ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN Production Note Project Unica Rare Book & Manuscript Library University of Illinois Library at Urbana-Champaign 2015ANNO QUADRAGESIMO QUINTO GEORGII III. REGIS. w*™*^**%wtmmammM*******M^mmM*m***#*m* CAP. CXXI. An Adi for the more effectual Prevention of Smuggling. [ l 2th July 1805.] WHEREAS in Defiance of the feveral Laws of Cuftoms and Ex-cife, great Quantities of Goods are illegally imported into, and landed in the United Kingdom, as well by clandeftine Means as by open Force, to the great Detriment of the Revenue, and the Subverfion of all Civil Authority : And whereas it is become highly necefiary that fome further Provifion fitould be made for the Remedy of thefe great EvilsBe it therefore enacted by the King’s molt Excellent Maiefty, by and with the Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this prefent Parliament aflembled, and by the Authority ot the fame, 1 hat, from and after the palling of this Adi, if any Veil'd or Boat coming from Foreign Parts, and belonging wholly or in Part to His Ma-jeity s Subjefts, or whereof One Half of the Peri'ons on board lliall be Subjeas ot His Majelty, (other than and except any Ship or other fquaro-ngged Veiled), lhall be found m any Part of the Britijh or Irijh Channels orelfewhere on the High Seas, within One hundred Leagues of any Part of the Coafls of Great Britain or Ireland, or lliall be- dilcovered to have been within the faid Limits, having on board any Foreign Brandy, Rum Geneva, or other Spirits, hi any Calk or Package of Ids Size or Content 16 z than Certain Vdlel coming from Foreign Parra found in any Part of tl»c Britiih or Iriili Chan« nels, or High Sens, w thin a cvr-tdin Diitancrt of the Co a It J ot Great Britain orIre-Uiui, having;1470 Spirits, Tea, and Tobacco, etc. on board in Cafks or P ’ckagej. etc. of lets Contentor Quantity than herein mentioned, the Whole to be forfeited j and Vefiels pot c >ming from F> reign. Parts but takin fucli Articles on board from Veilels fo coming, iliall be forfeited in like Manner. Regulations for the Importation or Exportation of Spirits, Tobacco, or Wine, into or from Guetnfey, Jeifey, Alderney, or Sark. 45° GEORGII III. Cap. 121. than Sixty Gallons (except only for the Ufe of the Seamen belonging to and on board fuch Veffel or Boat, not exceeding Two Gallons for each Seaman' ; or any l ea exceeding Six Pounds in the Whole; or any Tobacco or Snuff in any Calk or Package whatever, containing lefs than Four hundred and fifty Pounds Weight, (except loofe tobacco for the Ufe of the Seamen on board fuch Veifel or Boat, not exceeding Five Pounds Weight of Tobacco for each Seaman, and except fuch 1 ea or manufactured Tobacco or Snuff, as fhall have been duly fhipped for Exportation as Merchandize on board fuch Veflel or Boat, from fome Port or Place in Ireland;) then not only all fuch Foreign Brandy, Rum, Geneva, or other Spirits, and all fuch Tea, Tobacco, or Snuff, together with the Cafks or Packages containing the fame, but alfo every fuch Veflel or Boat, together with all the Guns, Furniture, Ammunition, Tackle, and Apparel thereof, fhall be forfeited, and fhall and may be feized by any Officer or Officers of His Majefty’s Navy or Marines, or of the Cuf-toms or Excife. II. Provided always, and be it further enaCed, That in cafe any Veffel or Boat, not coming from Foreign Parts,, fhall, on the High Seas, take on board from out of any Ship or other Veffel or Boat coming from Foreign Parts, any Foreign Brandy, Rum, Geneva, or other Spirits, in any Cafk or Package, of lefs Size or Content than as aforefaid, or any I ea whatever, or any Tobacco or Snuff', in any lefs Quantity than as aforefaid. every fuch Veffel or Boat fhall be deemed and confidered to be a Veffel or Boat coming from Foreign Parts within the Meaning of this Act, aid not only all fuch Foreign Brandy, Rum, Geneva, Or other Spirits, and all fuch Tea, Tobacco, or Snuff, together with the Cafks or Packages containing the fame, but alfo every fuch Veffel or Boat, together with all the Guns, Furniture, Ammunition, T ackle, and -pparel thereof, fhall be forfeited, and iliall and may be feized by any Officer or Officers of His Majefty’s Navy or Marines, or of the Cuftoms or Excife. III. And be it further enaCed, That no Foreign Brandy, Rum, Geneva, or other Spirits, iliall be imported into or exported from the Iflands of Guernfey, Jerfey, Alderney, or Sark, or either of them, or removed from any One to any other of the faid Hands, or Coaftwife from any one Part to any other Part of either of the faid Hands, or fhall be fhipped in order to be fo removed or carried, or iliall be Water-borne for the Purpofe of being fo flapped in any Ship, Veffel, or Boat, of lefs Burthen than One hundred Tons, nor in any Cafk or Package of lefs Size or Content than Sixty Gallons ; nor any l obacco or Snuff in any Ship, Veffel, or Boat, of lefs Burthen than One hundred Tons, nor in any Cafk or Package containing lefs than Four hundred and fifty Pounds Weight (lave and except any fuch Spirits or loofe Tobacco as fhall be for the Ufe of the Seamen belonging to and on board any fuch Ship, Veffel, or Boat, not exceeding Two Gallons of the former, and Five Pounds of the latter for each Seaman, and alfo except fuch manufa&ured Tobacco or Snuff as iliall have been duly exported as Merchandize from Great Britain or Ireland; nor fhall any" Wine be imported into or exported from the faid Hands of Guernfey, Jerfey, Alderney, or Sark, or either of them, or carried from any One of the faid Hands to any other thereof, or Coaftwife from any one Part to any other Part of either of the laid Hands, or be fhipped or Waterborne for the Purpofe of being fhipped in any Ship, Veffel, or Boat, of14.71 45° GEORGII III. Cap. 121. Iefs Burthen than Sixty Tons, or in any Caik or Package of lefs Content than a reputed Hogfhead, on pain of Forfeiture of all fuch Foreign Brandy, Rum, Geneva, or other Spirits, Tobacco, Snuff, or Wine re-fpeftively, together with the Gafts or Packages containing the fame, and alfo every fuch Ship, Vcffel, or Boat, together with all the Guns, Furniture, Ammunition, Tackle, and Apparel thereof, which (hall and may be fcized by any Officer or Officers of Ilis Majeity’s Army, Navy, or Marines, or of the Cuftoms or Excife. iV. Provided always, and be it further enarfed, That nothing herein Lice«r«t Boats contained (hall extend, or beconftrued to extend, to fubject to Forfeiture ff'-° ru,,s or Seizure under any of the Provifions of this Aft, any Boat not exceed- mo-the Hm-rn^n nfiVn cv... u....:_ .... l.1 — ,— ’(I Mr 7» 6 “ vveignt or eacn, tor the Sup- of th* ^ Wand of Sant, fuch Boat having a Licence from the proper Officer of Cuftoms at either of the Iflands of Guernfcy and Jc-fey, for the Purpofe of being employed in carrying Commodities for the Supply of the faid Iiland of Sark, which Licence fuch Officer of Cuftoms is hereby required to grant without taking any Fee or Reward for the fame: Provided always, that every fuch Boat having on board at any One Time any greater Quantity of Spirits than Ten Gallons, or any greater Quantity of Tobacco or Snuff than Fifty Pounds Weight of each of the faid Articles unlefs fuch greater Quantity of Spirits, t obacco, or Snuff, (hall be in Caiks or Packages of the Size, Content, or Weight herein-before required or having on board at any One Time any greater Quantity of Tea than Fifty Pounds Weight, ihall be forfeited, and (hall and may be feized by any Officer or Officers of His Majefty’s Army, Navy, or Marines, or of the Cuftoms or Excife. Provided alfo, and be it further enafted, That nothing herein contained Ihall extend, or be conftrued to extend, to prevent the Importation into or Exportation from the faid Iflands of Gunn fry, Jcrfey Alderney or Sark, or either ot them, of any Wine in Bottles, (hipped in Cafes or Calks only, each containing at leaft Six Dozen reputed Quart Bottles : Provided always, that before any fuch Wine in Bottles Ihall be (hipped for Exportation to or for Great Britain or Ireland, the Mailer or other Ptrfon having the Charge or Command of the Ship, Veffel, or Boat, in or on board of which fuch Wine Ihall be fo intended