ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN Production Note Project Unica Rare Book & Manuscript Library University of Illinois Library at Urbana-Champaign 2015ANNO QUADRAGESIMO QUINTO GEORGII III. REGIS. *********************** ******************************* C A P. XCIX. An Adi for regulating and encouraging the Trade, for the Improvement of the Revenue, and Prevention of Smuggling to and from the IJle of Man. [10th July 1805.] THEREAS an Aft paffed in the Twentieth Year of the Reign \j of His prei'ent Majefty, intituled, An A A for granting to His 10 G. 3. c.43. V Majejly feveral additional Ditties upon certain Goods imported into the Iile of Man, and for better regulating the Trade and fccuring the Revenues of the faid Jjland: And whereas a Report was made by certain Commiflioners appointed by His Majefty to invcltigate certain Points relating to the Ifle of Man, which Report was, by Command of His Majefty, laid before both Houfes of Parliament: And whereas an Act, founded on the faid Report, was paffed in the Thirty-eighth Year of His prefent Majcfty’s Reign, intituled, An All for ihc further Encouragement of the Trade and ManufaSlures of the Iile of Man, for improving the Revenue thereof, and for the more effectual Prevention of Smuggling to and from the faid [¡land-, and which Aft was to continue in force until the Fifth Day of July One thoufand eight hundred and one, and was, by an Aft, paffed in the Eorty-firil Year of His prelent Majefty’s Reign, amended and further continued until the Fifth Day of July One thoufand eight hundred and two : And whereas the Provifions of the faid temporary Afts have fully anfwered the Purpofes thereof, and been found highly beneficial, and have therefore been continued by fubfequent Afts until the Fifth Day of July One thouland eight hundred and five : And whereas the Lords u D Commiflioners1302 45*G'EORGII III. Cap. 99. Cormniffioners of His Majefty’s Treafury have, under the Bowers veiled in them by the faid Acts, allowed the Importation of Spirits in different Proportions than are fpecified in the i'aid recited A'fts, and, of greater Quantities of fome of the other Articles imported into the faid Ifland under Licence : And whereas it is expedient that the Regulations of the faid Afts ihould now be made permanent, and the Duties granted by the feveral Afts be confol¡dated,- and that the Cotnmiflioners of Cuftoms in England and Scotland refpeftivdy iliould be authorized to licenfe the Importation into the laid Ifland, of the Quantities of licenfed Articles heretofore imported under the Authority of the Lords Commiffiontrs of His Majefly’s Treafury, under the faid Afts; be it therefore enacted by the King’s mod Excellent Majelty, by and with the Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, ahd Commons, ill this prelent iommiflion- Parliament aflembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That, from and ^'.atoms'msy a^ter !^e Uay of July One thoufand eight hundred and five, it ihall /'rantLicences be lawful for the Commiflioners of His Majefty’s Cuftoms in England and tar the im- £cotland riel'petl:ively, or any Pour of them, and they are hereby required the Port of (if the lame mail be lawfully demanded under the Authority or this 1 -i rai'n Qnnn Aft fo to doj, to grant their Licences, to be in force until the Fifth Day titles of wine, of July fucceeding the granting of fuch Licences, for the Importation Geneva’ ant 'nt0 t'le ^>Cil t Douglas, in the IJle of Man, but to no other, in Britijlo from Griat built Ships, owned, navigated, and regiftered according to'Law, and not B.itrCn mi. 0f ]eps ¿urthen than Fifty Tons, of the Quantities of Wine, Brandy, tie'”»ite»l in Caiki of a ceitain Size. No Wine, Biaodv, or Geneva tv. be removed or c .rr.eU Coaft-wife, iiniefs in tlte 01 iginal Package. For granting Licences for Ex pc riation ot Shetp. 45°. G EORG11 III. Cap. 99. V. And be it further enafted, That there fliall be provided and kept by the Receiver General ol the Duties ol Culkoms in the IJlt of Man for the Time being, a Book or lliioks in which the Duties of Cuftoms arifing and par able within the Ijie of Man, under any Ait or Afts in force relating to ¡tieh Duties, and under this Act, (hall be entered feparate and under diftincl Heads, Ipe.