ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN Production Note Unica Project Rare Book & Manuscript Library University of Illinois Library at Urbana- Champaign 2013 S- 04 ' d z I SA nam* W. g.1* es a Of of srd ax, he .Lord ligThg 'rate of 'Great Eritin,. eo t6he Tteatur , the duelo of th Exaci ~td'tverezs'a fdfiiartityeefe ad for the Whe of the fid Matquis& o fl 4 s(oniwhomt the Title of Mac~iso einai retof Ihlie Male of the (aid M044i of~f'r the auxe in the ane itfhtclt&t PArc and r nDiviky, ren~ .and4#zch hall defcend, Pr nTroft to ofS 'liga " at't Pa~a ent, 5 pr CentM. fa ...t: And be it further enaae41 That until fitch Sum of One hundred .t dPotudr Ihall bp fo paid to fitch Truftees as" afrefnaid,there. Mll be paid .athe faid Miarfts oGe flts 4* an t the HeirsMale of hs 13od7 r at**oEc other Perko to whora the 1744 Tie, Honiour, and Marquis ofW4&rfigItlkfhal dfefend, from Time to Tue outtof die faid f nfoliette4Ewid, afe payufrteferving falficient to pay any hum direfted to be paid °b~ foru' At, but with Prefereace to other .la ft tatreft fltcs 3m w o One undred ±hbufand Pounds at .tt t4.. e v foua it isr per Annum, "anit tuc4i enutuncEfrtht the Sen4rfecM Flay of J47y One thtouLaud ji..j mrc4 ttgl#e bp& a h pak l$Qurerly; at tho guat ugh tu~t; he 4 s v, tt'td tq bF. copted and paid rwpd . Pay onf #ntea y Odeiid ea4r humted and thibteen, tidto couite pay6 "Qtiatted~y tfit theFf' tiVtl :ef 464i the Frflh y rfi~t the : f h y .4 tkiber and the a . y fJaur in l daunti at l Sum o One liudted thoufaud Pounxds Ibll be &r ifs tfoxtdd, and anyEratibns of a Quarter to be cupuie4 o h ~.ffrhb.Baxent,, r enait . That. it fball be kawfifilm*the rrdry na lseatt, oa Thor more U Lnder "prunreo the ES* Ct;er Lute Time b y tdh arehf erehy ............... +'andfort.''tebag ............. .6 lk f ue ° being. o td~ourm uu to b aid SWm asaf 20 a id to te faid Marquis of Welfinagtor and& thea1eLrp MaLe 0! the Boady of~hofaidiMarqikA fA'Vfho, or, in d6~auh ofHers Mi; 4dao ra Of hekldy f herad Rartuorito. iklither ferftn or Fetl hal be entitled to receivd the fame, at the refpeklive quiarterly Days&in this A& before appoinhed fWt Pay'ment theref, 'without. asy' further or =t her \Varrant tbe fued for, .had, or oltaincd i that liehaltf. IV, Mid it is hereby £umrc dne That after figning of Much Wrnteof Warrawt the fam {hal be gtx 4 va nd effectual in Law, &~tj Treaftry to -to "the Purport and true Mcaning *thereof and of this Aat, and ihgUlii be nld. be. determned or revocable: by. or~ upon the ;Demie of IHis Majeafty (whom God long prefrve), or any of His Heirs or Suceffors, or, by or opon the Death or Rmvluf~ an df the faid Conmdlioners of the Irarury or the4,ord High Tree~urer, or by or upon the Determination of the Power, Oflce~or Offices of theen, or any of thet. V. And be it further eated, That the Commiflloncrs of the Treafury 'Treasury and now being, and the High TIreafurer of the Treafuiry for the Time bieing, £" cheu Chancellor and Under Treafurer, Chamberlains and Bnrcns of the Ex: reqiyt tro a® chequer, and all other thetOfkcersand, Minifters of the Courtf Exceqer; nece{Fry, and of the Receipt thereof, now and for the Time being, fball, and they without Fee. are hertby authorized and ftritly enijoined and required to do, without Fee or Reward, all fath A~tt, Matters, and Things as are hereinAbefbre direeled and required, or tlall he nece{lfary to be done and performed by thea, or anty or eitr of thema, in order to render this AI rnand the kevevdl Paymnts hereby: dinefed, efckhaual. V1. Andl be it enaatd, Th at the Acquittance ort Acquittances% Receipt Acquittaucts or Receipts f the raid Trwkecs ret#&ivdvy, for the Sum fo dirtd to be of the TrW- paid to therm, and ofthe (aid Marquis of Wdlingtont, and thetHisMale fad th Mari the 134of the W~d Marqluis of Weffngonf and of fuclah other Perron or Wellington, erftmn asiltaill be entitled or authorized to receive any fiach Intereft as to be a CrlL aforefaid, tall be a good and fufficient Dikcharge for the