creiling Buildings thereon for the Service of His Majejly’s Ordnance, certain Meffuages, Lands, Tenements, and Hereditaments, therein defcribed, were veiled in the Right Honourable Charles Abbot and other Perfons therein refpeflively named, their Heirs and Afligns for ever, in Trult neverthelefs for fuch Perfon or Perfons as, at or immediately before the Time of making the laid Act, was or were the Owner or the feveral and refpective Owners thereof, or had any Rights or Interefts therein refpeitively, according to their feveral Eftates, Rights, and Interefts in Poffeflion, Reverfton, Remainder, or otherwife, until fuch Eftates, Rights, and Interefts refpeflively ihould be adjudged and determined, and until the Purchafe Monies for the fame ihould be agreed upon, or afl'efted as the true Value thereof Ihould be paid ; and the Commiflioners to be appointed in purfuance of the faid AH, or any Five or more of them, were thereby authorized and empow-8 Y ered4+® GEORGII III. Cap. 78. ered to treat and agree with all or any of the Owners or Proprietors of and Perfons interefted in the faid Lands and Hereditaments for the abfo-hite Purchafe thereof according to their refpeilive Eftates, Rights, and Interefts therein; and all Bodies Politick or Corporate, Ecclefiailical or Civil, and all Tenants for Life and Tenants in Tail, and the Huibands, Guardians, Truftees, Committees, or Attomies of iuch of the Owners or Proprietors of or Perfons interefted in any of the faid Lands or Hereditaments, as Ihould be Femes Covert, Infants, Lunaticks, Idiots, Perfons beyond the Seas, or otherwife incapable of ailing for themfelves, were thereby authorized and empowered to contract for and agree with the faid Commiffioners, or any Five or more of them, for the Sale of all er any of the faid Lands or Hereditaments, Rights and Interefts, for the Purpofes in the faid Ail mentioned ; and it was by the faid AS alfo enaited, that, immediately from and after the Time that Payment ihould be made of the Sum and Sums of Money fo to be agreed for or affefied, and agreed and adjudged by the faid Commiffioners, or any Five or more of them, to the Owners and Proprietors of and Perfons interefted in fuch Lands and Hereditaments, or to any or either of them, the faid Truftees, and their Heirs, ihould be deemed and adjudged to ftand feifed of the faid Premifes refpeitively, to and for the Ufe of His Majefty, His Heirs and Succeffors, for ever freed and difcharged of and from all and all Manner of Eftates, Leafes, Rights, Titles, Interefts, Claims, and Demands whatfoever, which could or might be had, made, or fet up, into, out of, or upon, or in refped of the fame Lands and Hereditaments, by any Bodies Politick or Corporate, Ec-ctefiaftical or Civil, or any Perfon or Perfons whomfoever, on any Account whatever t And whereas His Majefty, by virtue of the faid recited Aft, iffued his Commiffion by Letters Patent under the Great Seal, bearing Date at Weflminjier the Fifth Day of October One thoufand eight hundred and three, in purfuance whereof, Five or more of the Commiffioners in the faid Commiffion named, did, on the Twenty-eighth Day of January laft, meet at His Majefty’s Office of Ordnance, fituate in Saint Margaret Street Wcjiminjier, in purfuance of the faid Aft, and the Owners or Proprietors of and Perfons interefted in the faid Mefluages, Lands, Tenements, and Hereditaments, in the faid recited Ail particularly mentioned and defcribed, having then and there, by themfelves or through their refpeilive Attomies or Agents, made Propofals for the Sale of their refpeilive Mefluages, Lands, Tenements and Hereditaments, Rights and Interefts, in purfuance of Notice for that Purpofe given, they the laid Commiffioners thereupon proceeded to treat and agree with fuch Owners or Proprietors and Perfons interefted, their faid Attomies or Agents, for the abfolute Purchafe of the faid Mefluages, Lands, Tenements and Hereditaments, and all Eftates, Rights, and Interefts therein, and fueh Contrails, Sales, and Agreements, were afterwards reduced into Writing, and figned by them, the faid Commiffioners and the faid Owners or Proprietors and Perfons interefted refpeitively : And whereas Five of the faid Commiffioners did afterwards meet purfuant to Adjournment, and did make their Determination and Decree, purfuant to the faid recited Ail, and thereby they determined and decreed, that the true and real Value of the faid Mefluages, Lands, Tenements, and Hereditaments, fo contrafted and agreed for as aforefaid, agreeably to the Terms of the faid Contrails and Agreements, was Five thoufand five hundred and thirty-one Pounds Seventeen Shillings aod Sixpence; but no Provifion hath yet been made, for 14 Payment0 3 T?s 440 GEORGII III. Cap. 78. 