ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN Production Note Project Unica Rare Book & Manuscript Library University of Illinois Library at Urbana-Champaign 2015 NAUGHTY WICKED El Has got twelve months in quod. Now listen great and small, I will try to please you all. That is if yon #31 pay attention, Of a trial I will state, that has come off of late Is the subject that I are about to mention. It is of a nangnty soldhy in the 10th Hnsears Whe has been op to wicked capers. So the tip I’ll give you plain, it was in a railway train, Bnt now he has ¡rot it hot—the naughty baker. O my, just think upon him now, He has got himself into a pretty scrape, sir He has got 12 months in quod, serve him right, so help my bob, And pay five hundred pounds—the naughty baker. The gallant soldier gay, got in a train one day And on a blooming lady fixed ilia eye, sir, Ho played some naughty trioks, bnt he found that he was licked. For the lady ha&good pluck you can’t deny sir. O my, he made a sad mistake, His chickens he counted without hatching, But if I had my will, I would make him for to feel, And with a cat his tender back be seratching Now the biter he got bit, and collared for his tricks, Apdbis noble heart it soon began a quaking And now this wicked swell, I am happy for to te}l. A iW he could not save hi. b«oH f So to quod you’ll go away, anti five hundred pounds you’ll pay, And I’m sure it serves you right—you naughty baker. Now instead of regimentals gay, he is clothed in a suit of grev, And in it he will cut a pretty figure, His soldiers the) wotdd laugh, brother officers would chaff, If their pretty eolonel they could twig, sir. Instead of dining at his club, o» the best ot wine and grub, I dare say the poor man think’s it cruel, The poor unhappy bloke will breakfast on dry toke, And wash it down with splendid water gruel. Now^ood luck to brave Brett, he laid it on him thick, And that it served him right—there is n question, For a soldier must be brave, and like a man behave, And to a lovely female give protection, And. oh my 1 if I was his wife, I would serve him out and no mistake, sir, He should sleep underneath the bed, with the thing-o-my on his head, Yes, that is the way I‘d serve the wicked baker. Oh, my, look upon him now, For his ill luck he now is lamenting, For no capers in the train, he is safe in Horsemonger lane, A»4 J’lfi sure it seryps him right- thM pjfjifiè? y' jiranv f)OHp ai ¡Aia affavi \ k' H.’p ttl o3 ! ?*»<:>[q fli f>fj i.ruwj | [ SU'* Si I DfiA itti 7Ìlfj}£ttH fiiw “fi ir ai bau Usilo in hi ■ f)u d: Ì>i r-ijB d h lo ■ ’ * ?;■ .■ . v g.; -&w « v i ... '"ri asti»! w>55 J1* tnw is t«j •;;* mi V « *wfT ! .i*d* «turi! ifv. ( lai» « 16 avs.J iirfi r^Ópapi)«{ sì #ill; rs a lo ai il aìw o; q» t:i -s wo tnfW iokf a&% wri'g .1I .¡ri néi .•>& ,aw > v«» sì. j«; *od adti w«a :mìÌ .f9?W ■ t, J-.'iit sui; :em £i .iom.nHf dtS .^oci Tp.ifi&BtjàKi ... ai—TOPco-T Mntisi s il va« baA t»Ì li I TJÉiXMÉfcal a ai mg ,**8 t»M«w in v : odi .1« ¿n mK fraiS virai ¿aia. c!d « m bui-, > . :. : ■■' ’1 ' . . ¿ai. ,.: ; — ■ , .3? ¿1 • JttKBjinadiHll ' 1 r^asf) fan ¡;oy 3t.> V, ¡atftaiybai . di i•# Idi » ' inio SÌH ’ . ". ■' ,. il': ! ! .•» a« irli ... '.¡Hi ai * ; -ogtàaì adì "iTM^rtta iV Aiaif Ììrfinnt irrT^an i j^ttt rrtIti •-• iii /aw jiììatinai tal "* .nateci sjjg tol i)»«t!oo haa ¿iti ìag ad Mitf ad! *»!S tip JB! ■ jalsétf ... 7 Vf0!! rv :Jtèu[ $ a?tl vfi yiieepaimgS''" «aae j»jhaarf aidaa mi -ak isvi ad) ni tmqao oa sol1 ()j «ir I .fi«** iwioiw suda non baA .oasi Tv'jnGamfntdti iOV-JW }j irt'JfetìÀ. •fiat. jjpfrf »14 ran tw Mw tpfef ••£« ^ «« . ti.« .i(, * ~ o«0