ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN Production Note Unica Project Rare Book & Manuscript Library University of Illinois Library at Urbana- Champaign 2013 SL Crl L O # S. M YY . i ,i. t h { R }} t 11 00 ; NM .Ant, r" ate . R= r i w ¢ r W , i ,X hS4 i, .. ... t . .* 'Yt 4gi .. l 4 'tt r Opt 4 ~t ! , ; r ,, y t i Own a* a s y,. k t K ¢i Pro .# y }$° t +s .ry4'F:.6.t 4 Y .' p * F Y wt- "'pet kAj q 6 t 4 pt ill ion "Y:j t}x i#.p A4, q a. , "'. Y e I !. x 711 6, TR: 33 110 has ' x .ne" }.d' $ ", ~Fd }' Fi Y Ro- §ytrh..j " IDe Wan Vv 'x a T4 t' x t odtq 4 Y # 4,7 It 0111 A xA%' lie , A V At-1 "}. 3 + a } e fi . a' 'all 'a w Sill l ', r t 'fr f , 'y x3 "YF r k, YM .,y, x } s x # t . + . . gr- s }ar ~"". t x¢ t r" y Ft 71r 40 Q WAS 4 +4 Y 4 A aY Q %W JA x 5 P f r. m a' s ir. all a Fr ? r"... Ol, At Ski a Y ff x r P ; t Alin Ail. S 5 A" ^ v y { # 'on t ! t r e- 9- t y} x t iry d + 5 4 t ai ¢ t:: 5N} "? A # n +v4 {} m s d < PON + # r { r 4 * - ~ tea- ". ' x#4' s#, *{ 1 A x v,,' a nt x N -4, , k1i ion 114 o oo. .. o4o Iwo. is, A u# I All Ae 1 m k£ k Y fix, #y: ^^#'" ,{} x"p3 y kEx # # # 'sa iyt 4,".?'" ^ t Lkk^t }d {i, t i'oR* 5 , C "dot 5t M x t 5. Y 0% "no " .£ x Mot, k y t, 4i "fit 4 'no lot yak 5 4 . no ... 4 NO, t* x on" T J' :' 1 . Amin '-In: *. .. # a. # ..a '. } iF j h V. a=a y w 1 N-N 't pg, _""' p _x W . h, 4 h 3 5 h . t . 4. ) y S Y ' # h y e t may.. { ' .5 s Yt fi $ #uv4. t t' $v i. 5 .t " tx p6 :: 'x ' uS'v t x a K Ne. No. y" a T K I 4 ( L "y°, b e 54 i A, I Ox~~ ~ ~~ thAh -1 J!b W, a *equet nfrna#Ba On ad uEn~rageq f al Pfir es ta p: K hei _T1 %ar' u i~eWih ~~~ an s h Faf was pAinype~d iga ~In im-, th Jury,°x wirhaout -anygra Oext Day, in Putfance of Vbrd be received' Senimce of Dath On i~tay he 4 ~ th,,ine prvteCen; icl~rd That f %d waS noW atys C ~as to: Suffer~ rah. tbat -Iv kit heQiQ f the M f C4001 the, nViooft z 1 vio~ romies of Faorfrm r u ls they ±und to thir their buildin onG tMens Pron ~Fate cas~ SPd, adthat wahi Time t o make fume Preplararioni f hir 5Pa{Jige i another WQIl t' On vthe very Day of hirExecut Daisgaved Seppd the Eirue bywicen acc plifh'd his ReleaP who ivin in -the hourl Expeatlbon aWarrn fo imr hought it i ime to ~t~Hnd to th Plough, if poffibtei , iv hi rsdeflp king therefore, the Advantage of the Hu ®x ' cf the Priionl in preparing the othe t heir 1wm 7orn y he ..gan. I Opraio and dexrofl faw f atte 'r Spie overa the Hatch the Codm'-Hold on zu~ Sonm fithe Prgrf o ~it . e.. N . Frendcamto ii *bat Iwew nothing.. of. hes his latter End, for the Time o ' hi xecut ion wdi* be he !nextFriday. But epad; mho had. other. Thoughts eYes, fo my 4gea 4d an a Ifer faqys, bait, b -" ~domy be Endeavours to mizke In fal e Prope:, or- ,u? d Words 'to t- en tat f m ayan w hicea ay, the -DeadWrrn'c, dowii, .r' °hs Ex :~iowothe foiiowing"i e cmpleated