Specifications for Concrete Roads, Streets and Alleys Reprint of proposed specifications presented to American Concrete Institute At Annual Meeting, February 9-12, 1915 Universal Portland Cement Co. CHICAGO — PITTSBURGH — MINNEAPOLIS INDEX Specifications for— PAGE One-Course Concrete Street Pavement 3 Two-Course Concrete Street Pavement 10 One-Course Concrete Alley Pavement 19 One-Course Concrete Highway 26 AMERICAN CONCRETE INSTITUTE Committee on Standard Specifications for Concrete Roads and Pavements A. N. J O H N S O N , Chairman, Bureau of Municipal Research, New York. W M . M. K I N N E Y , Secretary, Inspecting Engineer, Universal Portland Cement Co., Chicago. E D W A R D N. H I N E S , Chairman, Board of County Road Commissioners of .Wayne County, Detroit, Michigan. H. G. S H I R L E Y , Chief Engineer, Maryland State Roads Commission, Baltimore, Mary- 1 land. T H O M A S H. M A C D O N A L D , F R E D C. S M I T H , ^ City Engineer, Sioux City, Iowa. P E R C Y H. W I L S O N , Secretary, Association of American Portland Cement Manufacturers, Philadelphia. State Highway Engineer, Ames, Iowa. A. R. H I R S T , State Highway Engineer, Madison, Wisconsin. J A M E S R. M A R K E R , State Highway Commissioner, Columbus, Ohio. F R E D R. C H A R L E S , City Civil Engineer, Richmond, Indiana. J O H N B. H I T T E L L , Chief Street Engineer, Chicago. '2 Specifications for Concrete Roads, Streets and Alleys ONE-COURSE CONCRETE STREET PAVEMENT I. MATERIALS i. C E M E N T : T h e cement shall meet the requirements of the Standard Specifications for Portland Cement, adopted by the American Society for Testing Materials, August 16, 1909, with all subsequent amendments and additions thereto adopted by said society and bv this Institute (Standard No. 1 ) . 2. A G G R E G A T E S : Before delivery on the job, the contractor shall submit to the engineer a fifty (50) pound sample of each of the fine and coarse aggregates proposed for use. These samples shall be tested and if found to pass the requirements of the specifications similar material shall be considered as acceptable for the work. All aggregates used shall meet with the approval of the engineer and shall fulfill the requirements of these specifications. In no case shall aggregates containing frost or lumps of frozen material be used. Fine Aggregate: Fine aggregate shall consist of natural sand or screenings from hard, tough, durable crushed rock or gravel, consisting of quartzite grains or other equally hard material graded from fine to coarse with the coarse particles predominating. Fine aggregate, when dry, shall pass a screen having four (4) meshes per linear inch; not more than twenty-five (25) per cent shall pass a sieve having fifty (50) meshes per linear inch, and not more than iivt (5) per cent shall pass a sieve having one hundred (100) meshes per linear inch. Fine aggregate shall not contain vegetable or other deleterious matter nor more than three (3) per cent of clay or loam. Fine aggregate shall be of such quality that mortar composed of one (1) part Portland cement, and three (3) parts fine aggregate, by weight, when made into briquettes, shall show a tensile strength (at seven (7) and twentyeight (28) days) at least equal to the strength of briquettes composed of one (1) part of the same cement and three (3) parts Standard Ottawa sand by weight. T h e percentage of water used in making the briquettes of cement and fine aggregate shall be such as to produce a mortar of the same consistency as that of the Ottawa sand briquettes of Standard consistency. In other respects all briquettes shall be made in* accordance with the Report of Committee on Uniform Tests of Cement of the American Society of Civil Engineers. Coarse Aggregate: Coarse aggregate shall consist of clean, hard, tough, durable crushed rock or gravel graded in size, free from vegetable or other deleterious matter, and shall contain no soft, flat or elongated particles. T h e size of the coarse aggregate shall be such as to pass a one and one-half (ij4) inch round opening and shall range from one and one-half (i}4) inches down, not more than five (5) per cent passing a screen having four (4) meshes per linear inch, and no intermediate sizes shall be removed. 3. M I X E D A G G R E G A T E : Crusher run stone, bank run gravel or artificially prepared mixtures of fine and coarse aggregate shall not be used. 4. W A T E R : W a t e r shall be clean, free from oil, acid, alkali, or vegetable matter. 