ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN Production Note Unica Project Rare Book & Manuscript Library University of Illinois Library at Urbana- Champaign 2013 ANNO QUINQ.UAGESIMO QUARTO GEO.RGIL HII. REGIS, C A P. CLXV4 An Aft for fettling 'and fecuring an Annuity on Lord Will, and the Perfons to whom the Title of Lord Hill1 ihall defcend, in Confideration of his eminent Services. [2gth Jly xIr4.J Molt Gracious Sbiereign, WHEREAS His Royal liighnefs the Prince kRegentj .a~ig' in the Name and on the Behalf of Your Majcftr, by. His moft. V Gracious Meffage to Your Majefty's faithful Commnons, bath been pleafed to declare, That having taken into Confideration the ditlin- gilhed Services performed by 1&&kmand Lord mgl a- Lieiitenaht-Geaeial in His Majefty's Army, in the Courfe of. the Warin Portugal'and Spain; andbeing ddirouti o conifet fome fi .arkj oft.His Favour upon the faid Raoi4la d Lord Hil11, :recommended tocYont fatfiui' Commons the Mdop- tittof fuch Meafures. as may be neeffary £*r the Acconipllfhmwent 6f thit .mpotan Ppofe: N~ow, We Your M'ajeltftxn.,ft dutiful and loyal. SubjcFsti4 e Commons of the U~nited Xindo*i in alfekld. duly confidering Your Majefly's molt Gracious Intention, db ziolt humbly btleech You.Majetly that it may be enald ;jand be it enacted by the. 3£inig'smoit Excellet Mailty, by and . #ith the Advice: ajnd fl w o f. the Lords Spiritual and Temporat. and Com icmn;.i.#i pkeen.t Wdu. .are=afetmbled, and by the Authoriyo the. U14e, That One Art or yaly. Rent or. 8m of wot thaufar J.......£ lawifrI oj': Tre h4 % ftal be ififuw anti paybe ot b anzi&4wg d. iedbwg d abauprn. thbtbnlidteKtwd ofGra... trn "ata payrb,: r f t aal Sem ap~ nd Suaus uq at bat e 7 dirt ..d ditfte S0 GEORGI "IlL ap15 dietdby any former Ad or Acts of Parliament to be paid out of the Lame, but with Preference to alkother Paymentsi which shall or may hee.' aftr be chbrged upon, or payable ot of tjie aid, Fnind) "t sald the fame fhall fromt Tme to Time~1 be paid qsar try, c# # taof a41 Taxer" and Decbukt lwt whadbouec in Manner and, Prn, ,fthltaist Lay, Tqip the 4 laidLr.THua for anM clun? tuwafl f6 the Laid Lord ,M;1.aoA frozn an4d after Door Ca ri4. the4 Lucce Heirs Male of it.qy n ath id L trd if., a whom t1kTitle$anoeur, and to comence Dignity of Lord Hill1 shall defcend, for ever ; which raid Annuity, or from May gyal Rent or Sum, !hall commence and take Effe&t from the ThirdDa be paid a-t of May One thoufand eight hundred and fourteen ; the Firfi Payment to terly. be computed; from the Laid Third Bay of May One thoufand eight hundred and fourteen, until the Fifth Day of July One thoufand eight hundred and fourteen, and from thenceforth fhail be paid and payable at the Four ufual Dlays of Payment in the Year; that is to Lay, the Tenth Day of Ottober, the YiiWt flay gf'Jantuary, the Fifth Day of 4*frI and the ifth Day of Jul in each and every Year,t by oven and, equat Prudoni The Annuity II. And it is hereby further~enacted, That it (hall and may be lawful to to be paid at and for the Comtniflioners of His Majefty's Treafury now being, and the the he-, ,Kih otHigh Treafurer anid Under. '1reafurer of the Ezchequer, :and Cormn wuil ithut ers of the Treafury for the Time being, and they are hereby authorized and required, by Warrant under their Hands, to diret the Auditor of the Receipt of the Exchequer, now and for the Time being, to make forth and pats Debentures, from Time to Time, oir paying the Laid Annuity or yearly Rent or Suim of Two thoufand ?ounds, in a Winer as.aforefiid, and as the fame Ihafromt Tie to Time......ut m n.pable' withou .t ( 049 egs tiiN d apt ta t fir py1 tb#a cz4 or nayPart, thereat;. Wbigk raid Warratw awls the 4 tut It m tq , it ade orth, and fl.thereupon, fhall" 1* a Auilkkt tAr4hortly' to the, avcerai 44 repekte 9fl of the Receipt of the~ Exchequer,.f n * '. the Time being, for'the Payment of the faid Annuity, or yearly Rent or Sam, to the faid Lord Hill, and the faeceeding Hets- M4aJe of the Body 'oi the Add Lord W4?, at the "refp 1ixafqater ftDtk inthisAa'befze appoi n for "t~r ttheref *itota, my nher or othWa~yn to boffe fr* or. oht 'in. tt ebail .. The Waran. ID..i.. , beretvy further a That. after #"s got fls lotr Payment W.