ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN Production Note Unica Project Rare Book & Manuscript Library University of Illinois Library at Urbana- Champaign 2013 r' AN NO QUINQUAGESIMO SECUNDO GEORGIL ilL. REGIS. C A P. LXVII. An A& for fettling and fecuring certain Annuities on the Widow and eldeft Son of the late Right Honourable Spencer Perceval, and for granting a Sum of Moncy for the Ufe of his other Children. [9th J'une f912.] Moff Gracious Sovereign, W H~EREAS Your Macff by Your mol racious MeThge to VVYour Nlajefly being deeply imnpreffed with, the'fevere Lots which Your Mlajehy and tbe Country have iuftaind'in &onfclence of the Murder of the Right Honourable Spenier Perccval.' and being defirous of nnarkipg YourtSenfe of his public; and. private Virtudes, and of, affording Re a4 Aiiftance to his uuHIet6us and affljfld.Famlly, recommintded to your £aithful Cdimrnons to gi~ablU Your Malefy to make Proyifion for bisWidow ,aVaiily, NovoW , Your'Majefty' molt d'itiful ad ltaal;ubeft, te ommoous of te United, iugddni in Pailiamnt al fumbled, duly coniide~iog Your Majclty's mojt gracious Init4oD, do mofflnnnbly bieec4Yorr Majefty that it tray be ena6IN *V, and: in no longer payable from the Day or flays of Luch Payment; and the Intereft which'fball afterwards be paid shai1 he compted~ only on.Jdzimuchitof thea Laid Sum of Fifty thoufand Pounds as thall thent remain unpaid, and fuch Intereft (hall be paid accordingly.. Tr' y a0 g V. And it is hereby further enated,,That it finltke Isvful Lor the.Lors for Payment Comm tiflonets of Hi Majefty s Treaftnry now and' for the'Tune being, or without reps, any Three or more of them,. arid the Lord High Treafurer and Uinder Irca- Lurer of the Exchequer for the Time being, and they are hereby authorized and..reqired by Warrant under their Bands to direct the Auditor of the Receipt of the Exchequer now and for the Time being, to make forth and pafs Debentures for paying the Laid Sum of Fifty thoufand Pouudsor anj Part or.Parts thereof, and aimo from "Time to Tinme for payingtbe faid Annui- ties or yearly Sums of Two thoufand Pounds and Onue thoufand Pounds refpeftively, and Intereft as aforefaid onrt the Laid Suni of Fifty thoufandc Pounds asthe fame refpeclively (hall; from Time to Time become due and payable, without any Fees or Charges to be demanded or talcenvfor paying the fame or any Part thereof, which faid Warrant and the Deben- tures to be made forth and paffed thereupon fhali be a Luflicient Autho-" .ry to the feveral and refpec'ive Officers of the Receipt of the Exchequer, now, and rtbe Time being.,~ for the Payment of the Laid Sum of Fifty thoufand Pounds,, or any Part or Partan hereof, t fuch Trtiftees. refpedlivy .aforefai.ii,.anddalfo, for.Paym.ent of~ th Laid Annuitie or yealdy Siwup of Tw~ :thonfgnd, Pouads. an4 Que thoufandr ud .rde vtL.d alfe.$och htnereft as. the.....d.lgt r Jrce#r, ott fuch Son-:or Grandfon~ sfihe faid late Right Honnth.I Spearter Po evra)as ...................... or fach.£frfteek as aforefan4: as the Cafe !DY be, at 4he xrephvte t. and in.Nsnaae in thi AA before apponted for. Paymnt thef p4 jygly, wihout any, further or other W;[arrant to, ;bq 1n4 fr4 it o t. oftained in that Behalf. t,.r u: Wgrfa ot VI. And s hereby futer ena&g d, That after flai9 of frl trvv s.. the fante f tlJ be god;ffltan e J4 Purport ani4.ue Matrnn theteotf. ga. .1 .nerrit.dor revocshk.... by. o .r np................r mttdgraeerve), gry offtFeroi t s hr .. Death oyr lcmoval40Jthe faid Lo.rds ft-.......U....... the..Lord;..fHig Treaftnreronr tae Jnder r43furer o T ratry and V its4be it fNOp4r tc&ed, 'T u x Zaehpgp 1 Majef ury It .*w ar f tft' t requircdto do ryn p hfI~ 45 to. 4ZNfcq~n ~g0 GEORGII III. Cap.67. o thereof, now and for the Time being, fhall and they are herehy authaor rized and ftridly enjoined and required to do without Fee or Reward all 'fuck Acds, Matters, and Things as are hcrein-before direaed and required,. or (hall be neceffary to be done and performed by them or any or either of them, in order to render this Adt and the ksvcraI Payments hereby dircetcd effeauak. VIII. And be it further enaaed, T1hat the Acquittance or Acqukttances, Acquittaces Receipt or Receipts of the faid Truflees refpc&ively, for the laid Sum of of Troikae, Fifty thoufand Pounds and the Intereft thereof, to direated to be paid to &ce. good them, and of the faid .7ans Pereval for the Lid Annuity or yearly Sum Difcharge. of