ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN Production Note Project Unica Rare Book & Manuscript Library University of Illinois Library at Urbana-Champaign 2015 o ANNO QUINCUAGESIMO SECUNDO GEORGI I III. REGIS. CAP. LXXI. An Aa for the better Cultivation of Navy Timber in the Foreft of JVoohner, in the County of Southampton. [ 20th June 1812.} WHEREAS the King’s moll Excellent Majefty, in Right of His Crown, is feized to Himfelf, His Heirs and Succeffors, of the Ground and Soil of the Foreft of Woolmer, in the County of Southampton, computed to contain Five thoufand two hundred and feventy-iix Acres, or thereabouts, excluiive of certain inclofed Lands •therein belonging to His Majefty in Severalty, fubjedt to fuch Claims of Rights and lnterefts of the Right Honourable Henry Lord Stawell, and other Perfons in and over the fame, as herein-after mentioned : And whereas the laid Henry Lord Stawell, under and by virtue of a certain Grant of His late Majefty Ring James the Firft, bearing Date on or about the Ninth Day of November in the Fifteenth Year of His Reign, is or claims to be feized of or interefted in or entitled to the Right of free Warren and Free Chace, and other Rights, Liberties, and Privileges in, upon, and over the laid Foreft ; and he the faid Henry Lord Stawell alfo claims to have and receive, fo foon as the fame can be made out, a Grant or Letters Patent of and to hold and enjoy the Office of Ranger of and over the laid Foreft, and, as annexed or appurtenant to the faid Office, the Liberty of Hunting, Shooting, and Sporting, in and over the lame iorelt, for and during the Term of his natural Life; and the faid Henry Lord Stawell, in refpefl of his feveral Manors which adjoin to or are fituate near to the laid Foreft, likewife is or claims to be entitled to other Rights and lnterefts in, upon, and over the faid rorelt, 80 * ■ w698 52® GEORGII III. Cap.71. or fomc Fart or Parts thereof: And whereas, fubje& to the Rights of His Majefty, certain Perfons are or claim to be entitled to certain Rights m, over, and upon the faid Foreft : And whereas from the great and increaftng Difficulty of procuring a Supply of Timber froinForeign and from the Eftates of private Individuals in the United Kingdom, it has become neceffary to adopt Meafures for fecuring a more adequate Supply of Timber in this Kingdom ; and if His Majefty was empowered to enclofe certain Parts of the faidForefts, and fuch Parts were appropriated for the Grow th and Prefervation of Wood and Timber, the fame would be of great Benefit and Advantage to His Majefty and the Public in general; Be it therefore enafled by the King’s Moil Excellent Majefty, by and with the Advice and Confent of the Lords Spnr.tual and Temporal, and Commons, in this prefent Parliament affembled, and by the Authority of His Maiefty the fame. That it {hall be lawful for H.s Majefty, His Heirs and &uc“h°rs> may iJof/ from Time to Time to inclofe, fever, and improve, within and out of the Wafte Lands of the faid Foreft, any Quantity of the /aid Lands not Of theForeft, ^ » ;n the whole Two thoufand Acres, to be mclofed and held in Severaltvat one and at the fame Time; and fuch Inclofure lhall be made under and by virtue of Commiffions to be granted and t®“*1 His Maiefty for that Purpofe, and each of fuch Commiffions (hall be bretted to Three or more fuch Perfons as His Majefty (hall think fit; and fuch Inrlofures (hall be fet out and made from and out of fuch Parts or Places in the faid Foreft as (hall be found to be moil convenient to be mclofed and to be belt adapted to the Growth and Produce of limber, which faid Inclofures lhall be admeafured by a fworn Surveyor, and fet out and inclofed butted, and bounded, and the Quantities Butts, and Boundaries thereof returned into His Majeftv’s Court of Exchequer there to remain of Record for ever ; and'the faidinclofnreS fo niade and fet out as aforefaid {hall remain in Severalty b'the afluhl Poiftfiion of His Majefty, His Heirs and Succeffors, freed and difcharged of and from all Manner o Rights Titles Pretences, and Privileges or Claims whatfoever (other than and except fuch as the faid Henry Lord Stawell is or may be entitled o as aforesaid') during the Period of the fame remaining lo inclofed foi the Growth^ and Prefervation of Timber, and until the fame or any Part thereof dial! be laid open under the Provifions of this Aft, according to ihe Purport and true Intent of this Aft, and lhall be made and reputed a Nurfery or Nurferies for Timber only. S5r ss 'otitis Preiudicc -and lhall think to lay the fame or any Part hereof open and and other Rights as aforefaid (other than and except as a crea tor m long Time as the fame (hall continue mclofed, according to the from Catti« &c, the I clofures tc laid open. 52* G.EORGII III. Cap. 71. 