ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN Production Note Project Unica Rare Book & Manuscript Library University of Illinois Library at Urbana-Champaign 2015 ANNO QUINQUAGESIMO QUINTO GEORGII III. REGIS. ***** ******** ai**************************************** CAP. C LX XXVI. An A61 for granting an additional Sunt of Money for providing a fuitable Reiidencc and Eftate for the Duke of fVellington and his Heirs, in Con-fideration of the eminent and fignal Services performed by the faid Duke to His Majefty and the Public. [nth Jufy i8is-] Mod Gracious Sovereign, _ r WHEREAS an Aft paffed in the Fifty-third Year of the Reign of His prerent Majefty, intituled An At! for granting a Sum 5jG.3-c.133, of Mona for purchafng an EJlate for the Marquis «/‘Wellington and his Heirs, in Confideration of the eminent and ftgnal Services performed by the faid Marquis «/Wellington to His Majefty and the Publsr: And whereas another Aft, paffed in the faid Fifty-third \ ear of the Reign of His prefent Majefty, intituled An Ail to amend an Ad of the prefent Se/Jion of Parliament, for granting a Sum of Money for pur chafing an EJlate for the Marquis «/"Wellington and his Heirs, in Confide ration^ of the eminent and fignal Services performed by the faid Marquis / Wellington to His Majefty and the Public : And whereas an Aft puffed in the laft Seffion ot Parliament, intituled An Ad for fettling andf curing an Annuity on Arthur 54G.3-c.16r. Duke of Wellington and his Heirs; and for empowering the Lord High Trcafurer or Lords Commifftoncrs of the Trcafury to advance, out of ihe Confolidatcd fund of Great Britain, a Sum of Money in lieu of Jitch Annuity to pur chafe an EJlate, in order to accompany the fuel file, m Conjider-alion of the eminent and ftgnal Services performed by the fanl Duke 0} Wellington to Ilis Majcjly and to the Public ; and for making further Pro-vifion for the Diftiofal of a Sum of Money granted by an Ait of the laftSeJJion of Parliament for pur chafing an EJlate for the faid Duke then Marquis (/Wellington: And whereas His Royal llighnefs the Prince Regent, J b 18 T aa‘n61638 35° GEORGII III. Cap. 186. ailing in the Name and on the Behalf of Your Majefty, by His moil Gracious Meilage to Your Majefty’s moil faithful Commons, hath been pleafed to declare, that having taken into His Confideration the moil important and glorious Victory obtained by Field Marihal the Duke of Wellington over the French Army under the immediate Command of Buonaparte ,011 the .Eighteenth Day of June, is defirous of manifelling the Senfe entertained by His Royal Highncfs and the Country of this fignal ?nd fplendid Atchigvement which has added freih Renown to the BritiJh Arms, and which cannot fail to be produ&ive of the moil eiiential Advantages to Europe ; and therefore recommended to Your Majefty’s faithful Commons to enable His Royal Highnefs to grant fuch additional Pro-vifion toField Marflial theDuke of Wellington as ihould all'ord a further Proof of the Opinion entertained by Parliament of the Duke of fl'cllington's tran-feendant Services,and of the Gratitude and Munificence of the BritiJh Nation: Now, we Your Majeily’s dutiful and loyal Subjects the Commons of thè United Kingdom, in Parliament aliembled, duly confidering Your Majeily’s moil gracious Intention, do moil humbly bcfeechYour Majefty that it may be ena&ed ; and be it ena&ed by the King’s moil Excellent Majefty, by and with the Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, 200.000I. to and Commons, in this prefent Parliament afiembled, and by the Authority of be iflued to the fame,That out of all or any of the Aids orSupplies granted to His Majefty the Truilees for ^ strvjce of the Year One thoufand eight hundred and fifteen, there ché^Aasfor (hall and may beiffuedxmy Sum or Sums of Money not exceeding the Sum providing a of Two hundred thoufand Pounds of lawful Money of Great Britain, fuitable Refi- free and clear of all Taxes and Deduflions whatfoever, to the Truftees ^f- under the faid recited Afts for better enabling the faid Truftees to build or Duke of vYcl- provide or purchafe a fuitable Refidence and Eftate for the laid Duke of lington. ¡Vellington and his Heirs. Truflees un- And be it further ena&ed, That the Truftees for the Time being be ^or !^e ^urP°^es the faid recited Adis ihall be Truftees for the the Truftets Purpofes of this Acl, and ihall have all fuch Powers and Authorities, for the Pur- and be entitled to all fuch Rights, Privileges and Exemptions, and ihall be pefee of this fubjedl to all the fame Proviiions and Regulations in the Execution of the Truft repofed in them by this Aft, as they have and are entitled to in relation to the Trulls of the faid recited Adis. Warrant and m. And be it further enadled, That it ihall be lawful for the Commif-!*madere6t0 1"loners °* His Majefty's Treafury of Great Britain now being, or any forth, with- Three or more of them, and the Lord High Treafurer and Under Tre^-out Fee. furer of the Exchequer, and Commiflioners of the Treafury ot Great Britain for the Time being, or any Three or more of them, and they are hereby authorized arid required, by Warrant under their Hands, to diredt the Auditor of the Receipt of the Exchequer in Great Britain now and for the lime being, to make forth and pafs Debentures for paying the faid Sum of Two hundred thoufand Pounds, without any Tees or Charges to be demanded or taken for paying the fame or any Part thereoi ; which faid Warrant, and the Debentures to be made forth and palled thereupon, filali be a fufficient Authority to the feveral and refpedlive Officers of the Receipt of the Exchequer now and for the Time being, for the Payment of the faid Sum of Two hundred thoufand Pounds to fuch Truftees refpedtively as aforefaid, to the laid Duke ot Wellington and the Heirs of the laid Duke of Wellington, or to fuch other Perfpn or Perfons ipjucà o i o i 4 55° GEORGII HI. Cup. 186. as fhall be entitled to receive the fame, without any further or other Warrant to be fued for, had, or obtained in that Behalf. IV. And be it further ciiafted, That after frgning of any fucii Warrant, the fame iliall be good, valid, and elleftual in Law, according to the Purport and true Meaning thereof and of this Ad, and fhall not be determinable or revocable by or upon the Demife of His Majeily, (whom God long prelerve !) or any of His 1 leirs or Succefl'ors, or by or upon the Death or Removal of any of the faid Commiffioners of the Treafury, or the Lord High Treafurer or Under Treafurer, or by or upon the Determination of the Power, Office, or Offices of them, or any of them. V. And be it further crafted, That the Commiffioners of the faid Treafury now being, and the Lord High Treafurer of the faid Treafury for the Time being, Chancellor and Under Treafurer, Chamberlains and Barons of the faid Exchequer, and all other the Officers and Mini Hers of the Court of Exchequer and the Receipt thereof, now and for the Time being, fhall and they are hereby authorized and ffriftly enjoined and required to do, without Fee or Reward, all fuch Afts, Matters and Things as are herein, before direfted and required, or fhall be neceffary to be done and performed by them or any or either of them, in order to render this Aft and the Payments hereby direfted effeftual. VI. And be it further enafted, That the Acquittance and Acquittances, Receipt or Receipts of the faid Truflees refpeftively for the Sum fo to be advanced to them, and of the faid Duke of IVellington, or the Heirs of the faid Duke oiWel/ingtcn jointly with the fame Trullees, or of fuch other Perfon or Perfons as (hall be entitled or authorized to receive fuch Sum as aforefaid, fhall be a good and fufficientDifcharge for thePayment of fuchSum fo to be advanced, without any further or other Warrant to be fued for or obtained in that Behalf; and that fuch Sum fo to be advanced and every Part thereof fhall be free and ciear from all Taxes, linpofitions, and other public Charges whatfoever ; and in cafe any of the Officers of the Receipt of His Majelty’s Exchequer (hall refufe or negleft to pay the faid Sum fo to be advanced, or