¡tying the reipective Amount of the Duties of Cuitom> on the feveral Articles licenfed under this or any former Aft, and the , 1 mount ot . uties on Goods, Wares, or Merchandize paying Duties, according to the Value thereof, and if any of the laid Duties, or any Part or Proportion of any luch Duties, (hall at any Time hereafter be repealed, •altered, or varied, then and in fuch Cafe the Average Produce of the Duties, or Proportion of Duties fo repealed, altered, or varied, for the Three Years preceding the f ifth Day of January immediately preceding fuch Repeal, Alteration, or Variation of fuch Duties as aforefaid, (hall be entered diftinftly and feparately in fuch Book or Books as aforefaid; and if any new I uties fliall be granted in lieu of any Duties fo repealed, altered, or varied, then and in fuch Cafe the Duties or fuch a Proportion thereof as fliall be equal to any Duties fo repealed, or to fuch Proportions of any fuch Duties as fliall be fo altered or varied, fliall alfo be entered diftlnctly and feparately in fuch Book or Books. VI. Provided always, and be it further enafted, That no Wine ihall be imported into the IJle of Man in any Caik or Package lefs than a Hogf-head, and no Foreign Brandy or Geneva (hall be imported into the IJle of Man (except in Calks, which fliall contain One hundred Gallons each at lead) on Forfeiture of all fuch Wine, Brandy, or Geneva, and of the Ship or Veflel-ln which the fame fliall be imported, with all her Tackle, Apparel, and,Furniture: Provided alfo, that no Foreign Brandy or Geneva fliall be imported into .the IJle of Man as aforefaid of a greater or higher Degree of Strength than that of One to Nine over Hydrometer Proof, on Forfeiture of all fuch Foreign Brandy or Geneva. VII. And be it further enafted, That no Wine, Foreign Brandy, or Geneva, fliall, upon any Pretence whatever, be removed or carried Coaflwile in the faid IJle of Man, or fliall be (hipped or laden onboard any Ship or Veflel .¡,1 order to be fo removed or carried Coaftwife, unlefs in the l'.t jkage in wluch the fame was originally imported into the laid Ifland, under the Penalty, of the Forfeiture thereof, together with the Ship or Veflel cn board of which the fame fliall be fliipped or laden, and all her Tackle, Apparel, and Furniture : Provided alfo, that no Wine fliall be removed from one Part of the faid 1 Hand to another, except in the original Catk or Package in which the fame (hall have been imported into the Ifland, or in Bottles, on Forfeiture of all fuch Wine, together with the Ilorfes, Carts, and Carriages, employed in the removing of the fame. VIII. And whereas it is ncceflary for the Improvement of the faid Ifland, and expeilient, to allow a certain Number of live Sheep to be exported from England to the IJle of Man ; be it therefore enafted, That it (hall be, lawful for the Commiflioners of His Majeiiy’s Cuftoms in England, or any Four of them, to grant their Licences, to remain in force for 1 hree Months irom the Date thereof, for the Exportation, in fuch Proportions as to Numbers as to the faid Commiflioners fhall ap-1 a pear jr3°5 45° GEORGII III. Cap. 99. -pear to be expcciiext, from the Ports of Whitehaven, Liverpool, or Brijlol, in Great Britain, into the Port of Douglas or Ramfey in the JJlc of Man, but to no other, any Number of live Sheep' not exceed-ing One hundred in the Whole in any One Year ; and fuch Sheep fit all and may be-exported accordingly under the Rules, Regulations, Securities,Reftrictions, and Korreitures, fo far as the fame are applicable, as are combined in an Act p ailed in the Twenty-eighth Year of the Reign of His •prefent Majefty, among other Things, for preventing the Exportation of live Sheep and Wool, in relation to the Exportation of Wool, to the I Hands of Guernfcy, Jcrfey, Alderney, or Sark. IX. And be it further enacted, That if any Perfon or Perfbns (hall .counterfeit or faliify any I.ieence or other Document required or di* reited to be applied for, made, or given under this Act, or (hall know-ingly or wilfully make ufe of any Licence or other Document fo counterfeited or fallified, fuch Perfon or Perfor.s (hall for every fuch Offence forfeit Five hundred Pounds. X. And be it further enaited, That no Fee, Gratuity, or Reward whatever, (hall be demanded or taken by the Colledtor and Comptroller