ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN Production Note Unica Project Rare Book & Manuscript Library University of Illinois Library at Urbana- Champaign 2013 r7 a J, k a It's of a wild and wicked youth, one Johnny Shep- Right down the stairs together they blunder, parcl Bctb she wouldn't let go the plunder, ]'m going to tell y®u the wboleof:the truth, So he cut her throat asunder. Arc.plug dotvny dodger f;6wsooth, _ 71ith his long sword, jack-boots, bridle and saddle When the murder wa4 done,.Jaek and Blueskin dice Was Mr. Ji4nny Sheppard. stride On to their horses and away thev did rides- 1?Iow,-here°gocsto be n-Jaek was neat and trim, Arrived at their home, 'at the break of the day, And as nimble as a little deer ; Says Sheppard to Blueskin, a word I've to say,. At the age of ten, like Many'other men, As to murder you know, we never agree, Jack could do his beer. Blueskin, no longer you work with me. All for his good to o'ne Mr, Wood his'prenticeship Says Blueskin, Captain, forgive 1ne,-T praay, began, For putting a noisy old woman out of the way; 'Pao' he would shirk the carpenter's work, Oh, poor 31re. Wood, why did I cut her stick 'For, he was sttch a fast young Kati.. Out of old Wood's shop round the corner he'd pop Jonathan gild vras a gentleman steeped to the lipt To t? e alehouse to geta drin crime, With his gaeer jtAls; and very Haughty gals, ° e d hang up a prig or coolly out a throat at any fime ' At t e.Black tian 1trDruryLane. Jack Sheppard and Blueskin-to6k tohim the bag, But he swore ho meant to cook'em' or else N*m to Jack 1ved lii3_-master's daughter fair, scrag. But ; hith she (lid nothing care, Spoken-Now, u'OEr Blueskin's tuttian, J l . So Jolnnyrihepp; rd. found it there became a fiinisl ed knight of the road a, regular tip All, hoop cle doodum do, ..topper' But you nifCSCst know that Jack having g yea Now he would not wort: industriously, up all hopes of old Wood's :daughter, lzegan to faeL But'gct into bad company, - Mormohish iiieliiied. so Jak.miy thought that honesty Was all hoop de doodum do. 9uo ho picked up two nasty brazen hasseys, . Who .stuck to him like wax, Spoken.-Now Jack having become acquainted As long as he drew his poniolo, lvith one of the members of the Anti- Ohristian Young 1 Or stand a quart of . max. Men's Society, named Joe Blake, who had the this- Of course they were so virtuous, fortune to fall -into a oat of indigo, and came out Is couldn't be otherwise. the colour of ultra-marine, .cons'equeutly they called Pink booty they'd sport, and petticoats short, him Blueskin. Now, Blueskin was en old chum Besides a pair of black eyes. of Jack's--in fact they were as thick as thieves. Jonathan Wild took Jack Sheppard, Says Blueskiii'unto Jaek, I say, Jack, Captain Jack,., In Newgate had him safely bound; Let's go old Wood's : crib to crack, what say, lack, ? But Jack he swore he'd break his fetters, We never fear -the man, we'll collar everv imag, Although they weighed four hundred pound, After that we'll share the swag, what say, Jack, &c: But on the morn he was going to swing, sir, ' Jonathan grinned with demoniac glee, Rays. Ja&, with all my heart, I'm inclined, says Iaek you've got me in a-string, $ir, But Blueskin, ere we start; no violence, mind- But in six months after you'll swing like me, When I cry all right, be a trump and follow suit--- Then he rode up Ilolborn.hill in a cart, in a, cart, Gotd and Silver, Ind, to.-boot-All right, Jack, &c Out of the punchbowl book a swiil,'in a cart;; Poll Maggot in fall dress, along Yh Edgworth Bess, At the peaceful midnight hour, Both gave him a caress, in a cart, in it cart. _ Milt lr: pistols primed and look so sour, When all the.Charlies were asleep, Arrived:at the tees, Jack Sheppard, says he, Dowd to old Wood's crib they creep,: Both jaunty and gaily may I burn, Jacky with his 4enini forces the door, lf I don't stiek.:like aiftalai ink pd they slowly creep along, tha."11oor. upon :tlre blIt aibtset _at Pyh {c Says Slueskin ltow old Vnood cues snoreo he died bravely at TybttxnR Bays Jacx'to Bluoskin, hold your Jaw; tcd with hta stiaas on''at Tytipo, flu#, of the bell old mot6r WocKl jumps and screehes rlteK all, hts new c tlyes, yr n he tune l* eta i o 2 d - t JedV $hB ard by a hrecrekres o, lcraft'g g gta fattier: at 'Ij bt tz 'F '.. 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