Two thoufand I'ounds, and of' futch Son or Grandfon of the faid late Right Honourable Spencer 1'crcc'a/ as aforefaid, or the faid Truftees as aforefaid for the aidl Annuity or yearly Sum of One thoufand Pounds or Two thoufand Pounds rel'pctively, as the Cafe may require, fthal1 be, a good and Luijicient Difcharge for the Payment of the faid Sum of Fifty thoufand Pounds and Intereft, and Annuities or yearly Sums refpe~ivcl3<, wvithout any further or other Warrant to be Cuedl for or obtained in that Behalf, and that the laid feveral Annuities or yearly Sums, and the faid Sum of Fifty thoufand Pounds and rhe Intereft thereof refpedtiveiy, and every Part thereof, shail be free and clear from all 'Taxes, Impofitions, an4. other public Charges whatfoever (except the Property Tax), in rele& of the faid Annuities and Interifl ; and in cafe any of the Offcers of the Receipt of is Majefty's Exchequer fhall refufe or neglect to pay the Laid" Annuities or yearly Sums of Money or either of them, or any Part thereof, or the Laid Sum of Fifty thoufand Pounds, or Intereft for the fame, or any Part thereof, according to the true Intent and Meaning of this A&, or to do any Aft necefiry to enable the Laid Truftees refpedively, and the Laid Jane Perre'val, and futch Son or Grandfon of the Laid late Right H~onourable Spencer P'erceval as aforefaid, or any of them, to receive the lamne, then the Laid 'I ruflees refpcdlively, and the Laid .are Perceval, and fuch Son or Grandfon of the faid latv Right Honourable Spencer Pcrcc'cal as aforefaid, may from Time to Time fue, profecute, and implead foch Officers or any of them fo refutng or negleaing, and their Executors and Adminifirators refpe~lively, by Bill, Plaint, or Action of Debt, and fhall and may recover Judgments and foe out Executions th~ereupon -againft fuch Officers refpedively, and their refpeclive Heirs, Executors, or Adminiftrators, for lb much of fuch Sum of Fifty thoufand Pounds, and for fo much of fuch Sum or Suing of Money then due and owing upon the Laid Annuities or yearly Sums refpedively, or any Parts or Part thereof refpedively, or for any Luch Intereft asaforefaid as jhtall havr been in the Hands of the Officer or Officers of the Receipt ,of thg Exchequer at the Time or Times when Demands ihiall have becn legalty ,tade of the Payment of the laid Sum of Fifty thoufaud Pounds, or a, the' faid>Annuities or yearly Sums or Intereft ref'pe~ivey, orany Part thereof refpedivcly as aforefaid, or for the Refufal or Negle~t to do any~ Ad neceflary to be done by fuch Officer or Officers refpedivdy 1A; aforefaid. IX.. And be it furthcr enaated, That dhe Laid Sum of Fftylthdiffand Tiwu 5 1. Pounds, or the Stacks, Funds, and Securities whet ein the fame fh'al ki6~u tt Wl t4# Timre to Time be invft Ld according to the Threttions iA 41isA E c&4..t41&, attrS 60 52*GEORGII I1. Cap.67. Puofa Ihall be veiled in the falid Truftees upon the Truta and for the Purpofes 1 lit- following ; that is to fay, Upon Truft for all and every the Children and. Child or fuch One or more of the Children of the faid Right Honourable Spencer Perceval, in fuch Shares and Proportions, and in fuch Mariner and Form, and with fuch Limitations over for the Benefit of others or other of fuch Children, as the faid'Jane Perceval fhal from tiime to'lime by any Inftrument or Inftruments in Wi ting fealcd and delivered by her, in the Prefence of, and atteled by Two or more credible Witn les, with or without Power of Revocation or by her liaft W i and i'fament in Writing, or any Codicil figned by her, and publihed in the Prerence of and attefted by the like Number of Witneiffs. direa or appoint ; and in Default of fuch Direction or Appointment, and in the mean Lime until any fuch fhall be made and fubject to any fuch Diredion or Appointment, which fhall not be a complete and abfolute Difpolition of the Whole of the faid' Sum of Fifty thoufand Pounds, or of the Stocks, Funds, or Securities wherein the fame fhall be inveftd, or of the entire Property therein, upon Trull for all and every the Children and Child of the faid Right Honourable Spencer Perceval, in equal Shares and Proportions, and to be vefted in Truft in them refpeaively, on their refpedively attaining the Age of Twenty-one Years, or marrying, which fhall firft happen, and whether the fame fhall happen in the Life-time of the aid Jane Perceval or after her Death, but fubjed to fuch Powers of Appointment as