of Doughs, or by any other Officer or Perfon in the Did Iiland, for or in refpeci of any Applications made in the faid Iiland for any Bond Licences, nor on Account of any Return or Certificate of the due Landing of Articles imported by Licence, under the Penalty of Fifty Pounds. XI. And be it further enafted, That when and fo often as any Foreign Brandy or Geneva, or W:ne, (hall be imported by Licence into the [fit of Man in purfuance of this Aft, the Mailer or Commander of luch Ship or Veffel in which the fame lhall be imported (hall deliver up to the Colleftor and Comptroller of the Cuiloms at the Port of Douglas the Licence or Licences by virtue of which luch Foreign Brandy, Geneva, or Wine, (hall be imported; which Licences, by • Indorfement figned by the Brilijh Conful at the Port of Shipping, or, if no Brilijh Conful, by Two known Britijh Merchants, lhall fpecify the Species and Quantity of Foreign Brandy, Geneva, or Wine, with the Marks, iNumbers, and Denominations of the Calks or Packages containing the fame fo (hipped on board fuch Ship or Veffel; and the Maf-ter or Commander of luch Ship or Veffel (hall produce to ail Commanders of His Majefty’s Cutlers or V'effels, or Officers of the Cuiloms or Lxcile, who lhall demand the fame, luch 1 icenccs fo indorfed as ■ often as he (hall be fo called upon, until fo delivered up to the Collector and Comptroller of Douglas as afurefaid, on Forfeiture of all fuch Foreign Brandy, Geneva, or Wine. XU. And whereas it is expedient to allow a Drawback of the Duty on ; Britijh f lops on the Exportation thereof to the Ijlc of Man ; be it therefore enacted, That on the Exportation of any Britijh Hops to the [fit of Man, there (hall be allowed the Drawback of the whole Duty paid there-cn ; and that on Hops imported into the laid Jle of Man from Great Bri-hhi, there (hail be raffed, levied, collected, and paid, a Duty of One Penny farthing psr Pound Weight on all Hops fo imported, and fo in 1 roportion for any greater or lei's Quantify. renaltv on i erlbnj conn-teiieiting I/i-cmc-8 or Documents, 5001. Fees not to be taken. Matters of Willi-- to .1306 Cottoti Yarn or Cloth of M . 11 u fatture of the 111* of Man to ''c impo- tesi into Great Biifrin free. Cotton Yarn or Cloth not to be import.-.1, except from Great Britain. No lioun'y on S Ik Manu la'ture imported. Drawback s rot to be allowed writh-out Production cf Cefti. icate. *Yreaftn y to authorize the Comnvhion-ers of the Cuftoms to grant Licences for th; Importation of additional Quantities of the A nicies allowed to be imported for Conlutnption m the liland. -rm r.. Allowing Application* for Importation of lice n led Goods, and 450 GEORGI i III. Cap. 99. XIII. And whereas it Is expedient that the Provifiqns cf an Aft of the Fifth Year of the Reign of llis prelent Majeity, intituled, An A 'I for the better feettrin* anil further Improvement of the Revenues of Cujloms, Excife, Inland and Salt Duties, and for encouraging the Linen Manufacture of the Iflc-qf Man, and for allowing the Importation of feverjl Goods the Produce and Manufacture of the fata ¡Jland, under certain Rrjiriclions and Regulations. fliould extend to Cotton Yarn and Cotton Cloth, being the Manufacture of the Ijle of Man ; be it therefore enaffed, 1 hat any Cotton Yarn or Cotton Cloth, being the Manufacture ol the Ijle of Man,lhall be imported into Great Britain without Payment of any Duly of Cuftoms whatever, fubjed neverthclefs in other Refpefts to Inch Rules, Regulations, and Refine:ions, as are required by the before-recited Act on the Importation of any Goods of the Growth, Produce, or Manufacture of the Did liland. XIV. And be it further enacted, That no Cotton Yarn or Cotton Cloth fliail be imported or brought from any Port cr Place whatever into the iaid Ijle of Alan, except from Great Britain, 0:1 Forfeiture thereof. XV. And be it further enafled, That no Bounty fhall be allowed or paid for or upon the Exportation from Great Britain to the Ijle of Man, of any Manufaflurc of Silk whatever. XVI. And be it further enafled. That no Drawback or Bounty (hall be paid or allowed for or upon any Goods, Wares, or Merchandize whatever, exported from this Kingdom to the Ijle of Man, nor any Debenture made out for fuch Drawback or Bounty, until a Certificate fhall be produced