73i Payment of the faid Money or any Part thereof: Now, for making Com-penfation to the feveral Owners and Proprietors of and Perfons having Eftates, Rights, and Interefts, in fuch feveral Meffuages, Lands, Tenements, and'Hereditaments, in the faid County of Northampton, and to the Perfons entitled to receive the feveral Sums of Money agreed for and allowed by the faid Commiflioners, as mentioned in the faid Determination and Decree, and for the more effeitual carrying the faid recited Aft into Execution : May it pleafe Your Majefty that it may be enadled ; and be it enadted by the King’s moll Excellent Majefty, by and with the Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this prefe'nt Parliament alfembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That, < ?ed. out of all or any the Aids or Supplies, granted or to be granted to His ihj Majefty, for the Service of the Year One thoufand eight hundred and four, “i“" there lhall and may be iffued and applied the aforefaid Sum of Five thou-fand five hundred and thirty-one Pounds Seventeen Shillings and Sixpence, „ ,7b Om”« for the Purpofe of making a reafonable and juft Compenfation and Satif- °i'hse(£re-faflion, to all and every Perfon and Perfons, Bodies Politick and Corporate, re- Eeciefiaftical and Civil, who were the feveral and refpe&ive Owners and cited Aft. Proprietors of, and interefted in the Mefluages, Lands, Tenements, and Hereditaments respectively adjudged and decreed of, according to their feveral and refpe&ive Eftates and interefts therein, in Poffeflion, Reverfion, Remainder, or otherwife, and to the Perfons entitled to receive the feveral Sums of Money agreed for and allowed by the faid Commillioners as mentioned in the faid Determination and Decree. II. And, to the Intent that all and fingular the Proprietors and other Per- Surveyor G».: fons, having fuch Eftates, Rights, and Interefts as aforefaid, may be paid for “c*e the fame, and that the Perfons entitled to receive fuch Sums of Money as makeoutBills aforefaid, may be paid the fame, be it further enabled, 1 hat it iliall and may _ be lawful for the Surveyor General of the Ordnance for the 1 ime being, and bentures ftali he is hereby direfted and required to make out and allow One or moreBill or bc Bills to the refpcflive Perfons, Bodies Politick or Corporate, Ecclefiaftical.or 1 Civil, for fuch Sum and Sums of Money, as is or are tothem refpeaively adjudged by the faid Determination and Decree of the faid Commiflioners, of which faid Payment fufficient Notice iliall be given by the faid principal Officers of the Ordnance, in th t London Gazette or otherwife, and which Bill or Bills fo made, lhall exprefs the refpeaive Lands, Tenements, or Hereditaments, or other Eftate, Right, or Intereft, for or in refpect of which fuch Bill or Bills lhall be made out, together with the Name of the Perfon or Perfons, Bodies Politick or Corporate, Ecclefiaftical or Civil, and the refpeaive Sum or Sums of Money, he, lhe or they, is or are to receive, and thereupon one or more Debenture or Debentures lhall be prepared for fuch feveral and refpe&ive Sums as aforefaid, by the Clerk of the Ordnance, and figned by Three or more of the principal Officers or the Ordnance for the Time being, which Debenture or Debentures is and are hereby directed to be paid by the Treafurer of the Ordnance who lhall take Acquittances from the Parties endorfed thereon, and luch Payment lhall be made, without Fee or Reward, and without any Deduction or Abatement, on any Ground or Pretence whatfoever. III.‘And be it further enafted, That the Sums which lhall, in and by fuch Debentures, be payable to Perfons to whom fuch Sums are by the faid recited Decree of the Commiffioners determined or decreed to belong Debentures to be paid to the Perfons entitled thereto by the Decree of the Cotnimf-fionws-732 4ft- GEORGII III. Cap. 78. a Certificat thereof Barons, and to be abfolutely paid to them, fhall be paid to fuch Perfons accordingly. Sum. decreed IV. And whereas it is by the faid Decree of the Comtniflioners determined by the Com- and decreed tjjat the feveral Sums of Money therein mentioned as being beS'to ” the Value of feveral of the faid Meffuages, Lands, Tenements, and