ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN Production Note Unica Project Rare Book & Manuscript Library University of Illinois Library at Urbana- Champaign 2013 ANNO QU1NQXJAOESIMO QUIARTO 'GEORGII III. REGI&* t~t~ee~tesrt~tcta4 C A P. CLX VI An. ;& for fettling and .r Lynedoc4, and the .f Lord Lynedoch ilhall. of his. eminent Services, f'ecuring an' Annuity on Perfons to whom the Title defeend, in Confideration [Ea9th ,u4? 1814.1 Molt Gracious Sovereigns l2 .&fHh "Roa iHigbneib the P~iac -e0en4 a ong In the .ae. aid ox theBehaif of Yaw Maje fty, by Hitoff Gracious toa Your.Ibjaety.'s faithful" oosh ath been plesWe to declare, That having take, inieo C ontideradon the diftinguidlied.Services pq4'r edbytThomas ~oxLynedxbca euternt Generali inisMajefty's Ariy tlmeGrrtxje. of.£ li a jt.partug *d*defi to. fore i 11 kof .rvuupon "the faid Thhms Lard' # ~doh, recomume n 7 tr fa thu otmr"h Adoption of &tcb Mfure asmayb~ ciayfr the Accomplifhmwent of, this ira. ptin Purpo*e Now, Weyour Mjeffy's tot ..dtt land layal Subjefe, the U in cif dthe Uinited Kingdotm in Parliatuent arbled,: duly conc- flddnoutr lMajefty~s molt Gracious Wnaetio~, dQ ntm. y 1=1.ech Four eltpthat it matbe ema~fte an.mei1t. ma ted b te Ig'S. ma t l1!)tt ttY by attd whkt; Adic m .." t th 'r Iipraa~d entpra ln ottnstdtie.4 r eent 6ftbelards "bll, aci lhu.A~tiia' of the.fat~ bin tat Clnu.Anntuty osrea R2enti or Sutb dfa'tfc f tha annda of° lawfl MoA~f d"trs±Ah :e I - Z390 664 to ceocnce from May 3, it4, andto, be paid gu- terly. 'The Annuity to be paid at the Excle- quer. without Fees. wh tt~~ th ~ ord Saw.(hail .commence anid take Ef&t fom the Third Day of"May One thouhand' eight hundred and "fourteen;, the Fiftt Payment to be computed' from the'faid Thbird Day of May One thodfAnd, Ceigt hundred an fu teen, until dhe MIh Iaydf J4ly' 4ln acd " t" 'min ed and four- teen, and from thenceforth (hall be paid and payable at theFour ufual Dy of Payment in~ the Year ; thtist fay, the Tet a of. Q4J*kr the Fifth Day osf ktwiay, the Fifth Day g 4riand t 04o z clb andonry Tew, by eve nt dual ?ortit Il. And it is hereby further enatled, That it (hall and may be lawful to and for the Cominiflioners of His Majefty's Treafury no being, ti4l the High Treakurer and 'Under ' rer of the Exchequer and Commiilloxiers of the Treafury* for the Time being, andi they are hereby authorized and required, by Warrant under their Hands, to dire&t the Auditor of the Receipt of the Exchequer, now a.d fot the Tinme being, to make forth and pals Tflecnttirt, fhm Time to.Time for paying the faid Annuity or yearly Rent or Sum ofTwo tbovfan4Poundsit} Mazi afos a 4, asadl at. tu famte fa, int iwcrr m#Ime; 4eo i jdyabl~ tuhat n or mar es xtp t 14as derPJ rtp. . ang me, or any Pa thrif whicha faliae tures to be 'ade forth, anid vffedheteuponh417 ftaiift aty to the kydeal anedhm44ve Officers otf tta * t anid for the, Time bezng; fbr the Payment of the 414d Atnuftt ,orjyearly Rent or umn, to the Laid Lord Zpne~h, ttid tb&fa of the Body of th(4.dLod ry at............... ithis.A& b .....poited for.Nyt.t witeo.