ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN Production Note Project Unica Rare Book & Manuscript Library University of Illinois Library at Urbana-Champaign 2015 ANNO QUINQUAGESIMO QUARTO GEORGII III. REGIS. ***»m**mm*mmm**mmm#mm*m*»*mm******mm*** CAP. CLXIV. An Adi for fettling and fecuring an Annuity on Lord Exmouth and the Perfons to whom the Title of Lord Exmouth fhall defcend, in Coniidcration of his eminent Services. [29th July 1814.] Moil Gracious Sovereign, WHEREAS His Royal Highnefs the Prince Regent, ailing in the Name and on Behalf of Your Majelly, by His moll Gracious Meflage toYour Majelly’s faithful Commons, hath been pleafed to declare, That having taken into Confideration the diilinguilhed Services performed by Vice Admiral Edward Lord Exmouth in the Courfe of the late War, and being defirous of bellowing upon the laid Lord Exmouth a fignal Mark of His Favour, and for this Purpofe to give and grant unto the faid Lord Exmouth, and the Heirs Male of His Body to whom the Title of Baron Exmouth of Canonteign in the County of Devon ihall defcend, a nett Annuity of Two thoufand Pounds, recommended to Your faithlul Commons to confider of a proper Method of enabling Your Majelly to grant the fame: Now, we Your Majefty’s molt dutiful and loyal Subjeits, the Commons of the United Kingdom in Parliament aflembled, duly confidering Your Majelty’s molt Gracious Intention, do molt humbly befeech Your Majelly that it may be enabled; and be it enabled by the King’s mod Excellent Majelly, by and with the Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this prefent Parliament ailem-bled, and by the Authority of the fame, That One Annuity or Yearly An Annuity Rent or Sum of Two thoufand Pounds of lawful Money of Great Britain, of 2000I. per ihall be ilfuing and payable out of and charged and chargeable upon the Ann. lrtt|ed Confolidated f und of Great Britain, (alter paying, or relerving iufficient ^outii'^nud" to pay, all fuch Sum and Sums of Money as have been direiled by any his He!™,'1 16 A former13« 54” GEORGII III. Cap.164. former A£t or Ails of Parliament to be paid out of the fame, but with Preference to all other Payments which ihall or may hereafter be charged upon, or payable out of the faid Fund) ; and the lame ihall from Time to Time be paid quarterly, free and clear of all Taxes and Dedufiions whatfoever, in Manner and Form following ; that is to fay, To the faid Lord Exmouth, for and during the natural Life of the faid Lord Exmouth, and from and after his Deceafe, unto the fucceeding Heirs Male of the Body of the faid Lord Exmouth, on whom the Title, Honour, and Dignity of Lord Exmouth ihall defcend, for and during their natural Lives; which to commence faid Annuity, or yearly Rent or Sum, ihall commence and take Effeft from July j, fr0m the Fifth Day of July One thoufand eight hundred and fourteen ; 1814, and to the Firit Payment to be computed from the laid fifth Day of July One terly81 ^Ua'" thoufand eight hundred and fourteen, until the Tenth Day of OtJober One thoufand eight hundred and fourteen, and front thenceforth ihall be paid and payable at the Four ufual Days of Payment in the Year ; that is to fay, the Fifth Day of January, the Fifth Day of April, the Fifth Day of July, and the Tenth Day of OJlober, in each and every Year, by even and equal Portions. The Annuity II. And it is hereby further enacted, That it ihall and may be lawful to be paid at t0 anj for the Commiffioners of His Majefty’s Treafury now being, and * uerE»dthout t'le High Treafurer and Under Treafurer of the Exchequer, and Commif-quer, wi iou the Treafury for tf,e Time being, and they are hereby authorized and required, by Warrant under their Hands, to direft the Auditor of the Receipt of the Exchequer, now and for the dime being, to make forth and pafs Debentures, from Time to Time, for paying the faid Annuity or yearly Rent or Sum of Two thoufand Pounds, in Manner as aforefaid, and as the fame ihall from Time to Time become due arid payable, without any Fees or Charges to be demanded or taken for paying the fame, of any Part thereof; which faid Warrant, and the Debentures to be triade forth and palled thereupon, ihall be a fufficient Authority to the feveral and refpe&ive Officers of the Receipt of the Exchequer, now and for the I ime being, for the Payment of the faid Annuity, or yearly Rent or Sum, to the laid Lord Exmouth, and the fucceeding Heirs Male of the Body of the faid Lord Exmouth, at the refpedlive quarterly Feail Days in this A£t before appointed for Payment thereof, without any further or other Warrant to be