ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN Production Note Project Unica Rare Book & Manuscript Library University of Illinois Library at Urbana-Champaign 2015ANNO QUADRAGESIMO SEXTO GEORGII III. REGIS. »»»»»»it»» !»«»*»«»»»***»*»***»*****»******»»»»»»*»»**»« * Annuity to George now Lord Rodney, Grandfon of George Brydges Lord Rodney, in confederation of the eminent Services rendered to His Majefty and the Fubliek by the faid George Brydges Lord Rodney. Moil Gracious Sovereign, WHEREAS Your Majefty by Your mod Gracious MefTage to your faithful Commons, hath been pleafed to fignify that Application had been made to Your Majefty that the Peniion which was granted by Your Majefty of One thoufand Pounds per Annum on the Revenues of Ireland to the late Lord Rodney for his Life, to commence from the Demife of his Father George Brydges Lord Rodney, in confideration of the eminent Services which had been performed by his faid Father to Your Majefty and the Publick, ihould be continued to George now Lord Rodney, Grandfon of the late George Brydges Lord Rodney, during his Life ; and that Your Majefty being favourably difpofed to the faid Requeft, recommended it to your faithful Commons to take fuch Meafures as might be neceftary for enabling Your Majefty to make fuch Grant, in fuch Form as might, undtr the prefent Circumftances, bernoft effetShial: Now we, Your Majefty s molt dutiful and loyal SubjeQs the Commons of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ueland, in Parliament aflembled, duly confidering Your Majefty’s molt gracious Intention, do molt humblv be-feech Your Majefty that it may be enacted ; and be it enafted by the King’s molt Excellent Majeft , by and with the Advice and Content of the Lords Spiritual and riemporal, and Commons, in this prefent Parliament aflem- C A P. CXLVII. An A& to enable continue a certain [2idJuly 1806. j bled* 1294. His Majefty nay grant to Lord Rodney a Life Annuity of 94^1. is. 6d. being loooi. Inih Curiency, to be paid Quarterly oat of the Confoli-dated Fund of Great Britain. 46* GEORGII III. Cap. U7- bled and by the Authority of the fame, That it toll and may be lawful to and for the Kind’s moll Excellent Majefty to give and grant unto the fcdd George now Lord Rodney an Annuity not exceeding Nine hundred and twenty-three Pounds One Shilling and Sixpence Sterling, being One Aoutod Pounds Irilh Currency, clear of all Deductions whatfoever, for , , * .i t ;/• nr r|lp ra;^ George now Lord Rodney, and v-hich may ¡us and from thenceforth Aral be Tenth Day of OBober, the Fifth Payn^nt m jhe Year, that ^ ^ and theyFifth Day of July, in Day of January , ^ Annuity iliall and may be iffutng and pay- be charged upon and pay- able out of the faid Fund. IT And be it further enafted, That the faid Annuity fhall, during the Annuity to be -r'f t]le fa;d Georre now Lord Rodney, be paid and payable at the e-ffieiuer! cei„t of His Majefty’s Exchequer out of the faid Fund, ;md t e u 1 or of the faid Receipt fhall fame Rodney to be Debentures from lime to Time for pay g nr Chartres to be de- s- zsrJs £ “t'oci1is fafid Annuity to the faid George now Lord Rodney during the Contmua If the famejwithout any further or other Warrant to befuedfoi, had, or obtained in that Behalf. Ill And be it further enaded, That the faid Annuity fo to be granted "C to the faid George now Lord Rodney toll not be charged with the Payment of or be fubiell « any Tax, Rate, or Aflignment impofed or to be impofed bv Authority of Parliament, or otherwife howfoever, nor to any other cCges vvhltfoever ; any Law, Cuftom, or Ufage to the contrary thereof in anywife notwithstanding. LONDON: Printed by George-Eyre and Andrew Sthahan, Printers to the King’s' 1110ft Excellent Majefty. 1806.