*r4 . fh>autr !hell.he g ot. ..Wt ef#~a k*..janori OF the An" W.d Purport ard: true Moaning: theef. ad of this ,A&;. and lhffalL not nty~ not to e bkystn be 4lee&it ' nimble ) bsocfnt 6 ay Io 't at ceflbs£ s the Dtmife of teD i ~fwa~fat fte adfttt ooai y Hi Majefty, pr: rA. l~eft o r'~ y69 xa the: hid .Q of : the Ivow te G r eaftre, boy o t " in T.t4 . - Ei}aIi a+ T~ 1 a ch e , ad litNl dVn& tlt a wl of rlta 54 GEORGII IIL Cap.X16s. herein-before direeed and required, or fhall be neceffary to be done and performed by them, or any or either of them, in order to render this Ad, and the feveral Payments hereby direaed, effeaual. V. And be it'enaaed, That the Acquittance or Acquittances, Receipt The Receipt or Receipts, of the faid Lord Hill, and the fucceeding Heirs Male of the of Lord Hill, Body of the faid Lord Hill, on whom the faid Title fhail defcend, fhall and hi se. Ceffors, (haill be a good and fufficient Difcharge for the Payment of the faid Annuity or be a (u~cjent yearly Sum, without any further or other Warrant to be fued for or ob. Difcharge. tamed in that Behalf; and that the faid Annuity or yearly Rent or Sum, An1ityto and every Part thereof, fhall be free and clear from all Taxes, Impofitions, be Tax free. and other Charges whatfoever; And in cafe any of the Officers of the Receipt of His Majefty's Exchequer fhall refufe or negleS to pay the faid Hiuity ma Annuity, or yearly Rent or Sum, or any Part thereof, according to the roved true Intent and Meaning of this Ail, or to do any AS neceffary to enable the Laid Lord Hill, and the fucceeding Heirs Male of the Body of the faid Lord 1ill, on whom the faid Title, Honour, and Dignity of Lord Bill ihall defcend, to receive the fame, then the faid Lord Hill, and'the fucceeding Heirs Male of the Body of the faid Lord Hill, on whom the faid Title ihall defcend, may from Time to Time, fue, profecute, and implead fuch Officers, or any of them, their Heirs, Executors, or Admi- niftrators, by Bill, Plaint, or Aaion of Debt, and fhall and may recover Judgement, and fue out Executions thereupon, againfi fuch Officers re. Lpedively, their Heirs, Executors, or Admininiftrators, for fL much of fuch Sum or Sums of Money then due and owing upon the faid Annuity, yearly Rent or Sum, or any Part thereof, as fhal have been in the Hands of the Officer or Officers of the Receipt of the Exchequer, at the Time or Times when Demands fhall have been legally made of the Payment of the Laid Annuity, yearly Rent or Sum, or any Part thereof as aforefaid, or for the Refufal or Negled to do any Ad neceffary to be done by fuch Officer or Officers refpedively. SVL And be it further enacted, That the faid Annuity, yearly Rent or Annuity not Sum of Two thoufand Pounds, fhall be and the fame is by this AL veiled to be limeed in the Laid Lord Hill, and the focceeding Heirs Male of the Body of the *or a"berL faid Lord Hill, to whom the faid Title, Honour, and Dignity of Lord Te n Hilt fhall defcend ; and the fame or any Part thereof, fhall not at any during the Time or Times hereafter be aliened, conveyed, difpofed, charged, or in. Life of the cumbered, by the faid Lord Hill, or by any of the fucceeding Heirs Male eo" of the Body of the faid Lord HilI, on whom the faid Title thall defcend, for any reater or larger Eftate or Time, than during the natural Life of the Perfon fo aliening, conveying, di-pfmg, charging, or encumbering the fame, fo as to prevent the fame from defeending to the next or fuc- ceeding Heir Male of the Body of the Laid Lord MU, to whom the faid Tide of Lord Hil fhall defcend, according to the Limitation aforefaid. LOND O N: Printed by GzoaRG Evas and Aonw STRAHiA Printers to the King's mol Excellent Majefy. 1814. ., . .