ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN Production Note Project Unica Rare Book & Manuscript Library University of Illinois Library at Urbana-Champaign 2015 anno quadragesimo octavo GEORGII III. REGIS. An Aft for the better Regulation of Pilots, and of the Pilotage of Ships and Veffels navigating the Britijh Seas. [25th June 1808.] WHEREAS Ships and Veffels have frequently been wrecked, and many Lives and much Property have been lolf, from the Ignorance and Milcunduft of Pc Tons taking Charge of fuch Ships or Veffels as Pilots: And whereas the Corporation or' Trinity Houfc of Prefent pow. Deptford Stroud have, as well by tor more than Three Centuries m of'the as by Grants from the Crown, and under the Authority of an Aft palled j0t in the Fifth Year of the Reign of His late Majtfty George the Se- 0eptforlj cund, been empowered to appoint Pilots, Loadltnen, or Guides, to con- Stroud, duct Ships or Vclfcls into and out ot and upon the River of ‘Thames through the North Channel to or by Orfordnefs and round the Long Sana Head through the Queen's Channel or oihet Channels into the Dooms, and from and by Orfordnefs, and up the North Channel, and up the Rivers !Thames ar.d Medway, and the (everal Creeks and Channels belonging or running into the lame, and to make fuch Orders and Conftitutions as Oimilrl Ur needful tor the whclcfome Government of Seafaring Men and CAP. CIV. - -------------,3 L ' 1114 ‘be jjuver. 16^4- 48’GEORGII III. Cap. 104. the Pilotage and Load manage of all Ships from the faid Piaces up the Rivers Thames and Medway, which faid Society or Fcllowihip have been confirmed by various Ads of Parliament for regulating the Pilots of the Society or Fcllowihip of Pilots of Dover, Deal, and the IJle of Thanet, commonly called Cinque Pert Pi'olS, notwithftanding which many Perfons net having Licence or Authority, or competent Knowledge or Fxpcri-ence. have taken upon themftlves to act as Pilots for conducting Ships or Velfels to and from and upon the Lid Rivers, to tile great Hazard of fuch Ships or Veffels and their Carg es, and the Lives of their Crews r And whereas the Provifions cf the faid A£b have been found inadequate to-the Regulation of Pilotage and the Prevention of fuch Mil'clmf-, ana it is therefore necelTary that further and more effectual Regulations fhould be made lor that Purpofe, and that all the P.r.viftons and Regulations relating to the feveral D.fcriptions of Pilots aforefaid Ihould be repealed: And whereas Acts of Parliament have been puffed for cftablilhing lepa. rate and peculiar Jurifdidlions in rel ition to Pilotage in cert tin Ports and on different Pans of the Coaft of England, which by rcalon of the fame being limited have been found infufficient to anfwer the good Purpofes m-tmded thereby, and it is therefore necelTary that more etreflual Regulations ihould be made in relation to Pilotage on the Coafts oi England: And'whereas it is ncccfiary for duly enforcing the Laws reipeding Quarantine, on which the Health of His Majeity’s Suhj ¿Is eifentially depends, that the Names and Piaces oi Refnlence of all Pilots in EnglanS fhould be known by thofc whole Duty it is to convey Information relptd-irtcr thofe Laws from-Time to Time to them; Mav it theiefore pleafe Your Majefty that ir may be enafted; and be it enafled by the King’s moil' Excellent May Tty, by and with the Advice and Content cf the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this prelent Parliament Provifions in aficmbled, and by the Authority of the fame, That all and every the Afts relating daufes, Piovifions, Powers, Penalties, FoTeitures, Matters, and Things TO Pilots re- relalin„’as wr|l to Pilots appontedby the laid Corporation of Tiinity f Haufe^of Deptford Stror.d as to Pilots of the Fcllowfhip of Dover, Deal, and the Me cf Thanet, and to the Pilotage by and Regulation of all iuch Pilots as aforefaid, and alfo as to the Conduit of all Perfons in Matters of Pilotage, within the Jurifdiction of the faid Corporation of the Trinity Houfe of Deptford Strond and the Liberty ot the Cinque Ports, which are contained in any Adt or Acts ot Parliament heretofore made, fhall be and the fame are hereby repealed, except only fo far as inch Aits relate to any Rates of Pilotage due or to become due before the Commence-ment of the refpetlive new Rates to be eftabliihed under the Provifions of th;s \Ct, or to any Penalty or Forfeiture incurred or to be incurred, or any other Ait, Matter, oi Thina done or to be done before the Kfta-bliihmert of the new Rules and Regulations which are to be made under the Provifions ol this AQ. or before the Commencement of the Operations of any of the Provifions of this Aft in relation to any iuch Matters as aforefaid. Prom Oft. i, II. And be it fu-ther enaCtd, That from and after the Firft Day of 1808, the October One ihoufand eight hundred and eight, it fhall be hwful for the Corporation Wartlerns and Aflift-ints of the Guild, Fraternity, or Brother- £ 1rn",tfr hood ol the M It Glorious and Undivided Trinity and ot bunt Clement in Deptfordihall he Parilh of Deptford St,ond in the County ot bc«iL fit Per- Corporation of Trinity Houfe cf Deptford 6trend) and they are hereby^ 4 ^ 4.8° GEORGII III. Cap. 104. 1055 quired »appoint and licenfe under their Common Seal, fit and compe- fons as Pilots tent Perron's, duly (killed, as Pilot?, for the Purpofe of conducting all to craidaftali Ships and Veflrls failing, navigating, and palling up and down or upon certain Li-'m the Rivers of Thames and Medway, and ali and every the feveral Channels, mit3, and Creeks, and Docks thereof or therein, or leading or a joining thereto, none others as well between Orfordnefs and London Biidge, as Horn London Bridge lhall not, ex-to the Downs, and t-oin the Downs weftward as tar as the IJle of Wight, exeepTed'"311 and in tile Englijh Channel from the IJle of Wight up to London Briuge, 1 which Vefiels (hall be conducted and piloted by luch Pilots fo ai pointed and licenfed, and by no other Pilots or Peifbns whomfoever, excepi Pilots appointed by the Society or Fellow (flip of the Trinity Houfe ot Dover, Deal, and the IJle of Thanet, (commonly called Cinque P rt Pilots) fo far as luch Pilots ate hereby authorifrd to pilot Ships and Vefiels from the Weftward up to London Biidge, and from London Bridge downwards to the Weftward ; that is to fay, from any Port or Place between the IJle of Wight and the faid Bridge, according to the Provifions in that Behalf herein-after contained, and alfo lave and except, as well all Colliers as alfo all Ships end Vefiels trading to Norway and to the Ccdte-gat and Baltic, and likewife round the North Cape and into the White Sea, and fave and except all conftant Trades inwards from the Pcrts between Boulogne inclufive, and the Baltic, fuch Ships and Veiicls having Britifj Regiiters, and coming up or going down the North Channel by Orford-nefs, but not otherwife; and likewife fave and except all Goading Vefiels, and all IW/ATraders ufing thcNavigation’of the Riverof Thames asCoafters: Provided always, that it fhall be lawful, after the pafling of this Aft, for pi!ots Wto-any Pilot or Pilots heretofore appointed by the faid Corporation of Trinity fore duly ap. Houfe of Deptford Slrond, or by the Society or Fellowfbip of the Trinity pointed, may Houfe of Dover, Deal, and the Jle of Thanet, to pilot or c onduct any Ship £|£tlnue to or Vefiel within fuch Limits as fuch Pilot or Pilots might lawfully have conduced and piloted the fame before the palling of this Act, under and by virtue of the Licences or Authorities granted to fuch Pilots refpec-tively as aforefaid, which refpeftive Licences fhall continue in force notwithstanding this AS:, fo that fuch Pilots rcfpeftively do in all Things conform themfelves to the Provifions of this AS, and the Rules and Regulations to be eftablilhed under the lame. III. And be it further enacted, That from and after the Firft Day of Rates in October One thoufand eight hundred and eight, the refpeftive Rates or Schedule A, Prices herein-after enumerated in the Table marked (A ) in the Schedule ^nded by-to this A& annexed, may be lawfully demanded and received by any Pilot pilots, licenfed by the faid Corporation of Trinity Houle of Deptford Strond, for the piloting or conducting of any Ship or Veil'd from Place to Place, as expreffed in thefsid Table •, and that no greater Rates cr Prices, or other RewardcrEmolument [hall, under any Pretence whatfoever, be demanded, foficited, or received, than fuch Rates or lb ices. IV. And be it further enacted, That each and every Pilot already ap. pilots to pay pointed or to be appointed by the faid Corporation of Trinity Houfe of ^’lually . Deptford Strond, under the Authority of this Aft (except only fuch Pilots t“„‘ as fhall be appointed by the