ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN Production Note Project Unica Rare Book & Manuscript Library University of Illinois Library at Urbana-Champaign 2015 INHUMAN TREATMENT TO A CHILD, BY HIS FATHER, AT CAMBERWELL. Wm. Fry a carpenter was placed at the bar of Lambeth police-court, on the charge of gross and inhuman torture of his child. Mr, Clifford, the relieving officer for Camberwell said that ou Friday last the son of the prisoner, eleven years old, was brought to the work-house and on examining him,wasshocked tofind an iron manacle, weighing two pounds, made fast 10 his right leg. It consisted of a thick iron belt, secured at both ends by a bolt and screws, and attached to this belt was an S hook, strong enough to hold an elephant So severe was the manacle that he had to go to a blacksmith's shop to have it off, and on its removal found the iron had eaten right into his leg, His whole frame appeared emaciated so much so that on placing him in the scale he only weighed 36 pounds. The only excuse prisoner had was, that he with his brother had stole a halfpenny, and he wished to correct him. 1 lie inhuman monster was then committed for trial, at tne ensuing Surrey Sessions Oh, list awhile, you tender parents, Listen to this tale of woe; This is a sad and dreadful story, As ever any one did know ; There was a cruel wicked father, Who did not use his children well, Shun’d and despis’d by every neighbour He didjeside at Camberwell. Could you friends, then for a moment, Credit there was such a man— Such a brute or wicked parent, Living in a Christian land ; Who would use his infant children, In such a sad and awful way ? Hsavily ironed, starved, near naked, Near 12 months in a washouse lay. The boy was aged scarce eleven, He in a dreadful state was found, Chain’d lOmonths in a dreary wash-house And weigh’d but six and thirty pounds A thick iron belt he placed around him, Nearly starved, and naked too, Manacled with a dreadful shackle, With an iron bolt and screw; Implements of horrid torture, The father placed upon his child, And when the wretch beheld his suffering The cruel villain on him smiled. William Fry was the monster’s name, A carpenter, we understand, And the barbarous torturing villain, Is unworthy of the name of man j Jus ice surely will him punish -1 Iis tender child, mark what I say, Had worn the instrument of torture, 'J ill his right leg had worn away. Neighbours oft who dwelt around,| Melancholy cries did hear, From the washouse prison sounding, “ Father, father, father dear ! Do not kill me, dearest father! 'J hink what pain your child does feel Bui the wretch had no compassion, I is heart was either stone or steel. When in that sad and dread condition, The child was in such torture found, Though his age was just eleven, He weighed but six and thirty pounds 1 What was the excuse of that base father, Why, to the Magistrate he told, That once the boy and his little brother, A halfpenny they together stole. The villain now is in a prison, And there in anguish he may lie, Waiting for a British jury, Such a monster for to try, When, no boubt, they will him punish, Let him know and feel the pain, Which he caused his own dear infant, And will not dare to do again. Now to conclude this dreadful story, »Such as we do seldom hear, When the facts are laid before ye, It cannot fail to cause a tear; His sufferings none can imagine, When he in irons did in anguish lie, Perishing with cold and hunger, His brutal father standing by. II. DISLF.Y, Printer, 57, High Street, St Giles.o nai no-{ «ofiifwa í¿ I.«<íO «aow le disi ?idí oi ßyiai.l «X10Í8 lulbseib bna fise n ai siifT ; vofid bib ono vn.o »y« oA «lodisi bed 'iw lame a -ew ei >tíT I «iíew nsibiido erd ee/j ío¡ bib odW I mix’ tote h xi? 'O vtí b’eiqasb ' na b'omiS .flewTodracÓ ís'ebiaeilbib el! «risvoie' 901C08 bega esw vod odT «bni/oi e; w Jais íéioaoib .« ni »H a8iTod-des7/{U!o tb a ití adínomOÍ bniadO abnuoq yi-iiili ban zia tort b'dgtew bnA «mili bniioin beeniq ed îlort ami ioidi A ,ooj Lodali bua «beviate yliaeVI «oWostíg iidfcaeib a dirv/ bolean a W ; WS108 ima dort noii na rtfiW «eu'iioi brino rf to ainaaolqrnl .Mide ?id rioqu beoafq ladini odi' gnnefhiÄ ?'ni blededdeiex fi rii :; ;rtv/ bah .bnlima ami no nteffiv feme erti’ .9/naiT a’-rsianorn odi arrr nd maiiirW .l'.teto: • flirti 9v/ .foSuoninó A ,nìr".r gnriiniioì avotadiéd Of.j Li A ; niiiii omnn odi *o '{rthrov/ni/ ;;] - rigirine/ miri liiv/ vie : "« jte !U{ «yaa I Jai fv/ ri ¡arti ,ì bíiífo • loba ti eil i .oiuno r *ìo laomm * /t i 0 dl now bnH ■\Brrc : now barf pi li' eh ¡.-id ;i¡ 1’ jjbuno te Jíewb o. An fi-. , eiuodibc?M ¡.01:1 irtb S ¡odemriji í «guibn ;a íróariífj o f'UOllr. aw orti er-ivi ! meb •i jo'tef «jedJirt «leriiad •* ' ìedj ni tenaob «eia in ri j0/1 0{j feei asob bfirfe mo/ nraq jpdw rinii! ¡.’ •'■'<> : oa ■ Iw.« rivo.-/' , i ¿