any Part thereof, according to the true Intent and Meaning of this Aft, or fhall refufe to do any Aft necelfary to enable the faid Truflees refpeftively, and the faid Duke of Wetlingan and the Heirs Male of the Body of the faid Duke, or fuch other Perfon or Perfons as fhall be entitled to receive the fame, then the faid Truflees refpeftively, and Duke, and the Heirs of the faid Duke, and fuch other Perfon or Perfons as fhall be entitled to receive the fame, or any Part thereof, may from Time to Time fue, profecute, and implead fuch Officers, or any of them, their Executors and Adminiflrators, by Bill, Plaint, or Aftion of Debt, and fhall or may recover Judgments, and iue out Executions thereupon againlt iuch Officers refpeftively, their Heirs, Executors, or Adminittrators, for fo much of fuch Sum of Two hundred thoufand Pounds as fhall have been in the Hands of the Officer or Officers of the Receipt of the Exchequer, at the Time or Times when Demands fhall have been legally made of the Payment of the faid Sum, or any Part thereof, as aforefaid, or for the Refufal or Negleft to do any Aft neceffary to be done by fuch Officer or Officers refpeftively. Warrant not to be revocable. Treafury, &c. required to do all Afts ne-ceflary to be done without Fee. Acquittances of the TruileeJ, &c. fufficient. The Money to be free from Taxes. In default of PaymentOffi« ceri of the Exchequer may be profe- VII. Pro-1640 If Truftees be not able to lay out the mediately in the providing a Refidence or Eftate, they (hall in-veft it in Exchequer Bills, &c. Powers of recited Acts to extend to ihis Act. ftefidence and Eftate provided for the Duke of Wellington, to be holden of His Majefty, 6ic. S5° GEORG 11 III. Cap. 186. YU. Provided always, and be it further enacted , I hat if on the Payment of the faid Sum of Two hundred thoufand Pounds to fuch Truftees as afore-faid, the faid Truftees ihall not be able immediately to inveft the feme in the buildinti, providing or purchafing of any fuch Refidence or Eftate as aforefaid, then and in fuch Cafe the faid Truftees (hall, and they are hereby required to lay out fuch Sum of Two hundred thoufand Pounds, or any Part thereof, fo to be advanced or paid to them, or fuch Part thereof as cannot be fo invefted as aforefaid in Exchequer Bills, or in any other Government Securities, and to keep the feme fo invefted in Exchequer Bills, or forne other Government Securities, bearing Intereft, until the lame can be invefted in any fuch Purchafe as aforefaid. VIII And be it further enaded, That all the Powers, Authorities, Provifions, Regulations, and Claufes in the faid recited Ads contained, for enabling the faid Truftees therein mentioned to build or repair or alter any Manfion Houfe upon any Lands to be purchafed under the faid recited Ads and this Ad, and for the providing a fuitable Refidence and Eftate for the faid Duke of Wellington and his Heirs, Ihall extend to this Ad, and to the applying .he Sum of Two hundred thoufand Pounds cranted by this Ad lor or towards the providing a (unable Refidence and Eftate for the faid Duke of Wellington, and his Heirs, and laying out the faid Sum of Two hundred thoufand Pounds, or any Part thereof, for that Purpole, as fully and effedually, to all Intents and Purpofes, as if the feme were federally and feparately repeated and re-enaded in this Ad. IX. And be it further enaded, That the Refidence and Eftate which (hall be provided for the faid Duke of Wellington under the Provifions of the faid recited Ads and this Ad, (hall be and be deemed to be holden by the faid Duke and his Heirs, and the Perions who may be entitled thereto, of His Majefty, His Heirs and Succeffors, as of His Caftfe of in Free and Common Soccage by Fealty, and rendering to His Majefty, His Heirs and SucceffoTS, on the Eighteenth Day of June m every Year, at the Caftle of IVindfor, One Tri-coloured Flag, for all Manner of Rems, Services, Exadions, and Demands whatever. LONDON- Printed by George Eyre and Andrew StrahaN, Printers to the King’s moll Excellent Majefty. 1815. A