ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN Production Note Project Unica Rare Book & Manuscript Library University of Illinois Library at Urbana-Champaign 2015 9-r? LIFE TRIAL SENTENCE AND LAST FAUWELL XU TIIE WQRKL D Gf AlHB MERRITT \ Ifor the MURDER of James Merritt hr Husband, by Poison, on the 2kth J;n. 1853. ^,e dreadful dose si e gave lier husband, ' Sa So n after which Jame-Merritt died, And she wh"n taxed with the foul murder Strongly the deed denied. If . /A ■ E. Hodges, Printer, (from Pitt’s)', Wholesale Toy Warehouse, 31, Dudley Street, Seven Dials, Air—“The Waggon train." 1 "Re^Pld a vs retched raarried woman, The mother of a family, 'For the murder of her husband, f. Doomed to die upon a tree ; . Oh! whatever could possess y®ta, On that sad and fatal day,-. For te prepare the dreadful prison And take her husband1« lifeaw&y CHORUS. See a wretched wife and mother, Borne down bv grief and igpsery* Because she did In r hu»b.inji-iniuiiter, Doomed to die upon*e. Anne Merritt »the wretched culprit. In Peaitee-place-she did in Hackney dwell Her husband was an honest turncock. Respected and esteemed full well. A husband kindr-a tender father— He was unto hi&family, Besides he was an upright memlai* Of a Burial Safety, On the twenty-fourth of January,’ The wretched woman »he did g©> To a shop to buy the fetal poison Which hasjjjpved her overthrow. At 'esn tb suspicion fell upon her, And to justice she was brought, Tint no »ne would the crime discover the s,'•• v! «fiw i th mü?,n\ *.3703í ¡b amn. siti i fi :■ «irto tifi tyífi' •Míjtí itti *!.1-»UllM« b»dí>Í9IW is. !>»«/«* 'í-fil'W V>K4\6q *HÍÍ jrí¡Í4 StM i!» í? bí If Q-H./J?. ti V? -tí ;*»o a-nliliiío 'gfu !i«l» -rad Asm LnA . ÏM# «Wï»ïsrii ftí'*Ós«K*f«íi.iCI . /■fifi is t bife e.írt Jut's 3*HS.V Sí/Ao ae left b«A. ,»í'« jíí!/:.ií 9jiii aba |>i(I [Oí- ;aíti«« srft b » íj.M!#:jiarS fiOa§b;:¿«tlT fSd feü-jiftßd ie-W- u-’t i-ÚfftÚ »íiftA. «’-tokíab a di li tfb.^Jpár/í Al Isw-àt» adì «O *Jl‘¿ y>vr ,Î99ia ori î! «ad íWmbH PÇ-S» »"lâillaM 908A to #31* »dl Í A W)3'tt »àiïirij ».•>» «« > t si_ ■ ;«;&>#>/Mi'iifi!1’ mua bum i*n'.V «laiilÿoaHia fifiîyd hui A -t y «ai «T j. "f ’fe mufejio §«rs«w a -loti ods t« taw ade norfW »Ab ; ¿i •»«» «in-do# & heb -nlS féùitejfa ban vtoi ol leafe on«d«urif t»M i avli oí fe-oí) illíriW .ßftlotd eftri wi*v naiviut aril »rife J«S .tiiiw taluia-jab ,a*«f tt^J»ÎW .-¡»tito«! î?im ins'ftthaÛ .aiti >» «*m3''G‘J ei i^ucfìdw snus'if isri #»fr.{ »rii olili.* »il «p ,iainw% « od«l ,«sf*flr9! bau-^hK __ .»tei i«1fe«»ib a Jli-nalff «mì t-saciWffi fen* ,oo«« ,|iigin .ifejw ■»■»boo'A imi ooi ai ji torba *»i>ï Jÿio^nfljaB -rav» #«« jaJ ; »rar a süiiV ¡« n <ä »»roij-w MdbHi» i •••; n*rw iùM Mi ~ ift. är fi ,!> ca«J«oH i-htJ twM sj*oj..I )» «¡{({¿mu: »¿j >,, 4 ^.*7^ ’'V'THTIV •,-* ê r ’ ^mi\ì V! : ; >1^ ”S^aHp. ^ £S|W?gS _ ••alod-.t «od) ,1 .i«h4l .»»'gfeoK M |dMI ,Í8 &ui94hvtW yoT »i#* ,!iì«td «a# »8 SS9®e«*MH&Ô0©99 C; S* 30 '.nb«l ¿ftíg;|tiY, -»¿T ,.«amo# bain«« bad »lai >t a ,id;ia«ì s'to isdioisi .„IT tx l'-d ‘iö téna »«il Tapi •. ; »1} 1 alb «I fe- :a ti'I »feien ífjttfoq hlouoiaral* ! dd bits bu ht'ù » it CKHti’C-, Í¡u%saib o«} si.íft|’ní|, ul n/f '<«**’ i’fefißdtfjd ieri y->!«i fettí.r’" ■ferJHÜH3 bfi¡6 a’tiw fearisl«!-» e ;_1?3g.3 feosiah* yj «*«,*> S;r;,3Íl .;fitt»íCecfeaul«»d tú bìbule -¡»««saff ■•xht- J? 0Çi{« aífe.Ql bMutccH . tntjíi»® bodól^Ev ari* •í tSnitlí se s è itewaferfisaH in bife ari* 9 »út -»»j «l .a*o»«n»i lüsnori o» **B •fi ■ .-»".«ÍÍ» ; hjici. fi, • ;, ;bK:.b *« bog iahiiä « 1© '4fU«raÍ V riliBoi-tfkiatfi »di o(> -** «i* Mi MUrar ItBai'ti w od'*'9WB - ßS>»< ( H.3Ì.Ì lili »JHÍ : , ' - 'b I I