ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN Production Note Project Unica Rare Book & Manuscript Library University of Illinois Library at Urbana-Champaign 2015 8176 LINES ON THE SORROWFUL END OF MARY AND CAROLINE BACK. ^T^Tvith their death on Sunday August the third, through the jealousy of the lover of the srs eM a o line " Dover. The perpetrater of this fearful deed is Didea, m the serv.ce of the Spanish Leg.»« —and'the cause of his coLiting the murders was,-Firstly,-that he believed a false report that was current, which was, that Caroline was pregnant,-Secondly,- because Caroline returned his portrait and they wei «■oing to part; thus, for these trifling things have two young and beautiul women been a sacrifice to Ins mid,position, in memory of wh^liese^ersesjravebe^ r R E L A T I V E, f'JOME all you lovers I pray fake warning, ^Oh. list to wh&t I now relate,' How two young girls in vouth and beauty, Met with such a dreadful fate. 0ne loved her lover as her own brother. God bless you both! her parents cried, But far away he did entice her, So then he murder’d his future bride. The girls brought Up by honest par.-nts, Strove to keep them in the fear of God, Until Caroline saw her base deceiver, She always feared his avenging rod. By artful schemes he did entice her, bo when from home she was far away, Tic conquer’d, and this base seducer, lie took the poor girl’s life away. On Sunday morning, Didea Redanies, Unto his lovei’s parents went, The unthinking mother with persuading, for her departure gave consent. When at three o’clock on Sunday morning, With her own yster dear, The villian (he Lgws of God was spurning,— Poor girls thy's&ufferings were severe. Scarce two hours after they’d departed, The villian was on murder bent, Wot only murder, but seduction, It was this viliian’s base intent. She struggled hard and cti< d for mercy, And .Vlaria to her aid diil go. But in spite of the poor girl’s bewailings, This monster proved her overthrow. Not satisfied with a deed go dreadful, * Tier sister would not from him part, So thinking that she might accuse him, He also staib’d the heart. 1 i\e dreadful wounds to each he’d given, U unself from them hediiji relieve, as 8 & § 8 m s ® :s ■¿Z $ 8 8 8 i 8. 8 ■£Z 8 8 II 8 8 n zs. 8 8 & '¿t 8 8 s 8 9 W Let’s hopetheii souls now rest in heaven, And he not know a moment’s peace. Oh, what’s the feelings of their parents?— Perhaps the support of their old age While thev cry, ‘'My children, we can t for,, get you, - < We shall go with sorrow to the grave.” The poor old father in anguish weeping, The mother her daughters does deplore, Oh God, in mercy take me with them, My darling girls they are no more ! But still thank God the murderer’s taken, He tried himself, hard to destroy, Let’s hope, for once, he is mistaken, And with torment Justice may him annoy. Let’s hope young girls will all take warning, Of foreign soldiers I pray beware, Or like Caroline Back and her dear sister, T heir fate you, perhaps, may also share. The following are the copies of the letters written by the accused to the sister Caroline : "My dear Caroline,— I receive your portress (portrait) and letter 1 am glad happy unto de ,th. I am glad that you roe not forgotten, and I beg you lit me every week one letters 1 have since that time than I from you depart must, no happy hour to live to see can and I thanks you for yours truth love. I hoppe next month to see you. I do wish God speed you well. Me coinplaments on all familie 6000 tousand kisses. Good hie mi dear Caroline, you truth. Mi not forgotten.” Dedea Redanies. 28 J true. “Dear Caroline,— I complaments you, and petition you to rite me wherefore you of me letter not answer reply, rite to me wa- m . I you to offend and I do no wherefore you t* me grief are. 1 hoppe that 1 you in a while ago to see, to be home dear Caroline me portress I send—yours me send when reach it is dear Caroline- I am you not to forget you hist me eternal joy. I kiss to you and to continue your truly Dedea, I mek me complaments on ail famalie. Good hie, dear Caroline Dedea Redanies. “Four tousand kisses for you, my dear Caroline, all sestees and bioders and vatter and mutter, and me iittle broeter Alexander.” E .HODGES, Printer, Wholesale Toy and Marble Warehouse, Grafton Street, Soho.