5. R E I N F O R C E M E N T : All reinforcement shall be free from excessive rust, scale, paint or coatings of any character which will tend to destroy 3 ONE-COURSE CONCRETE STREET PAVEMENT the bond. All reinforcement shall develop an ultimate tensile strength of not less than seventy thousand (70,000) pounds per square inch and bend one hundred eighty (180) degrees around one diameter and straighten without fracture. 6. J O I N T F I L L E R : T h e filler for all transverse joints shall consist of prepared strips of fiber matrix and bitumen, or similar material of approved quality one-quarter (%) inch in thickness. Where the joints are protected with metal plates the joint filler shall be made to conform to the cross-section of the pavement, and where unprotected transverse joints are used, the width of the joint filler shall be at least one-half (y2) inch greater than the thickness of the pavement at any point. T h e filler for longitudinal joints along the curb, where a separate curb is used, shall, at the discretion of the engineer, consist of the same material as specified for the transverse joints or of bitumen which will not become soft enough to flow in hot weather or brittle in cold weather. T h e thickness of longitudinal joints filled with bitumen shall not be less than one-quarter ( % ) inch nor more than three-quarters (}/\) inch. 7. J O I N T P R O T E C T I O N P L A T E S : Soft steel plates for the protection of the edges of the concrete at transverse joints shall be not less than two and one-half (2^2) inches in depth and not less than one-eighth ( % ) nor more than one-quarter (%) inch average thickness. T h e plates shall be of such form as to provide for rigid anchorage to the concrete. T h e type and method of installation of joint protection plates shall be approved by the engineer. II. G R A D I N G 8. D E F I N E D : "Grading" shall include all cuts, fills, approaches and. all earth or rock moving for whatever purpose where such work is an essential part of or necessary to the prosecution of the contract. 4 UNIVERSAL PORTLAND CEMENT CO. 9. E N G I N E E R ' S S T A K E S : Stakes will be set by the engineer for the center line, finished grades and other necessary points. 10. E X C E S S M A T E R I A L : Excess material shall be disposed of as directed by the engineer, the free haul not to exceed feet. 11. O V E R - H A U L : Materials hauled a greater distance than the free haul from the place of excavation shall be paid for at the rate of cents per cubic yard for each additional feet. 12. C U T S A N D F I L L S : In cuts the final grade shall be obtained by rolling with a roller weighing not less than five (5) nor more than ten (10) tons. T h e engineer shall determine the depth of material to be thus compacted. When a fill of one (1) foot or less is required to bring the surface to grade, all vegetable and other perishable matter shall be removed before making the fill. Embankments shall be formed of earth or other approved materials and shall be constructed in successive layers, each of which shall extend entirely across the width to be filled. Each layer, which shall not exceed one (1) foot in depth, shall be thoroughly rolled with a roller weighing not less than Rve (5) nor more than ten (10) tons before the succeeding layer is placed. T h e roller shall pass over the entire area of each layer of the fill at least twice. T h e use of muck, quicksand, soft clay, spongy or perishable material, which will not consolidate under the roller, is prohibited. When the material excavated from the cuts is not sufficient to make the fills shown on the plans, the contractor shall furnish the necessary extra material to bring the fills to the proper width and grade. W h e n the earth work is completed the cross-section of the roadbed shall conform to the crosssectional drawings and profile attached hereto. All approaches connecting the specified pavement with other streets or alleys intersecting shall also be cut or filled, and secured from settlement, to form a slope of not more than one (1) vertical to ten (10) horizontal, as shown on the profile and plans attached hereto. III. DRAINAGE 13. D R A I N A G E : T h e contractor shall construct tile or other drains as shown in the drawings attached hereto. Tile to be laid in a trench at least ( ) inches wide, and ( ) feet deep below the top of the adjacent curb. Such trench shall be backfilled with crushed stone or pit run gravel with sand removed, which after light tamping shall be ( ) inches in depth. 