faid Corporation, upon their receiving Certi- Corporation ficates of Examination by any Sub-commifiioners of Pilotage, as hereby of Trinity direaed) avail from Time to Time and at all Times hereafter pay or caule Houfeof oa co be paid to the faid Corporation of Trinity Houfe of Deptford Strond, peeaajt° 0f or Sufpei^ioft»iD56 48° GEORGII III. Cap. 104. cr to fuch Perfon or Pcrfons as they fhall appoint to receive the fame on their Behalf, the Sum of Three Guineas, in the Month of January yearly, which Payment Qua!i be accepted by the laid Corpoiation in lieu and Satisfaction of and for a*l the ancient anti accuftomed Duties payable by fuch Pilots to the faid Corporation, under the ProvifiOns of an AS parted m the i lfth Year of the Reign of G:or»e tlte Second, or any other Statute or Cha ter whatever, and tfull be applied for the Ufe and Benefit cf the Posr ,, the faid Corporation (alter in ft defraying thereout the Expcnces incurred by the faid Corporation) from Time to Time in carrying this Act into Execution ; and in calc luch annual Payment (hall not be duly made by the laid Pilots relm-aively, it Quail be lawful for the faid Corporation to foipend the Perfons fo making Default from afttng as Pilots, until due Payment fluall be made of l'uch annual Sums. No Perfon v. And be it further enacted, That no Perfon fhall be licenfed by the faid fhall b= li- Gotooration of Trinity Houfe of Deptford Strand, as a Pilot for the R ivers of cenicd as a Pi- V Medway or the Channels leading thereto or therefrom.under the Provifions ct this Aft, who (hall not have lerved as Mate for 1 hree Years fpccifcd. on bo ..da Iquare- utged Veffel, or (ball not have been in he aclual Con.. nianJ of a lquaie-rigged Veffel for one Year, or who (hull nut hive been employed in the Pilot Service of the Corporation of 1 nnicy Houfe of Dentfcrd Strand for Seven Years, or who fhall not have ft-rved anlAp-prenticelhip of Five Years co lame Pilot Veffel licenfed under this Aft. VI And be it further enacted, That no Perfon fhall be licenfed or he allowed to take charge as a Pilot of any Ship or Veffel drawing mote than Fourteen Feet Water in the Rivers of Thames or Medway, or any of the Charnels thereof, until fuch Perlon fluall have been hcenM,and lhall have A 1 Pilot for Three Years under lawful Authority, on pain of tor. fm ntz Ten Pound, f," every luch Offence, as well' by the Perfon acting as f ch Pilot, as alio by the Mailer or Commander, or other Perfun having charge of fuch Ship or V.ffcl, wh . fhall permit any luch Pei Ion to take charge as a Pilot of the fame, contrary to the Provtlton a.orefaid. VII. And be it further enaffed, That no Perlon lhall, from and aft« the K'rft Day of OSlober One thoufand eight hundred and eight tak cha-e of an} Ship or V. HI as a Pilot belonging to the Society or Fellow-fl ip of Pilot! of Dover, Deal, and the IJle of Tbamt, commonly called * n o ’ , Seture he lhall be examined by the Mailer and 1 wo w’^fs ofb wartffns of the faid Society or Fellow,hip tor the v\ trciens, o. v, met (hall be approved and admitted prefume to aftas . d and adm tied re aforefaid every tbe Twenty Pounds, and for every other Offence l-or.y iuonds. VIII. And be it further enacted, That the Mailer and fuch Wardens of Mailer ami • i c . WilMwihio of Pilots of clit* 1 unity Hou;e of Dover, “tf teXanfthe Ufe of TW, ‘as 0»H be appointed from Tune to Tune, Houfe« of 5 Till a Pilot has adled Three Years he (hall not take Charge of a Ship drawing more than 14 Feet Water, on Penalty on himfelf and the Mailer of the Ship. No Cinque Port lJilot fhall take Charge of any Ship till he has been admitted, on Penalty.4.8° GEORGII III. Cap. 104. 1057 to examine into the Skill and Ability of any Perfon on his being firft ad- amine Pilot, mitted as a Pilot into the laid Society or Fellowfhip, ihall take the Oath marked (C.) in the Schedule hereunto annexed, to be adir.imftere'd to dule {C ) him by the Regifter of the Court of Loadman.ige, who is hereby authorized to adminifter luch Oath. IX. And be it further enafled, That from and afar the Firft Day of Oftob r One thoufand eight hundred anc. eight, the refpe£hvc Rates or maybç de_ Prices herein-after enumerated in the Table marked (B.) m the Schedule manded by to this A£t annexed, may be lawfully demanded and received by any Pilot fuchWcd licenfed by the Society or FeUowfhip of Pilots of Dover, Deal, and the HU of Than:!, for the condufting of any Ship or Vtffcl from P.ace to Place, as exprefled in the faid Table ; and that no greater Rates or Prices, or other Reward or Emolument (hall, under any Pretence whatever, be received than fuch Rates or Ptices. X. And be it further enafled, That a proper and fufficient Number of A Mcient Pilots of the Cinque Ports, not lefs than Eighteen at any one lime, and cinque Port in Succeffion from Time to Time, without Intermiflion or any unneetpry pnuts fl»ll Delav, (hall, at all feafonable Times by Day and Night, conftantly ply at conftantly Sea, or be afloat between the South Foreland^ Dujnefs, to take charge py^ k of Ships and Veffels coming from the Wcftward, and proper signal ih Ships coming be eftablifhed, to be made at and from Signal Houfcs now ereited or from the which mav beereaed on commanding Situations near to Dover, to give Wcftward; Nouceof Fleets of Veftifts coming Itomthe Wcftward-, and upon the making of any Signals, giving Notice ot the Approach of any Fleet from ls 0fFketa the Wcftward, all Cinque Pott P.lots not on Duty at the lime, (hall, torn the according to fuen Rules and Regulations as to Number, Rotation, or Weftward^all oiherwtle as (hall be made in that Behalf, forthwith prepare to> go»afloat ^r“g0 -ind lhall 20 off in fufficient Time to fall in with luch Ships and Veffels, on oiF>oncertam and thull go orr m u fth i for the Firft Offence the Sum penalties. KentrS,^a" ^Second the Offender ft.11 be founded f rtin as a Pilot for Twelve Months, and for the Third Offence lhall Siktchril«, .Is «,.» s. to*, i- capable of aaing thereafter as a Pilot. XI. And be it further enaefted, That the Matter or other Perlo^having ggtarf t Cirannvdpiafce7the1KiverS ÏTWoM^.’not having à duly ‘“gÎ S i rAr: £."£¡=£5.»■.<* »S; s* Kon board) dilplay .and keep^^£Æii SSff £ £5»^ within°haik°or approac'hing and *j«hm Hahf,aMfte, wtth^ ^proper ^ diftinguifntng Flag or Vane fly "g ship or Veffcl fliull, by heav- other Perfon having the omm a- b]e Means, confidently with the »6 t0 lnt TO T v’ ff l L .Utefuch Pilot getting on board, and lhall 12 M1058 4S*GEORGII III. Cap. 104. Charge of his Ship or Veffel to fuch Pilot, or who (hall not heave to, or otherwife facilitate fuch Pilot coming on board as aforefa'd, liiall be i'ub-jea to the Penalties by this Aft impofed for neglefting or declining to take on board a Pilot, and for navigating his Velfel without a Pilot, con-Cinque Port trary to the Provifions of this Aft : Provided always, that if any Ship or Pilots may Ve fie 1 bound to the Rivers Thames or Medway, fhall anchor any where repair on ¡n tbc Downs between the South Foreland and a Line drawn from San. KcHm down Calile and the South Buoy of the Brake, having any licenfed Pilot within certain other than a Cinque Port Pilot on board, it fhall be lawtul tor a Cinque Diftances.not por£ p;\ot t0 repair on board the lame, at any Time before fuch Ship or having fuch Vcffel have beetl at an anchor One Hour, with the Signal for a Pilot board.“11 flying, and to take Charge of her up the faid Rivers, but not otherwife. Cinque Port Pilots quitting Ships before Arrival at the Place to which bound in theThames or Medway, without Con-fent of the Mailer, liable to Penalties. XU. And whereas, great Convenience to Trade will arife by putting an End to the prefent prevailing Ufage of Cinque Port Pilots quitting Ships or Veffels at Gravefend, or elfewhere in the names or Medway, at their Diicretiott; be it therefore enafted, That from and after the Expiration of Twelve Months next after the pafling of this Aft, if any Cinque Port Pilot, taking Charge of any Ship or Velfel into the Than-,as or Medway, (hall quit fuch Ship or Velfel at Gravefend, or in any other Part of the Thames, or in any Part of the Medway, before fuch Ship or Veffel (halt have arrived at the Place to which fuch Ship or Veffel is bound in the faid Rivers Thames or Medway refpeftively, without the Conlent of the Captain or other Perfon having the Command thereof, untefe fome other duly qualified Pilot fhall, with fuch Conlent, come on board, and ihall take the Charge and Conduit of fuch Ship or Veffel for the Refidue of the pilotage to be performed, every fuch Pilot (hall forfeit for every fuch Offence all Pav or Reward to which he might be entitled for having conducted or piloted fuch Ship or Veffel into the Rivers «,™« or Med-way, and Ihall alio be fubjeft to fuch other Penalty or Pun,foment as by virtue of any of the Provifions of this Aft, or of the Rules and Regulations to be cltabUfoed in purJuance hereof, any Pilot Ihall be hab eto for quitting a Ship or Veffel before (he Ihall arrive at her P.ace of Deftina-non. At a Court of Loadmar jiage, Rules ihall be made for enforcing the Observance of this, A.