ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN Production Note Unica Project Rare Book & Manuscript Library University of Illinois Library at Urbana- Champaign 2013 ANNa QUINQttA0ESIMO QUINTO GEORIGII III. REGIS *nunnuwnunuI:t:t ~tI . Innnusuuwnun1113_I IuuiEs.nnnaeaa T'T A A&d for &e&ing the'Application of thbe d &eitt ?&fonal Eftate of Annma .Maria 'Reynoqld S 'i4 b~e hted by her toi 'h tJ ie c ot ZI Ilnd [!4th Wft* 8l& XH ER>AS A~nnar M4tria R rds late f Clevc d .1ew in. W aifx, $piter, .deceafed id, a tt and her Vitt1 a4 tirft~netiuad nd' pnblifhed" the Thirdy N f....t I Okth efdg}huidred anld one, nnong dihbr This rt h AM&efr tj's Tteafiiry for th'ltF m th Mt Sucef g4t t 't'e, ad Rum~de ofhe t' Payment oaf her Debts and Funeral ep , ~~ttA bequeathed the raid Willand Two Cwhdls theet, dat the.~T1wentr- Miurth flay o aiawYarx On &ad eigtudemke Aa the Twenty ourth Dy of May ite Year One* thotdkn and three4 tw~be apleb *e'h tt h o Warmer asdhoutld bedxeed b tA°aaeI° of ThIrtyfour thoufand andt Pounds Tft pence Stock, in the Three Pounds t eu S.& Th~ree thaufand ive hundred S.t.. oek% ht tht e bi. . per'. in 0 0 I mvanner or appiymg L11t 4h1 U.LSL__ s= 4. w== m.u.a .....4 ofMoney wi try have been or mtay be derived front the.Refiduary .1?4b.e of...the faid rs~r.nnatu Reyrolkr to 'the Meb of t.enring .Fhnd be; die& by A of par isment; be i ,therefonre ra bthe I Ixi tl cteknt he y, by anid wifthe c i ofn .ohetd 5p''ritual and Temporal, and Comos in thspeetpr Trelyr to Hiament aldhmbled, and by the Authority of the fame, Thti bl be traDaft tar= :afo~r thrs oud Jgh Trea fuier, or th Cortm ,Uonets-of HMiaMajeftys to tbCti........ ot any Thix oftlei fo th'rm bein%, and they are hereby tha ar et m hdty.rqure to transfer the fevra Anutie heren-before, men- teR.educ. .....4...p. and to tase n a alfe ute nute n oeo' tion of the .14lozty as mnay have been or ma hereafter tb& paid or transferred t#the National Pr..tie pnin *aeof fidnn Mair errdv n~all Ikts.<*d and Pwa4ded accrued or which may accrue thererm unto' the.onnniilioeas for kh''edueo of the Natonal Debt and thatth faid aft. menioned Conmi ioners lhall apply the laid Annu~ iti = Monies to the Reduftio f theNa 10 r:.: ~ fame Way and undertthe fame Rlegutlatiorns as any otheri unde im their Hamds ag b~y w a4 4 act to apthe Money arifiug ~anadsal Debt i aforefa d. toa tbe' 0105.rn ra ' x. x x x: x ,. ; Phi jj: in. lu!'Euu Itil I! lE'E :E112 x: lip IZ:1111"'! allall x ~ ON 4 11 6 E. 01 ALI ::. 114191 _. VS !.;.Vfltiiti . 7a pay x: J..:.: x x HAL .: .: ..:: x .. x.. ... ...... . . mm. x #x.. .. E I NUNN. .......: :::x; .:i,. L L. Mr. Ar :H LAM mm. m r. -Am :" 't #= F.P. mm. HA P. A H. F:3-91W, .x:..x x;; ..... : # xx ..: .: # xr.m VII # x# u :E#.s .. # xx #,, .. #' .... # ut # .: III II '', UN- E_ %Wmmr x x## °#: .. :e ... :... x -mm U.N. UN- x: °,. ... ° x' x'Xx:# um-q ::.iiii1v 71111" HIM. 11K.iikdr ..r. # # un. # °.. UHL- 4: ml- j, .::. :. x# IN. -N un HUN- .M. mu .Hmmmn . . x .... . ;. ..: : .xx # .. . ::. HUN. -H H ......... . ... ..... x: . .. ... :.: H. N NH xxx:#x..:....:. .. . .....x........... MN HUM HUM F H ....N II . . ......... mmm- UN- x.,..