*jtijt~ay o OtWarnnitt awh oe for had or ' ttb; t h 4 ilk. Auditio'. lty fnrtlttnatled, Thfat~fter ftnr ttch Wrtat the.&me.tibe gn.ol;.iJ,; td.dkd l it nar....mgto,.the. atru Meaning.thr.f, and of ~ .Ai ntbetrlhil &# .eieby or upon teDemife of! His tn' #t ,(ho 4o lkrvci).4 or of1 an f Rieir rd ro byor th Reoal. of ayof the (hid Comilinf cTltrey tr?. HihTrcak , e~by orupoutlie' th Fot Offices of thm r u f hm F 'The "Warrant for Payment of the An- nuity not Im be determins able upon thebcrmfe6 His *jelty, &C. I reafuryc. are to do all tJMinrs necd. That tACi V, Ajibe it enafted, That the r fitip or le4pis, ofl far JWrd'ymrda w t dthese4pj EleW knf~twd the, Blody of the ad Lord Lps 4'keadio the l ~i..aild * dOdihw halieagcaaod Cfir at DIC o h a tnn fthe £ b nut or y eaiiy ninth wnflonut an J r or oth an be tm or o Lanetin that Bhalf;q anjtbatth faid ait fr arl'e h Stum, and-levery Part thereof, fhaff bae fre an la rmaTtxa m t~ts fitions, and other Charges whatfoevert: And in cafe any:of the Officers. of Tx fse~ y the R;eceipt of His Mlajefty's Exchequer, faIIl refaife or neg lea' to pay the s th . t laid Annuity, or yearly Rent tor ums or any Part thereof, accrdngtos. eti~iuty mav& true latent and Meaning of this Aft, or to do any A& ~nee~far to enatble aeqe the laid Lord Lynrsdrh% and the futceding Heirs Male of th Body th idLord Lynedoch, on whmtefi iee;ltor and Di t . L4rd Lyntdakb thall defcend, to teve the famej d he the f *ia .yac..44' and the futxeedmin Heirs Malet of th.KBody.o the fidLrd Lynedoch, on.whom ffl.dTie limOl def.endmay..... Time't. im fue,.profecute,.and'implead fuch Olficers, or any of.the,.thei.r Heirs. lExecutors, or Adminiftrators, by.) Bhilant, or Adlonm of Debt, and shall mt may recover Judgment, and fiae out Executions thereupon, a nft fuckl flfieeii refpeftively, their Heirs, Execinbra,.our Admiftrato**, f'o*1 munch of icuhd Sum or Sumrs of Money then due aud upon the Pid.Annu. yearly.Lint or Suau or any Part thereouL hl ae.t=gth ad dthe 0 fcer or Officers of the Recep o h Exchequer, at the Times or Vimet when.Demands thall hve bee aed e '# of the Payment of.tnt Mi. rnfttyyearl p.t1 Sum.o.r. .. ## 4 theeo aa a idorfo the R efufal or Sptto doaanyA et to ~ybe fuch.C3fcer or Offiersrecittiey. V.And be it further enacted, That the Chid Annuit,pal eto.A tj e Sum of Two thoufand Pounds fbjl bea . hef .eis by ts.Act v&ed to heained in .the...laid Lord L y edozb, and the fucceedrn.Heirs.Male of the fl.4y of.& er the 14d Lord Lynedtb, to whom the Cid Wit , ;hnor an. l of Tm . .ord.Ly nedab #hail defeend t atdthe lame or...... eof, tiet any.Tumnt o ims era~ft........... ooti 74fpf.ed. hag.or ©otte inctttliaeed by the'Caid Lord Lp&*hrx, or thefu Cccding~e ra. Male .of tihe B .17.fb.V i od Ly e.b.....whomte ad Title.lal defeend, libr an grate.)orix.e Eflare or Time, than drig tent Life of the.Perfdn fo aining,,oveyng, difpoii . cu g r nc. br g.,.lbtoa o prevent th .tfi........ coef.ttopthe.....jor. fucdn g ecir.Male of the body of the.La14 Lord' ynredebto twom th. laid Tide of.Lord.Lvwdueb.(al4ec t c c.. ordnma.!to th~e.Lt~ttr. LON T OD t:F Ftuec by Gsxoaw vn. ad M'www.wt re &x ,rte T r N m