Heredi-Truftees, etc. taments or of the Eftates and Interefts of the feveral Perfons therein, iothe Depu'ty fhould, on Account of the particular Eftates or Interefts of fuch Perfons Ren,cm." be paid to forne proper Perfon or Perfons on certain Trails, and for cer-F«heaucfr'he tain Purpofes therein mentioned, or ihould be laid out m fome Manner tho mill fign for the Benefit of certain Perfons therein mentioned, be it therefore fur-" ther enaaed, That all the Money to be by fuch Debentures as aforefaid made payable for or in refpea of all and every the Sum and Sums of Money which is and are by the faid Decree decreed or determined to be paid to any Truftee or Truftees, or to be in fome Manner laid out, (hall be paid by the Treafurer of the Ordnance for the Time being into the Hands of the Deputy of the King’s Remembrancer of His Majefty’s Court of Exchequer at Wejhninjier for the Time being, for the Ufes, Intents and Purpofes herein-after mentioned ; and fuch Deputy Remembrancer is hereby authorized, empowered, and required to receive the fame and to give a fufficient and effectual Difcharge for the fame ; and the faid Deputy Remembrancer ihall, upon the Receipt of each of the feveral Sums fo to be paid in for the Ufe and Benefit of each of the faidOwnersand Proprietors and Perfons interefted refpeaively, fign a Certificate to the Barons of the faid Court of Exchequer, under his Hand, purporting and fienifving that every fuch Sum was paid to and received by him, in purfu-ance of this AcT, for the Ufe and Benefit of fuch Owner or Proprietor and Perfon interefted refpeaively, and who in fuch Certificate mall be named and defcribed, and which faid Certificate ihall be filed m the faid Court of Exchequer, and a true Copy thereof, figned by the faid Deputy of the King’s Remembrancer, ihall and^may be read and allowed as Lvi-dence for the Purpofes herein-after mentioned. V And be it further enaaed and declared, That the faid Deputy Remembrancer for the Time being, upon Receipt of any fuch Sum or Sums of Money hereby direaed and appointed to be paid to him as aforefaid, ihall pay the fame into the Bank of England. Batyrs of the VI. And be it further enaaed, That the Barons of His Majefty’s Court Exchequer to c Exchequer at Wefiminfter for the Time being, or any Two or more of them ihall, and they are hereby authorized and empowered in a luminary the Money. w upon Motion or by Petition for on the Behalf of any Pei foil 01 Perfons interefted in or entitled to the Benefit of the Money to be paid to and received by the faid Deputy Remembrancer, or the Intereft or Produce thereof, and upon reading the Certificate direaed to be^ figned bv tile faid Deputy Remembrancer concerning the fame as aforelaid, and receiving fuch further Satisfaftion as they fhall think neceiTary to make and pronounce fuch Orders and Direftions as they fhall think juft and reafonable for paying the faid Money, and every or any Part or Parts thereof, or for pacing out fuch Part thereof as ihall be principal in the miblick Funds, or upon Government or Real Securities, and for calling in, difpofing of, and placing out the fame again in and upon iuch new or other Funds or Securities as aforefaid, and tor Payment of the Dividends, and pay tlie Money into the Bank of England.733 44° GEORGII III. Cap. 78. Intereft, or Produce thereof to the feveral and refpeftive Perfons entitled to receive the fame, or for laying out the faid principal Sums or any Part thereof in the Purchafe of other Meifuages, Lands, Tenements, and Hereditaments, to be conveyed and fettled to, for, and upon the fame Ufes, Trails, Intents, and Purpofes as the former Filâtes were fettled at the Time of making the faid Decree, or as near thereto as the fame can be done, or for and concerning the receiving, iffuing, paying, applying, and difpofmg of the faid Money for the Benefit of the Perfon and Perfons entitled to or interefted in thé fame refpeftively by virtue of and according to the Tenor and Purport of the faid recited Aft and this prefent Aft, and for appointing a proper Perfon or Perfons to be a Truftee or Truftees for all or any of fuch Purpofes ; and that fuch Money ihall be from Time to Time paid by the faid Deputy Remembrancer according to the Orders to be from Time to Time made. VII. And be it further enacted and declared, That upon the Death or Removal of the prefent or any future Deputy of the King’s Remembrancer of the faid Court of Exchequer, all Mortgages, Stocks, and Securities