14. C A T C H B A S I N S : All catch basin and manhole tops and all covers or openings of any kind shall be readjusted to the grade by the contractor at his expense. IV. SUBGRADE 15. C O N S T R U C T I O N : T h e bottom of the excavation or the top of the fill when completed shall be known as the subgrade and shall be at all places true to the elevation as shown on the plans attached hereto. T h e subgrade shall be brought to a firm, unyielding surface by rolling the entire area with a self-propelled roller weighing not less than five (5) nor more than ten (10) tons, and all portions of the surface of the subgrade which are inaccessible to the roller shall be thoroughly tamped with a hand tamp weighing not less than fifty (50) pounds, the face of which shall not exceed one hundred (100) square inches in area. All soft, spongy or yield5 ONE-COURSE CONCRETE STREET PAVEMENT ing spots and all vegetable or other perishable matter shall be entirely removed and the space refilled with suitable material. When considered necessary or of assistance in producing a compact, solid surface, the subgrade before being rolled shall be w^ell sprinkled with water. When the concrete pavement is to be constructed over an old roadbed composed of gravel or macadam, the latter shall be entirely loosened and the material spread for the full width of the roadbed and rolled. All interstices shall be filled with fine material and rolled to make a dense, tight surface of the roadbed. 16. A C C E P T A N C E : No concrete shall be deposited until the subgrade is checked and accepted by the engineer. V. FORMS 17. M A T E R I A L S : Where forms are required, they shall be free from warp and of sufficient strength to resist springing out of shape. Wooden forms shall be of not less than two (2) inch stock. 18. S E T T I N G : T h e forms shall be well staked or otherwise held to the established line and grades. Where the curb is to be constructed integrally with the pavement, the upper edge of the side forms shall conform to the top of the curb. 19. T R E A T M E N T : All mortar and dirt shall be removed from the forms that have previously been used. VI. PAVEMENT SECTION 20. W I D T H , T H I C K N E S S O F C O N C R E T E A N D C R O W N : T h e concrete pavement shall be ( ) feet wide from face to face of curb, ( ) inches in depth at the center and ( ) inches in depth at the sides. T h e finished surface shall conform to the arc of a circle as shown on the plans attached hereto. Note: ( T h e thickness of the concrete at the gutter line shall be not less than six (6) inches. W h e n pavements twenty (20) feet or less in width are to be built on approximately level ground and a flat subgrade is to be used, sufficient fall for drainage at the sides of the pavement along the curb shall be provided by giving the roadbed the same grade as that proposed for the gutter. T h e crowTn of all pavements shall not be more than one-one-hundredth ( 1 / 1 0 0 ) of the width, except, when deemed advisable by the engineer, the crown of a pavement built on a crowned subgrade may be increased to one-fiftieth ( 1 / 5 0 ) of the width to provide sufficient fall for drainage along the sides of the pavement.) VII. JOINTS 21. W I D T H A N D L O C A T I O N : Transverse joints shall be onequarter (%) inch in width and shall be placed across the pavement perpendicular to the center line, not more than thirty-six (36) feet apart. A longitudinal joint not less than one-quarter ( % ) i n c n wide shall be constructed between the curb and the pavement where a separate curb is used. All joints shall extend through the entire thickness of the pavement and curb (when integral curb is specified) and shall be perpendicular to the surface of the pavement. In pavements with integral curb the joint shall be continuous in a straight line through pavement and curb. 6 UNIVERSAL PORTLAND CEMENT CO. 22. J O I N T F I L L E R : All transverse joints shall be formed by inserting during construction and leaving in place the required thickness of prepared strips of fiber matrix and bitumen or similar material of approved quality which shall extend through the entire thickness of the pavement and the entire thickness and height of the integral curb when the latter is specified. Longitudinal joints along the curb, where 'a separate curb is specified, shall, at the discretion of the engineer, be formed in the same manner as transverse joints or constructed by filling with bitumen as before specified. 23. P R O T E C T E D J O I N T S * ; T h e concrete at all transverse joints shall be protected with joint protection plates which shall be rigidly anchored to the concrete. T h e upper edges of the plates shall be even with each other and the adjoining surface of the concrete. All steel plates varying more than one-quarter ( % ) inch from the finished surface of the,concrete, as shown on the plans attached hereto, shall be ground to meet the specified requirements, or slabs in which such plates occur shall be removed and replaced with new material by the contractor at his expense. 