aforefaid; and if any of the faime Children Ihall die under the Age of Twenty-one Years and unmarried, then the Parts and Shares of fuch of them asefhall fo die, fhall go over and be paid and transferred to the others or other of fuch Children with like Benefit of Accruer, and all accruing Shares fhall alfo go over and be paid in like Manner and be veted in Truts in fuch Children refpedively, at the fame Times as their Original Shires refpeaively ; and if all of fuch Children fhall die under the Age of Twenty- one Years and unmarried, except one, then the Whole fall be paid and transferred to fuch only Child who fbal attain the Age of Twenty-one Years, or marry underthat Age, and his or her Executori or Adminiftra. tors; but if all the faid Children fhaIl die under the Age of Twenty-one Years and unmarried, then the Whole of the faid Truft Funds remaining unappointed fhall go and be paid to the Survivor of fuch"Children, and his or her Executors or Adiinifrators: Provided always, that in cafe any fuch Child fhall by virtue of any Appointment to be made by the laid 'Jane Perceval as aforefaid, have received or become entitled to any Part of the laid Sum of Fifty thoufand Pounds, or of the Siocks, Funds or Securities wherein the fame or any Part thereof fhall have been imvefted, fuch Child fhall not receive any Part of the Fund remaining unappointed, until the Shares of the other Children fhail be made up equal with' the Child in whofe favour any fuch Appointment fhail have been tade,' unlefs the faid Jane Perceval fhall by fome Infirument in Writing, to executed and attefted as aforefaid, or by her aft Will and Teftament in Writing or any Codicil alfo fo executed and atteded as aforefaid, dired&to the contrary. Maner of X. And be it further enaaled, That when the faid. Trutees fhl have receied the faid Sum of Fifty thoufand'Pounds or any.Part thertof, they dAica~s. shall lay out and inveft the fame or to much thereof as'jhall nt be then g%4c&Sad aetually due and payable to any Childretnor Child of thei i Right 5 Honourable 52* G E O R G I I III: Cap.67. 603 Honourable Spencer Perceval under the Trufts aforefaid, either in or upon anntl Pro any Government Stocks or Funds, or at Intereft on any Real Securities, in ceds tnder any the Dire~tin the Names of the faid Trulees for the Time being, and the faid Truftees f Mrs.Ptr. fhall pay and apply the ItereR payable by virtue of this Act in refpea of cent. the faid Sum of Fifty thoufand Pound,, or any Part thereof remamin unpaid, and alto the Dividends and interefas and annual Proceeds of the the faid Stocks, Funds, and Securities, from lime to Time in and towards the Maintenance and Education, or for the Benefit of all and every or any of the Children of the faid Right Honourable Spencer Perceval as the faid Jane Perceval fhall from Time to Time by Writing under her Hand direa, and fhall alfo from Time to Time apply any Part or Propor. tion of the faid principal Sum of Fifty thoufand Pounds when received, or of any Stocks, Funds, or Securities wherein the fame or any Part, thereof fhall be invefted for the Advancement in Life of any of fuch refpeaive Children, whether upon Marriage or otherwife, atd in fuch Pro- portions and to fuch Amount as to any of fiuch Children, whether Male or Female, as fhall by any Inarument in Writing feal-d and delivered by the faid Honourable Jane Perceval and attefled by Two credihle Witneffes, be from Time to Time direded and appointed, and after fuch Application as aforefaid of fuch Dividends, Interefis, or annual Proceeds, in cafe there lhall be any Surplus thereof, do and flall lay out and invett the fame in or upon any fuch other Storks, Funds, and Securities as aforefaid, in the Way of Accumulation, and fa from Time to Time during the Life of the Laid Honourable "ane Perceval, fubjeat neverthelefs to fuch Power of Appointment as aforefaid with refped to the Principal as well as Dividends, Interefls, or Proceeds as aforelhid, and from and immediately after the Dcaih of the faid Jane Perceval, then as to the "aid Sum of Fifty thoufaid Pounds, or the Stocks, Funds, and Securities wherein the fame fhall be inveited, and alfo as to all fuch Accumulations, if any, as all mentioned, or fo much of fuch principal Sum, Stocks, Funds,'Securities, and Aceu- mulations as fhall not have been before difpofed of according to the Trufs aforefaid ; in Tru to pay and apply the fame principal Sum, Stocks, Funds, and