ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN Production Note Unica Project Rare Book & Manuscript Library University of Illinois Library at Urbana- Champaign 2013 "I-A o I m 5 Ju z .~ S . r;A 1,746 sr GEO ROIl III. Capa9gS. Marajefty's Treafury of the onePart, and the Laid 'Jamer Coldbrooke 4roldN o te other Par, id Jant a/chokrooke and Arm A N t.N fred into certain Contra and e a rnitin Mdoney to L ous$ngh afrt raid, foi tahd if of I e Term and itedx the Sn iulations' and Enmamntaw Intcn =tamned3, anda certain tflond or Obligation in Wrinmg, pte h 'Twemty eighth flay qf April in the'Laid°YearCOne jenn hun- dred and ftfty-nine, asrimade atid ecu tted by~b th , ) .atbro and Arnold INefbin, together alfo with the faid George Cal ebrook and Al1bert N~tt as their Sureties, unto His prefent Majefty, in the pea *Sum1of.Twenty thoufand Pounds, with a Condition thereunder written for the due Perirance of the faid [aft mentioned Articles of Agreement:[ they d 2 rrwl2& 4 r+. xt A~dlt . t ti c r tain Coatnaw... &Qkljg.....nd Wrmeuq;' flI as ~ th an 41.i One tq ld f e btndreatan44W pe tt.... g a oaeeute4 & . laid. Sit J,4da; n ° ~ , rr g lb~a4 andi AfiM flrtg hey Oith tip fatd4 a#4.#nzh m y Thr and~ S fir~. 4*tt Nefrftmaft of~ the, lat4tnied iel f* o niang And whereas :by crtaina ,tther Arddets ytf.Artewz~t MdAtted,.. Cnurtr :t 'bean aDate refpeftweiy the Thirteenth, flay of Alpixl: ow thotffand dated fetahn tdadf-v- n h f April t3, t 4hOii tllufand kven bundred and lixty-five, and uirade .b twethw thea 1164. Drumm od 46h: other Part, they the: faid Sir $amuel / fludjer, &a(fer Erankbv and Aldw Drummead entered inoqgminCttrad$9and Ag~ree. mnents for vi~tualliag is Majefys Forces in Nonkb Am rica, for tho-Terv s ~~and under the 8dipodations and Engagemnents in fuch :Agreemets° d*on-Coia tained: And whereas by certain other Artidleao 1 greement indented, Condltn, Dearisg late the Fob rteenth Pay of July. One'thagibpd fevea hundred d1766ay r .and. fisty-fix, and made between the then toraa Counxiili'oztes of I.Hi 4M ajetty's:Treafury of the one Part, and. the faid, _4rne &t~frgi, A £Jruma4~nd o/e Franhs, of the other Ptt, they the £4tl Arnort .44mtt - Dlna . .,nd, and Miet pavks entered ,itocetaiito- i ~ra fa nagewti for vi ualit hfb majg .%, fr , Zfrt Ambc , fgr .etunitd under the Stinhltzt*n n lfdg be h fueh.Ager men atiwnod and :contained:t- And w i;.Tm h af~te..Ce Deemination of the fevrat.on61s inkbefr d" kaip. eortshinrlationtherto yefps&1iv4l wee from Thie to Time aby =bqmtoiets of th~e ". Account, atd by the Cqmmif- for~iteTipe fo a4'.4g lae rutac Accounts of tia iag ttn: u i spI C& -aof 14 'O IvaA'w*. hbakeeo Acout rn 4 lettie et* aneso:cout feva aretre , pd tufet~icl, .and their firipei ~~pe~~~nb~~~f~~d= 4aiie psutk tuidgAhe e fi e'= aa ,.. .W 4 to 51e a 4,740 sr55 GZORGII 11. ap. i9S. xepetof the Laid