to be exported, together with One other fufficient Surety, Ihall give Bond in the Penalty of Forty Shillings per Gallon, that the Wine fo fhipped ft,all (the Danger of the Seas and Enemies excepted) be duly entered and landed at the Port or Place in Great Britain or Ireland to or for which the fame (hall be de-dared at theTime of giving fuch Bond (which Bond and Declaration the proper Officer of H.s Majefty’s Cuftoms is hereby authorized and empowered to take); and fuch Officer is hereby required to furniih the Mafter or otherPerfon having the Charge or Command of the Ship Veffe!, or Boat m which any fuch Wine may be, with a Certificate Smg the Number of fuch Packages as aforefaid, and the Quantity rf Wine contained ... each the Date of the Bond, and,he Name of the Ron M 0rf"7"C;. uC 'amC iha11 lK' i;' declared ; and fuch Bond lo given as aforefaid Ihall not be delivered up or cancelled until a Certificate, Not to prevent the Importation into or Exporta-tiun from Guerr.ley, tic of Wine in Pottles picked in Cates con-tainii g Six Dozen Quart Hetties, but l) fore Exportation to this Kingdom, Bond to he entered into in Manner herein mentioned.I472 Veffels liav'og on boaro Spirita, Wine, or Tobacco in Iris Package» and v^uan liberei» »lentie ned, ami i cunei l .o-vcring vwithin certa in Li-ìuits, to he forfetari as v.eil as thè Artide«. Penalty on Perfori s found on board Vffleis liable tj F<»licitare, or affliti »g in unihipping or concealing Spiri:.', &c. 450 GEORGII III. Cap. i2t. Certificate, under the Hand of the proper Officer of the Cuiloms in Great Britain or Ireland, of the due landing of the Wine mentioned therein, ihall be produced to and left with the Officer taking the faid Bond within Three Months after the Date of fuch Bonds. VI. And be it further enacted, That, from and after the palling of this Act, if any Ship, Veffel, or Boat, having on board any Foreign Brandy, Rum, Geneva, or other Spirituous Liquors, in any Calk or Package which Ihall not contain Sixty Gallons at the lead (except only for the Ufe of the Seamen then belonging to and on board fuch Ship, Veffel, or Boat, not exceeding Two Gallons for each Seaman) or having on board any Wine in Calks or Packages of lefs Content than a reputed Hoglhead (except fuch Wine in Bottles as by this Aft Is allowed, and provided fuch Ship, Veffel, or Boat having Wine on board, ihall not exceed Sixty Tons Burthen), or having on board any Tobacco or Snuff in any Calk or Package containing lefs than Four hundred and fifty Pounds Weight (fave and except loofe Tobacco for the Ufe of the Seamen, not exceeding Five Pounds for each Seaman), Ihall be found at Anchor, or hovering, or ihall be difeovered to have been within Two Leagues of the Coaits of the faid Iilands of Guernfey, Jerfey, or Sark, or within Two Miles of the Coaft of Alderney, fuch Ship, Veffel, or Boat, not proceeding on her Voyage (Wind and Weather permitting) unlefs in cafe of unavoidable Neceffity or Diftrefs of Weather, of which Neceffity or Diitrefs the Mailer or other perfon having or taking the Charge or Command of fuch Ship, Veffel, or Boat, ihall give Notice, and make Proof before the Chief Office1- of the Cuiloms of the neareft Port, or the Port in which fuch Ship, Veffel, or Boat, ihall take Shelter, or to which fuch Ship, Veffel, or Boat, can go under all Circumitances of Wind, Tide, and Weather, immediately after the Arrival of fuch Ship, Veffel, or Boat, within the Limits of fuch Port, then not only all fuch Goods and Packages, but alfo the Ship, Veffel, or Boat, on board which the fame ihall be found as aforefaid, with all the Guns, Furniture, Ammunition, Tackle, and Apparel thereof, ihall be forfeited, and may and ihall be feized as fuch by any Officer of His Majefty’s Navy or Marines, or of Cuiloms or Excife. VII. And be it further enafted, That every Perfon being a Subjeft of His Majefty, who ihall be found or taken on board, or difeovered to have been on board any Ship, Veffel, or Boat, liable to Forfeiture under any of the Provifions of this Aft, or liable to Forfeiture under the Provifions of any other Aft or rifts, for being found, or having been at Anchor, or hovering within any fuch Diltances of any of the Dominions of His Majelly, with fuch Goods on board, as fubjeft fuch Ship, Veffel, or Boat, or Goods, to Forfeiture, and who ihall not prove that he was only a Paffenger on board fuch Ship, Veffel, or Boat, and every Perfon found aiding or affiiling in unihipping to be laid on Land, or found carrying, conveying, concealing, or affiiling in the carrying away, conveying, or concealing, any Foreign Brandy, Rum, Geneva, or Spirits, iubjeft to Forfeiture under this Aft, or any or Act relating to the Revenue of Cuftoms or Excife, in the United Kingdom, Ihall forfeit for every fuch Offence either Treble the Value of the Goods that fhall be found or taken from fuch Perfon or Perfons, or the Sum of One hundred Pounds, at the Option and fubjeft to the Election and Difcretion of the Commiffioners of Cuiloms or Excife refpectivaly, who ihall direct any Profecution or Suit to 6 be * "utuct»4 7. 45° G E O R G11 III. Cap. m. be commenced againft any fuch Perfon, fuch Penalty of Treble the Value, or of One hundred Pounds, as the Cale may be, to be recovered as any like Penalty may be recovered under any Act or Acts relating to the Revenue of Cuiloms or Excife in the United Kingdom, and One Half of every fuch Penalty of Treble Value, or of One hundred Pounds, ihall go and be applied to the Ufe of the Perfon or Perfons finding and taking, and detaining fuch Perfon, or informing-for the fame, and fuch Perfon ihall alfo be liable to fuch other Punithment as may by any Law or Act of Parliament be inflicted on any fuch Offender; and it ihall be lawful for any Officer or perfom fount Officers of the Army, Navy, Marines, Cuiloms, or Excife, and he and °r they is and are hereby authorized, empowered, and required to ftop, be'takcn he-arreit, and detain every fuch Perfon, being a Subject of His Majcfty, and fore a Juilice; to convey the faid Perfon before One or more of His Majefty’s juitices of tire Peace refiding near to the Port or Place into which fuch Ship, Veffel, or Boat ihall be taken or carried, or near to the Place where any fuch Perfon ihall be fo taken or arrefted ; and it ihall be lawful for fuch Juitice or Juftices of the Peace, and he and they is and are hereby required, upon Proof on Oath by One or more credible Witnefs or Witneffes, that fuch Perfon was fo found or taken, or difeovered as aforefaid, unlefs any fuch Perfon found or taken, or having been on board of any fuch Ship, Veffel, or Boat, ihall prove to the Satisfaction of fuch Juitice that he was only a Paffenger on board fuch Ship, Veffel, or Boat, to hold fuch Perfon to Bail, with Two good and fufficient Sureties, in the Sum of One hundred Pounds each, for the Appearance of fuch Perfon, to anfwer to any Indictment or Information that may be brought againft him in that Behalf, and to pay fuch Penalty, and abide any Judgement for any fuch Offence; and in Default of any fuch Perfon finding fuch good and fufficient Bail as aforefaid, or until the fame ihall be found, to commit fuch Perfon to any Gaol orPrifon, or Houfe of Correction, to anfwer as aforefaid : Provided never-thelefs, that if any fuch Perfon fo found or difeovered, and taken as afore- into Navy or faid, ihall be capable and defirous of entering and ferving as a Seaman or Marines, may Marine in any of His Majefty’s Ships of War, it ihall be lawful for the ¿^officers" Officer or Officers of the Army, Navy, or Marines, or of the Cuiloms or imtead of Excife, by whom fuch Perfon was taken, arrefted, and detained as afore- Ju,tlcc!' faid, or for any Juilice of the Peace or Magiitrate before whom any fuch Perfon may be carried, and fuch -Officer and Officers is and are hereby authorized, empowered, and required, inileadof taking fuch Perfon before any Juilice or Magiitrate, and fuch Juitice or Magiitrate is hereby authorized, inftead of holding any fuch Perfon to Bail, to carry and convey, or caufe to be carried or conveyed fuch Perfon on board any of His Ma-jefty’s Ships of War, in order to his being entered and received as a Seaman or