Securities, (except the Accumulations), according to the Trults herein-before declared concerning the fame, and to pay and apply fuch laft mentioned Accumulations according to the Trufts before declared of the faid Sum of Fifty thoufand Pounds, or the Stock, ]Fuuds, and Securities wherein the fame flall be invefled. XL Provided always, and be it further enaated, That from and after After the the Death of the Laid Jane Perceval, in ut mean Time and until the Laid Death of principal Sum of Fifty thoufand Pounds or the S ocks, Funds, and Securi- Mo revevai, ties wherein the fanme lhall be inveited, flall become payable or afignable Money fhall and transferrable by virtue of the Trasts aforefaid, the Di, idends, Intereit, be applied. and annual Produce thereof, cr of fo much thereof wher eot no Direalicn or Appointment to the contrary fhall have been made as afordaid, or lb much and fuch Part of fuch Dividends, Interets, and annual Produce as the fame Truffees fhall deem necefiery and expedient, fab be paid and applied by the Jame Ti utees, in, for and towards the Maintenance and Eucation of fuch Child -or Children of the faid late Right Honourable Spencer Perceval, wnofe Share or rdfpedive tabares of and in the fame ptmecipai Sum, or Stocks, Funds, and Securides (hall not then have become payable or affiguable and transferrable under the Tiuts aforelaid, according and in 6o4 52*GEORGII III. Cap.67. in Proportion to their feveral preumptive Rights and Shares in the fame principal Sem, Stocks, Funds, or Securities, and the Remainder (if any) of fuch Dividends, Intereft, and annual Produce fhall accumulate for the Benefit of the fame Children according to their prefuriiptive Shares of the Principal from whence fuch Accumulations fhal arife. Trutees to XIL Provided always, and be it further enafed, That after the Death aPtlY the of the faid Honourable Jane Perceval, in Default of any Direaion or Default of Appointment as aforefaid by the faid Honourable Jane Perceval to the Appoint- contrary, it fhall be lawful 'for the faid Truntees for the Time being to mnt. apply all or any Part of the Share or Shares of any fuch Child or Children being a Son or Sons, of and in the faid Truft Funds; for placing out flch Son or Sons in any Profeflion or Employment, or for his or their Inftruaion therein, or for purchafing him or them a Commiflion or Rank in the Army or otherwife for his or their Advancement or Benefit Funds may XIII. And be it further enaacd, That it fiall be lawful for the Laid be changed. Truffees with the-Confent and Approbation in Writing of the faid Ho. nourable 7ane Perceval during her Life, and after her Death at their own Difcretion, to fell and difpofe of all or any Part of the faid Truft Funds and Securities, and to lay out and invef the Monies arifin therefrom in or upon any other fuch Government or Real ,Securities as aforefaid; and in like Manner to alter, vary, and change fech other Government Stocks, Funds, and Real Securities for others of the fame or the like Nature, and fo from Time to Time as often as ihall be deemed expedient, fubjed always neverthelefs to the Trufts thereof herein-before declared. Appointment XIV. Provided alfo, and it is hereby further enaaed, That upon the of new TruE Death of any of them the faid Charles George Lord Arden, John Lord tees when nc- ceffary. Redefdale, and Andrew Berkeley Drummand Efquire, or of any Perfon or Perfons who fhall become a Truftee or Truftees under the. Power of Ap- pointnent herein contained ; and alfo in cafe they the faid Charles George Lord Arden, 'yohn Lord Redefdale, and Andrew Berkeley Drummond Efquire, or fuch new Truftee or Truafees who fhall be appointed as herein mentioned, or any or either of them, fhall defire to be difcharged from or decline to act in the Trolls in and by this Ad declared ; then and in every fuch Cafe, and with all convenient Speed alter the happening of any fuch Cafe, the faid 7ane Perccval, and in cafe of her Death the furviving or continuing Truftts or Truffee (hall, with the Confem in Writing of the Speaker of the Houfe of Commons or the Firt Lord Cor- miilioner of the Treafury, or the Lord High Treafurer for the Time being, by fome Deed or Inifrument in Writing under the Hand and Seal of the faid yane Pereeval, or in cafe of her Death under the Hands and Seals or Hand and Seal of fuch furviving or continuing Truflees or Truf- tee, nominate any other Perlon or Perfons to be a Truftee or Trufeces in the Room of the Trullee or '1ruitees fo dying or defiring to be difeharged or declining to aft as aforefaid; and fuch new Truitee and Truftees fhall have and be invefted with fuch and the fame Powers is all Refpeds as if he or they had been originally nominated a Trulte, oxr Truofees in and by this Af, and after every fuch Appointment of a new Truftee or Truttees, fuch Conveyances and Afts ihal be executed and adone 52' GEOROII Il. Cap.61. 