ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN Production Note Unica Project Rare Book & Manuscript Library University of Illinois Library at Urbana- Champaign 2013 ANNO QULNQWAGE$IMO SE CUNDO C.EO JG1 111. 1.EG.IS C A.... . CXXIV! An A&t for 'veiling' in His Majefty, His Heirs and Succeffors, certain Lands or C"roun4 , formerly Part of the Waftes of the Manor of 8andkurJ4 in the County of 'Berk, freed an~d......ed o~f Commonable and other Rights. 74 .r ~ ' 'uy z.Jz 'rYTEREAS the King's' molt Excellent Majefy, in the Year ~//One thoufand Leven hundred and riinety nine; wasgr.iu VTpleafed to 'eflabllfh a Royal Mlilitar Co'e'e; and by 0s 'Warrant under Hris Royal Sign.Manujial, b.arug.U 'ittr.T2wn fvei Pay, of May One thoifhnd eitght liund red and eight.E is Maafty. a gracoudly pleafed to diret& thathefaid Mftlit. Colkge fiolds beuidertb. ACmnroul and Supeintendence.of cetaf~lror th...........' ibe 'Commnidldtrers of the Pai Royal Mi~litary' C leage, aid, 'tof conlpufte and formi from rVmeM.o.Tirnhe a Board Ifor the..............jiisn tlt -j nagemtnt of all Atfairs belmiging thereto; arnd that a Collegise>Hlnrd should be fotW as therei* hienldiie d xliia1 ed; for the sPurpft o takting under itsCo nuane.4I1lag'et~ re oteiteir yai ~and c3cnoimt 6fe falcianztnelt44n ? itiT it 'rf thie Governor 'of the' faii Cleeasr othee °T. t~fos theeb xained.and.--His .Mffr wvaw aWforp ti y. flait lW risf .t~rt ,. te h that th6Te mand tf befon~ iu ¢°.e fi Royal Mihitary.4$Use 'fo uld......ThCtbsj ...W t e j e3 ja 4COllegiat ac fue t th a6~ of the IRado itriii cxs~c fieraw the lfing's mcdl 76 a tm anid tttueof an ankieft±grant foni thit ettfd 6 ibte~a tit it th ba' ~f Seta, ea i i t y dd 2' xclS6 5zO GEOR-011 111,Cap;-r~4: DymnarA, then of SandhwyZl aforef'aid Yeomnan, of the other Part, feizedl to himfeWf his Heirs and Succeffors, of the Soil of Two'Pieos of land or Ground.Parcel of the Wafte or Common of the laid Mandr.o Sandburft, and lying within the Laid Manor at& Parilh of' Santihurfi, therein and herein-after particularly' defcribed,, fubject to the yearly Rent of Ten Shillings, payable to the Lord of the.Manor& of Sandburgl aforefaid, in the Nature of a Quit Rent, and doing Suit to the.Court Baron of the Lord of the Laid Manor, and upon.Default thereof to forfeit for every Time the Sum of Two Shillings and Sixpence; and alfo fubjea to the Sum of Ten Shillings,' payable to the Laid Lord of the Manor of Sandburfi, upon every Alienation and dying felfed of the lnhe-V ritance of the Laid Premifes, in the Name and. Nature of a Relief ; and fubje&t alto to Powers of Entry and Diitrefs for Recovery of the Laid Quit Rent, Fine, and Relief, when and in cafe the fame or either of theni thall bet in Arrear, as inthe laid Indenture are :referved and expreffed: And whereas Richard Heavj/de Efquire, is Lord of the Laid Manor of Sandhurfl, and in Right. thereof is entitedto the Laid Quit Rent, Suit, and Relief, fo refervvd by the faid .Indenture' in refpe&t of the (aid Pieces or~arcels of Land or Ground herein-after mentioned and defcribWd: And whereas the IKing's moft Excellent Majefty, and. John Mofeicy Efquire, William Blarkall S/monds, Char/es .Simonds, Wi/iam S/monds, William G/les, John Rackftrdw, and feveral other Perfons, are Owners and Proprietors of all the Lands lying and being within the faid Manor and Parifh of Sandhurft, and claim to be entitled" to Conmmon- able Rights on and over the Laid Two Pieces of Land or Ground : And whereas by an Order under the Hands and Seals of Sir Nat haniel -Dukinfield Baronet, and Major General John Levefrn