& by Cinqu? Port, Pilots, and for Performance of all their Duties. XIII. And be it further enafted, That the Lord Warden of the Cinque for foe Time being, or his Deputy, with the Affent of the Com-mffioners of Loadmanage, and of the Millers and Wardens of the So-Phots of Dover, Deal, and the Me of Than, or he'maiorPart of them, at an Affembly commonly called A Court of ' oadmanaze, to be held by the faid Lord Warden or his Deputy, Ihall, vitbi" Four Calendar Months after the paffing of this Aft, proceed to and (hall make fufficient Rules and Orders for enforcing the due Sbfcrwce of the Provifions of this Aft by all Cinque Port Pilots, and or providing for the good Government and Regulation of all luch Pilots, ^ SeH relating to the Services of the faid Pilots ,n going off to and r-kinaCharge of and conduft,ng and navigating H.s Majelly s Stups and Veffels, and the Ships and Vcffeis in His Majelly s Employ, and alio a, Ships and Veffels whatever and wherefoever, within the proper and ulua : ¡outs of fuch Pilots, or wherein they (hall for the l ime being aft or be and for effeftually fecunng the Performance of a I the Dhttes and Services of fuch Pilots at all Times, which Rules and Regulations when 34^ GEORG11 III. Cap. 104. 1059 _fo made mall be forthwith printed and tranfmitted to the Cuftom Houfe Rules to be in London* that the fame may be feen by all Per fa ns incerefted therein • tranfantted to and Copies thereof ihall be delivered to every Member cf the faid Society* Cuitom and alio to every new Member of the faid Society on his Eleftion ; and a do“' &SL<"" Copy or Lxtraib thereof flrall be annexed to or indorfed upon ’ the Licence or Warrant of every Pilot belonging to the Cinque Ports, as well thofe already admitted and licenfed as all others hereafter to be hcenled as fuch Pilots•, and it (hall be lawful in fuch Rules and Regulations to eilablilh Penalties and Forfeitures for the enforcing fuch Rules and Regulations and better ordering of the faid Pilots, and for fofpending or depriving any of the faid Pilots for breaking fuch Rules or Orders, or omitting to do any Thing required by the fame to be done, or for ailing in anywife contrary to fuch Rules or Orders. XIV. Provided always, and be it further enafted.That iffuch Rules and Regulations inrelation to Cinque Port Pilots (hall not bematleand tranfmitted as aforefaid, within Four Calendar Months after the palling of this AS, or if fuch Rules and Regulations, when made and tranfmitred, fhall appear to be in any material Point erroneous, inefficient, or defeSive it ffidl be lawful for any Owner of Ships, or other Perfons interefted in the Matter of fuch Rules or Regulations, to apply to His Majefty's Mod Honourable Privy Council, who ihall [hereupon caufe proper and fuffi-cient Rules and Regulations to be drawn up for the Purpfcfes aforefaid, in cafe no fuch Rules and Regulations fhall have been made and tranfmitted as aforefaid, or ihall amend, correH, or enlarge any fuch Rules and Regulations as (hall have been made and tranfmitted ; which Rules and Regulations fo made or fo amended, correited and enlarged, (hall be diftri-buted, publilheri, and made ufe of in fuch Manner as His Majefly’s laid Privy Council fhall in that Behalf appoint and direft, and the fame !h.dl take Effoa from fuch Time as in the faid Rules or Regulations (hail be exprrffed in regard to-the Commencement thereof. If fuch Rule* ihall not be duly made and tranfmit* ted, or Ihall be defeftive, the Privy Council fhall order proper ones to be drawn up, and diilributed. XV. And whereas under the Provifions of an Ait paffed in the The Number Third Year of His l ire Majefty King George the Firft, the Number of of cimJue Pilots of the Cirque Ports was to be One hundred and twenty at the leaf!, ini and it has been found by Experience, that the faid Number is inadequate to created. the increafed Trade and Navigation of this Kingdom ; be it therefore enacted- That within Four Months after the pafling of this Aff, the Number of Cinq re Port Films (hall be increafed to One hundred and forty at the leaft; to which Number of One hundred and forty,Twenty more (hall be added, whenever fuch further Addition ¡hall be direiled to be made by ail Order of His Majefty’s Privy Council, upon Application made to His Majefty in Council for that Purpofe by the Corporation of Trinity Houfe of Deptford Stroud-, and that a further Addition of Twenty Cinque Port Pilots (hall be made to the Number above-mentioned, increafing the whole Number to One hundred and eighty, by the like Authority, wherever fuch laft-mentioned Addition fhall be applied for by the Corporation of the Trinity Houfe of Deptford Strand to His Majefty in Council. XVI. And be it further chafied,That whenever the increafedNumbers of Theincreafed the laid Filers (hall refpefiively take place as berein-before provided, the Number of Numbers fo increafed Ihall from thenceforth be kept up from Time to Time kept up ¡but byioòo after a Definitive Treaty of Peace with France, Vacancies fiiall be filled up by Permif-fión of the Privy Council. Pilots (hall qualify them- dud and fiiall conduft Ships into and out of Ramfgate, Dover, Sandwich, and Margate Harbours on Penalty for Re- nalty 1 fufal. 48° GEORG 11 III. Cap. 104. fny mC -hteh C»re tte Vac,nciM (hall be filled up from thenceforth St!™» rSfo.. not »exceed One hundred and forty ,» the Whole. Ytm And whereas certain Harbours near theDetow have become much XVII. And «here« and Vefiels lying m or failing frequented as Places ot saitty, P ,,.a to rUn for thofe Harbours, through the Downs are oftentim c P pilotage of fuch and it is therelore neceffary to make 1 rovi f Licences or Harbours; be it therefore enaded 1 tot MVm pl2ce to Wa,rants (hall authorize them to pilot Ships o. Jd fllall be the Weftward up to London Bridge, . 8 f condua any Ship or examined as to their Qualification and Abiy 1h Harbours of Dover, Veffd into and out of Ramfgate H«b°ur, ai ‘j * shi or Vtffcls Sandwich, and Margate, anti (hall be obit e P J P { f tQ into and cut of the .aid Harbours ■ -d ^n.y Hch lj* ^ q{ the ^ take charge ot or cond“il,. ?y f - Ai Pav anc] Reward to which he might Harbours, fuch Pilot lhall forfeit all Pay and Veffcl and Behalf by the Rules and Regulations of the Corporation which fuch Pilot (hall belong. Rate of hive Shillings »r ever hi int0 or out of any fuch Ilar- or Veffel fo piloted andI conduift.tdby^ fo d and conduced bour, if fuch Ship or Weather * but if under any Circumftances or out cf the fame m mod »« ^ furiher Sum of Money of Difirefs, then fuch Pi.ot hall beentuie Circumftsnccs 0f fuch D.f- to be calculated according l0 ^^^f ftabri|1,ed llnder the Lord Warden ,ters a, the Commiffioners of Salvage cltaDliinea 0wner, without any Fee or Reward tor fo doing. XIX. Provided always,That on the Arrivalit (ball be lawful Mp'umoor- foon as the (hall be moored.n any ^ as afcrtfaid, and to quit ed^the Pilot- fcr ,he Pilot to demand the l duaec ed,tne mot- fcr me » ^ ' afre may be ^ Ship f-Qithwilh. demahded.4-8° GEORGII III. Cap. 104. 1061 XX. And be it further enafled, That it (ball be lawful for the faid Cor- The Trinity potation of Trinity Houle of Deptford Stroud, and they are hereby required Ho“re°f to appoint from Time to Time (as often and for fuch Periods as they in Pe,?tford. their Difcretion fliall think fit) proper and competent Pcrfons at Inch SuV’oS. Ports or Places in England as they may think requifite (except within the fioners of Pi. Liberty of the Cinque Ports, and all fuch ether Ports and Places within lotaRet°eit-or for which Provilion lhall have been made by any Aft or Ads of Pariia- ™a4 a'p™ ment, or by any Charter or Charters for the Appointment of Pilots) not lots at’thereto exceed Five nur lefs than 1'hree Perfons at each Port or Plate lor Certi-poimed (hall be called Sub-Commiffioners of Pilotage, and lhall take the brine quill-'' Oath in the Schedule hereunto annexed marked (D.) for the faithful Dif- fied may charge of their Duty, and luch Perlons fo to be appointed lhall and they gr.ant the!B are hereby authorized (fo long as their refpeaive Appointments lhall not ticences-be revoked or fupeifeded by the Appointment of other Perfons in their Places) to examine into the Qualification of Perfons to a£t as Pilots for luch refpeclive Ports and Places, and the adjoining Coafts fpecified in their re-fpe&ive Appointments as aforefald ; and it (ball be lawful for the