ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN Production Note Project Unica Rare Book & Manuscript Library University of Illinois Library at Urbana-Champaign 2015 •f* 3 tU V ? ANNO QUADRAGES1MO QUINTO GEORGII III. REGIS. i»*********#**»***#***«-**************«*****«***«** CAP. CXVI. An Aft for enabling His Majefty to grant a certain Creek, called Chelfon Bay, otherwife ShilfionBay, in or near the Parifh of Plympton Saint Mary, in . the County of Devon; and for veiling the fame, for a valuable Confideration, in the Right Honourable 'John Lord Boringdon, and His Heirs. [ioth July 1.805.] WHEREAS there is a certainTraft of Land overflowed by the Tide of the Sea, fituate within or adjacent to the Pariib of Plympton Saint Mary in the County of Devon, known by, the Name of The Laity, to which the Right Honourable John Lord Boringdon claims to be entitled as Lord of the Manor of Plympton : And whereas a Doubt hath arifen with refpect .to the Property of a certain Creek, or Parcel of Mud Land, called Chelfon Bay, otherwife Sbiljlon Bay, Part of the faid Traft of Land called The Lairy, whether the fame belongs to His Majefty in Right of Llis Crowp, orj to the faid Lord Boringdon asJLdrd of the faid Manor 5 And whereas, for removing, fuch Doubt, His Majefty has been gracioufly pleafed to iiguify Plis Royal Pleafure that fo fair as His Majefty’s lntereft is concerned, the Hid Creek, or Parcel of Mud Land, called Chelfon Bay, otherwife Sbiljlon Bay, ihoukl be abfolutely veiled in the faid Lord Boringdon and His Heirs, for the Confideration and on the Terms and Conditions herein-after mentioned 1 But as fuch Purpofes cannot 16 S be I*45° 45° GEORGII III. Cap. 116. be effected without the Aid and Authority of Parliament; May it therefore pleafe Your Majefly that it may be enafled; and be it enafted by the King’s moil Excellent Majefty, by and with the Advice, and Confent of the Lords Spiritual andTctnporal, and Commons, in this prefent Parliament affembled, For «Ring and by the Authority of the fame, That, upon Payment of the Sum of >" I;0nlion Two hundred Pounds of lawful Money of Great Britain into the Bank of the Property England, in the Name of the Lord High Treasurer of England, by the faid of cnelfou j0/m Lord Boringdon to the Caihier of the Bank of England, who is hereby «election™? authorized and required to receive fuch Money, and to give a Receipt 2001.being for the fame, all that Creek, or Plot or Parcel of Mud Land, known by £me.forthC the Name of Che fen Bay, otherwife ShilJlonBay, Part of the faid Trad of Land called The Latry, fituate within or adjacent to the faid Parifh of Plympion Saint Mary in the County of Devon, and bounded on the North and Tail by Saltram Lawn, on the South by Lands in the Pariih of Plymjlock, and on the Welt by other Part of The Lairy, and containing by Eftimation One hundred and five Acres, or thereabouts, be the fame more or let's, lhall be and the fame is hereby granted and confirmed unto, and 11 all be veiled for ever, freed and abfolutely difeharged from all Claim, Right, and Title whatfoever of His Majefty in Right of His Crown, His Heirs and Succelfors, in the faid John Lord Boringdon, his Heirs and Afligns, to the Ufe of the faid John Lord Boringdon, his Heirs and Affigns, in Fee Simple. Bireaing the II. And be it further enacted, That the faid Sum of Two hundred faidnom'hbe Pounds herein direded to be paid into the Bank of England, in the Name the Surveyor of the Lord High Treafurer of England, lhall be forthwith laid out, by General in ^ tbe Order of the Surveyor General of His Majefty’s Land Revenue for of 3 tUper’a * the Time being, in the Purchafe of Three Pounds per Centum Confolidated cent, confoli. Bank Annuities, in the fame Manner and to and for the fame Ufes and Annuities^ Purpofes as the Monies arifing or to arife by the Sale of lee Farm Rents are direded to be laid out by an Aft pafied in the Thirty-fourth Year of the Reign of His prefent Majefty, intituled, An Ad for the better Management of the Land Revenue of the Crown, and for the Sale of Fee Farm and other unimprovable Rents; and that all and fingular the Annuities to be purchafed by the Order of the faid Surveyor General, by virtue of this AH, lhall be and remain inverted, and the Intereil or Yearly Dividends thereof lhall be from Time to Time received, anlwered, accounted for, applied and appropriated, in fuch and the lame Manner as by the faid recited AH is directed in refped of the Annuities to be purchafed in pur- luance of the faid Act. Form of Re- III. And be it further enacted, That the Receipt or Difcharge herein CWrnfor the directed to be given for the faid Sum of Two hundred Pounds lhall be in rurchafeMo- the Words, or to the ElFed, following ; videlicet, *'Y' < DECEIVED the Day of of the Right Honour- i able John Lord Boringdon, the Sum of Two hundred Pounds of ‘ lawful Money of Great Britain, in full for the Purchafe or Releafe of * Right, of or to all that Creek or Piot or Parcel of Mud Land called Chef on ‘ Bay, otherwife Shiljlon Bay, which, by an Act made in the Forty-fifth ‘ Year of the Reign of His prefent Majefty King George^ the 'lhird, in-‘ tituled, An ASl [here infert the Title of this Ad] is directed and de- * dared to become veiled in the faid Lord Boringdon and his Heirs, upon, 2 ‘ Payment■ÎU a oox^. 45® GEORGII III. Cap. 116. c Payment of the faid Sum of Two hundred Pounds into the Bank of Eng-4 land ; and which faid Sum of Two hundred Pounds is to be carried to ‘ the Account of the Lord High Treafurer of England. As Witnefs my « Hand.' ‘ For the Governor and Company of the ‘ Bank of England. A. B. Caihier.” Which Receipt or Difcharge, when fo figned by the faid Caihier, (hall be inrolled in the Office of the Auditor of His Majefty’s Land Revenue for the County of Devon, and ihall be entered in the Office of the Surveyor General of His Majefty’s Land Revenue ; and the proper Officers of the faid Offices refpeâively are hereby required upon the Production of fuch Receipt, to inrol and enter the fame accordingly, and at the Foot or on the Back thereof, to give a Certificate of fuch lnrolment and Entry ; and the faid Receipt or Difcharge, or a Copy of fuch lnrolment or Entry, duly attefted by the proper Officers of the faid Offices, or either of them, (hall at all Times thereafter be admitted and allowed as Evidence in all Courts of Law and Equity of the Payment of the faid Sum of Two hundred Pounds in purfuance of this Act. IV. Saving always to all and every Body or Bodies Politick, Corporate, or Collegiate, and to all and every Perfon and Perfons whomfoever, his, her, or their Heirs, Succeffors, Executors, and Adminiftrators (lave and except the King’s moft Excellent Majefty, His Heirs and Succeffors) all fuch Eftate, Right, Title, and Intereft, as they, every, or any of them could or ought to have had and enjoyed in cafe this Act had not been made. 145* General Saving. LONDON: Printed by George Eyre and Andrew Strahan, Printers to the King’s moft Excellent Majefty. 1805.