legal Pmoceedings in' the Court of Excheque hh ameb he"een i Md for' feea=ter}ad-h ad vrlA -antsaeno yet benadjufted buurSottnhgadtnfettled And whereis the faid' Arold Nr$*, ob of the Contfad&rs 'herein- before named, departed this Lie tome, Years ago, lead4 certin Real and Perfnai Eltes fubjedt to the Clain of the&Crown-,tifof ii \3and jVobn Nefl#tof Bohan Swreet, Piccadilly, Zfquie, is the Awrvivit Executor named in the laft Will and Teflamenit of the laid =Amold Noftfl And whereas the~ &fid'-Sir James Colebrooke, one othert of the'Con- tra~ors hereinbefore named, departed this Life many Years ago, leainug certain Perfonal and Real Eflates fubjeft to the Claims of the Crown as aforefaid, and Dame Mary Colebrooki the Execuitrix named in' the laft Will and Teflament of the Laid Sir George Colebrooke, who was the fiurviving Executor named in the laft Will and Teftamnent of the Laid Sir James Colebrooke, is the Perfonal Reprefentative of the~ ,Laid Sir~ James Colebroke decealed, and Emma Countefs of Tankerbille, the Wife of ICharles Earl of Tankerviley and Mary Aubrey deceafed, late the Wifeof Sir Jobn Aubrey Baronet, were the Daughters and Coheireffes at Law of the laid Sir James C'olebrooke, and Perfons beneficially interefled" in the Real Eftates of the Laid Sir James Colebrooke deceafed:' And whereas the laid~ Sir George Colebrooke, one other of the Contraaors' herein= before named, departed this Life many Years ago, and the l~aid Dime Mary Colebrooke his Widow and Executrix of his laft Will is the Peffonal Repreferntative of the Laid Sir George Colebrooke decealed, but the raid Sir George Colebrooke force Time previous to his death, (to wit) in the Year One thoufand feven bandred and feventy-leven, became a Bank- rupt, and the Molt Noble James Marquis of Sal~huy, Benjamin Hopkinfrn, .ohn Walker, Jobn Schneider, and JobnDawes, Efiloires, and otboerPoris are feverally and refpectively -beneficially interefted in; and entitled nto -divers Parts of the Real Eftates late of the laid Sir George Colebrooke whith were fubjeft to the Claims of the Crown as aforefaid, as having fevetaI1y and refpe~tively been Purchafers thereof, or deriving Titlefrom thele who did purchafe the'fame: And whereas the Laid M1/ks Frankt, out other of the Contra&ots hereinbefore' named, departed this Life intett &fbrce Years a levingcertain Perfknnl and Rleal Elae fleuftbje& to the Claims of the o wn aforefaid, and Damec jFtbella Bell Cope the Wife of the Rev. ° SrWilliam enry Cooper' Baroniet, the only Child of the faid Maos.ranks. ithe Adnmiftratrix and Periband leprefeatative of the laid Mofes Franks:. And whereas the laid Sir8 i4Ri4.or oneothertsftbe.O. .traftors hereinbefore named, departed this Liffe mtay Years ago, leaig certai. Pefa d lo Rear Eftareafdbje& to the Clams-of the Cron. a aforeIaid, !an4s mege Thtelyer ]Lfqukre being the