Payment of fitch dient De- (tvrat Sums, without any further or other Warrant to be Cued for or cltea obtainaed in~l ttBehalf, and that the Laid Sum, and every Part."thereof, Thall be.fre and dear from all Taxes, Ixupofitions, and other Fvblick Charger whstftver ; andn cafe'any of the Offecrs of the Receipt or f His Bar thereof, according to thae true Intent and Meaning of this Ao to do any A&l necef ary to enable the Laid Trufee reueively, and the Tid W~lrquis djfhll Von, and theflieirs Male ofte ai fthe lidMrquis, end fitch coter Ntffou. or perfbhts as {hall ~ n tle rccve thefune. then the £ad Truftees rdfpe~tively," antd Marquis, and the Heirs Mate of the Body of tbe "rad Marquiu, and rich oter Perron or Pedfons as {ail be enaitledf to rccraye the Lmei or any Par ther'eof,. ii'y .frrj Titp to T'ime rue, imptead Each Officers, or any oft m, their Executors and Admniltms t, by Eil Plaint, or Aftion of Debt, and Ihall or may . recover Jadtttt. and tue out Executions th nt aganifl foitc Officers taftivd.4yfrTleir4,Eecutors, or Adminil ratorsv for lo much of facS $of *Qth ' rd ttoufand rcx.nds,~ and Lfot Lo much of fuch Stun pttnm of Moqthan dire and oigfotsaty i.ImTtteft ,.t~ttk lT4. have beet inthe Hlands of thedticerorO crs of Rheceipt of .uibeur at "tTine or limes unbon Pim aaltall hear~bealagally. . made. tzade tof ith4! a ted Soto, ctua &Mw Pat tliereeofa tfortffai44 #ittl RdtfaIor~egle to do< h t acritoedda by fru.* ~orOfficais tefpefivdey. Truftene- yifltd be it furtherenade4, That it bSIb l'aivfi 'for the"Li powered to Tmufrees to whom the raid Soum of 606un.retd metPS$unds.l ie beb$" ?rhaoI, grnttd as aforefaid,. and they,,are hereby required to lay out and inveKt tkv afdSbmt &fOne bunidred thothn otMt, Ors ar'ay Part theret.if, lthe t.....Sdale ofny Frehdld Manors, Lads Tenememts, and lertditamenlts, ohft good' Eftare of liihetitanee in lie Simple, in Plfhflion, toi be free frtn Incumhrances (except Fe~tartt and Quit Rents, and :'ote Rents Services) antd to be fituate in any Part of Gtr-at Britain, and the L'aid freehMld Manors, Lands, Tenenlents, and Hferedhamentts find, when fu purchfed, be forthwith fettled, conveyed], and, alfhred -to the Ufe of the Laid Marquis of lWS/hzglon, and to thefHeirs Male'of the Bodyof the'faid Marquis of Wd/elingth, and to fucli other Perfdh to whom the Laid Title, Honour and Dignity of Marquis of We# inrdhail deend, pudfuaft to the Limiiadnnr of the Patent, whereby the faid Dignity is granted, and in deftu and on failure of Heirs Male ofthe Body of the f&FdMarquis,- then to the Ufe o the Heirs of the Body of the fad Marqtilsbf Wflelkngton. After Pay- Vk I'rovded *always, and'be it further enadaed, That jfan the Payment nwnt of tbe of the faid Sum of One hundred thoufand Pounds,- or any.Part thereof,4 to Money. Truf-. futh Truiketm as aforefaid, the (aid Trufleea lfball not be able immediately tcevsto lay the tojanveflthsehme in aytfuch.Purchate as aforefaidy then and. in fuch C al Exchequer mthe (aid Truflees Tball, and they are hereby reoulted rb lay out fuch Sum Bdts, &c. of OneC hundred thoufand Pounds, or fuch Pirt thereof as cannot be fo till tie Thzne ,invtod.#ref k aidsi Ertheqvexr E Os, or in any -oher (ZoVernment 'c4w be S Seur'n 'n 'to ktp th-e fame fluefted in'Rxchequer tidis, or-Ptome afond, G &ni aliesttbea itig Intirefl uni thef'tma tan beimvefted in aryfi dath>.Butehafe ajfcj i.4 the mn Tan'Ta'id from Time to Time w jlpayA th e k rd ngtherefro to the fal Marquis noCWSlatgn othe &drflt exitkfd for the'Tlrne being elch At ras aforfaid. Power to lZ. And 1*b it further enaixed, That it (ball be lawful for the (id grant Join- M ;fitsof $tfslilnpra or for 'the Pedon upon whoim the :Paid Title of tunse. f.4 elitgnn Ihali delcatxid, either bkfore or aftr his Marriage with any Wom'aa or Women by any? Deed or Deeds, or Writing or W resy with or without Power of Revoctidon, to be by him feled and .selivered h the Prefentce of Tw6 or ,Mora credible5 Witoeffes,' (but fubjed the Arnitity &.F nnil yearly Stum or Sums, i arty,' i l)tl "i~.n ttIft ga iartdpyb.1K=wa f Jointure or Jointutes ouan tihe Sid $aor&, ao, enewrws .en fjf e.itaems, .e ofhn Grant; Liin , o po inttetto t idd in put- .d j ethe i e hereindnamt rm tfi~ and'apolmt Uto f atrrnWomeni whom he Mail Luina. i tr or their Life or 1S ° 'r t aroi .