ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN Production Note Project Unica Rare Book & Manuscript Library University of Illinois Library at Urbana-Champaign 2015 ANNO QUADRAGESIMO SEPTIMO GEORGII III. REGIS. SeiT 2. ***************************************************** CAP. IV. An Aft to enable His Majefty to grant a certain Annuity to Major General Sir John Stuart Knight o the moll Honourable Order of the Bath, in Confi-deration of the eminent Services which he has rendered to His Majefty and the Publick. [17th July 1807.J Moil Gracious Sovereign, WHEREAS Your Majefty, by Your Moil Gracious Meffage to Your faithful Commons, hath been pleafed to figmfy Your Defire of conferring a f.gnal Mark of Your Favour and Approbation on Major General Sir John Stuart Knight of the moil Honourable Order of the Bath, in confequence of the emment Services rendere by him hi the brifUant and Viftory obtained by the Troops under his Command againil a fuperior French Force upon the Plains of MWa on the Fourth Day of July One thoufand eight hundred and fix, an the Valour and Skill difplayed by him on that Occafion, and that, that^Puipofe, an Annuity li One thoufand Pounds ibould be granted to the faid Sir John Stuart during the lerm of his natuial Life . we Your Majefty’s moil dutifulSand loyal Subjects the Commons of Ae United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland in Parliament aifembled, duly^onMering Your Majefty’s moil Gracious Intemmn do nmft hum blv befeech Your Majefty that it may be enafted ; and be it enaaeu Dy the King's moil Excellent Majefty, by and with the Adv.ce and Confentgof the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this prefent Parliament affembled, and by the Authori yH His Mujefty may grant to Sir J. Stuart for Life an Annuity of from July 4, i8c6. 47s GEOR GII III. SefF. 2. Cap. 4. fame, That it ihall and may be lawful to and for _ the King’s mod: Excellent Maieity to ¡jive and grant unto the faid Sir John Stuart an Annuity not exceeding One thoufand Pounds clear of all Deductions whatfoeyer, for and during the Life of the faid Sir John Stuart, and which may commence and take EfleA from the Fourth Day of yts/y One thoufand eight hundred and fix, the Firft Payment to be computed from the faid Fourth Day of July One thoufand eight hundred and fix, until the Fifth Day of July One thoufand eight hundred and feven, and from thenceforth ihall be paid Quarterly at the Four ufual Days of Payment in the Year; that is to fay, the Tenthi Day-of Wither, the Fifth Dav of January, the Fifth Day of April, and the Fifth Day of ,July in every' Year ; and that the faid Annuity ihall and may be lffuing and payable out of, arid charged and chargeable upon thp Confohdated Fund of Great Britain, after paying or referving fufficient to pay all fuch Sum and Sums of Money as hath or have been direaed to be paid out of the fame by any former Aft or Acts of Parliament, but with I reference tq all other Payments which ihall or may hereafter be charged.upon and payable out of the faid Fund. jj And be it further enafteij, That the faid Annuity of One thoufand MM1 Pounds ihall, during the Life of the faid Sir John Stuart., bet paid at the Exche- aud payable at the Receipt of His Majefty s Exchequer out of the faid quer without .. . an(j the Auditor of the laid Receipt Ihall, and he is hereby to- Fc“' quired, to make forth and oafs Debentures from Time to dime for paying the faid Annuity, as the fame ihall become due and payable, without any Fees or Charges to be demanded or taken for paying the fame or any Part thereof, add the Acquittance or Acquittances, Receipt or Receipts, of the faid Sir John Stuart, toll be a good and luffic.ent Difcharge for the Payment thereof ; and the faid Debentures to be made forth and paffed fliall be a fufficient Authority to the feveral and refpeaive Officers of the Receipt of the Exchequer now and for the Time beinv, for the Payment of the faid Annuity to the faid Sir John Stuart, during3the^Continuance of the fame, without any further or other Warrant to be fued for, had, or obtained m that Behalf. and frail not be fubjedt to any Tax. m ^r,d be it further enafted, That the faid Annuity or yearly Sum of One thoufand Pound's fo to be granted to the faid.SirJohn „ot he charged with the Payment of or be fubjeft to-any lax, Kate, Atten , impofed or to be impofed by Authority of Parliament,« otherwife howfoever, nor to any other Charges whatever; any.Law, Cuftom, or Ufage, to the contrary thereof m anywtfe notwithiland g. LONDON: Printed by George Evee and Avdrew Strahan, Printers to the King’s moil Excellent Majefty. 1807.