under the Hands and Seals of the Officer or Officers appointed or to be appointed to attend the landing or Examination of fuch Goods at the Port or Place in the faid liland where the fame fliail be landed, and alio the Hand and Seal of the Collector or Comptroller of fuch Port or Place, which Certificate fhall fpecify that fuch Goods have been duly entered and landed at fuch port or Place in the faiel liland. XVII. And whereas it may be expedient, under certain fpecial Circum-ftances, to permit for a limited lime the Importation into the Ijle of Man of a larger Quantity of the fevcral Articles allowed to be imported into the laid liland by Licence, under the Authority of this Aft; be it therefore enafled, That it fhall be lawful for the Lord High Treafurer or the Commiflioners of the Treafury for the Time being, or any Three or more of them, to ¡flue their Orders to the Commiflioners of His Majefiy’s Cuftoms in England or Scotland, to grant their Licence for the importation into the ijle of Man of fuel) additional Quantity of the leveral Articles which are allowed to be imported into the faid liland by Licence only, as the faid Lord High Treafurer or the Commiflioners of the Treafury, or any Three or more of them for the l'ime being, on the Neceflity of the Cafe being ptoved to their Satisfaction, fliail in their Judgements deem lit and reafonable for the life and Cor.lumption of the Inhabitants of the laid liland. XVIII. And be it further enafled, That it fliail be lawful for any of His 1M a jelly’s Subjefts, at any 'lime before the Fifth Day of Auguji in this Year, and afterwards in fubfequent Years, between the Fifth Day of May and the Fifth Day of July in each Year, both, inclufive, to make Appltca- 0 tion45° GEORG II III. Cap. 99. 1307 ('on in Writing to the Collector and Comptroller of the Port of Douglas, emWing ttie in the laid Eland, for the Importation into the faid Wand of the feveral 7v,tTbc‘r “ Articles allowed by Law to be imported by virtue of Licence; and every qinVtiVici. fuch Application fhall fpecify the Late thereof, and the Name, Refidence, and Occupation of the Perfon applying, and the Defcription and Quantity of the Articles in refpeft of which fuch Application is made ; and all fuch Applications, with the Particulars aforefaid, fhall, on the Delivery thereof, be entered in a Book to be kept at the Cuftom Houfe of the Port of Dough.’ aforefaid for that Pttrpofe, and the Book containing fuch Entries lhali be open at fuch Cuftom Houfe lor publick. Inipeffion during the Hours of Bufinefs ; and on the Fifth Day of Atigujl in this Year, and on the Fifth Day of July in each fubfequent Year, the faid Book lhali be clofed, and the Colleflor and Comptroller fhall make out, with all convenient Speed, not exceeding Fourteen Days, a true Copy of all fuch Entries, and certify the fame to be a true Copy, and lhali deliver or tranfmit by the earlielt Conveyance fuch Copy to the Governor, if then in the faid Illand, or if the Governor Utah not then be in the Illand, to the Lieutenant Governor of the faid Iflnnd for the Time being, fpecifying therein the Applicants refident and the Applicants not refident in the faid Bland, and fuch Governor or Lieutenant Governor lhali thereupon allot the whole Quantities of each Article in refpect whereof luch Application lhali be made, in the firft Place, among the Applicants refident in the faid Ifland, and in cafe the Whole of fuch Quantities lhali not have been applied for by Reft-dents, then the Refidue among the non-refident Applicants, in fuch Proportions as he (hall judge mod fair and equitable, and lhali caufe a Report thereon to be drawn up in Writing, and fign and tranfmit the fame to the Lord High Treafurer or Coinmiffioners of the Trea-fury for the Time being, and lhali caufe Duplicates of fuch Report fo figned to be tranfmitted to the Coinmiffioners of Cuftoms and Excife refpectively; and thereupon it lhali be lawful for the faid Commif-fioners of His Majefty’s Cuftoms in England and Scotland refpeftively, to grant Licences (to continue in force lor^any Period until the Fifth Dav of July next enfuing the granting thereof) for the Importation of the feveral Articles and Quantities thereof allowed by Law to be imported into the IJle of Man, which Licences the faid refpeftive Gotumiffioners