veiled in him by virtue of this Aft, Ihall veil in the fucceeding Deputy of the King’s Remembrancer for the Time being, fubjeft to the Trulls and for the Purpofes herein-before mentioned, without any Affign-ment or Transfer ; and all Monies paid into the Bank in purfuance of this Aft, or remaining in the Hands of the prefent or any future Deputy of the King’s Remembrancer at the Time of his Death or Removal, and not veiled in the Funds or placed out on Securities as aforefaid, Ihall be paid over to the fucceeding Deputy Remembrancer for the Time being. VIII. And be it further enacted and declared, That if on the Death or Removal of the prefent or any future Deputy of the King’s Remembrancer of the faid Court of Exchequer, the King’s Remembrancet Ihall execute the faid Office in Perfon, then and in fuch Cafe the feveral Trulls, Powers, and Authorities, in and by this prefent Aft veiled in the faid Deputy of the King’s Remembrancer and his Succelfors, Ihall, during fuch lime as no Deputy of the King’s Remembrancer ihall be appointed, veil in and be executed by the faid King’s Remembrancer of the faid Court of Exchequer for the Time being. IX. And be it further enafted, That if any Perfon or Perfons, who by Law is or are capable of receiving fuch Debenture as aforefaid, ihall negleft or refufe to take the fame for the Space of One Calendar Month next after perfonal Notice given to them, him, or her, or the fame being inferted in the London Gazette as aforefaid, then and in fuch Cafe it ihall and may be lawful for the Clerk of the Ordnance for the lime being to depofit the fame with the Clerk of the Peace of the County wherein the Meifuages, Lands, Tenements, and Hereditaments therein mentioned, in refpeft whereof fuch Debenture or Debentures ihall be made out, ihall lie, and to take his Acquittance or Acquittances for the fame, which fuch Clerk of the Peace is hereby required to give without any Fee or Reward, and which (hall be taken and deemed to be valid, and fuch Mef-fuages, Lands, Tenements, and Hereditaments, Mates, Rights, and Interdis, of fuch Perfon or Perfons refpeftively fo neglefting or refufing to take fuch Debenture or Debentures ihall from thenceforth be veiled to the Ufe of His Majefty, His Heirs and Succeifors, as if fuch Debentures, In cafe of Death, etc. Money to continue inverted in the Deputy Ke-membranaer for the Time being. If there be no Deputy, the Principal to execute the Trulls. Debentures for a Month after Notice ihall be de-poiited with the Clerk of the Peace of the County wherein the Pretnifes lie.I 734 Avions. 44-° GEORGII III. Cap. 78. Of. the Money payable thereby, had been received by the Parties entitled thereto, and the Money thereon due had been fully fatisfied and paid; and fuch Clerk of the Peace (hall and may afterwards deliver the fame to the Party or Parties who (hall appear to be entitled thereto, on being fully paid all fuch reafonable Charges and Expences (if any) as he (hall or may fullain or be put unto relating thereto. of X. And be it further enafted, That if any Aftion or Suit (hall be com. menced ngainft any Perfon or Perfons for any Thing done in purfuance of the faid herein-before recited Act, or any Thing to be done in purfuance of this Aft, every fuch Aftion and Suit fhall be commenced within Six Calendar Months next after the Caufe of fuch Aftion or Suit fhall have arifen, and not afterwards, and the Defendant or Defendants in all fuch Aftions and Suits may plead the General Iffue, and give the Special Matter in Evidence at any Trial to be had thereupon, and that the fame was done in purfuance of the faid recited Aft or in purfuance of this Aft ; and if the fame (hall appear to have been fo done, or if any fuch Aftion or Suit (hall not be commenced within the Time before limited, then and in either of fuch Cafes, the Jury (hall find for the Defendant or Defendants ; and if a Verdift (hall be found for the Defendant or Defendants, or if the Plaintiff or Plaintiffs fhall be nonfuited, or fuffer a Difcontinuance after the Defendant or Defendants fhall have appeared, or if upon any Demurrer Judgement fhall be given for the Defendant or Defendants in any of the Cafes aforefaid, the Defendant or Defendants fhall have Treble Coils, and (hall have fuch Remedy for recoveriisg the fame as any Defendant or Defendants: hath or have for recovering Cods in other Cafes by Law. LONDON: Printed by Georoe Eyre and Andrew Stp.ahan, Printers to the King’s mod Excellent Majefty. 1804.