ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN Production Note Project Unica Rare Book & Manuscript Library University of Illinois Library at Urbana-Champaign 2015 : Beware of Garottes Oh, n°w good folks it is no joke, It matters not, man, woman, or child, VV e really shall be undone, $ Thev knock folks in the gutter, It is dangerous now to walk the streets, They robbed the children going to school In anv nart of London ? .i i .1 In any part of London ; Jf Georgey Grey don’t find a way, To very quickly stop it, I do believe by a set of thieves We all shall be garotted. Pinch ’em, lynch ’em, hang ’em up,' Policemen do vour best to stop it, W e are afraid to venture out at dark, For fear of being garotted. And steal their bread and butter, Three stopped an old woman on Holbora Hill, For twopence they tried to choke her. She knock'd them down upon the ground And slashed away with the poker. The Judges say they will not deceive, As I will unto you state, Instead of their getting a ticket of leave They wall have a ticket for Newgate; Where Mister Calcraft is prepared, To give them a right good warning, Old Judy McCormick in Dru.iy Lane, Last Saturday morning started, In her pocket she had a threepenny hit, Going to Co vent Garden Market; Four hulking lazy ugly thieves, Began to rob and strike her, She walloped the four, one at a time, „iVij And bawl’d I’ve .conquer’d the wipers . „ The pretty maids are all afraid, ^r Outside the door to venture; And when they’re out they gaze about, "rj« Each street afraid to enter. gjs I heard fifteen old women gay, On a dozen of rogues they stopp’d there - They wished if they didn’t stop it, Before and behind with their crinolines, They wollopped all the garrotters. M ith a hempen line, thirteen a time, ‘ - By steam on a frosty morning. There was a meeting of ladies in Belgrave Squire, And they all agreed together. To go out at night—not be in a fright, i-V And tackle those rogues so clever; They carried a rug, and they clapped the hug Mr. Joshua Jebb and old Georgey Grey, Some night may get garotted. It's a cursed shame, and who’s to blame Oh, policemen, strive to pinch ’em, -¡¿p And give the women all a "chance, Some foggy night to lynch ’em I’ll bet a guinea they'll go no more, «¿SS When once the women have got ’em, ja® By dark or light; on a foggy night, * Y?sl In London streets garotting. Had this occurred some months ago, ’Twould have been a sad condition, When thousands from the country came To see the Exhibition. There would be dangers all around, , While they in town were stopping, . They’d all been frighten’dout oftheir live _ By the thieves who ge garotting. Put the rogues in a barrel, says one, And serve them just as I state, Fill it with spikes and roll ’em down, The sweet little hill at Highgate; Take ’em down to the Thames, says Poll, And choke them with horses liver, Take ’em by the head and heels, says iSal, And bundle ’em into the river." Oh ! says the maids, don’t be afraid, mgm Stick ’em, lick ’em. pinch 'em, They’re cowardly rascals, villains base, Nick ’em, kick ’em, lynch ’em ; Whenonce in their arms,don’t be alarm'd The London police have got ’em, It will be a pretty long time before They'll go out again garrotting. Disley, Printer, London. —: W