ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN Production Note Project Unica Rare Book & Manuscript Library University of Illinois Library at Urbana-Champaign 2015  iWìltt ON THE P E A C ? By the Revd. RICHARD LEWIS, C Curate of Tralee. \ % -t_ ,K:’.a K Tv?// A jÀ DUBLIN: Printed by and for S. Powell, in Cronc-ldiic. M DCC XLlx; 'I.otS Un i^r\ % ' 'Jaj'i ' 72*[4] How grateful comes the Toothing Spring, Soft wafted on Favonian Wing ! What calm Contentment, when, at length, The Sun returning in his Strength, Beams out the Tempeft to aftuage, And hills the elemental Rage ! Thus mighty GEORGE, by Heaven defiga’d To deign illuftrious Pity to Mankind, DifFufes his fuperior Rays, The Storms of Europe to appeafe; To chear the Hemifphere inclines: And, while he gives the Nations Reft, With all the Shocks of War, diftrefs’d, In elevated Glory ihines. IE Enough the vengeful Sword Has ftrew’d the Plain With Pleaps of Slain, And, unrelenting, pour’d A purple Deluge thro’ the hoftile Scene r TheThe loud Exploiions broke The ihudder’d Air, and Skies inwrap’d with Smoke Enough their Fury fpent, The Navies rent, And Towns demoliih’d with the pond’rous Stroke : While Earth and Seas, In wild Amaze, And ecchoing Hills around, Confufion feel, and bellow with the Sound ! III. Ambition, reftlefs with unfated Luff:! Inhuman, vain, remorfelefs, and unjuft, TTrhom neither Oaths can bind, nor Man can truft 1 How oft has thy deffrucffive Rage Whole Nations fwept, and curs’d a bleeding A£ At thy fantaftic Nod, The willing Furies rife ; Oppreffion waves the Rod j And glowing Murder flies! Submiflive Slaves thy fov’reign Rage adore, And Ruffians join with thy rapacious Power.But Freedom views thee with Difdain, Ever generous, ever brave ; Scorns to ufe, or wear the Chain, That to a Tyrant binds a Slave. Freedom every Bleffing knows, From the Peafant to the Throne; Tender to the World’s Repofe, Sweetly confcious of her own. IV. Yet, if the Voice of Honour founds to Arms, If unprovok’d and daring Wrongs excite j Each Manly Bolom feels the bold Alarms, And Britons mill with Ardor to the Fight. The mighty Hoft indiiTolubly hands In firm Array, And pours Difmay, Among the hoftile Bands. The King, their Soul, Condu&s the whole; His Prefence warms; His Rage difarms, And fpreads a Panic thro’ the trembling Foe : Or mighty Cumberland commands, And ftrikes, and animates the Blow.While, thro’ the fpacious Seas, The Britijh Flag iuperior Power difplays To France and Spain with Terror known : With Peerlefs Pride Our Navies ride■ The Wat’ry World our own. V. Britain thus tremendous awes Europe's proud inteftine Foes, Guardian of the public Caufe, Lends her Aid, and gives Repofe. Britain firft in Arms renown’d Still with milder Glories crown*d Heroes here, and Bards to raife Equal to their Deeds, their Praife. Eloquence of Roman Note; Senates fpeak, as Fully wrote ! Britain reforms the Philofophic Schools, And Wifdom cultivates by Newton's Rules. Thefe are Arts, that flouriih bed:, Peace, by thy enlivening Smiles» Gentle Peace, Aufpicious Gueft, Welcome to thefe happy files![ 8 ] Lecall the abfent Sons of War, Renew the conjugal Embrace, Rejoin the fever’d Pair, Eafe the Bofoms of the Fair ; Welcome, ever welcome Peace ! Bring our laurel’d William home; FJe er again from Britain roam ; /ong attend the Brunswick Race. Yet, ] Each ? ' • FINIS. The ! Amoi . Ar; Or m Ar