ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN Production Note Project Unica Rare Book & Manuscript Library University of Illinois Library at Urbana-Champaign 2015 ANNO SEPTIMO GEORGI! IV. REGIS. *i((*i((************^********************¡i,**î,1**!i,******** CAP. XXXIII. An Act to make further Regulations relating to the Licensing of Stage Coaches. [5th Alay lo2b. J WHEREAS it is expedient to repeal certain Parts of an Act passed in the Twenty-fifth Year of the Reign of His late Majesty King George the Third, intituled An Act for repealing the Duties on Licences taken out by Persons letting Horses for the Purposes of travelling Post, and on Horses let to Hire fir travel-ling Post and by Time, and on Stage Coaches, and for granting other Duties in lieu thereof; and also additional Duties on Horses let to Hire far travelling Post and by Time; and also to limit the Number of Passengers allowed to be earned for Hire many Carnage or Aehic e drawn by One Horse, and to make further Provision respecting the Plates directed to be placed upon Carriages or Vehicles used for the Purpose of conveying Passengers for Hire, and to provide for the better Protection and Recovery of the Duties P^le in respect of such Carriages or Vehicles: Be it therefore enacted by the Kings most Excellent Majesty, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this pre^nt Parliament assembled, and by the Authority of the same That and after the passing of this Act, so much of the said recited Act as enacts that all and every Person or Persons licensed to let out foi Hire any Coach, Diligence, or other Carriage, shall give Security by Bond to His Majesty, His Heirs and Successors in the Sum of Twenty Pounds, or in Treble the Sum to which the Jourmes inserted in such Licences for One Month would amount unto; and also so \ D 25G.3. c.5l. So much of recited Act as directs that Persons letting Coaches to Hire, shall give Bond, and that one Licence shall290 apply to one Coach only, repealed. Limiting the Number of Passengers to be carried for Hire in Vehicles drawn by One Horse. Mode of Proceeding on giving up or altering Licences. Not less than a Month’s Duty to be paid on any Licence. Plates to be furnished gratis« 7“ GEORGII IV. Cap.33. much of the said Act as enacts that no Person or Persons licensed as thereby directed, shall, by virtue of One Licence, keep more than One Coach, Diligence, or other Carriage, shall be and the same is hereby repealed. II. And be it further enacted, That from and after the passing of this Act it shall not be lawful for any Person or Persons licensed to keep, use, employ, and let out any Carriage or Vehicle for the Purpose of conveying Passengers for Hire at separate Fares, having Four Wheels, and to be drawn by One Horse or Mule only, to carry or convey therein or thereby more than Six Passengers, or having Two Wheels, and to be drawn by One Horse or Mule only, to carry or convey therein or thereby more than Four Passengers. III. And be it further enacted, That when any Person or Persons to whom any Licence to keep, use, employ, and let out any Carriage or Vehicle for the Purpose of conveying Passengers for Hire shall have been granted, shall, at the Time of paying his, her, or their Monthly Account of Duties, be desirous of giving up such Licence, or of altering or varying the Journey or Number of Journies mentioned in the First Licence, or the Mode of performing such Journey or Journies, he, she, or they may give Notice in Writing to that Effect at the Office or Place at which his, her, or their Licence was granted, or to the Person authorized to receive such Duties, the Terms of which Notice shall be indorsed upon the Back of such his, her, or their Licence ; and when such Licence shall be given up, and the Plate or Plates mentioned in such Licence re-delivered to the Commissioners of Stamps, or to any Person authorized to receive the same, and the Use, Employment, or Letting out for Hire of such Carriage or Vehicle as aforesaid be discontinued, such Person or Persons shall not be charged or chargeable with the Duties payable in respect of such Carriage or Vehicle subsequently to the Expiration of such Notice ; and when the Number of Journies mentioned in such Licence, or indorsed thereupon, shall have been altered or varied, such Person or Persons shall, at the Expiration of such Notice, be charged and chargeable with the Duties payable in respect of the Journies thereafter to be performed by such Carriage or