ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN Production Note Project Unica Rare Book & Manuscript Library University of Illinois Library at Urbana-Champaign 2015  yU'^t ANNO QUINQUAGESIMO PRIMO GEORGII III. REGIS. **************************** If ******* ,**************** CAP. XCIV. An Adt to continue, until the Twenty-ninth Day of July One thoufand eight hundred and thirteen, an Adi of the laft Seffion of Parliament, intituled, An AJ to extend and amend the Term and Provifions of an Adi of the Thirty-ninth and Fortieth Tear of His prefent Majefy, for the better P refer vation of Timber in the New Foref; and for ajcertaining the Boundaries of the faid Foref, and the Lands of the Crown within the fame. [26th June 1 Si 1.] WHEREAS an Act palled in the Thirty-ninth and Fortieth Year of His prefent Majefty, intituled, An Ail for the better Pre- 39&40G. 3, fervation of Timber in the New Forejl in the County of South- c' ampton, and for afeertaining the Boundaries of the faid Foreji and of the Lands of the Crown within the fame: And whereas the Powers and Provifions of an Aft palfed in the laft Seffion of Parliament, intituled, An 30G.3-c.116. API to extend and amend the Term and Provifions of an Ait of the Thirty-ninth and Fortieth Tear of His -prefent Majefty, for the better Prefervation of Timber in the New Foreji in the County of Southampton ; and for afeertaining the Boundaries of the faid Foreji, and of the Lands of the Crown •within the fame, will expire on the Twenty-eighth Day of July One thoufand eight hundred and eleven ; and it is expedient to continue the fame for a 7 Y 1 further