24. U N P R O T E C T E D J O I N T S * : All transverse joints shall extend through the entire thickness of the pavement and the filler shall project not less than one-half ( j ^ ) inch above the finished surface. T h e concrete adjacent to these joints shall be finished with a wTood float, which is divided through the center and which will permit finishing on both sides of the filler at the same time. Before the pavement is opened to traffic joint filler shall be cut off to a height of one-quarter (}/\) inch above the surface of the pavement. VIII. MEASURING MATERIALS AND MIXING CONCRETE 25. M E A S U R I N G M A T E R I A L S : T h e method of measuring the materials for the concrete, including water, shall be one which will insure separate and uniform proportions of each of the materials at all times. A sack of Portland cement (94 pounds net) shall be considered one (1) cubic foot. 26. M I X I N G : T h e materials shall be mixed in a batch mixer of approved type and mixing shall continue after all materials are in the drum for at least one (1) minute at a minimum speed of twelve (12) revolutions per minute. T h e drum shall be completely emptied before receiving materials for successive batches. 27. R E T E M P E R I N G : Retempering of mortar or concrete which has partially hardened, that is, remixing with or without additional materials or water, shall not be permitted. 28. P R O P O R T I O N S : T h e concrete shall be mixed in the proportions of one (1) sack of Portland cement to not more than two (2) cubic feet of fine aggregate and not more than three (3) cubic feet of coarse aggregate, and in no case shall the volume of the fine aggregate be less than one-half ( J ^ ) the volume of the coarse aggregate. A cubic yard of concrete in place, including that in integral curbs when same are used, shall contain not less than one and seven-tenths (1.7) barrels of cement. T h e engineer shall compare the calculated amount of cement required according to these specifications and plans attached hereto with the amounts actually used in each section of concrete (including integral curbs when used) *Note: (When the specification "Protected Joints" is to be used, Joints" should be omitted, and vice versa.) 7 "Unprotected ONE-COURSE CONCRETE STREET PAVEMENT between successive transverse joints, as determined by actual count of the number of sacks of cement used in each section. If the amount of cement used in any three (3) adjacent sections (between transverse joints) is less by more than two (2) per cent, or if the amount of cement used in any one section is less by more than five (5) per cent of the amount hereinbefore required, the contractor shall remove all such sections and replace the same with new materials, according to these specifications, at his expense. 29. C O N S I S T E N C Y : * T h e materials for the pavement shall be mixed with sufficient water to produce a concrete which will hold its shape when struck off with a template. T h e consistency shall not be such as to cause a separation of the mortar from the coarse aggregate in handling. IX. REINFORCING 30. R E I N F O R C I N G : Concrete pavements twenty (20) feet or more in width shall be reinforced. T h e cross-sectional area of the reinforcing metal running parallel to the center line of the pavement shall amount to at least 0.038 square inch per foot and the cross-sectional area of reinforcing metal, which is perpendicular to the center line of the pavement, shall amount to at least 0.049 square inch per foot. Reinforcing metal shall not be placed less than two (2) inches from the finished surface of the pavement and otherwise shall be placed as shown on the drawings attached hereto. T h e reinforcing metal shall extend to within two (2) inches of all joints, but shall not cross them. Adjacent widths of fabric shall be lapped not less than four (4) inches when the lap is made perpendicular to the center line of the pavement and not less than one (1) foot when the lap is made parallel to the center line of the pavement. X. PLACING CONCRETE 31. P L A C I N G C O N C R E T E : Immediately prior to placing the concrete, the subgrade shall be brought to an even surface. T h e surface of the subgrade shall be thoroughly wTet but shall show no pools of water when the concrete is placed. After mixing, the concrete shall be deposited rapidly upon the subgrade, to the required depth and for the entire width of the pavement in successive batches and in a continuous