Vehicle : Provided always, that no Licence shall cease under or by virtue of any Notice to be given at a less Period than One Month after the first using, employing, or letting out to Hire any Carriage or Vehicle under the said Licence, but that Duty in respect of such Carriage or Vehicle shall at least be paid for One Month after the first using, employing, or letting out to Hire the same, according to the N umber of Miles, as expressed in the said Licence, to be travelled by such Coach or Vehicle in the Course of any One Week of the said Month, in the same Manner as if thè said Carriage or Vehicle had been used, employed, and let out to Hire for the whole Period of One Month ; and the Amount of Duties for that Month shall, if necessary, be claimed and described as a Debt due to His Majesty, His Heirs and Successors, and shall and may be sued for and recovered accordingly. IV. And be it further enacted, That from and after the passing of this Act the Commissioners of Stamps are hereby directed and re-, quired_27 f A oV ° 6~ I 7“ GE0RG1I IV. Cap.33. 291 ouired to deliver, gratis, to the Person or Persons taking out a Licence for the First Time, the Plate or Plates required by an Act passed in the Third Year of the Reign of His present Majesty, intituled An Act to reduce the Rate of Duties payable in respect of cer- 3 G. 4. c. 95. tain Carriages used and employed for the Purpose of conveying Passengers for Hire, and to make Regulations and Provisions relating to Stage Coaches, and the Duties thereon, to he placed upon the Coach or Vehicle mentioned in such Licence ; and also to deliver gratis to the Person or Persons taking out any fresh Licence, upon the Alteration of the Name or Names of the Person or Persons mentioned in the former Licence, or of the Description of the Journey or Journies to be performed by the Coach or Vehicle therein mentioned, or upon the Alteration of the Number of such Plate or Plates, by reason of the former Number having become illegible, or of One or both Plates having been broken or lost, or upon any other Occasion which may require a new Plate or Plates. V. And be it further enacted, That from and after the passing of Separata this Act it shall not be lawful for any Person or Persons licensed to keep, use, employ, or let out any Carriage or Vehicle for the Purpose „^Pair of of conveying Passengers for Hire as aforesaid, to use more than One Plates. Plate or One Pair of Plates by virtue of One Licence, but that for every Plate or Pair of Plates there shall be a separate and distinct Licence. VI. And be it further enacted, That from and after the Thirty-first Where Plate« Day of July next after the passing of this Act, the Plate or Plates re- to be fined, quired by the said Act of the Third Year of His present Majesty to be fixed and placed upon the Door or Doors of any Carriage or Vehicle, shall be placed on the Centre of the Pannel or Pannels of such Door or Doors, or upon each of the Fore Quarters of such Carriage or Vehicle, at the Lower Angle of such Fore Quarter, adjoining such Doors respectively ; or if there be no Door to such Carriage or Vehicle, then, if the same shall be drawn by Two or more Horses, upon One of the Pannels of each Side of such Carriage or Vehicle, or if the Carriage or Vehicle shall be drawn by One Horse only, then upon the Centre of the Hind Part or Pannel of such Carriage or Vehicle, or if there be no Door to such Carriage or Vehicle, then upon some conspicuous Part of such Carriage or Vehicle; or if the said Commissioners of Stamps, or any Person authorized by them to collect the Stage Coach Duties, or any of their Inspectors or other Officers, shall he dissatisfied with the Position of the Plate or Plates, and shall direct the same to be placed on some other conspicuous Part of such Carriage or Vehicle, then such Plate or Plates shall be fixed and placed upon such Part of such Carriage or Vehicle, according to such Direction. VII. And be it further enacted, That when any of the Numbers Commission-marked on any Plate or Plates shall, in the Opinion of the said Com- ers. m“y «-missioners of Stamps, or of any Person authorized by them to receive p^ies'm^be8 the Stage Coach Duties, or of any of their Inspectors or Officers, gjren up for have become illegible, it shall be lawful for the said Commissioners new ones, or other Person authorized as aforesaid, or any Inspector or Officer292 7° GEOEGII IV. Cap.33. as aforesaid, and they are hereby required, to give Notice