faid Corporation, upon their receiving a latislaftory Certificate under the Hands of any Three of the Perlons to to be appointed, where the wh ¡le Number for any Port or Place (hall confiif of Four or Five,and by any Two where the whole Number lhall confift of Three, that the Perfon examined as afoiefaid is duly qualified to ail for fuch Port or Ports and the adjoining Coafts, to give a Lcence to fuch Per Ion to ait as a Pilot whhin the particular Limits (delcribing the fame) for which he. (hall have, paffed fuch Examination, which Licence (hall be granted in the firft Inftance for One Year, and fliall afterwards from Year to Year be fubjett to Renewal and Confirmation, orotherwife, at the Difcretion of the faid Corpoiation of Trinity Houfe. XXI. Provided always, and be it further enacted, That nothing in this ships Aft contained fliall be conftrued to prevent any Ship or Vdtcl which fhall brought into be brought into any Port or Ports in England by any Pilot duly licenled, a">'P"rtby from being afterwards removed in fuch Port or Purrs by the Mailer or Pllot^l^bl! Mate thereof, or other Perfon having the Command, for the Pupofe of [he Mallerfor entering into or going out of any Dock, or for changing the Moorings of certain Pur-l'uch Ship or Veil'd. ° ° poles. XXII. And be it further ensfled, That when and as foon as the faid Notice of Corporation of Trinity Houfe of Deptford Stroud fliall have licenfed Pilots Appointment for any particular Port or Ports, and the refpetftive Coafts near the fame as of p.ilots at aforefaid, they fhall caufe Notice of fuch Appointment to be publilhed, by tobe fixing up fuch Notice in Writing at the Trinity Houfe, and at the Cuftom fkeVupat Houfe in London, and alio at tile rtTpefiive Cuitorn Houfcs of the Ports the Trinity for winch and for the Coafts near the fame fuch Appointment (lull be made, Honfc. & and (hall alfo afterwards caufe fuch Noiice to be publilhed in the London xi'mc after Gazette, and in one or nitre Newfpapers circulated in that Part of the which no Country wheie the Ports fliall refpedlivcly be fttuated, which Publication other Pilots in the London Gazette fliall be good and fufficient Evidence of the Notice having been given ; and from and after a Time or Times to be limited in the laid Notice-, which lhall not in any Cafe or in relation to any Ships or Vcflels whatever, be lefs than Six Weeks from the Publication thereof as alorelaid, and fliall be proportionable more at the Dilcrecion of the faid 12 N Corporation,gcGEORGII III. Cap. 104, 1 c0 2 , • ,r Chin? and VclTels engaged in Foreign Voyages s;Ä*Ä:.^5.:a ÖÄSÄSBfSS-»il*"” “61■■ afortfaid, and by no ether Pilots whumloever. rept in Cafes of ^lftre S aV. . 1 tQ aj| fuch Penalties, to be recovered found, fuch Perfon ft»U be kable Jto «U :'*h « ¿y this AÖ, againft ;i!SSSS^s;otv«-eve[h, ing been licenfed to aft as a Pilot. prived ot L: conce liable to Penalty tor ailing. pilots ruf- XXIV. Provided always, and° evty ^dedurad. fhall_be f^^or ^ ^ fuch„Pilot,^^e^ffat.sficd may appeal the P.ivy Council. edorad- d,aii be fufpended ot adjudged to h/Ve Pilot, fhall be diifatisfied f*?i d Perfon, who having complained t Y ^ Qf fuch Complaint, by the their lC*1 L with the Adjudication M who (ball have cognizance of fuch Corporation, Society, Maielty’s Privy Council, who (hall there- Complaint, may appeal >° «,s J™!1e‘ly nul any former Determination upon hear .he Appeal, and confirm ™*Dlfc»relion> maUe any part,- “SSpi ,i£e .w:.», »u»>•«»—«> “ as the Cafe may require. XXV. Provided alwayr, and^be '^“^[^We^for *ny L'* °r Da‘ Mafter of any Ship or VeflU ” of any Ship or Veffsl orConfignte maae, nor (hail any Owner o . any L^ls or Damage, upon any of Goods, be prevented from recover g ) olher Connaft relating Contraa of Iufuiance of the fame > 1^^ ^ fame> by rcafon of no to any Ship or Veffel, or any b or Veffel> (unlefs it (hall be P'“ve^ Pilot being on board of any fuch • « f anv Refulal to take a Pilot that the Want of a Pilot (hall have an -. h or yeflej, m i «'rs s»3i SC- -I ™». “> b= No Owner or Mailer of a Ship fhall be anfw- rablefor any Lofs, nor Owners of Ships or Con-fignee of Goods prevented from recovering lnfurance, by a Pilot not being on board, &c. A& not to Ships belonging to His Majeily. Aft not to extend toVef-fels not exceeding 6 o Tons. SOy5 «tiki . . i h* ir further enaited, That nothing in this XXVI. Provided always ^ be uf^^ ^ t0 any Ships or arbrtt'on-, m**,,® «*. ^ ^ ^ XXVII. r. Provided always, and be it h'ther ^ct, (hall extend or be confttued to extend to any Vcfiel not Owner of any fuch Veffel - *■ **channel> Rlver’ Port, or Place whatever. . ,t ,c XXVIII. And be it further enafted,’’I ^ of any Remedy by trS I“' «'all b= “"“'"¿ft'p^tni“hcSon»fwhich they might have had it jgyWC«1' not been pafftd. XXIX. And48°GEOK.GII III. Cap. 104. 1063 XXIX. And be ic further enacted, That nothing in this Ac: ihil! extend A& not to or be eonftrued to exfend, to give any Authority to the Corporation of the Trinity Houfe or' Deptford Sirond, within any Ports or Dillri£T hav- 'pr'n.;?.. 10 ing feparate Jurifdi&ion* in Matters of Piiorage under any Ail or Pallia- Houft. Dept-ment or Charter, or to alter or repeal any Provifions contained in any ford, within Ail or Ails of Parliament relating to the Pilots of any Ports or Diftriiis, in relation to which Provifions Ihall have been made in any Ail or Ails of rntVjunTd^c-Parliament as to Pilots or Pilotage, or the Pilotage within the Limits pre- tion under feribed by any Ail or Ails of Parliamenf*rclating to Pilotage, tor fuch any Aa of Ports, other than and except as herein particularly p-ovided. Parliament, XXX. Provided always, and be it further enailed, That nothing in this Aft ne t to Ail contained fnall extend to prevent or hinder the Mailer or Mate of any ^Ser&c Ship or VelTd, or Owner or Part Owner, refiling at Dover, Deal', or the 0f ship’s, re-IJlt f Tbaret from conducting or piloting his own Ship or Veiki up or lidingatDo-down the Rivers Thames or Medway, or into or out of any Port or Place vec &c. from within the Jurifdiilion of the Cinque Ports. ownsSpsio- the Rivers XXXI. Provided alfo, and be it further enafled, That it ihall be lawful Thamesor for ar.y horned Pilot to fuperfede any Perfon not licenfed as a Pilot, in Medway, the Charge of any Ship or Viflel within the Limits of his Licence; and i0J™a',. fu'" every iViafter of any Ship or Veffel who (hull continue any unlieenfid perfede’unli-Pe-fon, or any licenfed Perfon acting out of the Limits for which he cenfejones. is qualified as a Pilot, efter any Pilot licenfed to a£t within the Limits in h”?1'5’ on which fuch Ship or Veffel (hall then adtually be, ihall have offered to take tinauiag“ “f;" Charge cf the Ship or Veffel, and every Perfon affuming or continuing in cenfed Pilots the Charge or Conduit of any Ship or Veffel without being duly Li- oraffingout ccnied to°aft within the Limits in which fuch Ship or Veffel Ihall aciu ally be, after any Pilot duly licenfed and qualified to aft in the Premifcs proper Pilot ihall have offered to take charge of fuch Ship or Veffel, (hail refpeflively (hall have of. forfeit for every fuch Offence a Sum not exceeding Fifty Pounds nor lets (feed to take than Twenty Pounds. Charge of the XXXII And beitfurther enafted,That it fnal! be lawful for theCorpora- Trio;t tion of Trinity Houfe of Deptford Strond, and they are hereby authorized Houfe of and required to eftabliih, vary and alter, from Time to Time, as Ctrcuin- Deptford fiances (hall render the feme neceffary, regular Rates cf Pilotage, in rela-tion to all Pilotage performed in any River, Port, or Place, or upon any >vych Coalt whatever, by any Pilot or Pilots who fhall be licenfed by the flirt (hall be hung Co-potato.ri, upon their receiving Certificates of Examination from any upat the Sub-Commiffioners of Pilotage heieby direfted to be appointed ; which Rates (hall be regulated by and proportioned as well to the Size and Houfjs. Draught of Water of the Veffels. as to the Dillance piloted, the Detention and Rcfponfibiiity of the Pilot, and fuch other C.ircumftances as the faid Corporation may think fit to. take into Confideration in fixing and eftablifhing luch Rate?, of which Eftablilhment or Alterations of Rates of Pilotage Notice ihall be given by hanging up printed Tables thereof, corrected fr in Time to Time as Variations therein (hall be made, at the fcveral Cufiom Houfes at the Ports to which the faid Rates fhaU appiy. XXXIII. Provided always, and belt further enafled, That if the major Majority of Part mNumber of the Pilots who Ihall be licenfed by the faid Corporation of «tots or ' Trimty Ship'being4.8a GÉORGII III. Cap. 104. 1064. at 1 crct.r n of the Corporation or other Authority from which fuch Pilot Licence was derived. XLII And be it furtherenaGed.That no Perfon fhall take Charge of any Veffel or in any Manner act as a Pilot, or receive any Co^ nfet.o» hr aáinr asa Pilot, onlcfs he fhall be authorized thereto by fome lawfu O' t Fee or Reward, nor without having his Licence at the 1 a,ng in his per fonal Cuftody ready to be P-odu^ed an wh.h he fltail aGually produce to the Mailer of any Ship or Veffel, or other £r ^ fhall be deliróos of employing him as a Pilot; » “> f though duly licenfcd to aG as a Pilot, aG in that W beyond the Limits cxpitffcd in h.s Licence or' beyond the Qualification therein txpreffed. on pain of forfeiting ff 3n(j lot Thirty Pounds nor let than Ten Pounds for .he Firftt Offence* any Second or ful fequenc Offence any Sum not exceeding F.lty Lounus nor kfs than Thirty Pounds. S 2LI1I. And48°GE0RGII III. Cap.jo4. 1067 XLIU. And be it ensiled, That on the Death of any Pilot,his Executor? OnDcatho and Adminiftrators, or One of them, or the Perfon or Petfons to whoiV Hands the Licence of fuch deceafed Pilot ihail come, (hall, v> i hout wilful ¿,'J"lce I1!?® Delay, tranfmit fuch Licence to the Corporation, Company, or Periods the’conwnu’ by whom iuch Licence was granted, on pain of forfeiting for any Negleft tionthat therein, or for Refufal to deliver the fame when lawfully demanded, a |r!mtedit, or Sum not exceeding Twenty Pounds nor lefs chan Forty Shillings. " Penaity- XLIV. And be it further enaited, That it (hall be lawful for the Lid Cor- Corporate poration of Trinity Houle of Deptford Strand, and alio for the (aid Society Boi!>es orPei-or Fellowlhip of Pilots of Dover, Deal, ar,d the fie ofTbanet, and alfo for all other Corporate Bodies, or other Perfons having lawful Authority to "enfe Pilots appoint Pilots within the Limits of their refpeilive Jurifdidlions, to li- maylicenfe cerde Veffels of fuch S ze and Defcription as (hall appear to them to be VdMsfpr proper for the Purpofe of having Pdots conflantly in Attendance in luch Veffels at Sea ; and for the better Support of fuch Pilot Veflels, it (hail on them at' be lawful for any Number of Pilots iicenfed by virtue of this A£f, Or and a otherwife lawfully Iicenfed, with the Confent of the faid Corporate Bodies, Joint Stoc!c or Perlons by whom refpeaively fuch Pilots have been or (hall be ap- ^Te^infti-pointed as aforefaid, to conftitute a Joint Stock Company or Companies for tutedforpro*. the prov.ding ana maintaining of fuch Pilot Veffels; which Companies, vicling them* and the faid Veffels, (hall at all Times be fuhjeft to fuch Rules and Re- *c‘ gulations as (hall from Time to Time be fanflioned and approved in that Behalf by the faid Corporate Bodies, or Perfons by whom refpedively fuch Pilots (hall respectively have been Iicenfed. XLV. And be it further enaited, That every Pdot Boat cr Vefiel, or pilot Eoafs other Boat cr Veil'd in the Pilot Service of any Corporation or Society (h'aU be°ftted elbblilhed bv Law in relation to Pilotage, or of any Perfons authorifed to ait a® herein (peas a Pdot by fuch Corporation or Society, ihail at all Times and on every cir'e’Vriiil d knowingly conduct, lead, decoy, or betray any Ship or Velici ;„ro Int0 DanP'r> Danger,,, any Manner not already provided agami! by any S ature or rV-uuif" Statutes; or (hall unnrceflarily or Improperly cut any Cable or Cables of UbK fcc. belonging to any Ship or Veffel, or caufe or procure the fame to be c-t unneceffirily and rmproperly ; or if any fuch Pcrlon (ball, by wilful Mif-reprefentat10" of any Circumltances upon which the Safety of any Ship or Veffel Iball appear materially to depend for the Time being obtain Z endeavour to obtain the Charge and Conduct of any Ship or Veffel tlren and in every fuch Cafe the Perfon fo offending, or who Ihall aid in’ pm mn’r r ■’ or,connive at the committing of any fuch Offence or Offences fhall forfeit and pay a Sum not exceeding One hundred Pounds, nor Ms Ì ih ^rWb y- t°UÌ; Jnd;n cafc the IVr(on io Offending fluì! be a Pilot heffallbe ertherddmiffed from being a Pilot, or fufpended from afling A, ,Uh T'd?Tu \3t the Uircrction the Corporation or othe? Autnority by whom fuch Pilot was liccnled. R L‘nAnd he ¡! !Unher e"a?ed> Til3t if anf fJcIi 'icenfed Pilot Veffel or Pilot Boat, Boat fhall run before any Ship or Veffel, not having a licenled Pilot on ™"">"gbe-board, tor the Purpole of direfling the Courfe of fuch Ship or Vffl fore v*h * untrla Pilot can be put on board, the Pilot on board fuch Pfft Veffel, or S^blrrd the Perfon charge of her, fhall be entitled to the full Prlotage fur entitled to the D,fiance run, untrl a duly hcenfed Pilot Orali be pur on board, as ,f dotage, luch Perfon had been adually on board fuch Ship, and had the Charge of her as a Pilot. c LI. And be it fu-ther enafled, That ro Pilot (hall be taken to Sea bv No Pilot diali the Commanding Officer of any of His Majefty’s Shins, or bv any Mailer be 'a1"11 to of any Ship or Veffel in the Merchant Servici, without his free Confcnt without except in caie of abfolute and unavoidable Neceffity ; and in fuch Calè every excStfo“' Pilot io taken to Sea fhall have and receive Ten Shillings and Sixpence cafeofNe-per diem, until he fhall be returned to the Port or Place where he was ce^lt:y> and taken on board, or until he (hall have been difeharged from the Ship for a the” the Trinity „a| S(.archer or Clearing Officer of the Cuftoms at Gravefend Ihall dem nd Houfc- antj ta^e the Name or Names of the Pilot or Pilots of all Ships or Veffrls Office?« clearing outwards from the Port ot London, and fhall tr.mirnit monthly Gravefend to Lifts ot fuch Names tothe laid Corporation of the Trinity Houfe, on Pain trailfmit like uf forfeiting a Sum net exceeding Five Pounds nor lef, than Forty Shillings, Reports °f o bc pait]4y every Pctfon who Ihall negleft to comply with the foregoing Vcifels clear- . r J ■ ; w ing outwards. Regulations rtrfpeitively. Lifts of pilots LIX. And be it f rthrr enacted, That Lifts of th ■ C'r-riftian and Surnam-s, containing Aies, and Places of Reftdence, of all Pilots in England, fhall, with the Dates , S7toPr ot°thhr Appointments, on or before the Thirty-firlt D. y ot D cemaer O .e tranfmitted to thculand eight hundred and eight, be tranlmttted to the Co porn ion of the Trinity Trinity Houfe of Dip ford Slrond, at their Court Houfe in London, dtf-Houfc and tinguifhing the Limits within which fuch Pilots are appointed to act n peel-mdiionet'sof ively, and thenceforward from Time to Time as each App in ment ot a Cuftoms. Pilot Ihall take place ; and alfo Duplicates of fuch 1 .ifts to the Comm -ftoners of the Cuftoms in England, annexing to the Litis 10 be trrntmitted tothe Trinity Houle the Rates of Pilotage, and altoftating the Rules and Regulations made and eftabltihed in relation to fuch Pilots, in cale fuch Rules and Regulations Ihall have been made by any other Anthony than by Aft of Parliament, or by the laid Corporation ot Tiintty Houle of Deptford Strond, and the fame, when fo compleated, ihall be tranfmntcd as afortfaid by the relptftive Bodies Politick and Corporate, and other Perfons authorized to appoint Pilots in any of the Putts, Harbours, or "Rivers, or on any of the Coafts of England, by whom luch Pilots lull have been appointed refpeftively; and tne laid Bodies 1 olittck. an . Corporate, and other Perfons authorized to appoint Pl ots as at ,., ta d, hdl and they are hereby required to tranfnnt to the laid Corp rui.1.1 ot i rt-nttv Houfe, at their faid Court Houfe in London annually on the 1 ftirr . firtl. Day of December, or within One Calendar M nth aftcrw rd , a 1 t cotrefted up to the faid Thirty-full Day of December annual!,, t ; Names and Reftdence of the Pilots within their levetal J inf ictiocs, m t ftatinrr luch Alterations as may have been made (it any) it he t\ui :s . 1 ReguTations for governing Pilots within the refpc&ive D it ict». and 46 G. 3-c. 98. Commiffion-ers of Cuftoms to tranfmit to theirprincipal Officers at the feveral Ports in England theNamesand Refidence of the Pilots who ihall refide within the Limitsofeach Port. LX. And whereas by Two Afts pafled in the F irty-fifth and For v-fixth Years of His prefent Majefty, for the more effeftual P 1 - -ounce of Quarantine,’ Pilots are required, on going on board Suns arriving from Foreign Parts, in certain Cafes to give Information to .e Commanders thereof refpefting Proclamations and Orders in Council relative to the Performance of Quarantine, which renders it nrcdTaivt at Notice of fuch Proclamations and Orders, which may have been ifiiied fubfeqaent to the Departure from England of luch Ships, (hould be p -vioufly communicated to all Pilots throughout England-, be it turmer enafied, That the faid Commiflioners of the Cuftoms fhall, wit, 1111 One Month, from the Thirty-Bril Day of December One thouf.nd ngr.t Hundred and eight, tranfmit to the principal Officers of the Revenue under their Management at thefeveral Ports in England, the Names and Places ot Refidence of fuch Pilots in the Lifts lo tranlmitred to them as ihall 1 tilde within the Limits of each Port refpeftively, and fo from thencefoiw .rd , e Name of each Pilot of whole Nomination they Ihall receive Notts e t om the proper Authority, in order that the faid principal Officers at the uv ^i°73 48° GEORGII III. Cap. x04. Ports may be enabled to communicate to every Pilot within the Limits of the Ports refpeftively all Proclamations or Orders in Council refptfting the Performance of Quarantine by Ships arriving from infefted Places, which thefaid Officers are hereby required to do. LXI. And be it further enabled, That all the Provifions, Claufes, Penalties, and Forfeitures, contained in an Ail pafTed in the Eighth Year of the Reign of Queen Elizabeth, or any other Aft or Acts made and in force for the Prefervation of Beacons and Sea Marks,. (hall extend and be conitrued to extend to all Veifels duly appointed to exhibit Lights therein for the Prefervation of Ships and Veffels at Sea, and co aiTPerrons removing, injuring, or deftroying fuch Veifels or Lights; which Offences may be laid and tried in any County in England. LXII. And be it further enabled, That every Perfon who ilrall ride by, make fail to, or remove, or wilfully or negligently run down, or run foul of any Veil'd appointed or placed to exhibit Lights, or any Buoy or Beacon belonging to the Paid Corporation of the Trinity Houfe of Depford Strand, or belonging to or placed by any other Corporation having lawful Authority to place the fame, Hull furfcit for every fuch Offence any Sum not exceeding Fifty Pounds nor lefs than Ten Pounds, together with the Expence of replacing or making good any Damage occafioned by fuch Milconduct. LXIII. And whereas by an Aft paffed in the Thirty-ninth Year of the Reign of His prefent Majcfty, intituled, An .Act for rendering more commodious and for letter regulating the Port of l.ondon, the Dock Mailer or Dock Mailers appointed by the V/eJl India Dock Company, under and by virtue of the laid Aft, have full Power and Authority to direct the mooring, unmooring, moving or removing of all Ships and other Veifels, Lighters, and Craft, as ihall be within the Diilance of Two hundred Yards from any Entrance out of the faid River there into the Works of the faid Company, as to the Time or Times, and Manner of their Entrance into, lying in, or going out of 0/ (rom the fame : And whereas the Powers given to the laid Dock Mailer or Dock Mailers, under and by virtue of the laid recited Aft, have not been found fufficient to enable him and them to enforce Obedience to his and their Orders and Direftions, to Pilots having the Charge or Direftion of navigating Ships and Veifels within the aforefaid Diilance of Two hundred Yards of the refpeftive Entrances into the faid Docks from the River Thames; be it therefore enabled, That from and afcer'the paffing of tips Aft, if any Pilot or Pilots h.ving the Charge Or Direftion of navigating any Ship or Veifel within the aforefaid Diilance of Two hundred Yards from the refpeftive Entrances into the Lid Docks from the River Thames, and either intended to go into, or having recently come out si the Docks, Bafons, or other Works of the faid Company, ihall negleft or refule to obey fuch Orders or Direftions as (hall or may from Time to Time be given to fuch Pilot or Pilots by the faid Dock Mailer or Dock Mailers under and by virtue of, and agreeably to the Powers veiled in him and them by the faid recited Aft, touching or relating to the mooring, unmooting, moving, or removing uf fuch Ships or Veffels fo being under the Charge or Direftion of fuch Pilot or Pilots as af refaid, then and in every fuch Cafe every Pilot fo offending ihall forfeit and pay a Sum not exceeding Fifty Pounds and not lefs than 12 Q . Twenty Provifion* of S Eliz. c. or anyothpr A&3 for Prefervation of Beacons, fhail extend to all Veffels appointed to exhibit Lights, &c. Penalty for riding by, &c. fuch VeiTels, or any Buoy or Beacon, mGx c.69. Penalty on Pilots for not obeying the Orders of the Dock Mailer of the Well India Dock Company.i°74 Lift of Vef- fels employed for Pilotage, withtheNum-ber of Hands, to be annually tranfmitted to the Receiver of the 6d. Duty in the Port of London. ceeding ao 1. may be re- 48° GE O R G 11 III. Cap.104.. Twenty Pounds; and every fuch Pitot (hall be liable to be difmifled from being a Pilot, or fufpenderf from afting as fuch, at the Difcrttion of the Corporation, or other Authority by whom fuch Pilot was li-cenfed. I,XIV. And be it further enaded, That the Corporation of the Trinity Houfe of Deptford Stror.d. and the Court of Loadmanage of the Cinque Ports and all other Corporations for managing or diretiing Pilots in any Part of England, under the Authority of any Aft ot Parliament or Charter, ihall annually, within One Month after the Firft Day of January m every Year tranfmit to the Office of the Receiver of the Sixpenny Duty in the Port of London, a Lift of all the VeiTels, of every DeCription, employed by them or by Perfons under their Authority, for the Purpofes of Pi-lotage, with the Number of Men and Boys belonging to or ferving in any fuch Vefiel. LXV And be it further ensiled, That all Fines, Penalties, or Forfri ires bv this Aft impofed or to be impofed by any Bye Ltw unuer the Authority thereof, the Manner of levying whereof is not herein directed, and which (hall not exceed Twenty Pounds, or m refpTt of which any Sum lefs than Twenty Pounds may be awarded at the Difcretion of any Tuftice hearing the Offence, may be levied and recovered w Min S x Calendar Months after the Offence or Offences committed, or within fuch other Time as is hereinafter in that Behalf d,retted, before any Juftice or Tuftices of the Peace for the County, City, Divifion, or late where the Offence fhall be committed, or if commuted by any Pilot, be-ore any Tuftice of the Peace orMagifttate of the City, Town, or Port to which fuch Pilot fhall belong; or if committed by any Owner or Mailer of any Ship by any Juftice of the Peace or Magiftcate of the Ciun.y, City, Town or Pott at which fuch Owner or M„fter fhall re fide, or to which the Ship of fuch Owner or Mailer (ball belong ; or if commuted by any Pilot otP the Trinity Houfe of Deptford Strona, or the Cinque Ports, or by Env olher Perfon on any Part of the Sea from Fo kftone to the Mouth of th-Riler Thames, crop the Rivers Thames or Medway, then ov any Juftice of the Peace of the Counties of Kent, Surrey, EJfex, or Middle^, or by any Mamftrate of the City of London ; and fuch Juftice and Jullices is and are hereby empowered and required, upon Complaint to him or them made to ," War-ant to brine before him or them fuchOffende. or Offenders ?trThe ^rot Place ingfuch Warrant fpecified ; and if on Conv.a.on of the Offender or Offenders refpedively, or on h's’1°r 9^' V^oath^ t„,!Uh paw. b «.an - Jullices to commit every Oftende^to the com o ^ ^ 2S5 <* —rT“ committed tnete , f than Twemv-one Days, until Inch vZ' Penallyoi^ Forfeiture,^«d all reafonable Charges attending the Recovery thereof, fhall be fooner paid : Provided always, that n°>ftice or Magi ft rate fhall in any Cafe award any Sum exceeding Tweny Pounds. l.XVI. And4.8° GE ORCI I III. Cap. 104. LXVI. And be it further enaded, That all Fines, Penalties, or Fo. fcitures exceeding the Sum of Twenty Pounds by this Ad impofed, for any Offence or Offences committed againft this Ad, or in which any greattr Sum may be awarded than Twenty Pounds, and in which the Party pro-fecuting fuch Offence (hall proceed fur any greater Sum than Twenty Pounds, fhall and may be recovered by Adion of Debt, Bill, Plaint, or Information, in any of His Majefty’s Courts of Record at Wrjhninjier, wherein no Effoign, Protedion, Wager of Law, or any more than One Imparlance (hall be allowed, within Twelve Calendar Months next aft.r the Offence or Offences fhall be committed, or within fuch other Time as is hereinafter in that Behalf direQed : Provided always, that in cafe the faid refpeaive Periods of Six Calendar Months and Twelve Calendar Months or either of them, within which Fines, Penalties, or Forfeitures are tobeiued for as aforefaid, (hall in any Cafe or Cafes of elapfeand run out before any Profecution hereby authorized or directed fhall have been commenced for the Recovery of fuch Fines, Penalties, or Forfeitures ; and if it (hall in Manner hereinafter mentioned be made to appear, as form after as the Circumftances of the Cafe (hall reafonably admit, that the Commencement of the Profecution has been delayed by reafon of the Ab-fence of any Party or Parties, whether offending or complaining, or by the Abfence of any necefiary Witnefs