ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN Production Note Project Unica Rare Book & Manuscript Library University of Illinois Library at Urbana-Champaign 2015  % § JOHN HIGGINBOTHAM, t FISHING-ROD MAKER, (from Drury-Lane) At the GOLDEN-FISH, N° 98, oppofite Southampton - Street, Strand ; IV/T AK E S all Sorts of Fifhing-Rods, and all Manner of the beft Fifinlng-Tackle, Wholefale and Retale, and’fells the right Kirey Hooks, fo much admired for their Goodnefs of Temper; with the belt Sorts of Swivels, Winches, Artificial ^ & Flies, Mice, £sV. ^ Minow, Perch, and Jack-Tackle, ? fitted up in the neateft Manner. Great Choice of curious White Silk Worm-Gut, juft come over. H The beft Sorts of Powder-Flaiks, made in Metal, Tin, J_.eather, Horn, &c. to any Pattern or Size.—Magazines, Shot-Belts, Pouches, tSc. Beft Battle Gunpowder, Shot, and Flints of all Sorts. *** Treatife on Angling.