Gole Bnrutoti sawed hi the~lt 14 ill krf ro G o t Eudae.lquire ,towas thie furviving" rxeour 4pf1ate of the faii Sir R6u.F14 G.43Wfahi l S trd* r e ....he $&i of Sir Samunineeted inWe~t I I o tlteI n teRealr late of =the fatt Sir S .Mbd ' h iebi4tt daw br n mend* a the of Mte COO. be . rxtan&Ieuarte& this L&.; vit Thtdas too f7 d$ W1 t ,tff *t4 fMt (adr~i1 ta 1Y IrI& in 44 tbct&T5f#n11 all hiupi did f>htTfhr&P~iii&& "i'w npD Stof &)sbe -rOzas~d:e t tdir and ftt1e uS S ttite RevetSld sSf :4vr' F/krrs ri it rA*4 Frsk fir Sak ls # od dLam sDht#SO r.I b1 ldtM nserit "l w dse a44 ng S~ 41. Rmat of tdv9 £(toelato ofthe4 #d Fk 4 xvt: sbje T4 b t tflrnts t ph $ptac i b hofawtw bpt a0~ ftny t Po Too Shlit an4j% bna ? b:eet lwn y Ili to g ClG cr # Ca hl th "d O rt4 at ttt ncsp m 4 o Fivet:r P toh n at .I s "h* be ,apptet rdaPayipit of t~ef44 "tst f Thxteel~ustl:tre turd artd ~5htgetQpss fl r arum of the £4d Stkl 4wihr~ty thoud# P o qbre4 gpp iba r le of. the faj4 Mgrren Ad whereats tbe fr l a Mgo Frank, d-sied, feize&l bA Fee of. One~hirAym oftyr eesoldf Ilate ia B.Ilansd of f!amaka# caled k e'tirt4 d Thdt of Rte,wbkoh afer theI Dathof , stlw ~ ojesrfrntreea~dax4o veye4 to atO RHenry ,Fraxnk, E~fquiree as a Securzt y wagoaf morrgag fors the P'r ndipal Sum of Twenty thoufansd l'outds, dute and o htg roms the fain 14%fes Franks, at the Time of h*i Datbt~w the ffirst©3 aeiknrylhxnks Md wher A wt aor of tk~dh a #4.4rt e Landsa £elentsN and *ere'(Waets, tt k4(h and uelftwhee ink the County of "31&x the. i Pre~~emq4~ir~fat#s late 44'e Laid 4rE nad~dbt were chrgtd".by way: of bty~~ wthte ay tof the Psidupal u , of Twny x ia P s sst~lafxl lstelby thxe 4d" 4rn~ol'ki iasJnl eikm dad vrtcl licsz a qeat~d npw ftatnils trnusfertetto 414 '* '.,ld~th athgf'idaewob k'enryFranks bs t ~ ' thou~q PoundPrr.ot the fi Pritttplttxtt=T~eoy; e 1 ~~a$i Vayfcist "~ii be deduQtS rn P ais bIdfot se;at 21 f4iither biat #?aeyep of 4w1'lajd Stum of Thinatttboufn three Wnusdre ance ght VPospds; Qn haing tl* faid Efti late of. diw" Wad wns' wpa OErty ps afopeIt QtanJ the fei4 John 1MtPi4 O ~a ri Nt ker i2! and Ew his. Qgpt(the WSW4lMwRJi r -he Fla d kyer, a4. l SirSwSudss dtiud fa~sita)xe agfted i± Luib tad Z*etaetol hf 41W.' ~Ait, c r w(thqt tti tst sCtr tflJ t fl0 4ma hiaou uj tked df h*Iaf&6ti J4wsCokebkctheadSmf Veo td& ani # R',P , sand ". A anA o4fta~s eogeber cjStr of Sire thotM itihundred &4 it ndc, and .!# Lfaid Sum of 4.. tbg&&tfAd nibex khuun and to* Hunds s the flropntionrnd Sbharco be paid hrx 'h L aid C/sr,7 $ of 'lfr~andmti ts Couutik, atnd the Lai Bkhbny 4be, Efamt la444 rteDrr~yinwsi thox&uof Niaetbothmfadevetead'red atnd kern~h P =oundsj and Yfltrethuhdrpd ndtthktptwa Pennda. thedb Sumn n Teth~ tf o iehwlom °ndfverun44, and tb S tund thoulatdnuxn udred indiv tt ' oidsxis,"tt fit? audiitare to beptldby die Laid JOT&Drnnnd, tn& miEflan . rf tim dSir.ramul Fbdyet the laid Sums of Two tdand and piniety# tm~dudandSevety four Punads imaking toher.Twsdonhndm" onhndredad fddxtyfeenlPounda,:and the thi:Surn of:Tova'hootILM netahondrexlandfixtykfvea Founds is the roportiotu anid Share to be~paid by'the Laid George Flwiyer and Sir Samzid Brudnef Feldyer; and thtfaid Swn mf jj: t fven bandted'and ten Pounds is the Proorntion* Shait to be cbntrlhat$ mind paid by the laid anmes Marquis'of~ Sdl~ BE~n inA'Rhbg$ hh bWelhbr, john Schneider, and Jahbn Dnau, aud tbe other Perfons interefted in or entitled to. the Real Eftates t of thg faid Sir . George Cdebrooke,whicb were fubje& 'to the Claim of the Crown as aforefaid: fld *hhrsas the fThd John Neft" add Ghorls..Earl of Tankersnfit eMEmahis Cauntefi, and the faid. Sir Yagtst Atabrqy, the faid -JM#t r.t7 Ta4..andthe Laid Gergr Fled}ry ad Sir $avwt 4Sa d .Fkuor, at 1 lyu"tr gd nw the. Receipt of His Majefty'i Etcheue the. Sin of ittr. teulnd witbonttrnd :and Ilinewy Pounds, shn Mnotun. atf im roorinisof the Laid Suutdf' Fift:'4ndan& ste~i~i o~h t i e f i .S m o =i gt, o v a h un dre d an d ten s P o u n ds is th e :S um w hich * ugh t to ~wcodtributed by thema aud the other ^Perfons teref tedrin: or entitlmd to s!b faid Resf.t....eof ;the jfai4 .Sir George.} Co"roke rateabiy and in Pkepardot~ta saaeid at the. 'ime andin the Manner hemreinafter men- onhed' .uxinsa aitg" fuch of the.Esftaie&,: latem o mod: seknoin *t .naM2a#t Sir' ii~n d /ke he, S.r CerW jqa sae,.~Sirneifdye ~.~L~and MiDsnmr a 7mW .:itfl5u-b fore been raited int tQ or am4.: .4e.... whberem they :or and or.tither ~At ht. n e oh~tt .am .ittrdele4 -. ...Mdn Mbarged tti= t& Ciantrala =and :Sondi itt beteatmA, ~ #1 .stn j alt nd~ of. r>tivzitii xet.rbhaeetr,:yin nmr hwp N ynientiof tt fal tu u4 a~t d tfdaa crbs d:ilktye momal...4. Hu irMt m " : ~S Ifn:... tke iM1 G~vI , and the .leid Sir Seaand EndratA t i *nwt Maryzis tf S4K,0w7tr &fnjemie f++ J n " Ma &6naat, and oMn ADew, do moit h uny bdlech Yoisr that irnay# benacted r and belt enatledbyilt g' ±noikra &cel ae atko Tempson l and.Clnimons inthi p$&net hva4 a and Acquittn by"teAthobrity a 'the fanie, Tar 1ttm-and iwed.iste-tafter the Hi a]y, and pathe thisA el (Aims and fdixawbdv of the Sitol of aS lam f"lhJe Lu, st te Perfonal k letep taive of the MJ An d St ras {b&JN Aeceed, and the lfaid flatte'AMary Colebroeilae, r Ct kad of refp aof 4m nkmrzzile and. t Em a Countefs, artd "Sir .Iohm . Airey ,4 y" .fr '4 2,6 gi it'. Jrerd hiv iate Wife, as the Perforndiard Real Rdprefentativest .. I od. or Legateos of the laid Sir lames Cokhrvoke deCeafed, in :rcfpe&.. of t'. faid Sum o Two rhoztaiid fit hundred and &dsty-three Pound*.Sera., teen Shillings and Ten-pence in Surplufage, ont the Account of the laid Atrrneld 1Nfrmn sad Sir anres Colchrooie, as Conrraekors ,fiar remitting lAtoneyro Lewj ergh fromh