to tlie Person or Persons to whom the Licence relating to the said Plate or Plates shall have been granted, that the Number upon such Plate or Plates is illegible, and the Person or Persons to whom such Licence shall have been granted is and are hereby required, within Three Days after such Notice shall have been given, to deliver up to the said Commissioners of Stamps, or to the proper Officer duly authorized to grant Licences, such illegible Plate or Plates, and apply for a fresh Licence, and a new Plate or new Plates. VIII. And be it further enacted, That in all Actions, Bills, Plaints, Informations, or Proceedings to be commenced, prosecuted, entered, or filed in any of His Majesty’s Courts of Great Britain, or before any hS Justice of the Peace or other Magistrate whatsoever, in Great Britain, be shown against any Person or Persons, for the Recovery of any Duty payable in respect of any Carriage or Vehicle kept, used, employed, and let out for the Purpose of conveying Passengers for Hire, the Amount of Duty, calculated according to the Journey or Number of Journies mentioned in the Licence or Licences relating to such Carriage or Vehicle, shall be deemed and taken to be the Amount of Duty due and payable in respect of such Carriage or Vehicle, unless such Person or Persons shall show that the Amount of the said Duty, or some Part thereof, hath not become due and payable. Duties to be payable according t the Licences, that such Amount i not due. Penalty for IX. And be it further enacted, That if any Person shall forge, forging or counterfeit, or resemble, or cause or procure to be forged, counterusing forged feited, or resembled, any Plate or any Part of any Plate, which shall plates- have been provided or used in pursuance of this Act or any other Act, or shall wilfully fix or place, or cause, permit, or suffer to be fixed or placed, to or upon the Door, or one of the Doors, or upon any other Part of any Carriage or Vehicle kept, used, employed, or let out for the Purpose of conveying Passengers for Hire, any forged or counterfeited Plate, or Part of any Plate, every such Person shall for every such Offence forfeit the Sum of One hundred Pounds. Penalty for using Carriages with Plates not fixed, or for not giving up illegible Plates. X. And be it further enacted, That if any Person or Persons to whom any Licence to keep, use, employ, and let out any Caniage or Vehicle for the Purpose of conveying Passengers for Hire shall be granted, shall, before using, employing, or letting out for Hire any such Carriage or Vehicle, neglect to fix or place, or to cause to be fixed or placed, upon the said Carriage or Vehicle, in manner herein directed, the Plate or Plates directed to be fixed and placed thereon ; or if such Person or Persons, after having received Notice m manner herein-before mentioned, that the Numbers on the Plate or Plates are illegible, shall not, within Three Days after such Notice shall have been given, deliver up such illegible Plate or Plates, and apply for a fresh Licence and a new Plate or Plates, as herein-before directed, and fix or place the same upon the Carnage or Vehicle m manner herein directed, every such Person or Persons so offending shall tor every such Offence forfeit and pay the Sum of Twenty Pounds. Penalty for carrying more than the XI. And be it further enacted, That if any Person or Persons licensed to keep, use, employ, and let out for Hire as aforesaid, any r Carnage T GEORG1I IV. Cap.33. 293 Carriage or Vehicle having Four Wheels and drawn by One Horse or preserved Mule only, shall carry or convey therein or thereby more than Six :j"raber Passengers, or if any Person or Persons licensed to keep, use, employ, and let out for Hire any Carriage or Vehicle having Two Wheels and drawn by One Horse or Mule only, shall carry or convey therein or thereby more than Four Passengers, every such Person so offending shall for every such Offence forfeit and pay the Sum of Twenty Pounds. XII. And be it further enacted, That if any Person or Persons to Persons using whom any Licence to keep, use, employ, and let out any Carriage or Carriages Vehicle for the Purpose of conveying Passengers for Hire, shall, from Licence tobe and after the passing of this Act, permit or suffer such Carriage or deemed.’to be Vehicle to perform a greater Number of Journies than is allowed by usingihem such Licence, or to be used for the performing any different Journey without» or Journies, or a greater Number of Miles