ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN Production Note Project Unica Rare Book & Manuscript Library University of Illinois Library at Urbana-Champaign 2015 ANNO QUINQUAGESIMO GEORGII HI. 11EGIS. ****************'******************************'*** CAP. CXVI. An Aft to extend and amend the Term and Pro-vifions of an Act of the Thirty-ninth and Fortieth Year of His prefent Majefty, for the better Prefer-vation of Timber in the New Forejl in the County of Southampton, and for afcertaining the Boundaries of the faid Foreft, and of the Lands of the Crown within the fame. [20th June 18x0.] THEREAS by an Aft paffed in the Thirty-ninth and Fortieth Years of His prefent Majefty, intituled, An Act for the better ■> Prefcrvation of Timber in tloe New Foreft, in the County e/'South- • impton ; and for afcertaining the Boundaries of the faid Forejl, and of the lands of the Crown within the fame; a Power is given to the Com-miffioners of the Treafury for Ten Years after the palling of that Aft, to rontract for the Exchange of any of the Wafte Lands lying m the New Forejl, belonging to the Crown, not exceeding the Value of hive hundred Pounds, for°any other Land lying in the lame Foreft, belonging to Individuals of the Nature, Situation, and Defcription in the faid Aft particularly fpeciiied : And whereas the Time limited for making fuch Exchanges will expire on the Twenty-eighth Day of July One thouland eight hundred uld ten, and it is expedient to enlarge the lame Be It therefore ena e °Ex. by the King’s moil Excellent Majefty, by and with the Advice and on- c],angc3 under fent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this present therecited Parliament affembled, and by the Authority of the fame, 1 hat the dime Aa extended for making fuch Exchanges under the faid recited Ad ihall be extended^ ^ Y o U 7814 50° GEORGII III. Cap. 116. to the Twenty-eighth Day of July One thbufand eichf ,„,i „i„_ H. And whereas by the fatì Aft it was amongft other Things enafted, at tne v mmmnnnnf'rs ir. r„:j a cl n. i . r ■ , , r ■ j m 0 T ” v r ut luaiMiu ana antmguiinea in the find Map or Plan, fo far as the faid Commiffioners ihould be able to afcertam the fame ; and that fuch Map or Plan Ihould be certified and depofited as therein mentioned; and that after fuch Map or Plan fhould have been fo made and completed, certified, and depofited amongft the Records of the Court ot Attachments of the faid Forelt, all unlawful l.iclofures, I urpreltures, Encroachments, and Trefpaffes whatfoever, within the faid rorett, ihould and might be enquired of by the Verdurers of the faid Forelt in the Court of Attachments of the faid Forelt, and the Perfon or rerions guilty of any fuch Inclofure, Purpreiture, Encroachment, or i ref-pals, Ihould and might be profecuted for the fame in the faid Court ; and upon Proof being made thereof by the Oath of One credible Wiinefs, the \erdurers of the faid Forelt or any Two of them prefent at the faid Court, lb oufc have Power, and they werethereby authorized to fine any PerfonorPer-Ions fooifending for every fuch Offence, in any Sum not exceding Ten Pounds, to be recovered and applied in the Manner therein provided ; and to order and direS every fuch Inclofure, Purprefture, Incroachment, and Trefpafs, to be abated by the Regafders, Underkeepers, or other Officers of the faid Forelt, who Ihould abate the fame accordingly : And whereas Two of the CoramilTioncrs authorized by the faid Ait, and a Commiflioner named in a fubfequent Ait of the Forty-firft Year of His Majeity’s Reign, proceeded to afcertam and fettle the Boundaries of the faid Foreil, and the Lands within the fame, belonging to Ilis Majeity, and have returned their Proceedings thereon purfuant to the faid Ait ; but have not proceeded to caufe fuch Map or Plan to be made purfuant to the faid Ait, and have repre-mnted that they were unable fo to do : And whereas great Trefpaifes have been made in the faid Forelt, and the Verdurers are unable tò proceed according to the faid Ait, for want of fuch Map. or Plan : Be it therefore proceed01"810<"^e^’ nolwithitanding fuch Map or Plan has not been made, cer-afeertainino- ani^ depofited as aforefaid, it ihall be lawful for the Verdurers of the Boundaries ^alc* Foreil to proceed as directed and authorized by the faid Ait, in cafe without the fuch Map or Plan had been made, certified, and depofited as aforefaid : t7bepreftcd 1 l°V1Ìed Iieverlhelefs> in cafe ‘l[ fhall be infiited by any Perfon c r Perfons pared under Yv? proceeded againit in the Attachment Court as direited by the jrecitcd Aa. *aid Act, that the Place wherein the Inclofure, Purprefture, or Treipafs, ihall be or alledged to have been made, was not within the Boundaries Ot the laid Forelt or within the Lands belonging to His Majeity within the laid Poreil, thè faid Verdurers ihall not proceed to Conviition, but filali certify the Prefentment of fuch Olfence to His Majeity’s Attorney 9 Generaly o/? 50° GE ORGII III. Cap. „6. General, to the end that fuch Proceeding may be had therein hv r„ formation of Intrufion or otherwife, as by Law m,Vl,t bl„ i ’ ty, before the palling of the faid recited Aft oJ of this Aft h bee“ d°n' LONDON: Printed by George Eyre and Andrew Strahaw Printers to the King’s molt Excellent Majefly. 1810.