fued for, had, or obtained in that Behalf. The Warrant III. And it is hereby further enabled, That after figning of fuch for Payment Warrant, the fame (hall be good, valid, and elldflual in Law, according of the An- t0 tjje purport ancj true Meaning thereof, and of this A&, and ihall not he'determi- be determinable or revocable by or upon the Demife of His Majeily, cable upon (whom God long preferve !) or oi any of His Heirs or Succeifors, or by or the Demife of upon the ]}eath 0r Removal of any of the Hid Commiffioners of the His Majefty, q'reafury, or the Lord High Treafurer, Or by or upon the Determination of the Power, Office or Offices of them, or any of them. Commiffion- IV. And be it further on ailed, That the Commiffioners of the Trea-■ers of the fury now being, and the High Treafurer of the Treafury for the lime f1 r*3 rXr of being, Chancellor and Under Treafufer, Chamberlains and Barons ol theEtche- the Exchequer, and all other the Officers and Miniiters of the Court all beintr, (hall, and they are hereby authorized and ftri&Iy enjoined and cciTarySfor the required to do, without Fee or Reward, all luch Ails,/ U Q c“/o3 Y 54° GEORGI I III. Cap. 164. 1383 and Things, as are herein-before directed and required, or fhall be Execution of neceffary ‘to be done and performed by them or any or either of them, tM-¡A*, in order to render this Aft, and the feveral Payments hereby directed, effectual. The Receipt of Lord Exmouth, and his Succef-fors, fhall he a fufficient Difcharge. Annuity to be Tax free. How the Annuity may be recovered. V. And be it enafted, That the Acquittance or Acquittances, Receipt Or Receipts, of the faid Lord Exmouth, and the fucceeding Heirs Male of the Body of the faid Lord Exmouth, on whom the faid Title fhall defeend, fhall be a good and fufficient Difcharge for the Payment of the faid Annuity or yearly Sum, without any further or other Warrant to be fued for or obtained in that Behalf; and that the faid Annuity, or yearly Rent or Sum, and every Part thereof, fhall be free and clear from all Taxes Impofitions, and other Charges whatfoever: And in cafe any of the Officers of the Receipt of His Majefty’s Exchequer fhall refufe or ne-¡rie£t to pay the faid Annuity, or yearly Rent or Sum, or any Part thereof, according to the true Intent and Meaning of this Aft, or to do any Aft neceffary to enable the faid Lord Exmouth, and the fucceeding Heirs Male of the Body of the faid Lord Exmouth, on whom the faid Title, Honour, and Dignity of Lord Exmouth fhall defeend, to receive the fame, then the faid Lord Exmouth and the fucceeding Heirs Male of the Body of the faid Lord Exmouth, on whom the faid Title fhall defeend, may from lime to Time fue, profecute, and implead fuch Officers, or any of them, their Heirs Executors, or Adminiftrators, by Bill, Plaint, or Adion of Debt, and fhall and may recover Judgement, and fue out Executions thereupon, aeainft fuch Officers refpeftively, their Heirs, Executors, or Adminiftrators, for fo much of fuch Sum or Sums of Money then due and owing upon the faid Annuity, yearly Rent or Sum, or any Part thereof, as fhall have been in the Hands of the Officer or Officers of the Receipt of the Lx-chequer at the Time or Times when Demands fhall have been legally made of the Payment of the faid Annuity, yearly Rent or Sum, or any Part thereof as aforefaid, or for the Refufal or Negleft to do any Act neceffary to be done by fuch Officer or Officers refpectively. VI And be it further enacted, That the faid Annuity, yearly Rent or Sum of Two thoufand Pounds, fhall be and the fame is by this Ad veiled in the faid Lord Exmouth, and the fucceeding Heirs Male of the Body of the faid Lord Exmouth, to whom the faid Title, Honour, and Dignity of Lord Exmouth fhall defeend ; and the fame or any Part thereof fhall not at any Time or Times hereafter be aliened, conveyed, difpofed, charged, or incumbered, by the faid Lord Exmouth, or by any of the fucceeding Heirs Male of the Body of the faid Lord Exmouth, on whom the laid Iitle fhall defeend, for any greater or larger Eftate, or riime, than during the natural Life of the Perfon fo aliening, conveying, difpofing, charging, or incumbering the fame, fo as to prevent the fame from defeendmg to the next or fucceeding Heir Male of the Body of the faid Lord Exmouth, to whom the faid Title of Lord Exmouth fhall defeend, according to the Limitation aforefaid. Annuity not to be aliened orincumbercd for a longer Term than during the Life of the Pofieffor. LONDON: Printed by George Eyre and Andrew Strahan, Piinters to the King’s molt Excellent Majefty. id 14-