&zeik Joitttr or. t Iwna# itr,,tN* as here= n~f xmtyAtmoir ott yearly Sum it emseedlvg the Sums of vxt~ ltids of. lie latwfi{ MuU latof sat s at , } tM "uutis~it wabver; bty A4i ~ Eantorvt ortwkh lr ja f mie and ae effeiti .' tit De tan 7it ow ttltelam to .berl .. 4st fw r~ h 4 id~ s-and i t te: M d . / 4.ans a '.U *kd~Tenemnentss: and. Uereditamrents, amd tn, bepid and payabJe by j~i 4uatttWrliiayttents, and the Fir.& qf the:faid qua rt ay ltQ bt made oh '.he ttttr Day whihdh itha pp~e tr. O.c pege of tePerfon whpo a 4goInted thte A npiy or yerly $uu p~hS~w. before atoradd. ;X. N0ovldeJ always, and be it further tna2ted, That ale CaMd pis joit'n jj t r.s °Td ns-and Tleieditatipettslhall 'tot at pxw am4 the tarqA iile at noTie beitibjif ra the Nymint oftmre thant the .yearly $nro of Three thlnsid4 to exceed to~d ° 5 jj f *roe:efpf~o dfiy jdlnure or .litttre tthielt llalMIS r}1 .3;0001. a= ma- of the Powr steeinbeaxe contained, XT. Poded alway4 and, be it further etiated, That the Manrs, Manors, &c. Molethtagea ° d;, Tvexneuent4, and Heteditamnents fo to be. purchaiIe4 as not to be fob- tforefad 141 do tixllfo> tii~bjefb: to Dower of the Wife or Wie of the jeftoflower. Mail Mcgrqnl#4Wirften, or of any, of rit Pefn~h may Nuecgevl be feifed thr i .the.imt ': afoefaiiL :IL Anid ievit "further ena 0d,:What it finilhe iwfll for the, fai Marquis of Marqutis of lwelnk and futb other Perfon or Perfons as jball. for, the Wellington Time beinq bxe in: f&fon of or. enitled) to the Renits and Profts of the to leafe the fhid Manors, Lands Tentements, :and lIercditamenss 1k soib 1e ptrehafe4 Manors fern asafdred:d as and whan'the' IshnII rifvely be. in. the ;poilon'or Years A entitled. as aforefaid, to grant,,demnife, ap4d leae eall or any, qef fueh, Mfa. [tr, Taid," ne nt and Hereditamentss which $11, be f',pqpycbafed asaforefaid.*toart.Peo or Peroat $r any'Terpi or .Number gf Years, niot........Th'Yenwyone Yearsa Poffe~ota, but ot1 t# ia Jcvio 0 Reanainder,"or bcpeaacy,. or. by way of futro bnoereft, 1ko ay . eey of fiui.IJ=k6 there be r lbved and bnadc payable dotigtbq .C -. ti tehere#.#'p'iely. he bell and, f'npl~orycd YpdryR.e r Ren tht artbereddonably :bad or obwanedforz the are, w'tpt taking dny Sumt or Susn ,oEMoney ty way of Vine or lpinor ftme A pt ~4l of Inc Leafs orlefs:adf as the tolees to be: theiqu rgipsively ntamed, and their refpeftixe Executors, Adndniftnators, pr:4$$ni g be not made difpunilhable of or for Waite by any exprefs Words therein., and 4ba Ca in exrt'' flich .Leafk there be conltained; A Condenr or Clanke of Re entr f* bUonpymn of tee Reuteor Rents to be thereby zcfpentivcly reevdand fo as fmzh. refpedive Lean~s duly feal and deliver Cuntio#plrp .fichi.Leafs gjI ; Slfit And be it further enafted, That it Dm11l be IAwfpl for the~fi adm grn Marquis of R&lktotnn, or the Perlhn emidtled for, the iTnne Jgn,'jo g cA Buildini Manrs, Mdffuages, Lands, Tenements, or flcredimnents~irth the: ,0Znfet Leafks or in Writing qf the T [ruptees for the Time being, by Indture $44 and 9o Years. deliverd i the Frefence atteS Two..credibfe!.. Witaieles. to dimi;e 1)afe, and grant unto any Perkan or Lerfons yvhp:.1h4 willing to build ,upon th ame, in the Manner by t#.e lae tr ,r, v0 Leaks fo obe grantedto be fpecitied for any....... ....of Years abfolut, nexe.ding the TZexit[ of Ninety .et,...!IR in.Potifiion and.=w.a n.Reverfxom ors by w y. fgj elptr4% with, .y for the Ld fee r tede to take 4owa41U [[raft ;n P o:f'rs . uiIdmnswiI tay~b ft ,p theW rp oysnit. i Ts~ 4 es rdp&att, tob boopnrzcd. ttqegy £ . ' ' i8 of the "Materials thereof to "fuch" Wes and Parpofes u lh all b eri ierntioned aret upon and al oto lay out lads ap rotate aziyrPar of the Prx aies to" be comnpfrsedinphcbLdeafe or Laes, :a or for a Yard, or Yard Garden or'.Gardens, to any.Building or Buidig which mayj be bult..upon the Preinifes,,or as and for a'Way "r .Ways,"Street or Streets Rotad or Roads, Avenue or A venuesPa or Paithges, Sewer or Sewers, for the We1 and Catenieace of thie Leiihee or Lefees, or rather rrdenats or.Occupiers of the Premifes, in futch Manner as thal b men. tiod and agreed upon in Luck Graa4 Leafe, or Deii(, together with. tthPrivilgsad othertEjentents as (hall by the faidTtrtes betdecmed reafimable-or .convenient,. fo as there be. redered. in and by fuc4 Wea, Dentiles, or Grants reifpeaively, the beft and mofl improved yearly Rent: that . an be realably had or gotte for the fame, to "be rude payable Quarteriy, free from all Deduftions whatsoever, regard bein ir to the Value of the" Buildings (i any) to be 'comprized in. TA leifes or tom"s without tinig any Fine, Preim or Forcgift, qr anyTbngin. the Naur th.reof, for dhe making* of.Each ref.eejLv Le~;a nd a there be °co.ntaied in fuch Demnifes..or Leafe tdfPefively, Covenants from the refieie Ltefles to pay the Rent thereby referved," to build and keep in" ltepair the Mefuages, Erediotis, and Budldings which may be agreed to be erected and built on the Premifes, and to furr'ender and leave in, repair. the Mefhage "Erealons, and Buildings to be erceled and built ifels thereby refpt&*vely to be leafed at.....Ed of the 'termnoiT.rm in'fitch Leafsd granted, 'and fo as there be contane in fuch flemifes or Leafes rcfpettiveiy, a Powver for the Letters and their: Surveyors and ,Agents, to enter upon the Premifes, and to infpe&t the Statestd Conldition thereof, and all foch other uifual and proper Covenants, loAviboes nd Conioms, orn the Parts of the refpeftive Leifhes as are nrually.entuld. in fluilding Leafes, and lb as there be alto contained" in fitcht Leafes, emife., or Grants refpe~tively7, Conditions of Re-entry for Neon4oaym et bf the-Retitato be thereby reierved on lIon-perfbrmance of the,0v C ent4Povlfones or Conditions on the refpe tive Leilhes Part, and to as the rdoeetire Lefles do fevemlly execute Couniterparts of their re. fpedive Lieafes. 1W.. Aidbe it further enated, That it ffiall not be lawfu for the Paid Marquis: of Wdeinn or the Perfon or Peribas who for the Time being (hall benhe in L'offefllon to the Rents, ilies, and Profits of the Manors, Lands; Tenements, and Hereditaments, Lo to be purchafed and fettled .as. afarrciid, to commit or mit any Kind of Wafte in or upon fuch Manors, Lado% We fi 4or naeus or in or upn any Part thereof ; anrd Vitho (ad Matqluis ofWdingtam, or any funch other Perfon or Perfons as......fat "ll at anry Tj1. or Tilmes commit or permit any Luck W afte,l thera " evry tfuci Cafe the Laid Marquis, or any other fuch Pfbr or 4erons "as aforetid, La counmittin or permitting: any finch ate . adthis aor their Heirs, Executors, a..T Admiiniftratots, "sall be in Da to the Truftees. for. the "Tmie being, and DiAl ....~of this A&t be Eatble at Lawi by the fid Trufle ira rats it~ae for fuch flatuages; and in every finch Ac- ti ......txt] ilrull be giveit for the, Plaint W, Coilsialbe atv~~~t. =th n.4darg or. flcfentdtnts.......altuc Monies Aa .IN.*.*;It.h 6 10 v fora a a Lott. s all fter.Payment o.tIL arttlC a hich 'h4Lkacuncae4 .f iaraife in Ete . f The Marquis for the Trime being to be anfwerable in Damages for Wafteon the bane", kee. 4 5e,00E01011 III. Cap ,.f ol!this Part of the Trufts of this Aft, be applied by th fi Trufteea for thieTie being, in Improvement of any of the Maos Lands, Tent- xnits,'and fleredbianiet4 (ii to be purchafed and fete sfrfi, by Repairs, Buildings, Plantig, Inclofure, Draining, or otherwife, in the famet Manner as is herein~after directed, conceerning th plcto of the Reflduary Surplus Montey, (rom Sale of Timfber, under the Provillous hecreinafter contained. XV. Provided always, and be it further enacted, That it (hall be law- Allowing the ful for tie Paid Marquis~ of Wllnew, oxthe Pedfon entitled for the Time manking of being toth Rnts and Profits of any fuck Manors, M$4uages, Lands,] Te digging of neinents, and Herditaments, with' the Confeni ofthe.Trutlees for the Time. Quarries. being, to dig any Brick Eat fr making Bricks, or to fik, dig, okr, work ayQames. of Stone, Minres of Coai, Minerals &r other I1iies or with te Confent, ia Writing, of the 'Iufte.forthe Timne being, to grant Leafes of any Land for the inking of Blricks or finking, diging, or working: any. Inch.QtiMriis or Mies, in any f(tic no. s Lands, Te- nements; or Hereditaments, other than. andexcept on ,any of the Gardens or Parks near to or furrounding the Manfion of Refidence, withoutben impeachable for any Wafte~ by reafon thereof. XVI. And be it further enafted, That it thall not be lawMu at any, RefiriAlon as lime or Times to cut, down or fell, or caufe to be. cut down or felled, to felinsg of any Timber which Mall be growing or (landing in or upon the Manors, Timber. Lands4 and flereditaments fo to be purchafed and fettled as aforefaid, or' any Part thereof, otherwife than in Manner hereinafter authorized ; and if anyi futch Timber Mball be felted or cut dlown in any other Man~ner than is hereinafter authorized, the Perkin or felling or cutting down;; fuch Timber, or caufing the fame to be.felled or cut down, Mhall be fte (ponfible to the Ttulbees for the Vurpofiis of this At for the Time being, for the Value of the Timber fo felled or cut down, and (ball accordingly,' by virtue of thisr 4f, be fucable by the faid Truftecs for the Time being in an Acton upon the Cafe for the faid Damages jand in every fuch Action in which Judgment (ball be given for the Plaintiffs, Treble Colts' (hall be awarded againft the Defendant or Defendants ; and all fitch Stums of Money as tall be fo recovered for fuch Damages and Cols, Mball, after Payment of all Charges and Expences which {hail be incurred, or arife in the Execution of this Branch of the Trufts of this Adt, be ap- plied by the Laid Truftees for the Time being the fame Manner as hereinafter is dire~ted, in refpe& of the Refiduary Surplus Monies from the Sale of Timber under the Provifions for that Purpofe herein-after' mentioned. XVIL.. And be ,it .further enialed, That. fame Time in the Month of Survey of November in every Year, when Occafion (hall require, and the fame (hiail Timber to be requefted by the £44d Maxqut of Welligton, or the Perfob entitled fo be made an- the Time being to ,the t Rqats and Profits of flich Manors, Lands, 'rene- afcertain ments, and Hereditamenits, a Survey and, Valuation Mball be miade by what is be ut foce fit and proper Pcerlbn, or Perfons to be appointedb.y the ttuftees for Per tobect the Timae being, of ,a ittc.bTirnoerifrading, =growirzg, and~binp int or upon.lai anorn, La.s, an Hcreditaments fo t6 be piiteha ed and ftted ae.aforitfaid, as it jjafl be the With of'the, fai4 Marquis.of 1f'd/ington, or the j)rf V.~heTm en in Pglafffioh or afdr~faid, to have t ave cttt o. uifi o~tlf the enfufng Yer, a p iali belli aa& prof tt1 o firettet advantared td tt .. tie dontu atsd' tto artetd Whmtlwi ffti b e re d t~ift4iti , g, and beht f4 Wyt $h, ft #lle fime h~C y thie Wefonebuitdt ttrfattpprh 4hent and °be veif~ bkhs or theirt OA*&Oaths (ter be: admi- Ati °tdhnn nthtt b9 y dilfe of the Nbe~i Aty fueh flc' e cii hereby; authorized to aduxiniter the. fame accordigl2; and 'i °fuchi Survey aud Yabxattis fiall beiimade and iworn' to as aoresaid, it #haII be la tLw Lfot the Ifi tlIt repivel, tVshthe UonltAt ahtd Apjicba- OPU th d trrr bE/ oi~~Ci r rthe.PntfttY for the~tnie ing m a'etedt& dlini Lucia his or. hi ,Share or Shares tball not then have become v:Weds sue, and pay".~e Traftees em- powered in Default of other Ap- p~ointmnent, to difpofe of Shares of Sonis to a cer- tain Amount for their 8lie-t 4 1 XXII . And- , 5°GEORGff 111. (iapA4. 23 "1XIIL And be it further enaftd, That in cafe the Perfon fs. in PTV. lacafte of no flonor enditle& to the Laid Manors,' Lands,' Tenements, and Ileredi- ddl'dren, taments as loft ah&*dfid, fhall die without having any Child or Children be poffdedt! who {ball live ia h'beome entitled to the faid lait mentioned Troll of the TCrott Stocks, Funds, &imd 'Scutrities, then and in foch Cafe the Trufbees Fndsk for the thereof for the Time beink (hall (land poffeffed of and interefted in the Exectotors, &c of the fame Truft Stocks,' Fund's "and Securities, in Truft for the Executors Perfon dying or Adminittrators of the Perfon La dying having been in Poflfeiion and in Poffdhion. entitled' as~ loft aforefaid, and to aflign, transfer, and make over the fame accordingly. XXIV. And be it further -enadted, That it (ball be lawful for the laid Truftecs, T'ruftees,'with the Confent and Approbation in Writing of the Perfon with Content fo in Poileffion or entitled to the Rents, Iffes, and Profits of the faH' of Poffe flon Manors, Lands, Tenements, and Hereditaments, for the Time being, mAr change to fell and difpofe of alt or any Part of the Laid taft-mentioned T'ruft the Seemr- Stocks, Funds, and Securities, and to lay out and inveft the Monies tea thereion arifing in or upon any other Luch Government or Real Securities as afoerehaid, and in like Manner to alter, vary, and change Luch other Government Stocks, Funds, and Real Securities, for others of the fame or the like Nature, and fo from Time to 'fime as often as (btall be deemed expedient, Lubje&k always nevertheleli to the Truths thereof hcrein-bcfore declared. XXV. And as to, for, and concerning the .Refulue of the Sot- Trutee& to plus of the Monies which thall from Time to Time arife and be ro- aply the Reiu f duced by every finch Sale of Tlimber Lo to be cut down and felled as the Money aforefaid, after fetting apart and appropriating Lit much thereof as is arifing by the herein dire&ed to be Let apart and appropriated for the J.urpofes aforefaid ; Sale of tim- be it further enadvd, That the laid Truffees of this Ad for the Time h;n jivemn being {hall apply all Luch refiduary Monies in fuch Improvement and Me- of the Ma- Jioration: of the Laid Manors, Lands, 'T'enements, anid Hereditaments, Lo noms to t to be purchaf'ed and fettled as aforefaid, or of Come Part thereof, by parchaL' Buildings, Reparation, Planting, Inclofure, Draining, 'or otherwife, as the Truftees of this Adt for the Time being, with the Confent of the Laid Marquis of Welhlington, or the Perfon or Perfons feifed of or entitled, to the fLd Manors, Lands, Tenements, and Hiereditaments' in Polkffioo, for the Time being, or, in cafe of Infancy, his or their Guar- dian or-Guardians for the Time being, (ball think moft proper ; or if the laid Traftees for the Time being, or a Majority of them, fhail diagree with the laid Marquis of Wellington, or the Perlbn or Perfunm fie feifed or entitled as afurrfaid, or his or their Guardian or Guardians about the :Manner of fuch Application, then as the Lord High 'Treafurer, or the Pirit Commiflioner mfthe; lreafury Lcir the Time being {hall, on a leference to him by any of dhe Parties who (ball to differ, by, any Writing or Writings to be Pealed' and delivered by him, direct and appoint. XXVI. Provided always, and be it further enadted, Thatitffiall be lawful TIru~tess, for the Truftees for the Time bing of the laid Marquis, or of the Perfon or with Ccnient Pedonns entitled for the Time being to the Rents and Profits of the laid Ma- 7n 1'glo, saors~L ands, Tenements, andfleredtaments, with the Content and Approba- maty felt Ma- tion of the Perton or Perfns for the 'liime being entitled in Pofldflioa to the nort, &c. io 4 Rents u~ p~tr Recn~m otpftirefiddkrlchoid I~anors, sd tnt, at r vwhf drta, ts li Iat . Itwafed as&afo"k, £nchconmf ewr *4p A robatlon. O er bet }v4by. Wzrtmg under his, Iter or their liviad aor Sea it an4 e4 a and atteft~ed by. Two or more crediii Witn4e, to Convey by w~of. rSale, ar by, way of Exchange, forit o :im lien of, orto f0'I arty pps lffuf~sLands, Tenements, and Hetreditaments bef$re pur. r lafe, or he urofeof urhafngany other= Freehold Manors, Lands, feneenfts, or Ilereditanets,4a a4 go flate of Inheritanca, in Fee Srrnspejn Pdffelion,. and to be free frtr$rInciimbrances, and fitUtCt as afuircfaid, alli or anyo fuhMaosLnd, be MacA, ands, Tenements, and~ Heredity maerts, fa to bepurcbafed as aforef~aid, unto any PerfCon or Perfons, and his or ber Hirs or Afligns tcfpeftively, 4ther together or in Puncel,. tor fich Eiiivaleat in Money,, or in Freehold Manors, Lands, ,Tenements, and Hereditaments, as toa them the Truftees, for the Time being fhail itemt meet ; and. it (hail be lawful for the. Iruftees for the ime being, and they are heteby required to lay out an nvf the Purcha4e Monrey which tha ar ife from every or any fuch Sate, o any.~ Part thereof, in the Put. chef~e of other Freehold Ilanors, Lands, Tenements, and IHcreditaniets, ofta ;good. Eilawe of Inheritance in Feet Simple in Poftl'enn, free front Incnnrbranees, and fituatc as aforefaid,,and in the mean Time do and f wlla out and keep invufled in Public Stacks, or Government ,Secu- rities,, in their. Names, the' Purchafe Money to be received as afcrefid or le much thereof as f call not have bean applied in the 1 rcha~e of other fuch Manors, Lands, Trenements, and Hereditaments, as aforefaid, and paying and apsplying'xhe hteti, Dividends, and Income thereof, to the Prfon wh or the i'ime being would be entitled to the. Rents and Profits of fuch Manors, Lands, Tenements,, and Hereditaments, if fuch Purchafe, had acWtualy been made, and when all: or any of the fai Ma, nosLands, Tcnftnwnts,! and Hereditaments hereby made exchangeable as afurp id, ftilln b difpofed 4f, andI conveyed in exchange fir'or in lieu ofoay othe a fhch Manors, Lands Tenements, or Hereditaments as aforeW,. and when all or, any other fuc Manors, Landsi Tenements, and Ilereditamenlts,.dball have been purchafed with Money arifing from aniy infch Sale or.Sales as aforefaid,. the Fee Simple and Inhieritance af fuch Manors, Lands, Xl eements, and flereditaments fo taken in Ex chantge or, purchafed. as, laft afdreid, (hall he well fettled, conveyed; and aflve to the We11 of foch Perforts, and for fuch Eftates, andnder and Ibct =to [fuch Poitmr and Provifions as the fid Manorsi Land s4 "' ene asi or Heie aens which Thall by virtue of this Ml& be Lb difpefM of by way of Sale or in Exchange, would, under the Lhiittions r in tbiaA& contained;4iae ilood limitied, if the farms had not beenr fold or, excangedi and, all and every Perfon and Perfis to , and enjoy the Hcreditaments wNhich ifhall by them refpedively be purchafed or: stm In chtmge freed and abfolutely d~l jd oftand "fr '.l theA~ies Eftts, Chit tx, flowers, and Prowfrons hereby limited4' & prefrds lard dtcar. d wind concerning ,tire. s'm H lredixan'eQs than micccctpt.Aith fletnifes&r Leafes as Lati hive beena previoufly e in par eo QIhie ors in that B~ehalf bckln tined),. r XXVIL. Provided i4 53° GEOlIGII "III. Cap.4. XXVIL. Provided alto, and it is hereby further enafted, 'Tht upon Pwro dar jt Death of, any of thema, the Laid Right Honourable William Wellpq ti Pt Is and the Honourable and.: Reverend Gerald Valerian Welltq Do.&ot e in Divinity, or of. any Perfon or Perfons who tball become a' Trullee or Truftees under the Parer afAppointraent herein contained; and sli tte they the laid Right Hlonourable William We116'ey Pole and the Honourable and Reverend Gerald Yalerian We%?q1)y ocor in Divinity, or fuch new Truftee or Truflees -who (hall be appointed as herein mentioned, or 'any or either of them, thall defire to be dilcharged from or decline to aft, in the Trolls in and by this Aft declared, then and in every futch Cafe, and with all convenient Speed after the happening of every filch Cafe, the laid Marquis of Wellington, or the Perfon or Perfbns who filfor the Time being be entitled to the Rents and Profits of the laid Manors, Lands, Tenements, or Hereditaments, Lo to be purchafed as aforefaid, or if fuch Peffon or Perfons !ball be under the Age of Twenty-one Tears, then hiss her, or their Guardian or Guardians, with the Content in Writing of the Firft Comnmiflioner of the Treafury, or the Lord High Treafurer for the Time being, tall, by fame Deed or Inftrument in Writing uinder the Hland and Sea] of. the laid Marquis of Wellington, or the Pertain or Perfons for the Time being fo entitled as aforefaid, or fitch his, her, or their Guardian or Guardians as aforefaid, :nominate any other Perfon or Perrons to be a Truftee or Truftees in the Room of the Truflec or Truftees fo dying or defiring to be difitarged, or declining to aft as aforefaid;' and futch new Truftee and Truftees fhall have and be invefted with Loch and the fine Powers, in all Refiefks, as if he, or they had been originally nominated: a Truftee or Truftees in and by this Adt; and after every fuch Appointment of a new Trollee or Truftees, fuchb Conveyances and Afts (hall be executed and done, as {hall be rem quiite for vefling the ;Eftate and Intereft of and in all and frngular the Truft Premiles i the continuing Truftees or Truftee (if any fitch there be)' and Loch new Trudtees or Truftee conjunfly, ,to and for all Intents and Purpofes Whatfoever, or in Luch new Truftees or futch new Trtee only, according to the Nature of the Cafe; and in the mean Time, the Truft Premnies thall be and remain in the remaining Trullees thereof for the Time being, or the Survivors or Survivor of :them, or the Execu- tors or Adminiftrators of Loch Survivor, or his Heirs, according to the Nature of the Trolt Premifes. .XX.YTII. And be it further enafted, That it fhall be lawful for any Three Three Tr- of the 'Truflees for the Purpoies of this Aft for the Time being, to do and tees emnpow- execute all fljch Ad.siMatters; and Things, in Execution of the Trull, "rdZt;nf. as all the laid Truffees refpettively are hereby authorized and empowered ertain to do, and the fame fhall be as valid anti effetual as if the fame had been Cates, done and executed by all the Laid Traitoes rcfpeftively : Provided always. that in every fitch Aar Matter, or Thing, the laid Lord High Treafurer, or Firfi Commiflioner of the Treafury, or Chancellor of the Exchequer, fiat] be one ; Cave and except as to any jointures or Charges by this Aft allowed to be made on any Eftates purchaed under this Ad, or as to the Cutting or Sale of any Tlimber, or Dilpofition of any Monies arifing therefrom. IXIX. And be it further enafted, That it (haliand may be lawful' for thCs v c - the Speaker of the Houle of Commons, the Lord High Treafuter or Firft ofthiof 0 7 Lord fle tbopow. nati ..'N t6npt~~.**~~f s:~.nt fffi#a ; cl (~b ti t, het Oaihttt ?..0'I zhn."eltr the : Putpoet aMdotf ; hndutb" Hro . ie hti4si frratd, wtkh u 4ig the Continuance c his Appoalnttee %i be a uk f ehti 4 r h pfeO as if Rix 4Sga i -by the Sookp of the ll1' feContoe the-Lofl4Tfcto moftft tot CoMIniiOner of the TroaOuryt oy th reekj Or the s~pt whot1all mite ftih Appqiuiaiti <.. . 'T ai e an . X X L t" be a I f uirthercana ded , T hat dte Ihid I r ftbea i-f r th e Tim e n w rb e a ig th s A , f ny o he , i l t ot e . -6 h' l W h for tcb or *tnbb for any. more of the Trut Moies. Ad: Pitmtffdthakithiey Truemife' ifallrad ]riv ely adhiauy teeiv," Ctihllttinwt@ thteir ftff lipt ds by as~~ (hl v.'.o the Trl herein declared, nr iith &r for al *fhhtat tuatlp ~ cae ' wa;bp""o the fame, fluff Mwes& and Pefea1ttes or "an Part to hi~r A . t as Aitc L. happena tiheur dwfr ilfl Negk& t Demt - Hands. du4.that ktliall be la*fulfor the famne Thdtfeesforthe Time Met evey 4fthen, in the fir1 place by adcl out of the Mtonies whk0 f cane to their Headity virtuedo -thethid Trts, to.edutt.xdsw, Twier E. ad rciwbefr1 theifetres refpeftirely, atl fth Colts, Charges, Onea, wee odsse, p Ca they shail r eievely }sat beat', fiti, expetdi,'dr be gllawe& f ot or or' byrib oreau nar sofallo &anyo f tebldTrlte . and 'Atthcrtds, oar the Afstna eine E~eotiti thereof; or Mty M1 Tranifaetimt, blwatteC or w atfe l it anywifo hovlbere XI And bet furthcr en0~4 That this Aat may be tiltered,