or Witneffes; then upon iucli Cir-cumftances being Hated by Affidavit, in Writing, made before any Judge of any of His Maiefty’s Courts of Record at Weftmmfter, it (hall thereupon be lawful for any fuch Judge or Judges to order or authorize the Commencement of fuch Profecution, within fuch further Time as fuch Judge (hall think fit to limit in that Behalf; and in fuch Cafe the Pro.ecution or Profecutions fo ordered or authorized, (hall and may be commenced and profecutedwithintheTimeor refpeaive Times io limited, in like Manner and with the like Efffid, in all Refpeds, as ,f fuch 1 .ofecutions h.d been commenced and prpfecuted within the (aid relpeflive Periods of Six Months and Twelve Months hereby limned : Provided always, that nothing herein contained (hall extend to affeft or impede the Jurrmaion of the Court of Loadmanage, as far as refpeds the Pilots appointed under the Authority of the laid Court; and provided alio that nothing m this Aa contained (hall extend or be con it rued to extend to ailed or impair the Jurifdiaion of the High Court of Admiralty. LXVII. And be it further enaded, That in cafe any Perfon againft whom a Warrant (hall be iifued by any Juitice or julhces, before or a ter• .y Convidion for any Offence againft this Act, (nail tfcape, g > ’ refide, or be in any other County, Riding, Divifion, y, Y> Town or Place, not of the Jurifdiaion of fuch Juft.ce or Juftices grant-ing fuch Warrant or Warrants; or if the G .ods and Chattels ot any Offender convided of any Offence in pursuance of this Aft. (hall any County, Riding, Divifion, City, Liberty, ““ ¡Z wher/t’he faid Patty was convided, or Warrant of Hi re s g, it (hall be lawful for any Juftice of the Peace of the County,, K. mg, Ovfmn Citv liberty, Town, or Place into which fuch i'erton lhall efeme either ^before or alter Convidion, or where his Goods and Chattels (hall be alter fuch Convidion, and they and required, upon Pioof made upon Oath of t le • §. , • or thejr tic« or Juftices granting fuch Warrantor Warran s, > fo delivered, Name It Names on fuch Warrant, and the fame, when J°7S How Penalties above 201. may be recovered. Aft not to affect the Ju-rifdiftion of the Court of Loadmanage or of theHigb Court of Admiralty. Juftice of any County into which an Offender fhall efcape, or his Goods fhall be, may in-_ dorfe the original Warrant, which fhall authorife the Peace Officers to execute it, &c1076 48°GEORGII III. Cap. 104. lhall be fufficient Authority to ail Peace Officers to execute fuch Warrant in fuch other County, Riding, Divifion, City, Town, or Place out of the Jurifdiftion of the Julliceor Juilices granting the faid Warrant; and any juftice or Juftices refpeftively, on the Offender or Oifcnders being apprehended and brought before him or them within their refpe&ive Juriidic-tions, may proceed to hear and determine the Complaint, in the fame Manner as if it had originally arifen within his or their refpeftive Jurifdic-tions, and may direct the Offender or Offenders to be carried to the Juftice or Juftices who granted the original Warrant, to be dealt with according to Law. Application LX VIII. And be it further enafted, That One-third of all Fines or Penal- of Penalties, ties to be levied in purfuance of this Aft, or under any Bye-Law made in purfuance thereof, by whomloever incurred, (hall go to the Pcrfon who /hall inform or fue for the fame, and the Remainder of all fuch Fines or Penalties (hall be paid and applied to the Fund of theTrinity Houfe at Dip ford Strond, and /hall be applied, after defraying thereout die Expen es of carrying this Aft into Execution, in fuch Manner and for the like Purpofes as the other Funds of the faid Corporation are by or Ufage applicable, in cafe fuch Fines or Penalties fhall be incurred by Pilots liccnfcd by the faid Corporation, or by any other Perfon or Perfons, in relation to any Matters wherein fuch Lft-mentioned Pilots (hall be in anywife concerned ; and in cafe fuch Fines or Penalties lhall be incurred by Pilots of the Cinque Ports, or by any other Perfon or Perfons in relation to any Matters wherein luch laft-mentioned Pilots lhall be in anywife concerned, then the remaining Two-thirds of fuch laft-mentioned Fines or Penalties (hall go to fuch Fund as hath been or (hall be eftabiiflied by the P.-rfons having the Direftion of the Cinque Port Pilots, and lhall be applied to the Ufa of fuch refpeftive Funds, after defraying, out of fuch Funds and Penalties, the refpeftive Expences incurred in carrying this Aft into Execution. Witneffe: not LXIX. And be it further enafted, That if any Perfon who (hall be fum-madoecom naoneu as a Witnefs before any Juftice or Juftices of the Peace, lhall indeed toThe refufe or neglect to appear at the Time by fuch Summons appointed, Houfe of having no juft Caufe for fuch Negleft or Refufal, it (hall be lawful Collection. f0T tucfi Juftice or Juftices, on Proof of fuch Summons having been ferved, and of a Tender of reafonable Expences having been made to iuch Perfon on his being ferved with fuch Summons, to iffue his or their Warrant under his Hand and Seal, or their Hands and Seals, to bring fuch Perfon before him or them ; and if on Appearance, or on being brought before any Juftice or Juftices, fuch Perfon lhall refufe to be examined on Oath concerning the Piemfes, without having fame juft Caufe for fuch Refufal, it lhall be lawful for luch Juftice or Juftices, by Warrant under his Hand and Seal or their Hands and Seals, to commit " fuch Perfon to the Houfe of Correction of the County, City, Divifion or Place where any luch Perfon lhall be apprehended, there to remain for any Time not exceeding Six Months nor lefs than Fourteen Days, as any fuch Juftice or Juftices lhall direft. Perfons con- I.XX. And be it further CDafted, That every Perfon, who in any Exami-vified of giv- nation upon Oath under the Provisions of this Aft, lhall wilfully give falle ingfalfc Wit- Tcftimony or a falle Account of the Matter l’worn to by him, lhall be liable nefs guilty of tQ ^ profecuted for the fame by Indiftment; and, if duly convifted of Life lcrjur)r' it Swearing1077 48” G EORGII III. Cap. 104. Swearing in the Premifes, ihall be fubjid and liable to fuch P.iniihments, Difquahfications, and D-{abilities, as any Perlon would be fubjed or liable to ror wiPul and cor u^t Perjury in any other Cafe by the Laws and Statutes of the R -aim. LXXI. And be it further enaded, That where any Dlftreffes (hall be made Lift refs not f >r nry Sum or Sums of M nryto be levied by virtue of this Ad, the account bf” Diftrels i felf /hail not be deen.ed unlawful, n r (hall (he P.ry or P .rtics wantofForm* making theLme be deemed a TrefpaiLr or Tiefpaffrs on account c f any &c. Deftdor want cf Form in the Summon?, Cor.vidion, Warrant of Diibefs; or the Proceei.inys rtlating thereto; neither (hall the Party or Parties be deemrd a T-efyafier orTrefp ffers ab init'o, oh account of any Irregularity whi< h (hall be afterwards committed ;-but the P ¡rty or Parti, s ag-giie\e 1 bv fuch I regularity (hall and may re convided bv any Juftice or Juftices of the Peace bemadetothe before mentioned, of any Offence or Off nres againft this Ad, or Quagrt^^et anv Rule, Order, or By Law made'in purfuunce thereof, within Th e m°ay finally C ff ncUr Months rext alter luc Conviction, to appeal to the Juftc S of determine the thr P ace aff mb!ed at the General Qu net S (lions holden for the County, Matter, and Ci v, 01 Place where the Matter of Appeal fhallarife, firft giving Ten Days awarli^olt3» Not ceof fuch Appeal to the Perfon cr Perfons appealed againft, and of t e Vla'ter thrreol, and within Fourteen Days next after fuch Notice in-te inti i 1 oa Recognizanc e before ft me Juftice of thePeace for fu h County, C'tv, or Place, with fufficient Sureties conditi med to try fuch Appeal, and fir abiding the Drterminati >n of the Court therein; and fuch Juft ices ffa 1, upon doe Proof of fuch Notice having been given* and Recognizance entered into, heat and detci mine the Matrer of fuch Appeal, and may eithtr confirm or quaih and annul the faid Convidion, and award fuch Coils to erhe r Party as to them ihall feem juft and re; fonable, and the Drcifion of the fa d Juftices therein (hall be final, binding, and conclufivc; and no Proceeding to be had or taken in purfuance of this Ad fnail be quailied «uaihedfor 12 R #7 orf078 a8° GEORGI1 III. Cap. 104. wantofForm, or vacated for want of Form only, or be removed by Certiorari or any nor removed ()rhrt Writ or Proceis wbatfoever, into any of His Majefty’s Courts of by Certioran. pecp-r(j at IVeflmhiJicr or elfewhere; any Law or Statute to the contrary thereof in any wife notwithftanding. Limitation of LXXIV. And Be it further enafted, That if any Suit, or Aftion (hall he Aftionii. - brought or profecuted againft