ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN Production Note Project Unica Rare Book & Manuscript Library University of Illinois Library at Urbana-Champaign 2015  THE NEW INTENDED ACT OF PA1MA V'JiflL-R 1. If any Baker shall be known to cheat or defraud lhe public, by mixing beans, alum, starch, bone-dust, whiting, potatoes, or any other spurious ingredients in liis bread, or by roguery they get what is termed a parish dinner, by taking a few potatoes out of one dish, a little bit of meat out of another, lifting the crust off the pie when half baked, and taking out part of the inside, shall, for all such offences, be forced to sit in his own oven directly his batch is drawn, for the space of half an hour. 2. Any Butcher that is known to stick a lump of lat under his scale to make it weigh down, so that the purchaser be deprived of his rights thereof, shall sit on his block three times a day for a week, with the said lump of fat stuck on his hat, as a caution to all other butchers against such illegal acts. 3. Any Clothesman, named Moses, Aaron or Isaac, or any of their tribe, who shall annoy any honest and respectable housekeeper with the cry of “ Old clo’,” before daylight in the morning, shall be compelled to eat pork in spite of his teeth. 4. If any Tailor employed in cutting out a suit of clothes, be detected in cabbaging more than one-fifth of the said cloth, he shall be compelled to sit upon his red hot goose for one hoar. 5. If any Pawnbroker shall be known to wear the coat, waistcoat, breeches or hat, belonging to either tinker, tailor, or costermonger, or his wife to wear the shift, gown, or flannel petticoat of the wives of the before-mentioned person or persons, shall for such offence be put up the spout, and never more to come down again until they beg the Public pardon, and take no interest. 6. Any Grocer who shall sell horse-beans for coffee, sloe-leaves for tea, mix sand with his sugar, water with his vinegar, or briek-du6t with his pepper, shall for such offences be ducked in a hogshead of treacle. Any Milkman or milkmaid who shall be caught milking the water-butt instead of the cow, shall be compelled to stand in the said water-butt three hours »or each offence. 8. Any Barber, or barber’s clerk, who, when shaving any customer shall cut his chin, or put the brush of lather in his mouth, shall have his head shaved, and his bare block publicly exposed in his shop window. 9. Any Miller who shall be known to kiss any other man’s wife who is in the habit of coming to his mill, shall be well ducked in his own mill-dam. t * ----------------------------------_ % ____________________________ , London; Printed at the “Catnach Press,” by W. S. PORTEY, Monmouth Court, Seven Dials. The Oldest wid Cheapest House in the World for Ballads (4,000 *Mte, Song Books, Children’s Books. &o. 10. Any Lawyer who shall be detected in taking a bribe from any candidate, or any person in interest, so as to register two votes for one, or endeavour to decoy any honest freeman from voting according to his own conscience, shall have his coat turned, and pay his own fee of 6s. 8d. for every such offence.’ 11. Any Milliner, dress or bonnet-maker, who shall wear any article entrusted to her charge, so as to decorate her person on a Sunday or holiday, shall never appear in public for six months, except in a workhouse dress. 12. Any Shop-boy, counter-jumper, or secondhand dandy, who shall put the wrong end of a lighted cigar in his mouth so as to injure his lips, or spoil bis handsome cribbage face, shall not smoke another cigar for three months. 13. Every bachelor at the age of forty, shall bo compelled to marry two wives, in order to make up for lost time, in negelcting to do so, he shall pay five pounds to the poorest widow in the parish. 14. Any man that shall beat his wife, or be known to visit any house of 111-fame, shall be tried by a jury of women, and if found guilty, shall be flogged with his wife’s garters, and not allowed to sleep with her any more. 15. Any_ Publican who shall be known to adulterate his spirits, or mix small beer with strong, shall be smothered in beer ground, in his own waste-butt and the brewer obliged to see him decently buried in a waggon load of hot grains. 16. Any woman that is seen m a gm-shop before breakfast in the morning, or seen gossipping from house to house instead of minding her husband^ business, her husband shall be authorized to tie her to the leg of the bedstead, and feed her on water gruel for three days. 17. Any work girl, or any other good-looking lasses, who shall paint their faces, or wear a roundabout hat, ox* wear a crinoline so large as to obstruct the passengers in psssing along the footpath, shall ha doomed to remain single all the days of her life. I 18. If any 1* ishmonger be found repairing stinkin" fish so as to deceive the public, by putting fresh gill* smeared with blood, bright eyes, and pieces of stick through the body to Make flabbv fish appear crimp, shall for such offence be sentenced to be sucked three times a day at Billingsgate, for his ingenuity and imposition.surto 3h: so: á Vriá V ¿ m i ■v.v-■,&/ Tra . ■ nht í 'ni : .ladob od linda odvr 19'//«¿I »/ A ,0Í -./[oí.■! n-.ioq yun to <9inbibii«o X“® ll- '■ »'li'«! ■I; o) 1 ..jí tro 10 ,orto ibi eoiov o"wi t isi: .1 oí .. o) i .• • - /'i gnijov iifn ii nnmosil iaou v ' /... > ■: ; !.. .. .flint ln09 fciri. ovuli iind-i .ormala IIV s mollo dona y/iovo idi .b8 .ai1 io oai «vio tid . adnm-c / :'od io nao'ió ,i»mU¡i'ú v.uA .i.I « o* ,oy;¡mío »4 ot bsltiniiio oloiiis '(na im» id a /.!- ,vnbiIo.i 10 ys'iii.'iB a no iiotioq lai! olí.loool.. ■ t ni J./93Z9 (inlíii .li zU idi oiidnq ni ir/.q/i ■; ivoir .8S0'lf> OSIKlddlO» looña 10 .Taqmiq-ioiiitfoo ■ ,yod-qod3 v a A' .'.:! «Iris':! « lo brío linur» odi Inq Iluda odv/ .yb.irb binici .1 Ik i 10 ,sijil eid oiiiim ulanos illnorrr dd ai v¡..u . b isdlonn adorna í.j.i liada .aüni aunddiío .adíiioin • ■..■idi iOi : d .yjif.i io or» odi tu joSWosif vi-/.vi .bí- .i!a¡i».. ■sdì ni •nobr# íh .iooq»9i(f Oí *l>n ;oq od 10 ,olivi tid inad linda iodi «firn Vi . 1 ;:■[ « vd baili 9*1 linda ,on:n1-l¡. lo otaoii yi 11 t. ¡1 .3 ibi fusi, di od Unii?. tylli«8 Lnuoì li bau .uri i.,./ lo' :.i ih'.vi qoolg oi Lo..olio Í....I bao .arati.;" tV.y a ! ■ iA'.u'.ik oi n.vond od Loda od t: nnoildidJ .oda dii» 199>I Ilenia nini 10 ,ti/i a:- 1. ir-.o eid ni .biir./i” tosò ni!, ai b;:■ vl-'-isoab inid aoa . : bt/yii lo io ■side-re iod io Lm <5:1 br-.vrofc 10 ioodo ot tiv.oni od linda iodi 'I vno il .1 ,3 1 b-sirod .donila .nnilii .ennod ^fluiiii yd .oiidnq odi ala: 1 ■ . ai . yoa 10 , baimi ai iiidw ioo ysdt yiengoi ijd 10 ybnoid eid ni nno lo Jtiò tooir q via! n ^naUt vd .réUuib cfeiieq u ■ '1 gnillil .lodlone io ino .ti a lo .'-..'in ,dt il» o.. 31 ri : ino gnisfól tuo» .bsdnd ibili nodo aia obJ Ho tanta % ol bs noi ad ,fosu ilo dona Un idi ,linde .abititi odi lo fcy idi .iiv.aib ti doicd tid yiiooiib na ie. ; /o tid ni tia .nrod 10: .!. d ì ■ e-jniir. : di s, io qm/d n irbis oi nv/oni ti indi lady.: uA » eif‘ ‘-'ii indi oa ,nwobdsiaw ti o;Iniu ol dlnoa eid libati Ini. 4i< II* - dfsisdt ¿td .ii aidlo .baviiqof. iyw..'oi. •; ' éy' a..; aliu .ilva.i « ynb n Bandi 091 di diadil tiri no - Ufi ol aoilom tic, jkì aiifno . ■ Iiita .tion Inselli jiyjj» itnii -, • , .;u ia_:llo i>olia*]ifl09 od SS .-.iriiiitdar Sdi ri? 5. .diool eid io aiiiiT, l 1 ! ■ • n ilio ^fli.:.-;i> ai i...-{oiqfll9 loiinl ii: i:-'.a.j undl oiom ni Loloiv-tid noqj lit ol bollaquioà ad linda ed .di. i .16011 Olio idi 0 eoi inow ol dv/oid od linda'i ' u ■ iio ot vnigm-ioil- ,1«4 10 tadoosid ,1;. ■ ina'»’ ol oliv/ tilt 10 .lagnontioiaoa mg ni ri09a ei indi unno» ¡ . : ■ . ■> « ,-vi; ^Iiqqi. ri do a 'IO ninioin odi ni íiííÍ T-iI Í)ílíiil :o bus i: 1 ■ ,.;..d a : oaj^ ;•? oi *iorl ili i oJ i>- xi lO! 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