699 Purport, and Intent of this Aft, to be a Nurfery for Timber as^forefaid, inftead of fo much as ihall be laid open according to the Direftions aforefaid. Ill And to the end that the faid Inclofure may be preferved in the Crown Gran« of for public Ufe as aforefaid, be it further crafted, That in cafe any Perfon Inclofure, whatever ihall prefume to take or obtain any Gift, Grant, Mate or £ ' Intereft of or in the faid Inc, fares, or any Wood or Trees growing thereon, every fuch Gift, Grant, Eftate or Intereft ihall ipfi faSo be null and void, and the Perfon fo taking the fame ihall be utterly difabled to have, hold, and enjoy any iuch Gift, Grant, Eftate or Intel eft, and alfo (hall forfeit treble the Value of any iuch Gift or Grant to him who flpH hrft fue for the fame in any of His Majefty’s Courts of Record ^ li'eA minjler by Aftion of D- , wherein no Effosgn or Wager at Law ihall,be allowed to the Defendant. IV. And be it further enafted, That after the palling of this Aft no NoD«rt. Peer whatever ihall be kept in any Part of the faid Foreft, or within the ^ Limits thereof. V And be it further enafted, That from and after the paffing of this Rabbits nut Aci'no Rabbks Ml be kept’on any Part of the faid Foreft, on any - be kept. Account or Pretence whatfoever. VI. And,'for the better Prefervarion of the Trees, Woods Underwoods M** Heritors and Standils growing, and which may hereafter be planted a d Treesi„the rouriflied to grow or be growing in or upon any Parts of the faid Inclofures Foreft. fo to be madf in purfuance of this Aft, as well before as after the fame lh di be inclofed ; be it further enafted, That all 1 erions whomfoever who toll from and ’after the palling of this Aft unlawfully cut down £h , bark peel damage, deface, or deftroy or carry away any Timber 1 ree, or other Tree, Wood, or Covert, Green Stick, or any Heritor or Standi Within the faid Foreft (except fuch as ihall be fet out by Per ons du y a thorized for the Purpofe of making the Fences of fuch lncloiures aforefaid-) ihall be lubjeft or liable to all fuch Pams, Penalties, and Pum -ments as are provided by the Laws and Statutes of this Realm, to be given,’ impofed, or inflifted, upon any Perfon « Perrora committmg the like Offence or Offences, in the Lands, Groumfe, W’ being inclofed, and the private Property of any of His Majefty Subjects.700 Regulating the cutting •t Turf. Saving. 5a"GEORGII III. Cap.71. vatlon of Roots, Shrubs, and Plants, in relation to the Penalties of Twenty Pounds and Thirty Pounds refpeftively for wilfully cutting or breaking down any Timber under the faid Aft. VIII. And for the Purpofe of regulating and fecuring to the feveral Perfons now having Right of Common of Paiture in and over the faid Foreft, the Power of cutting Peat and Turf within fuch Parts of the faid Foreft as (hall not be inclofed by virtue of this Aft; be it enafted, That after the l'aid Inclolure (hall be made and completed it (hall be lawful for all Perfons having Right of Common in the faid Foreft, to cut and take Peat and T urves in any Part of the faid Foreft not inclofed under this Aft, without Payment of any bee or Sum of Money to any Keeper or ether Perfon having Care or Superintendance in the faid Foreft, for taking the fame; and no Perfon fhall after the faid Inclofure (hall have been made and completed take, demand, or receive any Sum of Money or Fee or other Payment whatever, of or from any Perfon cutting or taking fuch Peat or Turves, on any Pretence whatfoever; any Ufage or Cuitom heretofore made or eftablifhed to the contrary notwithftanding. IX. Saving always to the King’s moll Excellent Majefty, His Heirs and Succeffors, to the faid Henry Lord Stawell, and to all Bodies Politic, Corporate, or Collegiate, and their Succeffors, and to all and every Perfon and Perfons whomfoever, his and their Heirs, Executors, Adminiftrators, and Aligns, all fuch Mate, Right, Title, Intereft, Claim, and Demand whatfoever (other than and except fuch as is and are hereby expreffed, meant and intended to be barred, deftroyed, or extinguiihed) as they, every or any cf them now have or hath, or could have had or enjoyed therein in cafe this Aft had not been made. [See alfo the Aft for difafforefting the Foreft of PaMurJl in the County of Southampton, 52 G. 3. c. 171. Lac. 1st Pert] LONDON: Printed by George Eyre and Andrew Strahan, Printers to the King’s moft Excellent Majefty. 1812.