Cowver, Two of His Ma(lty's Jufliees of the Peace for the County of Berks, and Jobn Tekell and Richard Birt Efquires, Two of His Majefly's Juilices of the Peace for the County of Surrey, made at a Lpecial Setions held on the Eleventh Day of November One thouf'and eight hundred and eleven, after reciting that having upon View found that a certain Part of a Highway lying Part in the faid Parifh of Sandburgt in the Hundred of Suining in the faid County of Berks, and Part in the Parifh or Hamlet of Fr/inley in the Hundred of Woking in the County of Surrey, and lying between the South Eaft End of the Village of Sandhurfl, near to a Farm Houfe the Property of the Said lilli/am Blackball S/monds Efquire, and the High Turnipike Road between 1)agfhot and Blactwater, for the Length of One thoufand five hundred and ninety-five Yards or thereabouts, and particularly defcribed in the Plan thereunto annexed, raight be diverted and turned fo as to mnake the fame more commodious to the Public ; and that having viewed a Courfe ,propofed for, the new Highrway in lieu thereof over the open Lands and Grounds of the Laid Richard Neavftids Efquire, Lord of the Manor of Sandbur/l a forefaid, and of the' faid Governor and Collegiate Board of the Royal Military College at SandhurfL aorefid of the Length of One .thourand two hundred and tighty4even Yards or thereabouts, and of the Breadth of Thirty Fteet or thereabuts, particularly deferibed in the Plan thercunto annexed; and that having recciv4d Evidence of the C~ontent of the fad Richard !icavjf:de and of the Laid Governor and Collegiatp Board to the faid new-Highway being made through their refpedtive La.o thereinbefore defcribed by W.enn vuier the Band an~d Seal Richard.Jksavi ae, and under the Hanid and.Sea of the Ionourakk Af andler Hope the Governor of the Laid College, they. the f.d 4xhereby ozder. th tIfid Hghway udb.ivtdantun. st e-EOPL HOT 11. Cap. i16 una over the Land& aforefaid : And whereas the Commiffiotitr of HIs Majefly's rad Ro" Military College have ere&ed and'bult the Lid 'College on Part of'the laid Pieces or 'Parcels of Land or Ground herein- before mentioned' anid herein-after deferi'd, and are 'defirous of convert. ig the Remainder~ thereof to the Ufes and Purpofes of the fat~olkte exclufively tAnd whereas the Commifloners of His Majefty'i fal Royal Military; College have, in Behalf of His M2jefly,. agreed with the faid Jobs 'Mofeley,: Wiliam 'Btakall Simnonds, Chate Sironds, If/ami Simondrand the feveral other, Owners and Pro~prietors of Land& and Hereditaments within the laid Manor and Parifh of Sandhurfl,, for the Purchae of all their Corn. nmonable and other Rights and Intereff a in, upon,'and over the Laid Tw~o Pieces of Land or Ground :And whereas the Laid Commiffioners have alfn agreed with the' laid' Richard Heavifide, as Lord of the laid Manor of Sand; hut-f, for the Purchafe of the laid Quit Rent, Suit, and Relief, and all foch other Rights and Immunities as he the laid Richard Heav fle bath as fuch Lord, in, out of, upon, or in refpea of the lid Two Pieces or Parcels of Land or Ground: And whereas the Inclofure of the laid' Two Pieces of Land or Ground, freed and difebarged from all Comimoniable and other Rights, will not only be very beneficial for the Purpofes of the laid Royal Military College, but alto of' great public Utility: Yet foraf uche as the Lame cannot be effeatually done without the Aid and Authority of Parliament : May it therefore pleafe Your Majefty that it mhay beenaekd; and belit ena~ted by the King's, moft Excellent Majefly, by ;and, with the Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this prefent Parliament affembled, and by the Authoriry of the Lame, That all that Piece or Parcel of Wafle or Common Parcel of the Manor of vefting in Sandhurfi called B~arres Green, containing by Eftimation Ten Acres, be the His MajeftWi fame more or lefs, lying near to a capital Meiftiage of His Mvaje fty, called dlhre Tick/ne, otherwife Twitchenor, within the laid Manor, and all the Pond a ro nbl ble within the fame Parcel of Wafte or Common, and alt the Filhings in the Rigbts, cer. fame Pond; and alfo all that Piece of Wafte or Common, containing by tan andni it Eflmation'Two hundred Acres (be the Lame more or lefs) Parcel of the ad~r Walle or Common of the Manor of Sandhuir# aforefaid, next adjoining to the laid Green called Rar-ret Green, and 'elo to Inbamr and Butts, and, Calkes Leafe C/ofts, and againft the Pond formerly made by KWilam Chj/?ct in tjhmore Stream, and to be accounted and taken from the Laid Wjtmsore Stream, which is the Bound that parts the Pariflies or Hamlets of Frimey and SandhurA4 along by the haid Bound Eaftward, and from the North Corner of Barr-es Green upright North-call, and fo accounted 'and bounded 'with Marks and Bounds from the other Partaof the \Vaite Ground belong- in to the laid Manor, and as the Lame are now indlofcd, tet out, and kntown, and by'whatfeever other Names, Quantities, Abuttals, Boundaries, or other flefcriptions, the laid rrwo 'Pieces "or Parcels 'of 'Land or Ground are now or at any Time or Times heretofore have been called, known, or diflinguithed, (hall be and the Lame are hereby Yelled in His Majefty,. His Heirs and Succeffors for ever, freed, acquitted, 'arnd abfluately ad"""" crated and difcharged, of and from all and" 'all Manner of Cotmmonable Rights and other ldghta whtatfoever, as well of the Owne'said Occupi"'ts of: Lands and Tlenenienta within the (aid Manor and Patih '.,f Sandhs4, as alW for ever freod, acqutitted, and abfislutel2r exonerated and d&fchaed of 4nd 'from all Quilt Reits'," Suit, Scivicei§l~ncs, Reliefs, ar" ""ii"'other .Rights, Royalties, Iiwrttlaitiea, and "'il whatfoever, a ~the Lord ,or Lords, ,or Owgcr or Owners of 'the fai ltor of Sa"dknjr for tl Time bft I Provids4 2o6& 52 EOROIT Ill. Ca*P-414, Not to have If. Provid.ed aloways, and be it further endd Tbt.i Majefty, -Hi abny Comnhon EyIs'" and S*ucceilors, fitl not he entitled 'to, or have orclajim any .otit- Xi ~ m matle Rlights ill or over any Part or Parts o the Rtefidue of the IW ' fidue. or the faid 'l\tnoi of Sandhurj, for or in refpeft of or as appuirtenanr to the Laid 'w o icce of Lanid ot> Ground by this Adt veiled in His Majefty as afotcfaid. Coimnonable ILL Provided ilfo, and it is hereby declared and enadled, That nothing Riptts o te in this ASt conyitdncd fhall deftroy, or in anywife abridge or leffen the 011d i~elofed Right of His Majefly, His Heirs and Succeffors, to all or any fuch Com- Lands not to monable and other Rights as His Majefty is now entitled to, in, over and j be affc6Aed. upon the refit of the Commons or Wailes of the Laid Manor of Sandbzwfl, If for or in refpea of the old inclofed Lands called Lodges Farm, or any other old inclofed Lands of His Majefty, within the faid Manor and Parifli, but that His Majefty, His Heirs and Succeffors, and the Owner and Owners for the Time being of the Laid old inclofed Lands, !hall have and be entitled to all fitch Conmmonable and other Rights in, upon, and over all the Refidue of the Wail es of the (aid Manor of SandhitrJI, for and in refpedt of fuch old inclofed Lands, in as large and ample