ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN Production Note Project Unica Rare Book & Manuscript Library University of Illinois Library at Urbana-Champaign 2015 ANNO QUINQUAGESIMO QUARTO GEORGII III. REGIS. CAP. CLXII. An Aft for fettling and fecuring an Annuity on Lord Beresford and the Perfons to whom the Title of Lord Beresford fhall defcend, in Confideration of his eminent Services. [2 9th July 1814] Moil Gracious Sovereign, WHEREAS His Royal Highnefs the Prince Regent, aaing in the Name and on the Behalf of Your Majefty, by His moftGracious Meffage to Your moft faithful Commons, hath been pleafed to declare, That having taken into His Confideration the diftinguifhed Services performed by William Carr Lord Hereford, a Lieutenant-General m His Majefty s Army, m the Courfe of the War in Port weal and Spain; “d„bemgdcflrTous W confer fome fignal Mark of His Favour upon the faid William Carr Lord Beresford, recommended to Your Maiefty’s faithful Commons the Adoption of fuch Meafures as may be neceflary for the Accomplilhment of this important Purpofe: Now, We Your Maiefty’s moft dutiful and loyal SubjeSs, the Commons of the United Kingdom in Parliament affembled, duly confidering Your Majefty’s moft Gracious iiitennon, do moil humbly befeech Your Majefty that it may be enabled: and be it enacted by the King's moft Excellent Majefty, by and w ith the Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, m this prefent Parliament affembled, and by the Authority of the fame, ,J\e Annuf,ty or Yearly Rent or Sum of Two thoufand Pounds of An Annuity lawful Money of Great Britain, (hall be iifuing and payable out of and of 2000I. per charged and chargeable upon, the Confolidated Fund of Great Britain Ann. fettled (after paying, or referring fufficient to pay, all fuch Sum and Sums of Money as have been directed by any former Aft or Afts of Parliament to and his Heir, be paid out of the fame, but with Preference to all other Payments which for ever; lhall or may hereafter be charged upon, or payable out of the faid Fund) ; lS Y and1374 54° GEORGII III. Cap. 162. and the fame fhall from Time to lime be paid quarterly, free and deaf of all Taxes and Deductions whatfoever, in Manner and Form following ; (that is to fay), To the faid Lord Beresford, for and during the natural Life of the faid Lord Beresford, and from anti after his Deceafe, unto the fucceedmg Heirs Male of the Body of the faid Lord Beresford, on whom the Title Honour, and Dignity of Lord Beresford fhall defcend, forever; : rnmlnence which faid Annuity, or yearly Rent or Sum, fhall commence and take from May 3, Effect from the Third Day of May One thoufand eight hundred and 1814. and to fourteen ; theFirft Payment to be computed from the faid lhtrd Day of bt paid quar- M 0ne thoufand eight hundred and fourteen, until the Fifth Day of terlr' July One thoufand eighc hundred and fourteen, and irom thenceforth fhall be paid and payable at the Four ufual Days of Payment in the Yea-; (that is to fay) the Tenth Day of Oelober, the Fifth Day of January, the Fifth Day of April, and the Fifth Day of July, in each and every Year, by even and equal Portions. The Annuity II. And it is hereby further enafted, That it fhall and may be lawful to be paid at t0 and for ,he Cotnmiffioners of His Majefty's Treafury now being, the Exche- , tjie High Treafurer and Under Treafurer of the Exchequer, and quer, Without of the Treafury for the Time being and they are hereby authorized and required, by Warrant under their Hands to direct .the Auditor of die Receipt of the Exchequer, now and for the lime being, to make forth and pals Debentures, from 1 ime to l ime for paying the faid Annuity or -yearly Rent or Sum ol 1 wo thoufand Pounds, in Manner as aforefaid, and as the fame (hall, from Time to Time, become due and payable, without any Fees or Charges to be demanded or taken for paying [he fame, or any Part thereof; which faid Warrant, and the Debentures to be made forth, and pafl'ed thereupon, fhall be a fuffieient Authority to the feveral and revive Officers of the Receipt of the Exchequer, now and for the Time being, for the Payment of the faid Annuity, or yearly Rent or Sum, to the faid Lord Beresford, and the fucceedmg Heirs Mate of the Body of the faid Lord Beresford, at the refpecuve quarterly Feafl Days in this Aft before appointed for Payment thereof,, without any further or other Warrant to be fued for, had, or obtained, in than Behalf. The Warrant III. And it is hereby further enafted, That after figntng of fuch for Payment Warrant, the fame good, yalld, and eff^aual m Law; aaordmg of.the Afn- to the Purport and true Meaning thereof, and of tins Act, and fell not nurtynot to nabje revocable by or upon the Dennfe of His Majefty, "n ^hom God long preferve !, or of any of His Heirs ot Succeffors or by or the Demife of \ on the Death or Removal of any of the faid Commilhonets of the His Majefty, ,jPeaf or the Lord High Trealurer, or by or upon the Determination of the Power, Office or Offices of them, or any of them. IV And be it further enafted, That the Commiflioners of the Trea- ceifary for the b Jng, fhall, and they are hereby autnortzed and y enjoined an^ Execution of required to do, without Fee or Reward, all fuel • , ’. . Srf«„iEg., - m mm*. “l * t!«5 &c. Treafury, Chancellor of the Exche quer, etc. an > do all Tc>