than is or are mentioned in Llcence-such Licence, or shall fix or place upon such Carriage or Vehicle a Plate or Plates, having a Number different from that mentioned in the Licence in force at the Time of using such Carriage or Vehicle, such Person or Persons shall be deemed and taken to be a Person or Persons keeping, using, employing, and letting out a Carriage or Vehicle for the Purpose of conveying Passengers for Hire, without having first duly obtained a Licence within the true Intent and Meaning of the said recited Act of the Twenty-fifth Year of His late Majesty. XIII. And be it further enacted, That if any Person or Persons penalty on duly licensed to use, employ, and let out any Carriage or Vehicle for Persons the Purpose of conveying Passengers for Hire as aforesaid, shall, in ¡an"T any Account to be delivered by him, her, or them to the said Com- account de-missioners of Stamps, or such Officer as they shall appoint in that livered under Behalf, under or by virtue of the said Act of the Twenty-fifth Year 25G.3.C.51. of His late Majesty, of the Number of Journies actually made in a Day by such Carriage or Vehicle, where the same shall differ from the Number expressed in the Licence, shall neglect or omit to insert therein any Journey actually made by such Carriage or Vehicle, every such Person or Persons shall for every such Journey so omitted forfeit and pay the Sum of Five Pounds. XIV. And be it further enacted, That if any Driver or other Penalty on Person having the Care of any Carriage or Vehicle kept, used, or Drivers con-employed for the Purpose of conveying Passengers for Hire as afore- ceolingPlate». said, shall suffer the Plate or Plates fixed anti placed thereon as hereby directed, to be concealed from public View by any Coat, Cloak, Cloth, or other Thing placed over it, such Driver or other Person having the Care of such Carriage or Vehicle shall forfeit and pay the Sum of Five Pounds; and in case such Driver or other Per- in certain son having the Care of such Carriage or other Vehicle shall not be Cases, known, or being known cannot be found, then and in every such tablet!. Case the Owner or Owners, Proprietor or Proprietors of such Car- penalty, riage or Vehicle, shall be liable to such last-mentioned Fine or Penalty, in the same Manner as if he or they had been driving or \ E taking294 For Recovery of Duties where not exceeding 501. Penalties amounting 102. may be sued for by Action of Debt, 8cc. 7° GEORG 11 IV. Cap. 83. taking care of such Carriage or Vehicle at the Time that such Offence was committed. XV. And be it further enacted, That from and after the passing of this Act, if any Person or Persons liable to account for and pay any Duty or Duties granted by any Act or Acts, for or in respect of any Carriage or Vehicle kept, used, or employed for the Purpose of conveying Passengers for Hire as aforesaid, shall refuse or neglect to account for and pay the same according to the Directions of the said Acts, to the Officer appointed by the said Commissioners of Stamps to receive such Duties, where such Duty or Duties shall not exceed the Sum of Fifty Pounds, it shall be lawful for any Constable, Tithing-man, or other Peace Officer of the County, Riding, Division, City, Town, or Place where such Carriage shall be kept, used, or employed for the Purpose of conveying Passengers for Hire as aforesaid, first obtaining a Warrant for that Purpose under the Hand and Seal or Hands and Seals of any One or more of His Majesty’s Justices acting in and for such County, Riding, Division, City, Town, or Place, (which Justice or Justices, on Complaint made to him or them, shall summon the Party complained of, and the V itnesses on either Side, and examine into the Matter of Fact, and shall grant such Warrant on due Proof being made of the Sum due and owing for such Duty or Duties as aforesaid, by the voluntary Confession of the Party, or by the Oath of One or more Witness or Witnesses), to distrain such Person or Persons by his, her, or their Goods and Chattels for the Amount of such Duty or Duties, and the Distress so to be taken to detain and keep for the Space of Five Days, at the Costs and Charges of such Person or Persons ; and if he, she, or they shall not within that Time pay the Amount of such Duty or Duties, with the Costs and Charges of taking and keeping such Distress, then the Goods and Chattels so distrained shall be sold by such Constable, J ithing-man, or other Peace Officer, who shall render the