ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN Production Note Project Unica Rare Book & Manuscript Library University of Illinois Library at Urbana-Champaign 2015 Horrid OF A LITTLE GIRL, AT ACKHURST, NEAR WIGAN. T& '! / U murder A most ctuel murder lias been committed at Ackhurst, near Wigan. The unfortunate victim is a little girl, the daughter of William Houghton, a farm bailiff. It appears from the evidence of the little girl, a sister of the deceased, that a man entered the house about half an hour after her father and mother had gone out and asked for her father. He was told that Mr. Houghton lived there, but was at the farm. He then commenced au attack upon herself and sister, striking herself and sister savagely with a hammer. Deceased ran out of the house and he followed her, returning in about five minutes He struck witness again with the hammer and kicked her, and afterwards threw her over the hedge into a field. The man did not appear tipsy In the evening as the mother and father were returning home from his employer, accompanied by a man named Parkinson, when the mother, called the attention of the father to something a short distance from them, and remarked about the ducks being astray. On the father stepping forward he was horrified at finding the dead body of his child. There were five wounds on the skull, several of which were sufficient to cause death. No trace of the murderer has been discovered, although a reward of 100/. has been offered, Oil list, you tender parents dear, To this sad sad tale you shall hear, And when the same I do relate, It will make each pitying hea: