ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN Production Note Project Unica Rare Book & Manuscript Library University of Illinois Library at Urbana-Champaign 2015 ANNO QUINQUAGESIMO TERTIO GEORGII III. REGIS. vi***************************************************** CAP. CXXII. An Act for confirming the Renunciation made by Spencer Perceval Efquire of his Penfions on his taking the Office of a Teller of the Exchequer. [ioth July 1813.] WHEREAS His Royal Highnefs the Prince Regent in the Name and on the Behalf of His Majefty, having been pleafed to fignify His Pleafure to appoint Spencer Perceval Efquire, Son of the late Right Honourable Spencer Perceval deceafed, to the Office of One of the Tellers of His Majelty’s Exchequer, vacant by the Death of the late Marquis of Buckingham, upon Condition of his renouncing the Benefit of an Annuity of Two thoufand Pounds per Annum which might eventually become payable to him, and alfo the Benefit of an Annuity of One thoufand Pounds per Annum payable to him, until the Paid Annuity of Two thoufand Pounds fhould become payable, which Annuities were fecured to him or for his Benefit as the eldeft Son and Heir Male of the Body of the faid Right Honourable Spencer Perceval deceafed, by an Ad of Parliament palled for that and other Purpofes in the Fifty-fecond Year of His Majefty’s Reign : And whereas by a certain Inflrument in Writing, dated the Sixteenth Day of February, in the Year of Our Lord One thoufand eight hundred and thirteen, in Confideration of fuch Appointment, and in Conformity to His Royal Highnefs’s Pleafure, the laid Spencer Perceval (the Son) did with the Privity and Approbation of the Honourable Jane Perceval his Mother and Guardian, relinquifh and give up all Benefit of the faid Two Annuities refpeftively, from the Time ot his Appointment to the faid Office, and during fo long Time as he ihould receive the Benefit thereof; and did thereby direct that the faid Annuity of One 10 M 11 thoufandjfAv <5 y 03 ¿. 874 53® GEORGII III. Cap.122. thoufand Pounds then payable, Ihould not be received or demanded for his Benefit from the Time of fuch Appointment, and fo long as he ihould hold the faid Office, and that in cafe the faid Annuity of Two thoufand Pounds (hould become payable to him or for his Benefit, the fame Ihould not be received or demanded, but that fuch Annuities refpeftively Ihould ceafe to be payable when and fo long as he ihould enjoy the faid Office either to himfelf or for his Benefit: And whereas His Majefty did by Letters Patent on the Fifteenth Day of February laft, in the Fifty-third Year of His Reign, give and grant unto the faid Spencer Perceval the Office of One of the Four Tellers of the Receipt of the Exchequer of His Majefty, in the room of the Marquis of Buckingham lately deceafed : And whereas the faid Spencer Perceval (the Son) was under the Age of Twenty-one Years at the Time of making fuch Writing or Inftrument of Renunciation, and ftill is under fuch Age; and it may therefore be doubtful whether the fame would be valid and effectual for the Purpofe propofed, to be anfwered thereby : Now, for removing fuch Doubts and rendering valid fuch Renunciation: May it pleafe Your Majefty that it may be enaQed; and be it ena&ed and declared by the King’s moft Excellent Majefty, by and with the Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this prefent Parliament affembled, Confirming and by the Authority of the fame, That the faid Writing, Inftrument, the inftru- and Renunciati0n, notwithftanding the Minority of the faid Spencer nunciation of Perceval the Son, at the Time of making the fame, is and fhall be as certain An- good, valid, and effeftual, to all Intents and Purpofes, as if the faid nutiesexecu- Spencer Perceval had been of the full Age of Twenty-one Years at the ted by Spen- q