the Eighth Day bf Mkrr~chThine uun n fynn otoTit>rt yo a thonfad !even> hundred ad.fixty feven, {hall be deemed ad to tae futlly farkd, difcharged,"andf cxtinguthd Authorizing 1t.L Ad be" it further enactd, That it (ball and. may be 1awftlsun the Perfons for the. lid. Mgn AsOW, Chares :Earl of Tanker'vile an Em his< tioned to pay Coat~,Sir Joha lar Johnx 1.rtnar, ":George raur*.. $n:ir. " 50,0001. ito Soe ne n tirel:Fleuier, leon~ M'arquis of SaIlw, Bentjalt: Bit 0a "n the Es. firJohn JWetker,:4h Jdn hnder, and John A"te, all or any of theta, c heqnn, ad to pay, the Sum of Fifty thoufand Podiisdinto the Receipt fllis M4~ajt Caonerat~ng 'i.abequr on'or bifre the'Fifth Day of ApH One. tboahnd eight alI xheEteis htutnd and lbfixt s=or t fuck furthe eide&d.Peiad of Etayawo of the coo. as "the -Lords Conunifllcmers of the Tra rforheTie~ tradtoe ,m. may in: that Behalf appoint, and .that "upon "Payment ,of the (aid' a Bun tof Fifty thdu (and Pounds, corny Pant thereof, :: t fill end ay be lawful, to and for the "aid Lor4o ConuHilera of: E *a~fty'a Treafitry; or any Three or moe o them, and they gr hereby authorized and required t alie to the. rwtm r ternoo mnaking any lutch Payment: a Cet~aeo Criiae of ,fc amn hnmad. # sond that after loll Payment of the laid whoremfehrex. a'dFi lthdu a Poundt before td a the Tuen heeidn alpt#4 rsrtahetppolmted fdr: thnt irpoe#'all and' at i tesnpj 144f' In gs, Lapida, T emrmsHer entAatatd hatf 'n rand wherefoever, late. ofw.a , iy~y tt fi? e'n Nqku .ir ta dnk, S ira tk 44e0 br . flewr teke Int mf bhelongg or w hw at y Tia he~gs re 40-7 x .s fit fch of them ~~i Td Jhn t' ,l&eCk We :and. Emm his ; . Ala$46 dh... .4f. an t Co 5*9 GUttx tt I Ni CkFat 434 t nedwgoJ or Mecouutpb1 °. ° bJas t o rWAttt uthraeTatticf either. fteft t , oti ofa the Thrw= 4i e AoZ fTnn~ dad Ms Cbnm*. $ft atac n stfabg T Sn ed~~rogn thloSa th t w*U not pay t1 tt~ tonr Eac 4 tt:o;the 1*1 Sue 4 frhis Prpr .1 t twu1fq $wrndp, e xyeral'i ltfpe ito Ssie berekblefb re mm au, and eny +kpe lisps baui iee toi be= $1 bh 'te r efrtor stookri a~ sl 4~aftihe Sumiift jttu 4 m~ti4L Pvid the Crown tE 4J11 T # i4Ya} then tt tad tgk gjj Cs( y tuit Proces ith ra £ ... . th *e'a . Saw of Fft y ditthe Ai~ta of glpj; hW~d yi t q to mi fett he4 Attotaey ~ co iu4~ t nk r~ Jok .faea fq o.. 0 1 .................................... aI h r rtboj ein Rxeeu mkuAdir tor4 *r t3 A a te #Ituttr~uttf hy them ripe it r ~As p t duafl. pzofleoute, dr cary' on ayb t~t f. e 4-hi $;° te'!,#et# iuttu* the £&Wi ad & tfdqdct4 t s t t atta ldb th dWw& t4i the ;s7sl., Dttw4hf orayo ihrWhi xNEetiiofiiif toee e tiia'n rtle frer xco~odtia~r any who WPoY ayWtOr any Part of the tAid Suin 4 FiveiM fahdl Aert hand shall pay an ten'Pouid& hertiu iezitioned to>be eh'argeabk% Nifthe tea t II agais the lAte of thie fId' Sir George' Coktronhv, idt order to nidke dipte