hsWork; 4nd ha" npf~' ,Spike, ythe li icc onpIr Foc4S prf ~J~~WhCi1Wa, hug: 8 Thbe and ~ WW 9lWay,' adte otlier, n Uri~ heg the CAo - . '.. r I w Q 4 m. k{. x 0 S- 1.4 #m k Iw 40 0 ..g 9w U A 11 Y1m, / a@ t h. tJ e charg'd t1 e ach ~ tom- thncell heyferldr" ff without theeatSpciad us d atr the Wbhe-t)e4rt f r a e ary Healths and - ir iin o happ Delverahce,thydjundo -m~re 4cure Place, in Holbomrn wher, theAflltace of fme proper sImplements, ~~e icargd imelt of, that 4difagree } abl Glog, his Fetters a az aeward, ke had got Fi , Legs at Libry hs' old, Chum- t~wit Eel abu Kit moft advifeable tnt sto make u 'etQ9 erbtttaertoorner of the Town, and, fufl 'd -With Veir. good Succes, thqy refol' _,4 1% rfr that Night at ,a Ho J in hpt tre'ds, and pay their Devoton 1o h Shrine of ihe yot' YOMo Lv dgrown in foftef Pleafres. the r eei brance of their Da qgrs patt.. . The next. Day. ( beiii 'udy~ e frn.. for a Companio, 4 n whom h~e cc ~d r~ndoeW Ihn ~e uce' ~ i CareAkkaAwh, pqnthe Lin. :~If4~~l e~p f~i~,S~ part Cdcrfri IA ohftie ~uwyTpn, we . liv fre ftet thAtobe ~ fcut eoug fo hn~ who was uellFhm F dhpi tnie 'both of Necfliy andngexl, and, 1i ateieyto a4y ?ropiite e th fteef,th Pg 41* it rn be 1*'i * b~t c aCvil Receptin il ~tf~ houd~be -blownom e,~h io w V own ut i zeutis ehaving provided Sb~p )ard, wikh a utche~th zrs Frc, they meitl ea ierTrvlst fha therrei .eave em tora while to iettenle ~~o th Ra as wvv t hey can ake, a fot Dgrfio, to itdcQa tor) uander the. Sentenc oftrfp. Lrnd, taking Advantae of S ~4d ~Ecape and .thinking to idc i ~r to. appear in .his ,ehafad tcr his. Releafe,- framed the fo:ig enacing Leter, in the Nam qf # i rrfpndntSbeprd which h o, t a depend ony to be riatT .itof the Origina, -, " W- lk gym. i m ' e t r t r & t n n t c m - tousNm fJpSej~d j '~h1Iaws cif N~4 S, 4 44 ~ Afr, 4t 1 0 - * * 4 -, tbdt .5 if" beore' Th iecoe no4 Bo can Bla m e Ja t: ti 4ubo of it4reF ew *zb~~~ k'Fazbe ba Mi you oil f~d:beBenefit4 Atidmfye1 IP N0 Then ii .3 I N I mu fVr'Air r~) ~dh~i ~he~W4~ Aoe t Iie: 1" I 1 an Aww~er~ ~y Da Canfe Al. k Cauf of }in more ri nd ~~ lodd wih F'etters, (a nu which before was de fcn ed with) an fo :ofl e . tobe. 'till the Hour, ofk Trafprratiob. 'Aiid 4 kw Oe toe-arebi r In anprt'c ?dec3rilsDfoiio4a& Lu r al d o e eu t may 6 fI a g n #ned a od ~ ez 4one Motive to rc.. IrnnainfrthrS t~thi t~iy~e eer- Surrde, or xe ~as aU 4kw tleiv ACCmm.da mm# e thduemn t Qi~k u t~, xUe FI re tin.. w {es ', N> ty C4: SKr nt 4<>.. a . y.. ry x }.alt ; ., 4> f Ws. u cI .xp ii tt{ (jo)Y 4yz~~~bq~~ r. ~p/a ~ theirtirf Lanin~paee p, accidnalyfepigr tb~ Fieedom to~ w irSpp ~ Eiar~gveto ain~ )flS ofhsbUi, oPagr Kabtaion.L '0 1ot .hus vtl tli i~ fr v Y frouI d R efehd the de e n' ci 101ns In PwyL7 ~ (i&s o the Evnig more :difagreeale Acquainta p ut a fop to xheii- Deiig e A l2Eee cE a $hap-il l ~ 1iti~ c~rto wabhi rhe~bc ~s~ $ta ryte T~q $t1r~ goes, bodrit S1~pp ~n&>dem ed of te~ i T~ylo did ot 0 there? rIT r k4. 4d C, a f 3 IWO. CT. 4'ja fit I 4' (ii r v. t! ti, INL v OWN* it d.+' i Y4? 5W " u. k mv, 0N t 5 x x ito 44" t 4" 4' 4'4'4'4'4'4'4' 4" ~4' 4'44~ *4' rA,4'4'4', '4? 4',, '4? 4',' 7'>' 4' Ffhdwith tlsViaoy they i 4w es of i ae Tyk *~C v0fdc~ WO K U C U SS t h~ n id e y u LA lik T~dr1 Mi1 a hi Iimeiate rnarcb'uf' i howe ((t3 m ilk $c w yOflfec yciddna1 them;which he did, a nd fxeiZ~ ¢ n; ~ l Y~ tr 't '- - : . : - rv a i , 4 9 " 'x * - N M ' . I I d 2 loo FL..3 II} Q. 9 tIt Ii 4 t t o6 I I I 4 w A R, QTigQ ;for Wo himn o - ~ BrtherRefugee. it~ lard ha~ talctn &Cfb% , The Far's Daughter,: or oii ef s ~i4~f~un~ ~JW' Uj~T~tk ~fo~pit aea tG SPOOR, odl No'. as I. .redily- cenintc to IF4 &A'd , I: w+. h * Mt"rs o pthe F4 1, y. O p. 4Boyfid fb thircmhea bA oldier r l Geriret tj~mvrbe~t~Man buitthey catpe to, .~a~t x~hywr FeI/#ws' well vet. AL I W.M~ttheiSgr .i1l~~ a to b emakabep t~pup~ it Wel he brub op# r:.7 a air Adarket ; w hich m ight. v a Ah wel e oniue ~th poa rih ~~~~ aI iLki4d ~ rl'~ *40ji AO r afotRftfmm tIyeu 4hi bifsi a oac adFur bot, wo in the Afiternoon made eit PuliAEn through the ciy ~b~pa benga- Youh of Aiit' e atc mtedev'n at -the ver -be nWg at, to fprn ut of his Keepers Ams hn i~ them a .fecund- Chafe, t &P irnfccefsful in that Proeff. IHe was immnediately. clcapp'd intote 'ondemn'd-Hofc4 and fatne to the Fleer ~vih ouleFetters about his Feet. as convey d to Sir Frani:r ForB:, who committed :him toNegafr adngS and Afifting Sbeppadinhslt cabpeo As Mr.P-t is a Man ofgreat Condu and ~orecaft, he it was not 'advife ble Olink themn together, left they fbol4~ ,heir Politick Noddles to or gan md 'find out new Meafure foura rrefpafs. i i fhal now tere~e leave te i her feparate Apartments, to CQodh a t out, * - C' K 94, s rte. L1TTSEz ,V 3 y 1 K, N 7h 4. Spirit but. Spprd's Wol hae.been dep4V"'d after sucha 1ogSeries of Mstrun but Wilit thres Life ObereS Hops tdn Maa btow his own Stre gkh toll lie, tries it. H~wevt P4,~ beyodSn t f ac tertr b~~t his Br worak onc ,more, fn lays the ~~t f ~outh Efape *Som indulgent Fiend prtey eoi vs to him a fail Watchiiiker4 Fie ich, .he puts can a Air of R el" ioat, a repentant, Sorrow ir. hi 1, pt " has~r frequent Rebcf to hus "Bibc Thoughts employ'd in DiVin Co~ latior, that they mgc have. no E 40 ) jealof3' or Su!fpicio of his dions on a Future Elopement. w, But. this pov'd Hypocrify to the eLf~ for the onl y Uf in Reality, that he 4 fign'd to make .of that Holy Bok, .a Repoor, for that darllng Impleam usFile, werie he thought ' two ld mcdi afe; well 1nowing hsGuardi who" had a ia Eyepaver him7 f dOM dif urb'd~ their Brains about tes of a iritu4 Concern. Howcever, this Projel prov'd aborfiv~ *r f~m one more Qiick-fg ted= rati t; et, fa thro' his hypocrtl V eil r ifiruflld. a nake iltbe Grafs : -n Saiurday the t 2 th of September,' wa tit o i h hc ewell f o , was difroer' his ile drdp) OUta 9 Not= ifcs ~he- Undaunted raged at this "Il and Thdefit gaIe wA pardt f ill entertains. Hopes bis Releafe and refolves, Tian Bo nm, ~t _ma e w: ol like #an'J W Wrumenrs ifiQFe hw 1y~, efre her6h o &psmb Ihem, reains aSecret as cF pay, the dcepex' beinoleih )WYak' ilk fortune ILlpii@shm i~dhis~MatedChair, onthe- id 4 6th ~f&pe*er was pUuledcfei kUpon- this, new icvrth hinind ver ia, by WhatMes 'k of Toos wVas eydt Onbut abAt1 {.jay#d fo 4~ WWmy iecees , mio a wr ilgn vey ofthet. iher Trs toug ra ~et kme fo to who ar ,oi E3 Thil. indeedj , ws nly Sofk b f, frp fh gr r Securty ofris tolihey. eld him almoft to the $eo eCaft/e, wh ich is fart diltainfit apy- of h is, Fellow. Prifoners, and +h b~mdown with two Iron : -p e Here he remain'd foar 'about aFrt i ti aoehz but as he had ii enoughof all Sorts and Sizes, Room f: m'd rathber Fair, than a , -of Confinement ; and Steeppr keptx riLial Gaiety_ of Temper, and . I t grat deal of Pride in :returnilng 1 viral fmart Reparrees to divert hili fmall S urprife) 1taking aferious Wl ieor Me iain'fa about- -thb Uweverr ike a v.Man -of Courae . Ref~utioshecame up to him lrnlym a'd Why he was o IDutT, aid ka this Poll&? v Sppr,ii y. c q$ Maner, madeA Mfwm, ': ouleome to bc aWay izW Q N 4 (4 t.h 1" did 6. ~tl~ LSadthth ha mae an1t Praai ce ei ft Ner' during 6: Harm inwht h 'ddnIn& zy t ~ irrfp~o The Keeilev s a Tbtrn*asidf 4 litte hrd of Belief;,an pr'wi~ yte yep he hd, Io f over if r n No vifible Marks at fii~f~ arnear'd .po a friEt Examinatin m curious Survey, of 81 Frock, which lay care] , --,~ perceivd veryi Blck nd~ a: Upon tis, on of h Uder-Keeer Was trer'd° to s mout the Chimny, fif the Bran Bars hila crc~i~ bd in MSta U'go~ / * Reot wa foo -rugtdown tf £iwsf~ hwever' the c afc p Ioate iiim wt e Ib 4er wih t e ei Sto orn al*.te a i~r the uthyo getur to u o p1wd bewentem as inigi, of WeW fee hi fo flr~ abt Te T~i i she Cutry. tu* t pti&v w~s w~q1~ taen ~ i R'fat~t tepipt t roct thsiedn1 tht e hilo'dn~Thugnsri md.eosStt n oniino -never Bala~teTt~n ur'es which- w&en ind :t a,, ! Puit at the other ; 7oeeS~pr a Sat eniveIr pious Adn oYioh is'd ,Amendment4an hIk y° ei tily' (br .~ ghQl Adv wdhop'd; it would td t i oP l2yinthe Afrreo ieo i ffi a FeIno f an extraordinay Cha raar cni~ Oi his Poll, went up to Sb'eppra ~~~ok' ~~ ~ ~ Ud Capt G r~M1Gu~b n ' ~kr tte edy~Friends along wih him, who ada gr= eat Inclination,.. to- pay their? Rifea ethe Prifoner. * mor y t 17 t -7 2 .* j w t/) yY xr ,k # A d } via «. r '1 I f mx fbreefl fodid- SI"R 12 o' Clock he p4eipion- wthDe y fHn4 Sto rs~~1utw ett IisGuarde:&ta i lrf ehefound, the"r ftwn ,I? ntoff fadly ot fRpi;ra sWLoad _Of stik, 'Stone, aii oh bifh of whi-ch it was ~ffreding b R om The honeft 91 one that Man flar'd ati had ,~e a ~wn Sa~rSveryhilun Wieda etheL~e o~1i metime, exipvef the .Oc afien Weon Cenfidlon, r _7 1IGR okwver, slte a hety C e * of aRght Mdnd'~ in i a ~ of~1, nd 1ear'+Awt sir~ voun ~This t a$ 4',ryF- k .ThI_ N . ws, 0 wl ,l L f. an notflyfar, tofid ur it forgraei ; tI JLL th Keys .of the /fp:io 4 lfre hand. with them . hew' r Ebts a nd ars behnd h im, an r~emov'd them a, little frop thei pro Place. fro whch by the hel of ajp anket tha tif was erplo'4 the capa. ity o a ~ie,.a whidi leto one of It It& . ardon- for xf M~y Ie the ? Co*eie i Meafres ts miuo us.cp, ' ia Secr and as'tis 1llc ends he had no Brp his F As conpih lai Revae I Ial whkhr xs juQ copa copyp rorxi~~~~e tbee!;ada t W ~'eo ALZ1Q omtral R, TiT . qy d j } At o 4Wa&rn Ala bol SlC Ilk { ~l~pdb~? 2 B#:p*~tdMPrj/~i1(trxpbi ( y; Ar Brains, o? rz~zidr~ Boun * lr ft ic i'u m r. :'tb o "M: ibntak Care ted6v rch" y *bgesGoodmb ,. Votir Fri~id, ¢~ AnFurbe "Iu4 is here,, ufed, you mut Amnvli fo r h ape!, h by2Pei~ ief~ocii nv~~rL F2 LETr4- L~a ings of~ anlhi y~ ~vt~ep~r4always, ma_ I~ WOU wol have -proje ae H-, Eca fi.~f flrg ~g~ag~andf tis..d hi unrly. Deire . he witb Clog at is Tail? x.*vei Trammels as ar X (y undifcoered, few Pe fos travelluig tha Road at Lunfeafonable~ our. The Weightd o# iiOans, the LengtI of the =Walk, - andj the Fatigue h e- n beb~ hft outmune inc ne h 'm to Sleep without Rocki' H yy ntures toindulge his wearied F 1adWk Oshearty Nap mreelrd Habtatio rr the Earth I ~cd~and~rh Hevens hisCoecE ( xx Y .About three o okhe "ljiPd, I~ hisdrofy orzure w~~~k1 a porCoiryM4 low eafy 1te b. imWd to a ig "Wo hewv adwath a n hoWhe came ,there i4\ fuh I r of Bot>o, ~nwr toi Matc ~o ifor tuoately got' r Ifd not beIg ab1l3 it Is Nurtning, th Inownhim nto JwPr* fi'~,ad, O and Equity :a uble F" tters; tha h A. traty r o all Eunice laded him with Do -bad tieditatd, his, Efc V effeae hi Delveranc. Thex poor Man (hvn W iiir g l4 umnu than Brinas, land bang fo1o ' k~~~~~r~Qmerly the traqeof&stmkghi %f) took Compaflion oan his M isfbr tunes,- chimb'd w ith him fin is Se l;nnt conc~erning is P~euos *infivad of -endeavourinig to Scr i~ 0advs'd him to " go 'futher a Fi'i d tha might be* 1re - Jr 3 vrnpyuf w w ( j4,)x aon th f the #better, h e Si ~es~h beU- Of p~i~qf~oesw~hch e~ ha, brou wjt~h bim, t9~ t u PpI io ~k HIS Les beinC'g ° o nce ior ~t ~~t ~ibi~t, te ext T~n U~S to thin on, is, hYnow to nI IdYA 5 mnofi onk. He the. Before Confde~ig ca~ ei~x Wcknf jfhsPo1e iriagnatj~uesof - puts on ~ie tokr un4Y 04.,i S 7is7AJ7'7 gpY to, a pper 7YafiWzori ~s thy w~as, iff~w an cw ~ &~mdTbo~g:~ e ~I1,3 _. n r C s 00 Qne .,. _ N £ innt Flight, "and a mre fafe Retirement: ~our Hero , lik a oekE Don Mss.atal AV~ ~fIeso~u LOAJOV t hl e -determns to ,be his Scee o Aaon -and. the. 17th *qf was the frft that Was let into the 'ecr atdi f~a1 }xpece (or art oI bi iverhtedS# - n T is tnuitel er er -fbrihepr .hk, Moer,)bth wf knw eti.n. te~ es o f )i r Jtutuy + A t Hoi~~~ife6f call foi Nt n, td Mdotheri hf1a~~ ani .,tettet t, o X } q T' °- T 11(8. nith my wz~ toyuop ihtfe Line wj/ln you Ii~~bas I a at Tis prefeant Writsn ,.a I had;, in mkig j \4fO~ZTheCafA of Negg; L4. 1). 4 Ibop ~bg (b tk t1ra J~igs Crms 4aId frot lbe Ha ,PI M)m~.4d er A :er Jyetr fe/ o re doxba cog foso.~tb ad~7~~~ eUet 4~Thbn4r ol Ja ya kw w1)r~ Iurnbat are 4+ Aar#* ;3~ ~(~) J~r :Ja. x:j' )4jyrf*t N V a* # g aJ .$.; Ka 21 enn new Rtgiv . a Place -Of 0 I, and K" J l d r! : x1 10 I : A 't r~i ~~1~ k iiite al Breaches tha Tim an1 1Ong had made *in fbeof ,Se ommoitiles, h as (h k h W hi ) ahm c fIt e~ta;' Btvt !Knomswa no Q f t e toa l Qt Is L rd htner elve.r ~ow 4 y i a S. m. in m mry ifa hisFiend '4 m4 ~ L wit itz: o try 5 A ;a w3 f4 x .r JOHN SHEPAi~. And. r*dere to 4, 4hr O U A fi. f y. , i tI pryd~w~t 7LO That in hisl roonfi I1nge youo' bke OBut that rafh WaylI pray 6ofk Tbs~~ ~ forunate: ye you with Patience waite Telt*again yo ohi ae .,j ~tewet tfo~ what's am Sdoo/arfhzip R* £$ i +{ 4bisrcrn oi otlat ?r[n y' I;k JO H N , W lM. On the 29Yt h 1f O4ob7 h oe The. P4' was ld a Lane; 0TAs he was ~awy ver Aai e and1 Expeditious, w'asn t. Ie enterl'the Premif'es ind .-lti er hop, in- efi "f prper. Booty. In - .Trivels, he peck' w o r e !as he fuppos'd, a Bd in, a, Road ceynin~to, the Shop; and thux th IyA~lr in this trg CCd lk BrotSapi) ha perfona: .' fe darts, and cills to his Comrades .Ot au4~~~ IlrytSheaf the +rrg the HeRad-, i lei ef thi + « r =rs Q% KV G~ The Fellows hearin this e r~ek ad ii Satisain. Ths~~ WMut wited at fomne of m as af, without -aoy fit : 4$ 'lo'hs a SiS Wo~~ Y* Rigs ..s a iil aux w RayC ,Ir~eii fifceand x5lk§ bv o f the 1w edeto of'f Qbpi 5 lfica ~o~ thx~vs o~ qJ ba4go Im ir tci ioif x ae°e i m bolderoft ri ly ~ icleDty, the aef time b-sWhehe mna9 od a x dil g:# 7lW1 A 5 Mt S. a k !d. Y b I7 " A VI % A t 4' * w f. LE Ifft F '' 6 rt ) anAri/ aam -o the Fort, to V4fth none, are- admitted. to attend. )flier. Ifhor, "no to -a fion any. - further, New'gatF ore lkea Publick. Hallp char Onthe i ntb of Noember -h convey'd in a e 1c*wCoacb to idj er-If al there his HandwC .f taken o ff.; and being brought b Court "of Kings- Benc j the Recor4 his Conviaion for Burglary andF ax the Seons in the- O/d Bidey reid;and he makting no 0bjeaions, Attrney-eneral a that his_ j -c o u rt m a d e fo r , Fid ay n e x t. w be ' lof Was It A addre " himf elf to the Bench, earr Jy b e chin the Judges rt intec mht be ed; whi co mpl'd#YWith IBut 'beingakd he came to repeat his Crimes, afie EW * *ara 0fveyv wan1 5x kadof&I. ~ak~ inD~vy.Lne.fl~was kig ant teu . feey ftf wh a any 4imi butGd Alibty w. and 'that h9N bls, *WPP werelt- e n Cutp lad: to le %~nt hifl.He was e riganded no prpaig 6the 1' Name"e -od Mr.. Juflc fe takn Notice ofth Nube }n enui ofhis. Criis and ,iin $ m 0~o 41Q < fitb~ to. hi id Cie~Iriea *varded Sentec ofDahak iRhm and a Rule of ourt wasodedfohs Ecu in ou Irloda next. Hec told. "toe x .a.. AM! {Ccurt, . . ( 66) t1~=el :W hf . ~ws faten woa~teidd by, hi etheir' Fae. to N wewga, % h I4tbn fQ :cro of::Man. AC had .i e brc cons gwer hurt) 0On th I 6th, 4f. made hIs 14) L~c~pera~c, being the Day: ppoi frhis Execution H i c r 4 yrw~i attended., with, a numb omhp o~Speto, of nt~h ed in~ beiiig coi father thu that li ih Wi P Ibi {~~n Lud~ and give the Opip~~uni~y t tak a faremak1~s B~sG~ad~w; s thy h'dmd Lood~ ~ ~~~r &r6j Nfbrn ediy wit n (aba~ euQ i But the did not cr o~ farther than they cpdfehm ]w~kowing, x . ~eaIt an invicibl Siit an& Refoluti theU I~erfn1 gve 0fe his' hiSti inapirowllpI3 a r~t imfead of. :a Wh'Witei pa -. QGl ~oPreven hIMi rmSyo lick, ightly -ca.d t'-t '1a Cat couk neerbea odIouf This Sleppad re nt hihyend W, I~m Manropo' as bing, Fh "On ky.Man derabrtv~ is(at ~~iic Sttt* , i afioe 6fa'~ ae - Irow-beaced im feveely, and tk 71 fth O vrdes for a aria E h n t o f his 4CCOutremerns, lef fowe 'Jeapen War (ihot lie conceld and x, Ths a 5twfr1~ o u them th t _ If te hl 41 * T re1 the Mi.z C# chi om ar t h i then in pen Voaino h the ~0US tIr LPJ ifjy F}., n d N r ( ) .Give Me L eave t:o ad Mne mirr on ia e and whete in pov i 3 ~ mgrentj, a Tear c )ught, rather t b ropt* r done "h~n,- and as fae Ee ino t the Deas'd, at his own Ex ce, hjda Mourning Hparfe to re~ th Gd/we in order to }convey the Corps to fame d~ecent Place- of IntetB' tje I Mob, miconfru ng this goo rt eteili of his Fri eid, and mifakn it tfrd Anatomical Preparation of the S ociety ~f Surgeons, -declar'd ap W~r ~Inf the Cb ari ceer, fir'd ahi Cmo t hirir Zaded* Wi Dit aind Stns mad ob.t gd him tor quit- the Feld with -theL of b is'.Surn dird. T his Da Mr. P -y ha ofIig' the World with an Accontt ofhis moft Learnw- si Jukous Treparator kro. thi Occ fon, andl the Beha.iou 4>, 02,' Untr uaHerov f~eth Fiik trok ( tohsEcuon the 4~,'it wni~ ef u~em~lbal ~Y znia*W'S4#c3 1aimahMLw of di 1~ a M~ tl w't ivx , a F m i 4I SP~P~t4 n ' a Me i } t" M r Like him Iiv'd1 'ay, and r~ve?/?d in 12 ~4n~ allt,WD 44'efrcm. y efm W bo r t T 4botie a/I v Bo4s, ~ Ba~v f t x DrG C* ~~ M / t x . #O 4 P 4e.r I {y LL y p 141 -i .> 4 . 5 aa1'f t fit. 44 4 y two 44 4 ".mt Yy # a 4." t} ' "gym :# k x ry -L~ ..- r. 444 s." { # i 'x ii H I a . N RATIVZI, much tQ ,h F afurd heWorld NOndW ten by the Deae him e f; durig- Time of his Impifnuxzt. But, a dvtae to the Worl, I take it" fo ceive there ,ate ho ME OR Ahntk as11 vn; thin 161 f ablig' to ge my Reafons fi :bd a .09 The AerYW. Fron~i~c is an Affroi For aesh there r rpr~nted our. tumlingR Hedfremoft outq of the dentdJier when 'tis well knowz was M ale o more Condu a an, a at aways ptch'd apon his L~ My nex Obfrvaion ,'s thisTh vIr.