ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN Production Note Project Unica Rare Book & Manuscript Library University of Illinois Library at Urbana-Champaign 2015 TRIAL & SENTENCE &. COATES For the murder of Alice Boughen, the ¡soldier’s daughter, at Purfleet. W Ql i ’ °n fvr «y' ifa:ch„5th’ before the ^ Chief Justice, Richard Coote, r/ TVv R°?'a Artlllery’ was Place(* »t the bar and charged with the wilful murder of Alice Boughen, o,. the 9th of Decerabes, 1875. it appears that the prisoner was engaged as schoolmaster at the barracks at Purfleet in the day school for the children of the soldiers and the night school for thr men. The deceased was a little gill, aged o years and 10 months. At the time the occurrence took place there were only six children attending the school, the deceased being accompanied by her brother, who was younger than herself. On the above day the children went sohool as usual, and were dismissed at 1 - o clock, which was the usnal hour, and the deoeased returned to school with the other children at 2 o'clock, and shortly afterwards she asked leave to go into the. yard. The accused gave her permission to do so, and she left the room, and he followed her out in a very few moments, and from the time the child left the room under these circumstances she wvs never again seen alive. When the dead body was found on -the following morning, the result of a medical examination went to show that she had been ^he victim of a horrible outrage, and that this was the actual cause of death, although there was a slight fracture of the skull in addition. The prisoner, after three days trial was found Guilty, and the Judge sentenced him to Death. Scarce a day or two Vnow passing, Ere a tragedy takes place. But very few could be more shockin'*, Than this dreadful Purfleet «ase. A man to take a dear one’s life A child so innocent and free, Without a heart or common feeling, Not worth the name of man must be. Poor child it was v. shocking fate, Her parents are now left to mourn, ■God help them through their troubles great For their r.arling, that now has gone. To school poor little Alice Broughen, Filled with mirth and childish play, Went that fatal afternoon, But never more to come away, Her parents anxiously awaiting, , / To see their dear one come home soon, Alas, they iittle thought what happened. To their darling child a fearful doom. That Richard Coate’s is the man that’s guilty There seeems not th; slightest doubt, A fair and impartial trial, Has brought this cruel murder out, God heip the pe >r child's sorrowing friends, Her aflicted father and his loving wife. Nothing can on earth console them, For their little daughter’s precious life. His comrades they did all declare, ile looked se very strange and pale, When asked about the missing child. With trembling lips he told a tale, <• ' But when they searched for hours after, Her lifeless body it Was found, Torn and bruised as if slie‘d struggled, Hard with the monster on the ground. O, think you parents kind and tender.. ion with dear ones of your own, Tbe fearful scene of woe and misery, That’s hrought upon that liule home, Their darling child that’s now departed, Used perhaps to lisp her evening prayer. And now they must be broken hearted, when they gaze upon her little chair, A baser deed could not he committed, Than this fearful Purfleet case, But thank heaven it has permitted, . To bring toiight tho murderer's face, a just one was his his fearful sentence, For pardon he must look on high, Let’s hope he’ll be led to repantence, For taking life they all should die. Dis'ey, Printer, London. rUtyoO?b flri J .osm ni) idi I jo r alili) f*')BÌq irto) ’'flll :/J50Ó MÍÍ tiri nooois ^jOfeid bacciot ,{*ilfU *i5 J(Kirie# ÌflT# 7 fiTtbüriÍD ^/ìt t isnixjin bms'xiib n s -fi jfjf - m 4 »di if -lètei mvxtdr'* m dor .tn^inr so; ha* «mbio* sdì 'ity mif i.t t ri) )A .fíí íioín Oi han gioì f b hftì ‘a/ÌJR ▼li*! ari fciM ftii .>7 ai .fisi »ri« bn« (c-, oh 7st • tnooT sdj ffoi bJiriri arft co bncoi *bw. ^boo ¿cab jrfj iifjiW r»3ri :. „i iuUìsdì vile ùitnàw noi-ftnim* rigpod)!* ,dimb lo mum Icuìóh «rii re« mí.- tardi vfiìlì'tiisfoéìq adì’ •• '.co '.diftóQ oí ' ' ; ' ■ : ' :4Ó#b f-},. - - . r-i n; '!> !ls fcj/ ’ iridoai «M ';> •»*'•■■ !> i- ’ nVdW '.’ * • » t b Oj , -'. 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