Manner to all Intents and Pur- pofes as any of the Tenants of the fame Manor have or ufe there; any 'Thing in this AS contained to the contrary thereof in anywife notwith- flanding. Application, IV. And be it further enaded, That the Principal Money to arife from the of Compen- Sale of any Lands, Tenciments or Hereditaments, which flall he purchafed fation Money for the Purpofes of this Act, of any Indy Corp orate, LEclefiaftical or ling to aoi1. Civil, Corporation Aggregate or Sole, Feoflecs in Truft, Guardians, Com}- mittees or other Truftecs, or from any Verme or FPunts Covert, or other incapacitated Perfon or Perfons, fat Money fltall, in cafe the fame amount to or exceed die Sum of Two hundred Pounds, with all conve- nient fpeed be paid into the Bank of Filgland, in the Name and with the Privity of the Accounitant General of the High Court of Chancery, to be placed to his Account there ex parte the Governor of the faid College, to the Intent that futch nfoney fhall be applied, under the IDirection and with the Approbation of the faid Court, to he fignified by an~ Order made upon a Petition to be preferred in a Lunmiary way by the Perfon or Perfons who would have been entitled to the Rents and Profits of the faid, Lands,Tre melts or Iiercdieaints, in the Purcitafe of the Land 't'ax, or towards the Difeharge of any Debt or Debts or fuch other Incumbrances, or Part thereof, as the Laid Court flhall authorize to be paid, affecting the famse Lands, Tenements, or Hereditaments, or affecting other Lands, Tenements, or h-ereditamnent., ftanding fettled therewith to the fame or the like tiles, Intents, and Purpofes; or where futch Money Shall not be fo applied, then the fame Shall be laid out and itivelted, under the like Direction and Appro- bation of the laid Court, in the I'urchafe of other Lands, "Tenements or Hlereditaments, which (hall he conveyed and fettled to, for, and upon fitch and the like Ufes, fTrlfs, Intents and P'urpofes, andC in the fame Manner as the Lands, rTenemnljts, or Ptereditaments which shall bie fo pm'- chafed, taken, or ufed as aforefaid, flood feted or limited, or fuch of 'them as at the Time of making futch Conveyance and settlement ihaii be exifting undetermined or capable of taking effect; and in the Meantinte, v ~and until fuch Purchafe shall be made, the Laid Mon~ey fliall by tr~ of the faid Court of Chancery, upon Application thereto, be inivelted by zthe faid Accountant General in his Nantes in the.1'utchile o(TtCte Powit ' 4 e 011)0 abT Pptjj4 Tie , st{B w fii~~ rst a,'j& q uqp~ o t4i 414d lme o wd1t wit o&Thflrx;wb fl i e- tun the Perfon or Perle.twhg wpulkr nt he 1W n£z " the Rents and Profits of thie Lands, Tenemednts, or ere xtanents6 1 bti~n . ttfr fhed, u} ft2i 'ti 4 "t S":49q1 4.was ...... V. Provided ialwypys ant4 .b it, Lpbp erna~tlg W hat Tfanty IY.Eq w#i~ teni ara or awafded tutq piaid for atg1 r~p4 l ne~ts aor tei Ct5 tharn 20o1 putrch~e4 taksn# or unk4 for the.I'urpofe f 4 4a and bdoogrnti to1y flt C iporp4ls s or to any' Perig oar der %qur~le;DI~hifbiiy or cit n9y&4ai Jhall be lefs bn thie S~jlu w ofT p iM nrtd Tad ,ai !hall amount to or exceed the Sum ,4 ~tlty PpawuU tlhel an4 a n fsi 2 Cafes the fame thai1, at the Option of the lPerfon or~ hr~foifrt Tm being entitled to the Rents and Profits of the Lands, Tenements, or Here- diatimskfpnrchafed, 'taken, oroferd; orof his; -her, or theirGuadian or Quardiasis, Committee or Committees, it1 cafe oif Igfancy or Luna , tqg be'flgnified i #rit ng tinder thieir 4ef&& el*nds4 be paid in~rd die Bmk~ in the Namve mid itbte Privity of'ti laid.Ac6taaf,06Mral of the High Court of Chancery, and be tplaced to his Account as aforrefaid, in order to be applied in Manner herein-before diredted ; or otherwife thie fame fhall be paid, at the like Option, to Two Truftees, to be nominated by the Perfon or Perfon making fuch Option, and approved of by the Governor of the faid College, (fuch Nomination and Approbation to be fignified in Writing under the Hands of the nominating and approving Parties,) in order that fuch Principal Money and the Dividend arifing thereon may be applied in Manner herein-before directed, f a far as the cafe be applicable, without obtaining or being required to obtain the Direction or Approbation of the Court of Chancery. VI. Provided alfo, and be it further ena~ed, That where fuch When We Money fo agreed or awarded to be paid as next before mentioned Thall be then 201. lefs than Twenty Pounds, then and in all fuch Cafes the fame (hall be applied to the Uife of the Perfon or Perfons who would for the Time being have been entitled to the Rents and Profits of the Lands, Tenements or Hereditantents fo purchafed, taken, or ufed as aforefaid, ini fuch Manner as the fid Governor of the faid College thall think .fit; or in cafe oflInfancy or Lunacy, then to his, her, or their Guardianeor Guardians, Commite or Committees, to and for the Ufe and Benefit of fuch Perfon or Perfon foi entitled refpe~ively. VII. And whereas the faid Road fo intended to be diverted and ftopped When the up runs througgh and diffe~ta the faid Two Pieces or Parcels of Landeor.New Road i Groud ad f nea tothefai Royl Mlitry s tobe grat ertified by Grondandic earto he aidRoyl Mlitry ollge s t bea g e u{fct Iconvenience to the fame, and it is therefore expedient that the afrefaid be in grmd Order of the Paid Suftices for diverting and turning the fame ihould be Repairthe immediately carried into Execution, and the Soil of the Laid old Road 01 R be veiled in His Majefty, His Heirs and Succefib is; be it therefore further d en~d, Tha the raid Order of the JtUcn 4torc&id %aIl forthwith betae soft carried into Execution, and when and La for as the faid kfices or any votdnMh ih kffes of the Peace thall have certified,.that~ thenew.Road. pm o*f . l i $ pled 1070 52' GEORGIT 111. C'ap.1244 pofed to be fibftituted and ufedf tn lieu thereof'. shall have been maude and put into good Repair, tMe Paid' did 'Road -be -from thieneefOrth for ee flopped up and no longer ifhd as a Road;.and the Soil .of To much' thereof as rums through th laid Twod Pies or Parcels of Land Or Ground; or any other of the Lands of His laid Majefty, be and the fame is hereby veitkd in His Majefty, His $eirs and Stieceffors. Bp whom the VIal Provided always, and it is hereby enakled, That His Majefty, 'ils New Road Heirs and Succeffors, in refpe&t of the laid Farm called Lodges Farm, ors inoUReeakept the Owner or Qwners thereof for the rrime being, thall for ever thereafter, PI R~oir at his and their own Cois and Charges, amend and repair the faid new Road to the Exctent of One thoufand two hundred and eighty-feven Yards, to be computed from the Turnpike Gate acrofs the South 'End of the Laid', new Road, according to and as menti6ned in the faid Order of the (aid j uftices, together with any Bridge or Bridges that may hereafter be erctled on or acrofs the fai flew Roa4 LONDON: Printed by GEORGE Evaz and ANDREW STRAKaAN2 Printers to the King's molt Excellent Majefty. ij~z;. 9 I. :.:.., 159 m Act" TV. x 10 P -Q x Wo Volk 24"F. m 0-1 A&E All AWAY NOT 7 is. .. , 1 . it 5- .4- Vic 1141 a -J: 7 7 11" ii Ei MAl, x Hill:- D jr! MAN MMq ter{ Ilk: