ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN Production Note Project Unica Rare Book & Manuscript Library University of Illinois Library at Urbana-Champaign 2015  CHRISTIAN PRINCIPLES RECOMMENDED; A SERMON Preached at St. George’s, Hanover-Square, o N SUNDAY\ October 18, 1752. By JOHN GARDNER, A.M. LONDON: Printed by G. Woodfall, at Charing--Crofs.I \CQoM5VJ T O William Foster, Efq; Joseph Foster Barham, Efq; George Downing, Efq; This Difcourfe is, With the utmoft Reipeét, Gratitude and Affedlion, Infcribed by their Moil Obliged, Moil Obedient, And moil Humble Servant, JOHN GARDNER.(I) -----1-----------------————% --- ——----------------—------- PSALM cxix. 9. Wherewithal pall a young Man cleanfe his Way, even by taking Heed thereto according to thy Word. HE R E is a Queftion of the utmoit Importance to us in the Conduit of our Lives, propofed with Per-fpicuity, and refolved with Brevity. How fhall a young Man ? one whofe Blood is warm, and Paiiions impetuous, one who is conceived in Sin, and brought forth in Iniquity, one whole Heart is naturally fet in him to do Evil, one who is furrounded with Dangers, and encompaffed with Temptations, one who ruiheth on to Wickednefs as the Horfe ruiheth on to the Battle. How fhall fuch an one fo regulate his Conduit, as to be meet to behold God's Prefence in Righteoufnefs, and qualify him-felf to inherit that Kingdom, where no unclean Thing can ever enter. There is furely but one Way to be taken in order B to(2) to the obtaining this deiired End, by being early brought acquainted with God and his Laws, by whom all Things are fet before him in a clear Light; where the State he is bom in is moft pathetically defcribed, where he is inilruited by an infallible Mailer as to his Condition by Nature, and as certainly informed what it may be by Grace, where there are not only Rules for the Conduit of his Life, but to his unfpeakable Comfort likewiie, the moil gracious Promifes of Affiilance to enable him, to run with Patience the Race that is fet before hi?n ; where there is a Fountain opened for Sin and for Uncleannefs, where lie is allured that though he is polluted and iinneth, his Flefh fall be frefher than a Child's, he fjall return unto the Days of his Youth, Job xxxiii. 25. to that State of Innocence from which by the Tranigref-lion of his iiril Parents he fell. From my Text therefore thus opened and explained, I fhall take Occaiion to infill, Firft, On this grand Truth. The ab-folute NeceiTity of Chriilianity, in order for the due Regulation of our Lives, which will lead me, Secondly,( 1 ) Secondly, to apply the Do&rine of the Text by drawing fome Inferences from it. But firft I am to ihew the abfolute Ne-ceflity of Chriftianity, in order for the due Regulation of our Lives. For the Illuftration of this important Point, it will be neceffary to coniider the State and Condition that Man is at prefent in. Adam came perfeft out of the Hands of his Maker, endued with fuch Faculties, and poifeifed of fuch Powers, as might have enabled him to have qualified himfelf for the Enjoyment of his Creator, for ever and ever, in Heaven: But he fell from the Situation that he was created in, and forfeited the Glory that he was intended for, Sin entered into the World, and defaced this beautiful Image of the Almighty. No longer did he retain any Likenefs of God, no Features remained of the Divine Original. His Faculties were impaired, his Reafon was weakened, his Light became Darknefs. This fatal Confequence attended the Tranigreifion of Laws ; a Confequence fo terrible, and of which he was fo fenfible, that Ada?n exprefles his Senfe of the(4) the miferable Situation to which he was reduced, by ftiling it Nakednefs: He was then, though too late, convinced that he was made naked to his everlafting Shame. It was not the Nakednefs of the Body that he exprefled fo much Deiire to hide; Nakednefs only conveys an Idea to us of the miferable Situation into which his Soul was brought. It was deprived of its Innocence, and expofed without Shelter to everlafting Vengeance: It was ieparated from that great Being from whom it {prang, who is of purer Eyes than to behold Iniquity. Separated from the Fountain of Life, in what a miferable Situation muft the Soul be, Things that are naked are defencelefs, and become an eafy Prey to the Enemy and the Avenger. Mifery, everlafting Mifery attended the Tranfgreftion of God’s Law. In the Day thou eat eft thereof thou Jhalt furely die. “ Thy Body fhall <1 not only become fubje that he did, nay^ that when he would do Good, Verfe 21. Evil was prejent with him. What then muft be the Cafe with Regard to the Bulk of Mankind ? If a Perfon that had God’s Word to in-ftru8) the Failiion of this World paffeth away. Senfual Pleafures will rind no Place in a Heart, that is fwept and garniihed, and in which, the Spirit oi God hath taken up its bleiicd Abode. Riches will be conridered in the lowed: Light, for thofe, who are pofleifed of the true Pviches, only make to thei?ijelves Friends of the Mammon of Unrighteoufnefs ; they know the true Uie of them, and are fen-iible that they will not profit in the ID ay of Wrath. Temporal Power and Grandeur fhare the fame Fate, in the Judgment of aChri-Rian. Ambition and Cruelty can rind no Place in that Breaft, into which pure and undefiled Religion has once entered. It opens the Heart, and enlarges the Affections, turns out the narrow felrifh Spirit, that before lurked there, and lets our Neighbour in, for a Share in our Affections; we conri-der every Man as our Brother, for whom Chnfi died, and rince he fo loved us, we are led to do all the Good we can to all Men. The( r9 ) The eery Violence of our Affeifions be-comes even a Bkiling, when they are fixed on their proper Objedb No Morality is comparable to that, which iprings from Chriftian Principles, nor any Man s Life fo perfect as his, whofe Faith is right. If there be any Virtue, if there be any Traife, it is found inculcated and enforced the ftrongeft Manner under the Chriftian Difpenfation : For can the Chrijlian fail to add to Faith, Firtue\ to Firtue, Knowledge ; to Knowledge, Temperance; to Temper,ance^ Patience; and to Patience, Godli-nefs ; to Godlinefs^ Brotherly Kindnefs; and to Bro>herly Kindnefs, Charity, 2 Pet. i. 5> b, 7. This is the Procefs, theie are the Efte^ls of Chriftianity, as deferibed by the infpired Penman, and fuch Fruit muft a-bound in thoje that really abide in Chrift. Of the Things therefore that have been delivered, this is the Sum: We have traced Man from his original State we find that he is in a fallen one ; that he is not able of himfelf, fo much as to think a good 1 bought: We fee what gracious Provision is made by the Almighty, to extricate( 20 ) him from the Difficulties, in which he is involved ; that the Perfons in the Godhead have condefcended to take a Method neceffary for the Satisfaction of infinite Juffi ce ; that God was in Chrift, reconciling the World unto himjelf\ to rcfcue Man from the Dominion and Power, as well as the Guilt and Puniihment of Sin : That the holy Spirit is offered to raife him from the Death of Sin unto the Life of Righteoufnefs. Whether this therefore be the Means, the only Means, to enable a young Man to cleanfe his Way, even ourfelves may judge ; for all that attend to the Tranfac-tions in their own Breafls, that are fenfible of the Wretchednefs and Mifery of their Condition, will fee that there is no other Name under Heaven, given among Men, whereby we may obtain Health, fpiritual Health, and Salvation, fave only the Name of our Lord Jefus Chrijl: This I truft I have fully proved, I ihall therefore proceed as I propofed, to apply the Do&rine of my Text, by drawing fome Inferences from it. Firft( 21 ) Firft then, I ihall infer the Neceility that is laid upon every young Man, to fearch the facred Scriptures. If there is fuch Benefit to be derived from the Gofpel, it will not only be our Righteoufnefs, but our Wifdom alfo, to hearken what the Lord faith unto us in his own Word. Very great and excellent Things are fpoken of the Book of God. The holy Pfalmift afierts Pf xix. 7. That the Law oj the Lord is perfeSl, converting the Soul; the Commandment oj the Lord is pure, enlightening the Eyes. Chrift himfelf and his Apoftles have witnefifed the fame Thing. John xv. 3. Ye are clean through the Word which I have fpoken unto you. Rom. x. 17. Faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God. Heb. iv. 12. The Word of God is quick and powerful, and fharper than any two-edged Sword, piercing even ta the dividing afunder of Soul and Spirit, of the Joints and Marrow, and is a Difcerner of the Thoughts and Intents of the Heart. 1 Pet. i. 23. Being born again, not of corruptible Seed, but of incorruptible, by the Word of God, which abideth for ever. 1 Pet. ii. 2. At new-born Babes def re the fin-G cere( 22 ) cere Mill of the Word that ye may grow thereby. This is the Record which God has born of the Power and Efficacy of the facred Scriptures. This Book of Books therefore, if a young Perfon has any Defire to cleanfe his Way, he muft read, mark, learn, and inwardly digeft : He muft meditate upon it, when he walketh by the ITay, and when he lieth down, and when he rifeth up. T he Scriptures will make the Man of God both JTife unto Salvation, and thoroughly perfeSl in every good JTork. God s W^ord is ‘Truth, it muft therefore infallibly lead the praying, the ferious, the fin-convicted Searcher, to the Knowledge of thofe moll important Myfteries, Redemption by the Blood, and Sanctification by the Spirit of Chrift. When Wifdom thus enters into his Tleart, and Knowledge is pie nfeint unto his Soul, his Feet difentangled from the Snares 01 the World, fhed with the Preparation of the G of pel of Peace, fhall run the Way of God s Com-mandment, till he arrive at the new Jeruia-lem, the City of the Great King. But, fecondly, I muft infer their Duty who have Children committed to them. How necefifary is it for them to fee, that all who( 23 ) who are intruded to their Care and Charge, are brought up in the Nature, and Admonition of the Lord ! We are born poor helplefs Infants, inefficient and unable to guide our own Feet into the Way of Peace : Who then ffiall nurfe fuch tender Lambs, whofe Bufmefs is it to carry them in their Bofoms ? Surely thofe that brought them into the World, ought to take the utmoft Care to condud them through it. If Children are differed to grow up in all the Ignorance in which they are born, in all human Probability it had been infinitely better for them never to have exifted. Thofe that have freely received,, muft freely give, that Pojlerity may ktiow the Lord', and the Children which are yet unborn. How can any Perfon expert to receive the Honours due to a Parent, at the fame Time that he negleds the Duties entailed on him, by that comprehend ve, that endearing Name? IJ a. Son afk Bread oj any of you that are Fathers, do you give him a St one, or if he afk a Fifh, do you give him a Serpent. How then, can you fuffer poor Wretches to ftarve foi Want of the Bread of Lite, and let their Souls( 24 ) Souls perifh for Lack of Knowledge : Certainly thofe that are thus loft, will be with the utmoft Rigour required at their Hands to whom they were intruded. But if the negligent Parent fhall be condemned, how fhall they ftand in the evil Day, who have added Profanenefs to Irreligion, and Contempt to Neglecft ; who have not only failed to point out to them the Way wherein they fhould go, but have even done their utmoft to hinder them from purfuing it, have even forced their Feet into the Path that leads to the Chambers of Death! What Apology, what Excufe, fhall fuch Wretches make in the great and terrible Day of the Lord Jefus, when thofe of their own Flefh, fhall rife up in Judgment a-gainft them, fhall charge their everlafting Deftru&ion at their Doors who gave them Being? Surely in Comparifon of fuch Parents, thrice happy are the JVombs that never bare, atid, the Paps that never give fuck. The Church has indeed wifely provided fome Remedy, in Cafe of Negligence in the natural Parent; but alas, thofe that undertake for Infants, are often with Regard to fpiritual( 25 ) fpiritual Things not even Babes themfelves, and are as indifferent about the folemn Obligation they enter into, as if the Ceremony was infignificant, and the Vow, they there make, was to be of none Effect. In a Word, all that are defirous of keeping their Confcience, in this Refpetf:, void of Oftence, all who are intrufted with the Care, and would be found pure from the Blood, of others, mult feed them with the iincere Milk of the Word, muft not fuffer them to ipend their Time in raking into the Dirt of the Heathen, or in admiring the Inventions of Men, but muft bring them acquainted with that perfect Declaration of the Will ofGod, his Word, which contains all the Treafures of Wifdom and Knowledge. The Rule holds equally ftrong with Regard to the King and the Beggar, from the Palace to the Dunghill. There is one Law for the High and for the Low, for the Rich and for the Poor. If God give his Judgments unto the King, and his Righteoufnefs unto the King s Son, then Jhall he judge the People according to Right, defend the Children of the Poor, and punifh the wrong Doer, he will refolutely defend that Faith, H of( 26 ) of which he has felt the Power, and take Pleafure in thofeScriptures, which he fees are deiigned to make him wife unto Salvation. Men do not gather the Produce of Chri-ftianity from the Briars and Thorns of corrupt Nature. If we fow to the Flejh, we (hall of the Flejh alfo reap Corruption, but if we fow to the Spirit, we Jhall of the Spirit, reap Life everlafting. May the Grace of God imprint this grand Truth on the Hearts of all, from the higheft to the lowed, that we may go forth in the Strength of the Lord God, and make Mention of his Righteoufnefs only, that young Men and Maidens, old Men and Children, may praife the Name of the Lord, for his Name only is excellent> and his Praife above Heaven and Earth. Now to God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Ghofl, be afcribed\ as is jnoft due, all Honour, Power and Glory, Mighty Majejly and Dominiony both now, and to all Eternityy and let all the People fayy Amen. F I N I