ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN Production Note Project Unica Rare Book & Manuscript Library University of Illinois Library at Urbana-Champaign 2015ANNO QUADRAGESIMO QUINTO GEORGII III. REGIS. ****** ************************* ****M ***************** CAP. XXXII. An Ad for granting to Foreign Ships put under His Majefty’s Protection the Privileges of Prize Ships under certain Regulations and Reftridtions ; and for allowing Aliens, in Foreign Colonies furrendered to His Majefty, to exercife the Occupations of Merchants or Fait or s during the prefent War, and until Six Months after the Ratification of a Definitive Treaty of Peace. [ioth April 1805.] WHEREAS, in confequence of Articles of Capitulation, whereby certain foreign Colonies or Settlements, or Parts thereof, have been or may hereafter be furrendered to His Majefty during the prefent "War, certain foreign Ship3 and Veffels may have been put or may be put under His MajeftyA Proteftion t And whereas the laid Ships and Veflels, not being taken and condemned as lawful Prize m any l-)0!)It of Admiralty, cannot, by the Laws now in force, be regiftered as Prize 5 K 5n‘Ps>4o6 45° GEORG 11 III. Cap. 32. Ships, and be entitled to the Privileges and Advantages of fueh Ships : And whereas it is juft and expedient that Ships or Veffels which (hall have been or may be fo put under His Majelty’s Proteftion (hould be admitted in like Manner as Prize Ships to the Privileges and Advantages of Briti/h Ships or Veffels, under certain Regulations and Reltriclions: Be it therefore etladed by the King’s moll Excellent Majelly, by and with the Advice and Content of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this prefent Parliament affembled, and by the Authority of Foreign snips the fame, That all foreign Ships and Veffels which, in confequence of pm under His any fuch Capitulation, (hall have been or may be fo put under His ttf'kKyany Majelly.’s Protection at the Time of or in confequence of the Surrender Capitulation of any foreign Colony or Settlement, or Part of any foreign Colony or tercVaVl'uze Settlement, to His Majelly, (hall and may be regillered in like Manner as s'lTp fami tie Ships taken and condemned as lawful Prize may, by the Laws now in entitled tthhe force; ^e regillered, and (hall by virtue thereof become entitled to the s'itltVends Privileges and Advantages of Britijb Ships or Veffels, under the Regula-umtercertain ]atjons and Reflri£tions herein-after mentioned: Provided always, that eg" anons. fucj, Ship or Veil'd (hall be fo regillered but upon producing a Certificate under the Hand and Seal of the Perfon who commanded in chief by Sta or by Land at the Time when fuch foreign Colony or Settlement, or Part of foreign Colony or Settlement, was furrendered to His’Majelly ; or in cafe of the Death or Departure of any fuch Officer before fu- h Certificate fhall have been fo given, then, upon a like Certificate, under the Hand and Seal of the Perfon who lhall command in chief by Sea or by Land at fuch Colony or Settlement, or Part of fuch Colony or Settlement, teilifying that fuch Ship or Veffel was put under the Protection of Iiis Majelly at the Time of or in confequence of fuch Surrender; and upon Oath being made and fubferibed before the Perfon or Perfons authorized to make fuchRegillry and giant fuch Certificate of Regiflry refpeCtively, (which they are hereby refpeClively empowered to adminilter), by the Owner of fuch Ship or Veffel, if fuch Ship or Veffel is ow'ned by or belongs to One Perfon only, or in cafe there fliall be Two joint Owners, then by both of fuch joint Owners, if both Di 11 be refident within Twenty Miles of the Port or Place where fitch Regilter is required, or by One of fuch Owners it One or both of them fliall le refident at a greater Dillance from fuch Port or Place, or if the Number of fuch Owners or Proprietors lhall exceed Two, then by the greater Part of tire Number of fuch Owners or Proprietors if the greater Number of them fliall be refident within Twenty Miles of fuch Port or Place as aforefaid, not in any cafe exceeding Three of fuch Owners or Proprietors, or by Or.e of fuch Owners if all fliall be refident at a greater Dillance, declaring, in the Form and Manner herein-after direCled, rhatiuch Ship or Veffel is wholly owned by natural-born