any Perfon or Perfons for a't.y,Thing done or ’ to by done in purfuance of thisAft, in every fuchCafethe’Action or Suit {hail be commenced within Six Calendar Months next afterthe Pail Committed, 'apd‘not afterwards, and (hall be hid or brought in the CuuntJ, City; or General! flue. Place; where thy: Caufe of Aftion arifes, and. not elfewhere ; and the Defendant Of befendants in fucli Action or Suit may plead the General Iffue, Not Guil,y, and give this Aft and the Special Matter in Evidence at any Trial io be had thereupon, and that the fame was done*in purfuance and by the Authority of this Aft; and if it (hall appear fo to-be done, or if any fuch Afliop or Suit fhafl be brought after the Time limited .for bringing ’ the fame, then the Jury (hail find for .the Defendant or Defendants ; or . if the Plaintiff or Plaintiffs (bali beforrje nonfuited or fuffer a Difcontintf- . ance of his, her, or their Aftion or Aftions, or if a Verdift (hall pafs a’gairiit'the Plaintiff or Plaintiffs, or if upon Demurrer Judgment (hall be given againfl the Plaintiff 6r Plaintiffs, the Defendant or Defendants (hall Treble Cods, have Treble Coils, and (hall have fuch Remedy for the fame as any De-•fendanf or Defendants hath or have for Coils of Suit in other Caiei \by Law. ~ Aft not to LXXV.Provided always, and it is hereby further enafted and declared by prejudice any the Authority aforefaid, Thar nothing in this Aft contained fhall extend, Right of the ■ or be conftrued to extend, to prejudice or take away any Right, Property, don7 °f Lo"’ Authority, or JurifdRtion of the Mayor of the City cf London, ot of the Mayor and Commonalty and Citizens of the City of London, to, in, and j upon the River of Thames aforefaid. jVdick Ait. LX XVI. And be it further enafted, That this Aft (hall be deemed and taken to be a Public'Aft, arid (hall be judicially taken Notice of as fuch by all Judges, Juitices, and others, without being fpecially pleaded. Continuance LXXVII. And be It further enafted, That this Aft (hall be in force for cfA&. Four Years from thepaffing thereof.lOSC Gap. 104. 4,8’GEORGII III. SCHEDULE TABLE of the RATES of PILOTAGE for piloting Ships from the River to the Downs, and Thames to London, and from TO Under 7 Feet. From 7 Feet to 10 Feet. n Feet. 12 Feet. *3 Feet. ( £ e. J. £ J. d. £ j. d. £ d. £ j. d. - Nore or Warps 4 0 0 S 10 O 5 IS C 0 l6 0 7 s 0 F*-om the Sea, Or- \ Gravefend, Chatham, Stand- £ T |l n gate Creek, or Blackilakes ) ' J ' Ho><-ly Bay, and vice ] Lon 0-reach J s 0 7 '5 O 12 O 9 10 0 IO 5 0 vprln - - | Woolwich or Blackwall 5 0 5 O 9 5 O 10 0 0 I I 0 0 Moorings or London Docks - 6 6 ° 8 It 0 9 ■5 O to 10 O 11 10 0 Z 2 0 2 15 O 3 5 0 3 12 0 3 18 0 From the Nore or j Longreaeh or Chatham 2 IO 0 3 3 O 3 ‘.5 0 4 s 0 4 IO 0 Woolwich or Blackwall 3 0 0 4 O 4 13 0 4 18 0 3 7 6 and vice Y.'ia - (_ Moorings or London Docks - 3 10 0 4 10 0 5 s 0 5 ‘3 0 0 5 0 Upward: r Longreaeh - » -■ 0 JO 0 I 7 6 * 12 6 1 J7 2 2 6 Woolwich or Blackwall 1 5 0 2 0 0 2 0 2 18 0 3 0 1 From Gravefend J Moorings or London Docks - 0 3 to 0 3 0 3 IO 0 4 0 0 Reach, and vice verfa j Downward :• Sheemefs oi lJlackftakes J 0 0 3 10 0 4 0 0 4 10 0 5 0 0 L Chatham 3 10 0 4 0 0 4 JO 0 5 ° 0 5 10 u Upward ; Woolwich or Blackwall i 0 0 i xo 0 2 O 0 2 0 J 0 0 f Moorings or London Docks - i 10 0 2 a 0 2 10 0 5 0 0 3 10 0 From Longreaeh - < Downward : S’eemefs or Blackftakea 3 to 0 4 0 0 4 I© 0 5 0 0 3 10 0 1 Chatham - 4 0 a 4 10 0 5 0 0 s 0 0 Upward: Moorings or London Docks - i 0 0 I to 0 1 12 6 ■3 2 ° 0 Downward : Sheemefs or Blackftakee 4 0 O 4 10 0 5 O 0 5 10 0 V 0 u Chatham • 4 10 0 s 0 0 5 Ships not having Britiih Rcgiilers to pay One-fourth more of the Rates of Pilotage For Half a Foot exceeding the above Draughts of Water For intermediate Diitances a proportionate Rate. For removing a Ship or Veil'd from Moorings into a Dry For a Ship under 300 Tons £ s. d. 300 to 6oo — - - I I 0 6co to 1,000 — - - i 11 6 above 1,000 — • •zzo In the River Thames above Gravefend : For a Boat of a Clafs carrying an Anchor of above Ditto with an Anchor above a cwt. and cor-Ditto with an Anchor under 2 cwt. &c. And for each Man’s Service in thofe Boats,+S° GEORGII III. Cap. 104. 108 . (A.) up and clown.the North .Channel, from and to Ilofely Bay ; or from off the Entrance of the to Sea from the River. the medium Price between the two Limits, or Wet Dock. 4 cwt. withacorrefpondingTowlinc, the Rate refponding Towline 2 2 o'» per Trip for the whole Diftance from Gravefend I I r 6 > to London, and in Proportion for any Part of t I oj that Diftance. icxr. 6d- per Tide. 12 S) [ OS 2 48° GEORGII III. Cap. 104. SCHEDULE A TABLE of the refpeftive RATES to be received by the Pilots of the Cinque FROM TO Under 7 Feet. From 7 Feet to 10 Feet. 11 Feet. 12 Feet. | 13 Feet. ( • £ r. d• £ x. d. £ x. d. £ x. d £ x. d 1 f Nore, Sheernefs, Standgate ? Creek, Gravefend - J J 0 0 710 0 85O 9 0 0 9 *5 0 The Downs - 4 Longreaeh 3 10 6 806 9 0 0 9 >5 0 10 12 6 1 Blackwall or London 6 6 O 8 11 0 9 T5 0 10 10 0 11 10 0 Standgate Creek Gravefend ^33° 313 6 4 4 0 4 14 6 i 5 ° N. B. One Fourth Fart ¡a to be added to the refpeftire Rates in the ' For every Half Foot exceeding 10 Feet of the above Draughts of Water an For intermediate Diftances a proportionate Rate equal to Half thelhffere«« Ships and VeiTels which (hall be boarded by Pilot» Weftward . From off Dungenefs to the Downs - - a. From the Weiltvard of Folkftone to the Toons ,, From the Weftward of Dover to the Downs -1 From off Dover and Weftward of trie South 1 From off the South Foreland, and to the NoitWrd v ,5' or for coming on board when at Anchor them Ships not having B.itiflt Regifters to pay One Fourth more of the Rates of. dotage ofMiddlcfcx and Kent. .For a Boat of a CUs lov'e ^"cwstd In the River aboveJ • . an Anchor under 2 cwt. &c. Gtavefend. \ ^ ^ °‘’h°Man,s Service in thofe Boats, .os. 6d. per Tide. For putting a Pilot 01 board, and for Pilotag to t-he Anchorage in th Downs.48° GEORG II III. Cap. 104. 1083 (B) Port Eilabliihment, according to the Regulations eilabliihed by this Aft. 14 Feet. 15 Feet. 16 Feet. 17 Feet. 18 Feet. 19 Feet. 20 Feet. 21 Feet. 22 Feet. 23 Feet and upwards. £ 1. J £ t. d. £ s. d. £ d. £ d. £ 2. d. £ t. d. £ 2. d. £ J. * 2. 1 10 10 0 11 J ° 12 0 0 « 15 0 >5 « 0 .8 2 0 21 ° ° 23 2 O 25 4 0 2J 6 0 ” 7 6 12 6 0 13 I O 14 6 6 16 j 6 20 4 O 23 2 0 25 4 O 27 (S 0 29 8 0 12 j 0 S 'S « 13 7 0 6 6 0 14 2 O 6 16 6 is 18 0 7 7 « 18 9 0 7 zj 6 22 6 0 880 25 4 0 8 18 6 27 6 0 - - feveral foregoing Clafles for Ships not having Briti/h Regifters. increafed Rate equal to the Medium between the Two Limits is to be paid, between the Two Limits. •f the Downs are to pay the feveral Rates followings £ t. d. 5 5° 440 3 3o of that Promontory to the Anchorage in the Downs) Foreland to the Downs than is ftated in this T ble, except fuch as arc chiefly laden with Corn or other Provifions. /hall be increafed to 140; £ to per Cent, when they/hall be increafed to 160 ; and £-20 per Cent, when they /hall be Cinque Port-, or by his Authority, in the London Gazette, and in one or more Newfpapers, circulating in the Counties correfponding Tow Line, the Rate correfponding Tow Line £ s. d. 22 6 1 **er Trip ^°r whole Diftance from 111 > Grav.-fend to London, and in Pr'o- 1 1 0 J portion, for any Part of this Diftance.l0g4 48°.pEORGll Ili. Cap. !04. . .. SCHEDULE (C.) O ATH to be taken by the Mailer and Wardens of the Society of Cinque Port Pilots. « 1 A. B. do (wear, That I will diligently and impartially examine and 4 inquire into t'ne Capacity and Skll of in the Art of 4 piloting,Ships and VtileIs over the flats and round the Longland IT ad, 4 and pp the Rivers ol Thames and Midway, and into Bamfgate. Dover, 4 Sandwich, and Margate Harbours, and aifo upon the Coatis of Flanders 4 and Hollnd \ and will make true and fpeedy Return thereof tothe Lprd « Warutn ot the Cinque Ports for the Time being, or his Deputy, with-< out Favour, Aricdtiun, Fee, ot Reward. ‘ So help me GOD.’ - | -• | " ■ ; ■ r, t o - . t; ; . ; y l d SCHEDULE (D.) OATH to be taken by Sob-Commifiionersfor Pilotage. 1 T A. B. do fwea-, That I will diligently and impartially eXamineintothe t A Capacity and Skll of in the Art or Piloting Ships 4 and Velfcls into the Roadftead, Pott, or Harbour,-and upon the Coaft 4 following, videlicet, {here deferibe the Limits within which the Perfon ex-4 amined is intended to atlas a Mot] and will make true and fpeedy Return 4 thereof to the Corpt ration of Trinity Houle of DeptfordStrond, without 4 Favour, Addition, Fee, or Reward, other than loch Fee or Reward as is 4 allowed by the Bye Laws orRegulations duly eltablilhec! in that Behalf. 4 So help me GOD.’ LONDON: Printed by George Eyre and Andrew Sts.aman, Printers to the King’s molt Excellent Majefty. 1808. 5*