Marine; and fuch Perfon being fo entered and received, (hall not on any Account be difeharged from His Majefty’s Service during the Term of Five Years, and from thence until the Conclufion of any War in which His Majefty may be engaged at the Period of the Expiration of fuch Five Years, unlefs difabled within that Time by unavoidable Accident or bodily Infirmity; and any Officer of His Majefty’s Navy or Marines, who ihall prefume, knowingly and wilfully, to difeharge any Perfon fo entered and received as aforefaid contrary to this Act, or ihall by falfe Mufter or Certificate, or in Confideration of a Gratuity of any Kind, or by any other collufive or evafive Ways or Means whatfoever, fuller or permit any fuch Perfon to avoid the actual Service hereby intended, every fuch Officer ihall, ©n Conviction for any fuch Offence, either by any Court Martial, or on 17 A any45°GEORGII III. Cap. 121. ' 4 ' + Information filed by His ¿“ ssis s^sgte w&a Site“ S *e fame without bei„3 duly diicharged. fflgr oftmyPerfo«¡fofog>»fS”, Forfeiture (hall be recoverable, may . ewaid mg to ferve Hi i Ma,e }, ; the Commiflioners of Cuftoms then and m fuch Cafe ‘t ihal be lawr on Pr00f made to -d detention as aforefaid, and ----- Officers and ethers where Men taken Men taken or iLxciie reip^uv^;, lakin^, ana 1>CICUUU11 «O c**~*~.-7 - th,eVr SfSmtrinC1nto Hh Majefty’s Service as aforefaid, to reward the of fuch entenng into ms ] y Forfeiture had been re- Perfon or Pcrfons ^howonld ¿nyVgaKj Sum not exceed- coverable, have been entrtled to any P^r ter^ot ^ •:£sr “risS iirS’SSPr3Pv“y. ‘out Of any Monies in their Hands, »f»S from the Duties on Foreign Spirits, 1 ea, or Tobacco. IX And be it further enacted, That if any Perfon or Perfons frail take Penalty on 'V A „ , M 0r Gelding, belonging to any other Icrfon or peifons tak- or ufe any Horie, lNJare, or uuui g, o-o , nLx 0f carrying: SSS" Ge-Jo'/splrit., or 'J SSS~ ?^TSUS S «• “ «*' ¥* i* °T “? fp'erftm ers Content.! » ^Revenue of Cuftoms or Excife ; every fuch Perfon Wimeffes, which Oath every fuch Juftice is hereby ^TLceeit %S"2 any fuch Offender from any fuch Pumfrment, or any fuch] Action as he would by Law have been liable to, for taking or ufing¡fuch Hoife,Mare> or Gelding, in cafe fuch Penalty had not been impofedby this Act. r f X And be it further enacted, That every Officer of His Majefty’s SZ“/ Coints orExclfc Ml h„e the film ta -d Ao.h.r..« jb, taig-rfIirrS °/nd ing to, going and remaining on board of, and examining and feaicl g alf Ships, Veffels, and Boats made liable to Forfeiture m.cfrr thib^Act, f'lsanj1p™ds which frail be found in or be difcovered to have been m any ieltuie under Britijh or Irijb Channels, or elfewhere on the High Seas, wit n One. this Ait. hundred Leagues of any Part of the Coaft of t..e Unite S ’ whkh frail be found in or difcovered to have been within any Port Harbour, Creek, Haven, or Roadftead, or which frail be found “ be His MajeityU75 45°GEORGII III. Cap. 121. hovering or have been within any fuch Diftances as aforefaid of either of tlic faid lfland-. of Guernfey, Jcrfey, Sark, or Alderney, as are contained m any Act or Acts of Parliament for the giving to any Officers of Cuftoms or Excife any Powers or Authorities, or do any Act in relation to any fuch ■Goods as aforefaid, or to any Ships, Veifels, or Boats within tne Ports, or hovering or having been hovering on the Coafts of Great Britain or Ireland refpectively ; and all Powers and Authorities, Provifions, Penalties, and Forfeitures, given, contained, or continued in or by any Act or Acts now in force in the United Kingdom, for the Protection of thq Revenues of Cuftoms or Excife, and for the better Prevention of Smuggling, or relating to Ships, Veflels, or Boats hovering or found, or difeovered tp have been within certain Diftances of the Coail of Great Britain or Ireland refpectively, and alfo relating to any Goods laden or being on board any fuch Ships, Veflels, or Boats, and the Guns, Furniture, Ammunition, Tackle, and Apparel thereof, ihall be and the fame is and are, fo far as the fame are applicable, and are not by this Aft varied or altered, hereby extended and directed, and dtclared feverally and refpectively to extend, and (hall, from and after the pailing of this Aft, be deemed and conitrued to extend and be in full Force, and be applied and put in Execution as to all Ships, Veflels, Boats, and Goods made liable to Forfeiture under the Provifions of this Aft, in as full and ample a Manner to all Intents and Purpofes as if the faid Aft and Afts, and ail the Claufes, Powers, Authorities, Provifions, Forfeitures, and Penalties, were repeated and reenacted in this Act. XI. And be it further enacted, That if anyPcrfon orPerfons whatfoever ihall by Force or Vioienre affault, refill, oppofe, moled, obflruct, or hinder any Officer of His Majefly’s Army, Navy, or Marines, or any Officer in the Service of the Cuftoms or Excife, or any Perfon or Perfons aiding or aflifling in the due Execution of the Powers and Authorities by this Act given or granted, fuch Perfon or Perfons being thereof convicted by due Courfe of Law, ihall be adjudged a Felon, and ihall be tranfported for Seven Years, or fentenced to be imprifoned in anyHoufeof Correction or Common Gaol, and kept to hard Labour for any Term not exceeding Three Years, at the Difcretion of the Court before whom the Offender ihall be tried and convicted as aforefaid ; or if any Perfon or Perfons ihall maliciouily ilioot at or upon any Ship, Veffel, or Boat, belonging to His Majefty’s Navy, or in the Service of the Cuftoms or Excife, in any Part of the Britijh or Irijh Channels, or elfewhere on the High Seas, within (>ne hundred Leagues of any Part of the Coafts of Great Britain or Ireland, or if any Perfon or Perfons ihall maliciouily ffioot at, maim, or dangeroufly wound any Officer or Officers of His Majefty’s Army, Navy, or Marines, or of the Cuftoms or Excife, or any Perfon or Perfons aiding or afliiting fuch Officer or Officers, w'hether attempting to go on board or being oa board, or returning from on board any Ship, Veflel, or Boat, or otherwife acting in the due Execution of his or their Duty under any of the Powers, Authorities, or Provifions of this Act, every Perfon fo offending, and every Perfon aiding, abetting, or afftfting therein, ihall being thereof lawfully convicted, be adjudged guilty oi Felony, and ihall fuffer Death as a Felon, without Benefit of Clergy. XII. And be it further enacted, That every Offence made Felony by this Act, committed within any Port, Harbour, Creek, Haven, or Penalties and Pu iih merit ror - faulting* reii. ing, or lhooting at O ficei> of A.« my, Navy, Cuitoms, or Excile« Prefcribing the Mode of t ting Of-fences.ivt$ 4f GEORGII III. Cap. tit. of cither of' the faid Iflands of Gucrnfey, Jcrfcy, Alderney, or Sark, mav nod ihall be inquired of, examined, tried, and determined an thelSd Iflands; and every Offence committed elfewheie out of United Kingdom, mav be inquired of, examined, tried, and determined in ahv County of the United Kingdom; and every fueh Offence committed within England, Scotia, or/reWrefpectively, AeS mined tried, and determined within any County of that 1 art ot the lain United Kingdom in which fuch Offence ihall have been committed, mfuch Manner and Form as if the Offence had been committed m he Sn.y ” «hich [he fame Ml 1* NW »f- “d ‘k,“‘ mined. -v-ttt Arui whereas the Sale of condemned Spirits at the Out Ports of Spirits relied XIII. And \ - . . r'nnrtauences afforded much Faciuty ^nitef -* »4 wartiioufc, to Smuggling . P t, j„ whereof, be it enacted, lhat, from an.i strength merit to the Revenue; for Remedy wnereor, d ’ Geneva, i?.ken, ar.dan j „ the catling of this Act, all foreign pia y, ’ , r n. Marine« or any Officer acting under the Orders of the Commiffioners of Son" or Excife in England, Ihall, after Condemnation thereof be SSSi^to theVrt of London; »J ftead of Scotland, by any Officer of His Majefty s Amy, avy^ or Marines, or any Officer acting under the Orders of the Commiilioners or CuftoSor Excife in Scotland, or on Land in any Part of Scotland, ftjl after Condemnation, be forthwith conveyed to any Port or_Place Sat ihall have been appointed