-, in his formerf d~i S1qpr, has oblig'd the Word S fIts &cetos7khP ~d hs Ch r:e in tha rfi~a; reas inm th artze(aft pu hil'd per, oFigtoFacy andf.~om t muff eg M. US i h the lat-ter' Pr f~sRi~if tber oft: rell as NatUm *. ,r z .3 ' ',f !'4 l Uk isi %k k "7x Y :b a t Si A; k k+if fir' 'IM FtindQ N 7 e . ' .xKr * ttr t4 v In qy iW h~ ~pr t AIm¢ ~ the PoguIthought ab Epiou it aT tlnin hue, odfister Audience wihfmtig a.n iy lt the Pla benve o rgia inonthe Wrack,, . o hto ind Aupe B o t eo m a fte rt e W o Q iq.A n ': m t h f m M a nnl 'e r a n d -hfi n u e ct h t tertinc youwith fomething WhyandA ~ A t thoe la .'ee f rgc linesI w~stin~ toe t~e +oe tr. _ Ioaiftis, atd C wur ip t dl cs ofn Nde#', put tbifli minto welc:;fe Ade, Nt Aob ifny ~ isLithe, ie~ A eetn " a PAWial IQ' fay. &ter4W on rI de id~-?4 # ,f S/ B} .s jhat Thp{h ga S )et rk~ ,ci .at moiy, finc, ha Puifh'dIiic a e 'lie with the Deil ae, withhisGmes ;7Catpeter~ Uabit at Wrk upo the: Tip t-Te, re} toCanr ict off, rhe Pemif1e -, fo ks ie$ Is fl, l }coni } A . e Place And, take ,' Swing ~ ~~ed~ tQ an amOp';ta AA1tho m~, I anetp Ij naT eibltio, tht I oul C~o~ m hwi~ch th mok fAqr - tat hins th wptlI rv Wbi a~ ~~~~~~o toeal alt iteGe 4r - a . *l F Irk v 40 Y y. w . # 5 { f £, ".° x,°'.'5 a ,{,. mti k , ..v*w,' d {°-fi ¢®..u+. ::8.: £ 4' . ek :.. Au e K t v in~~isyoungrY Astherefore yo fed V 1Oe a bUs accidentaly. difaPpointed.Ihp 'excufe my not fending yuthe vfen t I~ tzended~ Pergas -fiend- 1711 a .' m s ¢' r} F- t 4 *I 1 U x-t 0 lw wi k 3 IrV 0i ";Im (Zl) 1bL&.&one, wh! ? eth rnor abl ..nme:atGlai maraeAli fde~ ' Wibr ti Narw .rifo §s 0ot Ib£S~ m Fr4 I.:.. -atrn'Tripi to rw_ I ~1 I 4 .;4 a- 2 tc rf h F r wti ' as eI 9..........3 i0; s to A> i r terft s we a oUS, as ZQ you, nd ce ht yo, e ~o~ick~uj p e~po di y kk I T IN) g d ak th H1 Nm y4otJ'I S M t# r> a It-IF 44 5,;F. 'll. C, t AA 00 ry W v 4 t .yt tr. : m CIO P 4 tb z _. a=eon r I N' I fa d. yesd i Iou azdJoo 1~A~JS. '~ ~6d n _ x i S t .: x x ,w ,. t x c ... 900% A, % { ss°". x: t7' GP t'. 'A 'kP 1....4 V r.t x!!ANN w, .: t tr ..' x :# :r"'4 } N k.k d vi# 'r :A ... Alois # Y' fly; Y y kij k k t z .K -no 12d q P SPA .. .. . .. Mu- U k #. Plk_ ... oil v v#Ri y t +:^r 7., " Put JA'041 A. U'P n k xx xx£ ' M r '1W #- z r '. k. z :... ;,.. A to '1P .0 X! 00 W 80", k * # No ## # k M " { x k A} rt+ W ?x x .0A M., Fyv? }: K # :tx i _ X* ¥x $ . WANAt% x '. ~ . k Pk. W WA m, J k, - o u''#.It x"+' xF '' °.x # l ' .td's #' k oil: Vo Sys -o- y Milk * t x ' 11,44- ; rut "A 'A # E t ow Ty m *x a g .: } xi x, f x x ;, Toi x; Ail .10, 77 AN _ Y h >>, w"' 2' .1 j> i x :h=