Overplus (if any) of the Money arising by the Sale thereof, after deducting and re-taining the Amount of such Duty or Duties, and the Costs and Charges of taking, keeping, and selling such Distress, to the leison or Persons so to be distrained as aforesaid ; ami for the Purpose ot taking such Distress, it shall be lawful for such Constable, 1'ithing-man, or other Peace Officer, when any Refusal or Resistance shall be made, to break open in the Day-time any House or Place where any Goods or Chattels of such Persons or Person shall be; and it no sufficient Distress can be had or taken whereon to levy the said Duties and Charges, then such Justice or Justices shall commit such Person or Persons to the Prison of such County, Riding, Division, City, Town, or Place, there to remain until such Duties shall be tully paid and satisfied. XVI. And be it further enacted, That any pecuniary Penalty im-io posed by this Act or the herein-before mentioned Acts, or either ot them, which shall amount to the Sum of Ten Pounds or more, shat or may be sued for in any of His Majesty’s Courts at Tl estminster, for any Offence committed in England or Wales, or Bcncick-upon-Tweed, and in His Majesty’s Court of Exchequer in Scotland, Rurally295 7° GEORG 11 IV. Cap. 33. ■Offence committed in that Part of Great Britain called Scotland, by Action of Debt, Bill, Plaint, or Information, wherein no Essoigtl, Protection, Privilege, Wager of Law, or more than One Imparlance shall be allowed. XVII. And be it further enacted, That if any Carriage or Vehicle shall be found standing or plying for Passengers to be conveyed for ing for Hire Hire at separate Fares as aforesaid, upon any public Highway, not with Car-having fixed or placed thereon a Plate or Plates as directed by this ¡¡HP« or anV other Act to be fixed or placed upon Carnages or Vehicles kept used, employed, and let out for the Purpose of conveying Passengers for Hire, the Owner, Driver, or Person having the Care of any such Carriage or other Vehicle shall forfeit and pay any bum not exceeding Twenty Pounds ; and it shall and may be lawful to and for any Constable or Constables, or other Person or Persons whomsoever, to take and seize such Carriage or other Vehicle not having such Plate or Plates, with the Horses or other Cattle drawing the same, and lodge the same for safe Custody at some public Greenyard, or some Livery Stables, or other Place of Safety until some One or more of His Majesty’s Justices of the Peace for the County Hiding, Division, City, Town, or Place, in which such Offence shall be committed, shall hear and determine the same, and the Penalty or Penalties to which the Owner, Driver, or other Person having the Care of such Carriage or other Vehicle shall be liable and adjudged to pay for such Offence, with the Expences of taking and keeping such Carriage and Cattle at such Green-yard, Stables, or other Place, shall be fully paid or discharged; and if such Penalty or I enalties be not forthwith paid, the said Carriage or Vehicle, Hoises or othei Cattle, together with the Harness used therewith, so taken and seized, shall be immediately sold by Order under the Hand or Hands of the said Justice or Justices, and the Surplus, it any, shall be rendered to such Owner, Driver, or other Person; any thing in this Act to the contrary thereof in anywise notwithstanding. XVIII. Provided always, and it is hereby enacted That it shall and may be lawful to and for any Justice of the Peace of any County offences Riding Division, City, Town, or Place, where the Offence shall be wherepenal»y committed, to hear and determine any Offence against this Act or does not ex-the herein-before mentioned Acts, or any of them, which subjects the Offender to any pecuniary Penalty not exceeding Twenty Pounds, which said Justice of the Peace is hereby authorized and required, upon any Information exhibited, or Complaint made in that Behalf, to summon the Party accused, and also the Witnesses on eithei Side and to examine into the Matter of Fact, and upon ue ‘ thereof, by voluntary Confession of the Party, or by Oath of One or more credible Witness or Witnesses, to give Judgment or Sentence fo the Penalty or Forfeiture, and to award and issue out his Wan ant under his Hand and Seal for the levying any pecuniary Penalties or Forfeitures so adjudged on the Goods of the Offender, and t * -Sale to be madeJ thereof in ease they shall not be redeemed witlnn Five Days, rendering to the Party the Overplus (rf .any); a"dJhe^ the Goods of such Offender cannot be found sufficient to answe. tte296 7° GEORGII IV. Cap.33. Penalty, to commit such Offender to Prison, there to remain for the Space of Six Months, unless such pecuniary Penalty shall be sooner Appeal. paid and satisfied : And if any Person or Persons shall find himself or themselves an-grieved by the Judgment of any such Justice, then he, she, or they 'shall and may (upon giving Security to the Amount of the Value of such Penalty and Forfeiture, together with such Costs as shall be awarded in case such Judgment shall be affirmed,) appeal to the Justices of the Peace at the next General Quarter Sessions of the Peace for the County, Riding, Division, City, Town, or Place, who are hereby empowered to summon and examine Witnesses upon Oath, and finally to hear and determine the same ; and in case the Judgment of such Justices shall be affirmed, it shall be lawful for such Justices to award the Person or Persons to pay Costs occasioned by such Appeal as to them shall seem meet: Provided always, that if the next General Quarter Sessions of the Peace shall fall within Six Days after such Conviction, it shall and may be lawful for the Person so con-victed, if he shall think fit, giving such Security as aforesaid, to appeal to the next subsequent Quarter Sessions. Carriages, HorsfS, &c. liable to be distrained for Duties and Penalties. XIX. And be it further enacted, That all and every the Carriages or Vehicles kept, used, or employed for the Purpose of conveying Passengers for Hire as aforesaid, and all and every Horse and Horses, or other Cattle, Harness, and other Articles and Things used and employed for the Purpose of drawing such Carnages or Vehicles, shall anti may be seized and distrained to satisfy any Arrear of Duty or Duties due and owing from the Owner or Owners, Driver or Diivers thereof, or the Person or Persons having the Care or Custody thereof, or licensed to keep, use, or employ the same, and also to pay and satisfy any Penalty or Penalties to which any such Owner or Owners, Driver or Drivers, or other Person or Persons as aforesaid, may become liable to pay under or by virtue of this or the herein-before mentioned Acts of the Twenty-fifth Year of His late Majesty and the 1 bird Year of His present Majesty. Penal.y on XX. And be it further enacted, That if any Person or Persons shall Wit not be summoned as a Witness or Witnesses to give Evidence before such attending. Justice or Justices of the Peace, touching any of the Matters relative to this Act, either on the Part of the Prosecutor or the Person or Persons accused, and shall neglect or refuse to appear at the Time and Place to be for that Purpose appointed, without a reasonable Excuse for such his, her,or their Neglect or Refusal, to be allowed of by such Justice or Justices of the Peace, or appearing shall refuse to be ex-amined on Oath, and give Evidence before such Justice or Justices of the Peace before whom the Prosecution shall be depending, that then every such Person shall forfeit for every such Ofience the bum of Five Pounds, to be levied and paid in such Manner and by sucli Means as are herein-before directed as to other 1 enalties. Form of Conviction. XXI. And be it further enacted, That a Conviction in the Form and to the Effect following, mutatis mutandis (as the Case shall happen to be), shall be good and effectual to all Intents and I imposes whatsoever, without stating the Evidence, and without alledging more than297 7° GEORGII IV. Cap.33. the Substance of the Offence, in all Cases wherein such Justice of the Peace hath Power to convict by virtue of the present Act: < x> E it remembered, That on the Day ot in < the Year of our Lord at < in the County of A. B. came before me « c.D. One of His Majesty’s Justices of the Peace for the said County < w'here the Offence herein-after mentioned was committed, and in- « formed me that E.F. of in the said County of < [here set forth the Fact for which the Information is laid], whereupon < the said E F. being duly summoned to answer the said Charge, . appeared before me, (and having heard the Charge contained in the < Sai!d Information, acknowledged and voluntarily confessed the Facts . therein stated to be true), but in his [or her] Defence alledged [here ‘ setting forth the Substance of the Defence], or voluntarily confessed C the said Charge to be true, or did not make any Defence against < the said Charge, whereupon the same was fully proved on the Oath < of G.H. a credible Witness, or said that he [or she] was not guilty < of the said Offence, whereupon the same was fully proved on the ‘ Oath of G.H. a credible Witness, [or as the Case shall be], or did i not appear before me pursuant to the said Summons, but the said * Charge was fully proved on the Oath ot G.H. a credible Witness, ‘ Tor as the Case shall be] ; and therefore it manifestly appearing to me ‘ that the said E.F. is guilty of the Offence charged in the said Intor- < mation, I do hereby convict him [or her] of the said Offence, and < do adjudge that he or she hath forfeited the Sum of . of lawful Money of Great Britain ¿for the Offence aforesaid, to be ‘ distributed as the Law directs, according to the Form of the Statute < in such Case made and provided. Given under my Hand and Seal ‘ the Day of Provided nevertheless, that it shall and may be lawful for the said Mitigation of Justice or Justices, when he or they shall see Cause, to mitigate and Penalne,. lessen any such Penalty or Penalties as he shall think fit or reasonable, (Costs and Charges of the Officers and Informers, as well in making the Discovery as in prosecuting the same, being always allowed over and above such Mitigation,) and so as such Mitigation do not reduce such Penalties to less than One-fourth Part of the Penalty or 1 enalties incurred over and above the said Costs and Charges; any thing herein contained to the contrary notwithstanding. XXII. And be it further enacted, That it shall be lawful for any Person or Persons whatsoever to lay, make, and prosecute any inioi- ^ be laid mation before any Justice or Justices of the Peace against any Person or Persons for the Recovery of any Fine, Penalty, or Forfeiture made or incurred by virtue of this or any other Act or Acts of Parliament relating to Carriages or Vehicles kept, used, or employed to convey Passengers for Hire as aforesaid, any thing in any Law or Laws to the contrary thereof in anywise notwithstanding ; and thatjf' S l“* *fp{£naitie>. pecuniary Penalties shall be divided and distributed, if a Prosecutio or Suit shall be commenced for the same within the Space of Six Calendar Months from the Time of any such Penalty being incurred in manner following ; (that is to say), One Moiety thereof to His Majesty, His Heirs and Successors, and the other Moiety thereof 4 F ^298 7° GEORG 11 IV. Cap. 33. (with full Costs of Suit) to the Person or Persons who shall inform and sue for the same; and in default of such Prosecution within Six Calendar Months from the Time of any such Penalty being incurred, then the Whole thereof shall belong to His Majesty, His Heirs or Successors; and such Moieties and Penalties shall be paid into the Hands of His Majesty’s Solicitor of Stamps for the Time being. Penalties XXIII. And be it further enacted, That every Justice before belonging to w]K)m any Person or Persons shall be convicted of any Offence under His Majesty Qr , vjrtlie Qf this Act or the herein-before recited Acts, or either of £“d them, shall take and receive the Penalty or Penalties, or Share of and paid to’ the Penalty or Penalties belonging to His Majesty, levied or paid the Clerk of under or by virtue of such Conviction ; and that every such Justice, the Peace at ^ £xecutors or Administrators, shall pay or cause to be paid all “hT such Sums which he shall take or receive upon any Conviction under shall’remit or by virtue of this Act, or the Acts herein-before mentioned, or them to the either of them as aforesaid, at the next General Quarter Sessions oi Solicitor of t)ie pcace after he sball have so taken or received the same, into the stamps. Hands of the Clerk of the Peace, or other such like Officer of the County, Riding, Division, City, Town, or Place within which such Conviction shall have been made, who is hereby directed to remit the same forthwith, without Fee or Reward, to the Solicitor oi Justices to Stamps for the Time being ; and that every Justice, his Executors transmit to or Administrators, shall immediately on such Payment made to any Solicitor of £|erk ot- tlie peace or other such Officer, transmit to the said Soli-Schedule of citor of Stamps a Schedule, containing the Names of the Persons Convictions, so convicted, the Day on which they were convicted, their respective Offences, and the respective Sums which were levied or paid under or by virtue of such Conviction. LONDON: Printed by George Eyre and Andrew Strahan, Printers to the King’s most Excellent Majesty. 1826. 10 1« W