ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN Production Note Project Unica Rare Book & Manuscript Library University of Illinois Library at Urbana-Champaign 2015 ANNO QUINQUAGESIMO TERTIO GEORGII III. REGIS. CAP. CXXXIII. An Aft to amend an Aft of the prefent Seflion of Parliament, for granting a Sum of Money for purchafmg an Eftate for the Marquis of Wtllington, and his Heirs, in Coniideration of the eminent and fignal Services performed by the faid Marquis of Wellington to His Majcfty and the Public. [12th July 1813.] WHEREAS by an Aot parted in the prefent Seflion of Parliament, intituled An Ail for granting a Sum of Money for pur• 53 G. 3. c.4. chafing an EJlate for the Marquis of Wellington and his Heirs, in Conftderation of the eminent andfignal Services performed by the faid Marquis of Wellington to His Majejly and the Public, a Sum not exceeding One hundred thoufand Pounds was granted out of the Confolidated Fund of Great Britain to the Speaker of the Houfe of Commons, the Lord High Treafurer of Great Britain, or Firft Lord Commiflioner of the Treafury, the Chancellor of the Exchequer for the Time being re-fpeftively, the Right Honourable William IVelleJley Pole, and the Honourable and Reverend Gerald Valerian Wellcfey, Doctor in Divinity, who were thereby required to invert the fame in the Purchafe of Freehold Manors, Lands, Tenements, and Hereditaments in Great Britain; and it was enacted, that the faid Manors, Lands, Tenements, and Hereditaments ihould, when fo pur chafed, be forthwith fettled, conveyed, and afiured to the Ufe of the faid Marquis of Wellington, and to the Heirs Male of the Body of the faid Marquis of Wellington, and to luch other Perfon to whom the Title. Honour, and Dignity of Marquis ot Wellington ihould defeeud, purj'uant to the Limitations of the Patent whereby the faid Dignity was granted, and in Default and on Failure of the Heirs Male of the Body of the faid Marquis, then to the Ufe of the Heirs of 11 H 0 h“ ■95° Premifes pur-chafed under flic recited Adi (hall be unalienable until a Failure of lflue. On Failure of Heirs of tfte Body of the Marquis of Wellington, the Premifes (hall veil in Fee Simple, and may be dif-pofed of by Deed or Will. A Manfion Houfe may be built and Pleafure Ground provided. 53° GEORGII III. Cap.133. his Body: And whereas it was intended that the Manors, Lands, Tenements, and Hereditaments fo to be purchafed ihould always go along and be enjoyed with the faid Title, Honour, and Dignity of Marquis of Wellington, fo long as the fame Ihould endure, and that the faid Premifes ihould alfo be unalienable until there ihould be a Failure of lflue of the Body of the faid Marquis of Wellington ; but Doubts may arife whether the Manots, Lands, Tenements, and Hereditaments fo to be purchafed as aforefaid would be unalienable, by reafon that no exprefs Provifion for that Purpofe is contained in the faid recited AH ; be it therefore enafted and declared, by the King’s moil Excellent Majefty, by and with the Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this prefent Parliament aflembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That fo long as the faid Title, Honour, and Dignity of Marquis of Wellington ihall endure, and until there ihall be a Failure of lflue of the Body of the faid Marquis of Wellington, neither the faid Marquis of Wellington, nor any other Perfon to whom the Manors, Lands, Tenements, and Hereditaments fo to be purchafed (hall or may defeend or (land limited by virtue of the Limitations direfted by the faid recited Ad, (hall have any Power, by Fine or Recovery, or by the Exercife of any Power, or by any other Ad, Aflurance, or Conveyance in the Law, to hinder, bar, Or difinherit any the Perfon or Perfons to or upon whom the faid Manors, Lands, Tenements, and Hereditaments are by the faid recited Ad to be veiled or limited from holding or enjoying the fame, according to the faid Limitations, other than and except fuch Leafes and Jointures, and Power of felling and felling Timber, and difpofmg of the Monies thence arifing, as may be made or exercifed under the Provifions of the faid recited Ad, and Grants of Lands or Tenements held by Copy of Court Roll, according to the Cuftoms of the refpedive Manors to be purchafed, whereof the fame, may be held, but all fuch Fines, Recoveries, Ads, Alfurances, and Conveyances, other than fuch Leafes and Jointures, .and Powers and Grants, by Copy as aforefaid, fliall be and are hereby declared and enaded to be void. II. And be it further enaded, That on Failure of the Heirs of the Body of the faid Marquis of Wellington, the Manors, Lands, Tenements and Hereditaments fo to be purchafed as afbrelaid, Ihall go .and remain to the Ufe of the