Briti/h Subjects, or by Aliens that have been naturalized or made Denizens, or by Perfons who have become Britijlo Subjects by virtue of fome Capitulation or Con-quell as aforefaid, and have taken the Oath of Fidelity and Allegiance to His Majelly, in confequence of fuch Capitulation or Conquelt, or by any or cither of the before-mentioned Defcnpuons of Perfons and none other : Vends put provided, glib, that fuch .Regillry fliall not be made, nor Certificate of Majefty’sVru- fuch Rcgiltry he granted, for any Ship or Veffel that has been or may tetticnm Dc- be fo put under His Majelly’s Protection in the Settlements of Dcinerary 4 andt t^aoVOoo 45°GEORGII HI. Cap.32. 4©r aii'l Berbice on the Continent of South America, but in the Port of Puttee ihal Scarborough in the Ifland of Wage; and that the fait) Port of Scarborough *£%t£*h ChalJ, for the Purpofe of fuch R^gilfry, be deemed .and taken to tie in7oba^6. the Port to which fuch Ship or Veliel belongs. IF. And be it further enafted, That the Oath before directed to be taken (hall be in the Form and Manner following : r^rin. '' 2 4 J A. B. of (Place of Refidence and Occupation) do make Oath, that 4 the Ship or Veffel (Name) of (Port or Place) whereof (Mailer’s 4 Name) is at prefent Mailer, being (Kind of Built, Burthen, et cetera, 4 as defcribed in the Certificate of the furveying Officer) was (when and * where built, or if Prize, Capture and Condemnation, or if put under ‘ His Majefty’s Proteaion, when and where); and that I the laid A.. B. ' (and the other Owners Names and OccuDations (if any) and where 4 they refpeftively rtfide, videlicet, Town, Place, or Parifli and County, 4 or if Member of and refident in any Faftory in foreign Parts, or in any ‘ foreign Town or City, being an Agent for or Partner in any Houfe of 4 Trade, or Copartnerlhip aflualiy carrying on Trade in Great Britain, 4 or Ireland, the Name of fuch Faftory, foreign Town or City, and the 4 Names of fuch Iloufe or Copartnerlhip) am (or are) foie Owner for 4 Owners) of the faid Veil'd, and that no other Perfon or Perfpos whatever 4 hath or have any Right, Title, Inrereil, Share, or Property therein or 4 thereto; andthat Ithe faid A. B. (andthefaid otherOwners if any) am (or 4 are) truly and bona fide a Subjeft (or Subjefts) of Great Britain; and that I 4 the faid A. B. have not (nor have any of the other Owners, to the bed of 4 my Knowledge and Belief) taken the Oath of Allegiance to any foreign 4 State whatever (except under the Terms of fome Capitulation, defcribing 4 the Particulars thereof) or that fince my taking (or his or their taking) 4 the Oath of Allegiance to (naming the foreign States refpeftively to 4 which he or any of the faid Owners (hall have taken the fame), and 4 prior to the palling of an Aft in the Twenty-fixth Year of the Reign 4 of King George the Third, intituled, An Actfor the further Encrcafe and 4 Encouragement of Shifting and Navigation, I have (or he or they hath or 4 have) become a Subjeft (or Subje&s) of Great Britain, (either by His 4 Majeity’s Letters Patent as a'Denizen (or Denizens) or naturalized by 4 Aft of Parliament, as the Cafe may be (naming the Dates of the Letters 4 of Denization or the Act or Afts of Parliament for Naturalization 4 refpeftively); or (as the Cafe may be) I have (or he or they hath or 4 have) become a Denizen (or Denizens or naturalized Subject or Sub-4 jefts, as the Cafe may be) of Great Britain byHisMajefty’s Letters Patent, 4 or by an Act of Parliament palled fince the Firlt Day of January 4 One thoufand feven hundred and eighty-fix (naming the Times when 4 fuch Letters of Denization have been granted refpeftively, or the 4 Year or Years in which fuch Aft or Afts of Naturalization have 4 palled refpeftively); or that I A. B. and the other Owners, if any, 4 having become Britijh Subjeft or Subjefts by virtue of a Capitulation or 4 Conquelt (defcribing the Particulars thereof as to Place, State, and 4 Parries) have (or he or they hath or have) taken the Oath of Fidelity 4 and Allegiance to His Majelty the King of Great Britain (defcribing4-0 S of His Ivla-jefty 4.5° GEORG 11 III. Cap.32. , .v,. phrp where, and before whom taken) in . SST ¿hUanyCShClaornpandor'lntereft 'in'thTfaid Ship" or t Veffel.’ s«ch Vtireis in. And be it furtherJiCeSca^e of™Regiftry a/aforl IS.5 Sd!eind fi -igatt^^m ^ n rot'cft.o,. and none other, as may ne p . f h importations and Veffel taken and condemned?. kwHPr-,« an/fubjeft t0 the Exportations to be made in s. Reftriftions, and fubjeft to like Duties, Conditions Regulations, an RJ^ as ;f {he fame the like Penalties and Forfeitur ^ condemned as lawful were made by any Ship or , . . Veffels fo put under His Majefty. fuch Ship or Veffel (without Payment of ^^^^pparel, and the Privileges and Advantages which belong by i^aw f condemned as lawful Prize. .. car. „ V. And whereas by an A& jafcd in the Twelfth Yea,r of the Reign —Kd' of King Ms the Second, f afi thTno llien or increafmg of Shipping and AVoig 1 , Sovereign Lord the King, Perfon not born within the Allegiance of oudenizen, uienl«. which are in his Poffeffion ; be it ena&d, 1h"*^n^free Denizen, who filling In any an Alien born, and neither naturalized nor which ihall MU tefide in any Ifland or Place which has furrendere , _ poffelli0n, 11b Majeity, hereafter furrender to His Majefty, and ® J !ance t0 His Merchant* or and who ihall have taken the Oath of Fidelny a.i • g ]VIajefty i'aitors, tak- 1 ’ ~ ing an Oath oi Allegiance. . His Majeiiy niay author fuch Vefiels on their Ar regiltered Duty free.45° GEORGII III. Cap. 32. 4°9 JIj'eiy according, to. the Terms of the Capitulation under which fuch I Hand or Place iHa.ll have furrendered, (hall be, and fhafl, from the lime of fuch Surrender, be deemed to have been entitled ro exercife the 1 rade or Occimation of a Merchant or Fa£tor in any fuch Ifland or Place, durin t !o ton? Time as the fame (hall remain and be in the Pouenion or under*the Proteâion of His Majefty, His Heirs or Succeffors ; any Thing in the faid Aft contained to the contrary notwithstanding! lubjeit neverthelils to fuch Laws and Regulations as His Majefty’s SubjeSs mall and may be liable to in the fame Iilands or Places. Vf Provided always, and be it further enaaed, That this Aft, or any Aa „ot t0 Thing herein contained, fhall not extend or be conftrued to extend, to take awav abridge, varv, or alter, any of the Rights or Privileges belong- ^ lmBa inc to and veiled in the United Company ot Merchants of England trading Company. to°th» Eatl India, by any Charter, Ad of Parliament, or otherwife whatever, refpeaing Perfons reftdent In or carrying on, or being concerned in any Trade to, from, or in any Place or Places within the Limits ot the exclufive Trade of the faid United Company ; but all Perfons refident, and all Trade to be carried on within the faid Limits under the Authority of the faid Capitulations or of this Aft, (hall be fubjeft unto all and every the Prohibitions, Refaisions, Regulations Licences, Duties and Conditions, in all Refpefts as the Reftdence and Trade ot any Subjeft U now liable to by Law, and fhall be fubject to the like and Forfeitures, and all other Matters and Things which anyBntijh Sub. je£t, and the Goods, Merchandize, and Trade of any Bntijh would be fubject and liable to by Law for doing any Thing m Violation of the Rights and Privileges of the faid United Company , any Thing herein-before contained to the Contrary thereof m anywtfe not-withftiudittg. VII. And be it further enacTed, That it (hall and may be lawful for the relpeftive Governors or Lieutenant Governors or Officers commanding in chief of the Settlements of Dermrary and Berbice on the Continent of South America, or of any other Settlement or Place may lurrender to His Majefty’s Arms during the prefent War, to admintfter the Oa h , want the Certificates, and do all and every otner Matters and Things in Ld about the Regiftering of the faid Ships, which, under the Authority of intituler of Cuftoms in any of His Majefty’s Colonies, Plantations, Iilands, or Tern- ttfSSEiBttt&sassSfri Governors, etc* ot Demerary and BerbUe,or Settlement, which may furrender to His Majerty’« Arras, may adminifter Oaths, grant Certificates, ttc. agreeably to at G. 3. c. 60. 5L VIII. And 74io 45’ GEORGII III. Cap. 32 VIII. And be it enafted, That this A£t (hall continue in force during the prefent War, and until Six Months after the Ratification of a Definitive Treaty of Peace. LONDON: Printed by George Eyre and Andrew Strahan, Printers to the King’s raoft Excellent Majefty. 1805. br «ti bru to .. 7. i ttlr.i ozi T- •fìtte ,; i biTN ! • X-- ; £ iCiC •j ri * yd fai-A