for thatPurpofe by the Lords Commiilioners of His Mai'efty’s Treafury of Great Britain, or any Thfee of ‘h®m ’ and 'all SiSwch ffiaW be feized by any Officer of His Majefty’s Army Navv or Marines, near to the Coaft of Ireland, or by any Officer act ng undo-the Orders of the Commiffioners of Cuftoms or Excife in belan ,> *r Covdemnafion thereof, be forthwith conveyed to any Place in Ireland that ihall have been appointed ^ ^ df Commiffioners of His Majefty’s i reafury of/re W, or any I hi ee ot theta • and all fuch Spirits, as foon as conveniently may be after tne Secure thereof, ihall be fafely lodged and fecured in fome arehoufe or Warehoufes belonging to the Cuftoms or Excife, and within Forty-eig t -Kcuiiffiafter being fo lodged and depofited neceffarv, be drawn off and put into large and fobftantial Calks a fuch Spirits, whether fo'drawn off or put, ihall be gauged and,take count of and the Strength of each Quantity afcertained by the pioper Officer or Officers‘of Excife, who is or are hereby1 re^uired in tnun-e and take an Account thereof upon receiving 1 welve Homs JNotice m Eforlhat Purpofe ; and in cafe of Seizures made by the Officers of His Maiefty’s Army, Navy, or Marines, or Cuftoms, One or more Officer or Officers of the Cuftoms ihall take and keep an Account of the Quantity1 and Strength of every Seizure of Spirits agw* «* proper OL*477 45° GEORGII III. Cap. 121. fker or Officers of F.xcife, and fuch Account ihall be fairly entered in Books pr< pared for that Purpofe, and counterfigned by the Officers of both Revenues ; and in cafe of Seizures made by any Officer or Officers of F.xcife, an Account of the Quality and Strength thereof (hall be taken by the Collector or Supervifor, and one other Officer not interefted therein, and fairly entered in a Book to be kept for that Purpofe, and ihall alfo be counterfigned by the refpective Perfons taking fuch Account. XIV. And be it further enafted, That, from and after the paffing of this Aft, all Tobacco and Snuff which fliall be feized by any Officer or Officers of His iMajeftv’s Army, Navy, or Marines, or of the Cultoms or I'xcife, and which after the Seizure thereof ihall be lodged or depofited in any Warehoufe in England, ihall, after Condemnation thereof, be forthwith conveyed to the Porfcof London-, and all Tobacco and Snuff which ihall be fo feized and lodged or depofited in any Warehoufe in Scotland, ihall, after Condemnation thereof be forthwith conveyed to any Port or Place that ihall have been appointed for that Purpofe by the Lords Commiffioners of His Ma-jefty’s 1 reafury of Great Britain, or any Three or more of them ; and all Tobacco and Snuff which ihall be fo feized, and lodged, and depofited in any Warehoufe in Ireland, ihall, after Condemnation thereof, be forthwith conveyed to any Place in Ireland that fliall have been appointed for that Purpofe by the Lords Commiffioners of His Majefty’s Treafury in Ireland, or any Three or more of them. XV. And be it further ena&ed, That it ihall be lawful for the Lords Commiffioners of His Majefty’s 'I reafury of Great Britain or Ireland refpectively, or any Three of them, and they are hereby authorized to diretf any Spirits that ihall be feized and condemned as forfeited under any Law or Laws relating to the Revenue of Cuftoms or Excife, to be again diililled, if the fame ihall be deemed proper and neceffary, for the Purpofe of bringing the fame to a proper Strength, and alfo to direct fuch Spirits either before or after any fuch Diftillation, as they ihall fee fit, and alfo any lobacco or Snuff that ihall be fo feized and condemned as aforefaid, to be delivered to the Care of the Commiffioners for victualling His Majefty’s Navv, or if in Ireland, to any Agent employed by them for the fupplying of His Majeity’s Navy, or to caufe any fuch Spirits, Tobacco, or Snuff, to be deftroyed, as fliall under all the Circumitances appear to them moil conducive to the Protection of the Revenue ; and it fliall be lawful for the faid Lords Commiffioners refpedtively, from l ime to Time to give fuch Directions for the Removal oi any fuch Spirits, Tobacco, or Snuff, and to make fuch Regulations for the afeertaining the Value of fuch Spirits, I obacco, or Snuff, or to fix any average Value thereof, for the Purpofe of afeertaining the Rewards to which the Informers or Perfons feizing the fame refpectively, would have been entitled if the fame had been fold and diftributed under any A£t or Acts, or Regulation, now in force, in relation to the Diftribution of any Share of the Produce of any Seizure, to or among any Officer of Cultoms or Excife refpectively, and from Time to Time to direct the Amount (not being in any Cafe a iefs Amount, as far as the Mode of afeertaining the Value of any fuch Seizure will allow, than fuch Officer would have been otherwife entitled to', and the Time and Manner of paying the fame; and alfo to regulate theAmount and Mode of Diftribution of Rewards to any Commiffioned, Non-commiifioned Officer, or Private Men of His Majefty’s Forces, or any Commiffioned Officer, Petty or *7 B i Warrant Where Seizures of Tobacco and Snuff after Condemnation ihali be depofited. Treaf tv may order Spirits, Tobacco, and Snuff,to be given to Victualling Office, etc. or to be deltroy-ed, and to lett.e the Rewards to given to Officers of Cuftoms, Ex-ciiV, Navy, or Anny.î478 45° GEORGII III. Cap. i 2T. „ f T VT And be it further «rafted, That, from and after the palling of this Aa \ji powers, Authorities, Exemptions, and Exceptions, and all Pn-Cuito'ns and • __ .... «-.oirttoimnop nr Hf*.fendinCr ¿inv Suit or Action. Af;efLPrCeffionsas to maintaining or defending any Suit or Aftion, F.xc fc ex- vileges and 110 Colls thereon, in relation to any Afts, ctmiffion- and pleading the.en ^ be done by any Officer of Cuftoms or StteJS&y «h« V,- Aftlof Parliament in force on gS f or Prevention of Smuggling and every t; .»Vorietarc by», M or A3, foiefor tbo ]Wven.»n of Sn,„ggl»S, or b, rejfoo of ban* fcurri with any prohibited or uncuitomed Goods on boaid within certam Diflances of the Coafts of His Majeily’s Dominions, or to any Goods Men on board any fuch Ship, Veffel, or Boat, or any Guns, Furniture Ammunition, Tackle, or Apparel thereof, or to any Mailer or other Pei-fon h^n, or taking the Charge or Command, or any other Perfon on board of any fuel! Ship, Velfel, or Boat, (hall extend and be deemed, conftrued and taken to extend, and fliall apply and be m full force, and put in Execution in all Cafes and for all Purpofes, and be ufed and exercifed by all Commiffioned Officers of His Majelty s Army, Navy, and Marines, in as full and ample a Manner, to all Intents and I urpofes, as if the raid Afts, and the Powers, Authorities, Privileges, I roteftions. Exemptions, Exceptions, Claufes, Matters, and Things relatmg thereto and contained and enafted therein, were repeated and re-enafted in this 1ft, as to Officers of His Majefty’s Army, Navy, and Marines refpec- tively. , {¡¡g Ships teizedby XVII. Provided always, and be it further enacted, That all Ships, Veffels, Ofteeriof u,e Boa[s ?nd Goods or other Articles feized by any Officer of His Majelty s &c.1,fc»ii bey’ Army, Navy, or Marines, under the Provifions of this Act, lhall forth- ofFcerrsoit0 with be delivered to or lodged in the Cuilody of fome Officer of His Cuilomsl&c. Majeily’s C.ulloms or Excife, who lhall thereupon take an Account thereof, and give a Receipt for the fame. XVIII. And be it further enacted, That all Ships, Veffels, Boats, Goods, and Articles feized under any of the Provifions of this Act, ana all Penalties and Forfeitures in this Act mentioned, may and lhall be managed, kept, detained, proceeded againft, fued for, profecuted, condemned, diftributed, recovered, and applied,.m England, Scotland, and Ireland, refpectivelv, according to the Laws now in force relatmg to His Majelty s Revenue of Cuftoms and Excife in fuch refpective Parts of the United Kingdom, in fo far as the fame are or can be made applicable, and are not by this Act altered or varied. DireSting the Mode of pro-fecuting tor Seuuiea. LONDON: Printed by Gi orge Eyre and Andrew' Strahan,' Printers to the King’s moil Excellent Majeily. 1805.? up? w 7rmf