faid Marquis and his Heirs and Afligns, which ultimate Remainder or Reverfion in Fee Simple it (hall be lawful for. the faid Marquis of U’cllington, and his Heirs and Afligns, at any Time or Times during the Continuance of the faid Honour, Title and Dignity of Marquis of Wellington, and until there ihall be a Failure of Iffue of his Body, not-withftanding any Thing herein-before contained, to grant, convey, devife or difpofe of, by Deed or Will, or other Aflurance or Alfurances by which Freehold Eftates in Remainder or Reverfion are capable by Law of being, conveyed or difpofed of. III. Provided always, and be it further enacted, That it fliall and may be lawful to and for the Perfons by the faid Aft authorized, to invert a Sum not exceeding One hundred thoufand Pounds in the Manner aforefaid, to ereft and build, or caufe to be erefted and built upon Part of the Land which Ihall be purchafed as aforefaid, a Manfion Houfe, with fuitable Out Offices and Out Buildings which in their Difcretion and Judgment Ihall be'fuitable and fit for the Refidence of the Marquis of Wellington for the Time being, and to lay out and appropriate, according to fuch Dif- -5 cretionj£~tt 6i fy~! ° 3 3 53° GEORGII III. Cap.133. 9SI cretion and Judgment, any Part or Parts of fuch Land to be fo purchafed, as and for a Garden or Gardens, and as and for a Park or Pleafurc Ground or Grounds, and to make, erect and build, or caufe to be made, erefted and built thereon, fuch Edifices or Buildings, and Walls and Fences as ihall according to fuch Difcretion and Judgment be fitting and proper, and to pay and apply a fufficietit Part of the faid Sum of One hundred thoufand Pounds, but not exceeding the Sum of Ten thoufand Pounds in fatisfying and difcharging the Coils and Expences of erefting and building fuch Manfion Houle, Out Offices and Out Buildings, and of making, erefting and building fuch other Ereftions, Walls and Fences, and laying out and appropriating fuch Garden or Gardens, Park or Pleafure Ground or Grounds as aforefaid, and of making fuch Avenues, Walks, and Rides, Borders and Divifions, in the fame Garden or Gardens, Park and Pleafure Ground or Grounds, and of planting and furnifhing the fame refpeftively with fuch Trees, Roots, Shrubs, and Plants, as in fuch Difcretion and Judgment as aforefaid ihall be fit and proper ; and alfo that it Ihall and may be lawful to and for the Perfons fo authorized by the faid recited Aft to make fuch Inveftment as aforefaid, to pull down or caufe to be pulled down any Ereftions or Buildings that {hall or may be {landing or being upon the Lands which ihall be fo purchafed as aforefaid, and to fell and difpofe of all or any of the old Materials, and to give fufficient Receipts or Difcharges for the Price at which the fame Materials or any Part or Parts thereof ihall be fold, or otherwife to caufe fuch Materials or any Part thereof to be ufed and worked up in making fuch new Ereftions or Buildings, or other Works as aforefaid, or in fuch Repairs or other Works as herein-after mentioned ; all which Sum or Sums to be received as the Price of old Materials fold as aforefaid Ihall be poil'effed by the Perfons receiving the fame, on the like Trufts as are by the faid recited Aft declared of the Money thereby authorized to be paid to Truf-tees thereby appointed as aforefaid. IV. Provided alfo, and it is hereby further enafted, That in cafe the Buildings Perfons authorized to make fuch Inveftment as aforefaid ihall think it already fitting, it ihall and may be lawful to and for them, and they are hereby authorized to repair and put in complete Repair, and make any Additions a Ma,lfion to or Alterations in any Meifuage or Manfion Houfe, Out-Offices and Out- Houfe. Buildings, that ihall or may be {landing, or being upon the Land which ihall be fo purchafed as aforefaid, and to make any Ereftions or Buildings, Plantations, or other Improvements, or any Alterations in or Additions to, or Subftitutions for all or any Part of the Land fo to be purchafed, which ihall have been already laid out or ihall be deemed proper to be laid out as and for a Garden or Gardens, Park or Pleafure Ground or Grounds, fo as in the Judgment and Difcretion of the fame Perfons to render the Whole fit for fuch Refidence as aforefaid, and to pay and apply a fufficient Part of the faid Sum of One hundred thoufand Pounds, but not exceeding the Sum of Ten thoufand Pounds, in fatisfying and difcharging the Coils and Expences of fuch Repairs, Alterations, Additions, Subftitutions, and Improvements laft herein-before mentioned. LONDON: Printed by George Eyre and Andrew Strahan, Printers to the King’s moil Excellent Majefty. 1813.i . 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