ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN Production Note Project Unica Rare Book & Manuscript Library University of Illinois Library at Urbana-Champaign 2015 mm • STARVATION K. HODCtRS, Printer, Toy and Maro!?. Warehouse, No. 31, Dudley 8 ceet, Seven Rials. ggg s COME all good CluEtians and 'give attention, tAvto these lines. 1 will unfold, With heartfelt hidings to you. I’ll mention, I’m sure ’twill make you.r blood run ould A servant niaidvane ,|an<‘ Willbre-d, Reduced to mere skin and bone Ry Irer cruel mis' res? arid her mas er. Near to the Temple they are b..vth well known,. Tl ■ese. cruel monsters went to, engage hpr, At Edinontun, aa von sl.ia 1 h -ar. Rut lit tie thinking of their «rue! intentions,. To Pump Court she did repair When this poor creature the house did enter, Little thinkiog of her cruel fate, Rut these two inhuman monsters Soon practised ou tlie poor girl their, deadly ■hate. They made her rise in the morn so early, With blows upon her arma and head, ^nd little food to subsist on— They tore the hair from, off her heath They cruelly beat her, and did ill-treat her, '¡¡’bese two \ik Wfetches in human shape, m Dry bead, and- mustard, wi th cold water, Was the food they made tb.e poor creature take. So close confined was this poor, female. Till death did stare her in the face, With cat’s meat broth,, and nearly naked, 8he wandered up. and down the place; And if the qold sire did complain of, Her mistress with stubborn airs, Would say. \ou slut, get on up, And go and scrub down all the stairs. May Justice soon overtake these mon Base wretches may. they eel their dro®«, Fox; cruelly starving poor Jatve ilbred, All in the lieight of healtu a*'dJbloom. Without shoe»,-and stockings they made fiat labour, And nearly brought her to Death’s 4vot> With cruel treatment and ill usage, Ref body was one mass of sores. And bring the twoinbumas monster» To take their trial all at the bar, Where power and justice will s.ionuorUA# them, For this most cruel and inhuman &ed, For starving of poor Jane Wilbred, The like before w.C did never read.'JU $&&&?? MMT4VS#T% i 3/#Oil! hf-.’>" bit* itiiic '<&$ i.lata »■«{ id'i fjbiiiit y_-»4J fco«ft »i* * ' oi; ,r-« u. 7 >irft l»Wbtoo c«oJo f'-'t ->iu (M i> ii *w*l* bib Ui i • , ■■■.:■■'■ •, hm I«» i 9M'*li bj; a* »fa ban rsui. ■ ■ ' ..imiiii wBaH iotui ^k.rco i«* , ¿’» nt*md V I'!sM «* HA .siymi.vad; jitbJiiV*' Jjfppllt? Iftft isWUfii * «am)* Hwme aao«st# isil' /-■ ... / ■ ■" ; ’ /.. »Sfif! irossbonil eY’ih'O y-v«» y*-M , V ‘ r r * ataienoai MUiunM owj »«U gehi baA ,iwJ #il* i* |i* Uvti «1 v £»►.* JKhr (w^aj, *&**&. or. fr-rifu bos foasa .isoa* aids -fa? -'*bn#W 3iS#| .wa^^lb^KrW» , j&trS'i iortfu WIMIWWWW8 : . •: a.- £?tt ts:SSSBS v*«?* (•'. vt/F atnW^I .•¿v.iGOH .51 . ■'itos'tS'' fc'fslwl .TSboiS ¿¡WBib’fHlIfW .¡sleiil ^ss8 .(I.itj; . i.y i; JJ !.•>• j> fis ’.'IMOO ,KOtf ,' Er*r 1 $»«« oittfj 7’/; i: ;' t«V 32f!ii'.;b .. lj”vvi .fb'W r -itY «;.••! !■■<(«>.; • •/ -tibifil K**' »:iss ob! »bittfift ¡7 '■■«<■;;'. *»!«» Sir,mu A ..»jfi b-na ard-t «i-.n oi'{-®»ub^5l - via lad bra >4*'«« foot* wi \S i;-.vr tii'.d . >t«ii vkjiay'l »tii m fttn'/i •yiwc.ti Of f«9W *ra.'*nO«B i»sni 3*3»IT • «. .mtcLi *u* !»••» aw jA ^**iJs;r *&i««f f:« * i4b r>.i* i3 «(uie‘1 «T ^•1^09 i ib 'jail 'd 5(U fflij;*«; luraj will* *rfi! /f ,«tst tatm t-s»i \t> kitiiotiit altifil nsifUl till 0*1 »ttkrit illii si«(!,3 .ligtsoq'baatfitciMf noo<3 .Ojliii tl'-'.Vj c* c-iC-r 31?» oi aeW tod ibises fi./Z.ii itam «fat* ‘»t.i uacja 1.2 i if —110 asada® of i t olijii ¿n^k 4»»d a»d toj*Bvittbiii aalAgiol.isdy , tr>i maMM im ,wi tmd\\l urs i%4Tt ««fa* #*8»d «iiflWlt »li# Ml MHp ^ 0\00 y