ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN Production Note Project Unica Rare Book & Manuscript Library University of Illinois Library at Urbana-Champaign 2015 GEORGII IV. REGIS. ANNO SEPTIMO **************************************************** CAP. LV. An Act to regulate the Manner of taking the Poll at Elections of Knights of the Shire to serve in Parliament for the County of York. [26th May 1826.] WHEREAS by an Act of Parliament made and passed in the Eighteenth Year of the Reign of His late Majesty King George the Second, intituled An Act to explain and amend the Laws touching the Election of Knights of the Shire to serve in Parliament for that Part o/Great Britain called England, it is enacted, that from and after the Twenty-fourth Day of June One thousand seven hundred and forty-five, at every Election to be made within that Part of Great Britain called England, or Dominion of Wales, of any Knight or Knights of the Shire to serve in Parliament, the Sheriff, or in his Absence the Under Sheriff, or such as he shall depute, shall appoint, make, or erect, or cause to be appointed, made, or erected, at the Expence of the Candidates, such Number of convenient Booths or Places for biking the Poll as the Candidates or any of them shall, Three Days at least before the Commencement of the Poll, desire, so as the same do not exceed the Number of Rapes, Lathes, Wapentakes, Wards, or Hundreds within the said County, and not exceeding in the whole the Number of Fifteen; and shall affix or cause to be affixed on the most public Part of each of the said Booths or Polling Places, the Name or Names of the Rape, Wapentake, Lathe, Ward, or Hundred, or Rapes, Wapentakes, Lathes, Wards, or Plun-5 'p dreds,442 7° GEOIIGII IV. Cap.55. dreds, for which such Booth or Polling Place is allotted or designed; and the said Sheriff, Under Sheriff; or such Person as he shall depute, shall appoint a proper Clerk or Clerks at each of the said Booths or Polling Places to take the Poll, (which said Clerk or Clerks shall be at the Expence of the Candidates, and be paid not exceeding One Guinea per Day each Clerk); and the said Sheriff or Under Sheriff shall also make out a List for each of the said Booths or Polling Places respectively, of all the several Towns, Villages, Parishes, and Hamlets, lying or being wholly or in part in the Rape, Wapentake, Lathe, Ward, or Hundred, or in the several Rapes, Wapentakes, Wards, or Hundreds, for which such Booth or Polling Place is allotted or designed, and shall, upon Request made, deliver a true Copy thereof to any of the Candidates or their Agents who shall desire the same, taking for each of the said Copies the Sum of Two Shillings and no more : And whereas the County of York is of great Extent, and the Number of Persons who polled at the Election of Knights of the Shire for the said County in the Year One thousand eight hundred and seven exceeded Twenty-three thousand ; and several Persons were prevented from polling for want of a sufficient Number of Booths or Places for taking the Poll, and by the progressive Subdivision of Property the Number of Persons entitled to vote is, since the Time of the said Election, considerably increased: And whereas it is expedient to make Provision for the more effectual and convenient taking of the Such Pan of Poll in the said County: Be it therefore enacted by the King’s most 18G.2.C.18. Excellent Majesty, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Lords as is herein- g iritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this present Parliament as-?eoS,Cso sembled, and by the Authority of the same, That so far as relates to far as relates the County of York, so much of the said Act of the Eighteenth ,eai to the County ()f tjle jteign of His said late Majesty King George the Second, as is of York' herein-before recited, shall be and the same is hereby repealed. II. And he it further enacted, That from and after the passing of this Act, at every Election of any Knights or Knight of the Shire to serve in Parliament for the County of York, the Sheriff; or in Ins Absence the Under Sheriff, or such Person as he shall depute, shall appoint, make, or erect, or cause to be appointed, made, or erected, at the Expence of the Candidates, such Number of convenient Booths or Places for taking the Poll as the Candidates or any of them shall. Three Days at least before the Commencement of the Poll, desire, and shall affix or cause to he affixed on the most public Part of each of the said Booths or Polling Places, the Name or Names of the Wapentake or Wapentakes for which such Booth or Polling Place is allotted or designed; but in case there shall be Two or more Booths or Polling Places for any One Wapentake or Division, then both the Name or Description of the Portion of such Wapentake or other Division, and the Name or Names of the Towns, Villages, Parishes, and Hamlets for which each respective Booth or Polling Place is allotted or designed ; and the said Sheriff or Under Sheriff, or such Person as he shall depute, shall appoint a proper Clerk or Clerks at each of the said Booths or Polling Places, to take the Poll, (which said Clerk or Clerks shall be at the Expence of the Candidates, and be paid not exceeding One Pound per Day eac 1 Clerk) : and the said Sheriff'or Under Sheriff shall also make out a List for each Booth or Polling Place respectively, of all the several 21 lowns, At Elections for the County of York the Sheriff shall erect such Number of Booths as shall be required, and make out Lists of the Towns, &c. for which such Booths are designed.-ru & cw o 7° GEORGII IV. Cap.55. -143 Towns, Villages, Parishes, and Hamlets lying or being wholly or in part in the Wapentake or Wapentakes, or Portion of a Wapentake or other Division for which such Booth or Polling Place is designed, and shall, upon Request made, deliver a true Copy thereof to any of the Candidates or their Agents who shall desire the same, taking for each of the said Copies the Sum of One Shilling and no more. III. And be it further enacted, That the Election for Knights of the Elections in Shire for the said County shall, in all other respects, be managed in conformity with the Directions of the said herein-before in part recited c„„form°abl° Act, except so far as the same is hereby repealed, and under the to recited Directions of the several other Acts now in force relative to such Act. Elections. LONDON: Printed by George Eyre and Andrew Strahan, Printers to the King’s most Excellent Majesty. 1836.