of Cuftoms are hereby authorized and required to grant for fuch Periods as fhall be fpecificd or allowed in any fuch Order, and to divide any Quantity of any Articles in refpeft whereof any Application lhali have been made into two or more Licences to the fame Perfon, where Application lhali be made for that Purpofe, and the fame fhall appear to be expedient; ami fuch I.icences lhali without Delay be tranfmitted to the Colleftor and Comptroller of Douglas, for the Purpofe of taking Bond under the Hro-vifions of this Aft previous to the Delivery thereof to the different Applicants ; any Acl or Acts to the contrary thereof notwithftanding. XIX. Provided always, and be it further enacted, That it (ball be law- Prize Sptrit* fill for the. faid Lord High Treafurer or Coinmiffioners of the Treafury for the Lime being, to allow Prize Spirits and Wine to be imported into pj jf-d'ir.w the faid Ifland from Great Britain, in Whole or in Part, of the Quantities t,le llltni. of the faid Articles which are allowed to be imported by Licence as aforefaid ; any Aft or Acts to the contrary notwithftanding. XX. Andi3c8 Pinions ap-pl\ ing for Licences to enter into Bond tor tlie Importation ofr iucli Ai tides. Tonnage Duty repealed. AH Regulations in r rce relating to Import or Expor-t of Goccis to extend to this Aft. 450 GEO RGII III. Cap. çç. XX. And be it further enacted, That previous to delivering any Licences to the Ferions who have applied for the fame, the Cotlsâor and Comptroller of Douglas (hall take their Bond to His Majeily, His Heirs and Succeffors, with fufficient Security, for . the Importation of fuch Articles in refpeft whereof the faid Licences are grantad, on or before the Fifth Day of 'July fuccceding the Delivery of fuch licences, with fuch Condition for the Forfeiture of any Sum or Sums of Money, notexceed-ing the whole Amount of the Duties on the Articles fpeciSod in the faid l icences, as the refpeftive Commiifioners of Cuftoms, under any Directions from the Commiffiotiers of the Treafury for the Time being, or any Three or more of them, (hall think fit ; and on the Kefufal or Delay of any fuch Ferions applying for Licences as aforefaid to give Bond as herein directed, the faid Colleftor and Comptroller (hall return fuch Licence to the Commiflioners of Cuftoms who tranfinitred the fame ; and thereupon the faid Colleftor and Comptroller (hall give pubHck Notice thereof, in order that other Ferions may apply for Licences m licu'.of any inch Licences returned as aforefaid; and Applications may be made, and Licences granted thereon, in like Manner as in this Act direclcd for.the gran'ing of licences until Bond (hall have been given for the Importation of the Whole of the Quantities allowed to be imported under this Aft ; any Ac! or Acts to the contrary notwithftanding. XXI. And be it further enafted, 1 hat, from and after the faid Fifth Day of July, all Duties granted by and now payable under any Aft or Afts nosv in force on the Tonnage of any Ships or Veffels entering inwards or outwards, in any Port of Great Britain or Ireland from or to the IJlc of Alan, ihall wholly ceafe and determine. XXII. And be it further enafted, That on the Exportation of the federal Articles in this Aft mentioned from Great Britain, and on the Importation of the fame • refpeftively. into the IJlc of Man, purluant to this Act, all the Rules, Regulations, Reitriftions, Penalties, and Forfeitures contained in any Aft or Afts of Parliament in force relating to iuch Goods refpeftivcly fo imported or exported, and to the Payment, Recovery, and Appropriation of any Fine, Penalty, or Forfeiture relating thereto, /hall, and all the Claufes, Provifions, Regulations, Re-ftriftions, Penalties, and Forfeitures contained in any Aft or A.cts, or Law in force, in relation to the IJlc of Man, (hall, fo far as they are not hereby altered or varied, or in refpeft of which no other Provifions are made by this Aft, be and are hereby declared to be in full Force, and to extend to this Aft, and fiiall be conltrued therewith, and as Part th* ,T, fo far as the fame refpeftively apply, as fully :as if the fame were particularly repeated and re-enafted in.the Body of this Aft.. LONDON; Printed by Georoe Eyre and Andrew Straiian, Prmters to the King’s moft Excellent Maiefty. i$oc.