ftbid fu fld;auhot. and 4ntire'S3nr of Fifty thotdhnd Pou t; anid in &tl thx*-a aii. ether Hofthemj;hatt Co do, then frm"n fe h Pyiet .. d full and entire Sum of Fifty thoufad Pounds, it Mhall;~ wamay belwfl to and for tie Perfons making fucdr~yment of or'tnwardethe 4 S( w of Five thoufand feven hundte&d andt ten Pounds, his, hecr, °their' Hui Exetoutors; or Admiiftratorn, at their" own proper CdIa- Charges, and '-Exrpnces frot Time to Time 'to' fie our, profkhie, or: carry o any Procefs in the blame of His 1Majgfty; with the AI lA of His Majefty's Attorney General, upon the Bonds and Contra~s a . before mentioned, or on any Account declared or to be declared thzeieon, agoinft fuch of them the Paid. Jme Meiquis4 o wy se . ,jnnnt Hrt hinfon,° John Wdalker, John Sdmfeiden, and ,tone )2twix, as !halt not, have paid acid contributed their judi and rateable Proportion of and towards the laid Sum of Five thoufand fovta hundred and test Pounds, and slid airft any othert Perkmn or lkrftins whomftfevei,!!who are, 5s, or max be in the Poffeffion of, or feized of, or entitled utita anry' of t'he Heredinamemts and Real Eftates late' of' the Ibid' Sir George Ck " chargeable upon or by virtue of the (aid Contnas' and Bonds, rany or' either of them, in Inch Manner as coald or might have been dome ity .r on Behalf of isa Majefly if this Aft hadt not, ken made, for the$Pit: Dife of enforcing the Payment of -a fair an 4 u Proporti.onf or* J1. towards the Paid Sum of Five thtnifand Inven hundred and ten Pmms . i -afotrefaid, to be contributed in refpe&k of the Eftates late of .the laid' Sir, Grorg4 Coelbrok, but fnch Proefto be..lbM out for the.; k Wifly bereinbefore provided for "full ,only be available for R~ecv.y of Each Contribution as aforefaldi and' fnch Coftsanstd Ek es.S. hereinbtefore mentioned, and the Amount of Inch Cbntributio taNla may be fettled and adjufted by His Majefty's. Court of Exchequer, tipo Motion and. Affidavit of Parties iii ar faminary way o otherwi e l&y inch Court flai thirds proper, an~tno further or greater Sumn lull be levied .under fiwhP FeS' aforefaidthawa Pift C sriitdoa for. sod' towtt thte raW -0n "Five thouland !even hundredk and tea P ead- twh becontributed asilbrfal.brthe faid ;funs.Mirgiofe""' Mea Mf'loplt tn Jolrht W~r. Job &An '4 sr thes (evettother Parfoas inttercfte..........f tie flidRa Ia tte Ibid'$ir George Co/etnrok4, rogr e' ,i the Oatfs al?' ".t g f1iI . the Reeovery thereof, afld the t......of afcertalbgtbt. opruins,. which Coils' and Expeneea thte li Court of bicequ& * btreby au 'zed and empowered mo alliw, It ch Court Ihli tf .lb to doxrovuted always, that upon. to od fihColts ' .Epec4 if antyx >aeaor "d4 offpen ::h eibuioi4r tat he At le by Akretbseeilt . tf of th Laid SWir~s a~ Sferao* A Mfui dtU1n:f tthe l b Cozle~d tca fi. .Mwa4. Ca...4t fr.......& ~. ta ,DY AlONwr e it iS