6o5 done, as fhall be requifite for vefting the Eftate and Interefi of and in all and fingular the Trufi Premiies in the continuing Truftee or Truftees (if any fuch there be), and fuch new Truftee or Truffees conjunaly or in fuch new Truftees, or fuch new Truftee only; according to the Nature of the Cafe, but upon the Truns and for the Intents and Purpofes aforefaid, and in the mean Time the Trutt Premifes hall be and remain in the re maining Truftees thereof for the Time being, or the Survivors or Survivor of them, or the Executors or Adminiftrators of fuch Survivor or his Heirs, according to the Nature of the Trul Premifes. XV. And be it further enacted, That it fhall be lawful for any Three Three Tmr. of the Truftees for the Purpofes.of this Aft for the Time being, to do and tees may a execute all fuch Acs, Matters, and Things in Execution of the Trufts aforefaid, as all the Laid Truftees refpeQively are hereby authorized and empowered to do, and the fame (hall be as valid and effectual as if the fame had been done and executed by all the laid Truftees refpedively: Provided always, that in every fuch Aa, Matter, or Thing done by Three Truftees, the faid Speaker of the Houfe of Commons, or Lord High Treafurer, or Firit Lord Commiffioner of the Treafury, or Chan. cellor of the Exchequer for the Time being, (hall be one. XVI. And be it further enacted, That it shall and may be lawful for The speaker, the Speaker of the Houfe of Commons, the Lord High Treafurer of the &c. may ap- Exchequer, or Firft Lord Commiffioner of the Treafury, and the Chan- P*it Pero"s tellor of the Exchequer for the Time being refpedively, from Time to aem. Time, by Writing under Hand and Seal, to appoint a Perfon to ad for each of them refpedively, in all or any of the Truls of this Af, and either under fuch Exceptions and Refiridions as to fuch Speaker of the Houfe of Commons, the Lord High Treafurer of the Exchequer, or Firft Lord Commiffioner of the Treafury, and the Chancellor of the Ex- chequer for the Time being refpedively, (hall feem meet, or without any Exception or Reftriaion, and alfo from Time to Time to remove fuch Subifitute and to appoint any other Perfon for the fame Purpofe; and all Things which fhall be done by any Perfon fo appointed as aforefaid, within the Compafs and during the Continuance of fuch his Appointment, (hall be as valid and effectual for the Purpofes of this Ad as if fuch Things had been done by the Speaker of the Houfe of Commons, the Lord High Treafurer of the Exchequer, or Firfi Lord Commiflioner of the Treafury, and the Chancellor of the Exchequer, who !hall refpedively make fuch Appointment. XVII. And be it further enaded, That the Laid Truftees for the Time Traeft oly being, of this Ad, or any of them, ihall not be charged or chargeable anfwerable with or accountable for any more of the Trut Monies and Premifes than for what they they fhall refpedively aCtually receive, or liall come to their refpedive " '' Hands by virtue of the Truts herein declared, nor with or for any Lofs which hall or may happen of the fame TrufT Monies and Premifes, or of any Part thereof, fo as fuch Lofs happen without their wilful Negled or Default; and that it (hall be lawful for the fame Truftees for the Time being, and every of them, in the firft Place by and out of the Monies which thall come to their Hands by virtue of the faid Trufts, to dedua, 70 9 retain .1 6*6 54,' GEORGIL1. Cl- ap.67. Iaint,' gureim~burfe thcrnfev0 refpettivcly, all fuclh Coft, Charga, 73augrs; and Expences; as they' ihpt rzrpectivly, pay, bear, fqlltain, oni r bse put unto, for 4r by Reaafon or Means of all or any of the Laid 'c'rafts, Poxvas, and Austhorities, or the Management or Execution tlerept, or any Ac, Tranfa~ion, Matter, or rThing whatfoever in any- wif howfoever relating thereto. LONDON: Printed by GEORGE EYRE and ANDREW STR AHAN, Primiers to the "King's mndt Excellent Majefty. 1812 b4 4. S A ARM -XV I s :h n. 5 x $,y x of; r#£!. L sit;