operation without the use of intermediate forms or bulkheads between expansion joints. In case of a breakdown, concrete shall be mixed by hand to complete the section or an intermediate transverse joint placed as hereinbefore specified at the point of stopping work. Any concrete in excess of that needed to complete a section at the stopping of work shall not be used in the work. 32. F I N I S H I N G : T h e surface of the concrete shall be struck off for the entire width of the pavement, and from back to back of integral curbs when used, by means of a template or strikeboard. Any holes left by removing any material or device used in constructing the joint shall be immediately filled with mortar composed of one (1) part cement and two (2) parts of fine aggregate. • Concrete adjoining metal protection plates at transverse joints shall be dense in character and shall be given a smooth finish with a steel trowel for a distance of six (6) inches on each side of the joints. After being brought to the established grade with the template or strikeboard, the concrete shall be finished from a suitable bridge, no part of which shall come in contact'with the concrete. If approved by the engineer, the 8 UNIVERSAL PORTLAND CEMENT CO. contractor may use a mechanical striking and finishing machine. T h e concrete shall be finished with a wood float in a manner to thoroughly compact it and produce a surface free from depressions or inequalities of any kind. T h e finished surface of the pavement shall not vary more than one-quarter (}i) inch from the specified contour. XI. INTEGRAL CURB* 33. C O N S T R U C T I O N : An integral curb shall be constructed, as shown on the attached drawings, to the established grade and in a continuous line on each side of the street ( ) feet from and parallel with the center line thereof, except at all intersections of streets, alleys, and driveways where it shall be returned to the street line and at these intersections it shall be rounded to such a radius as the engineer may direct. The concrete for integral curbs shall be of the same materials and proportions as that required for the pavement. After striking off the pavement, the concrete for that portion of the integral curbs above the gutter line shall be immediately deposited. T h e top and inside surface of integral curb shall be given a smooth finish and completed with the pavement to the point of stopping each day's work. XII. PROTECTION 34. C U R I N G AxND P R O T E C T I O N : Excepting as hereinafter specified, the surface of the pavement shall be sprayed with water as soon as the concrete is sufficiently hardened to prevent pitting, and shall be kept wet until an earth or other approved covering is placed. As soon as it can be done without damaging the concrete, the surface of the pavement shall be covered with not less than two (2) inches of earth or other material approved by the engineer, which cover shall be kept wet for at least ten (10) days. When deemed necessary or advisable by the engineer, freshly laid concrete shall be protected by canvas until such covering can be placed. Under the most favorable conditions for hardening in hot weather, the pavement shall be closed to traffic for at least fourteen (14) days, and in cool weather for an additional time, to be determined by the engineer. In the season of the year when the average temperature is blow fifty (50) degrees Fahrenheit, sprinkling and covering of the pavement may be omitted at the direction of the engineer. T h e contractor shall erect and maintain suitable barriers to protect the concrete from traffic and any part of the pavement damaged from traffic or other causes, occurring prior to its official acceptance, shall be repaired or replaced by the contractor at his expense, in a manner satisfactory to the engineer. Before the pavement is thrown open to traffic the covering shall be removed and disposed of as directed by the engineer. 35. T E M P E R A T U R E B E L O W 35 D E G R E E S F A H R E N H E I T : Concrete shall not be mixed nor deposited when the temperature is below freezing. If, at any time during the progress of the work, the temperature is, or in the opinion of the engineer will within twenty-four (24) hours drop to 35 degrees Fahrenheit, the water and aggregates shall be heated, and precautions taken to protect the work from freezing for at least ten (10) days. In no case shall concrete be deposited upon a frozen subgrade. *Note: (Article 33 to be omitted if separate curb is specified.) 9 TWO-COURSE CONCRETE STREET PAVEMENT I. MATERIALS 1. C E M E N T : T h e cement shall meet the requirements of the Standard Specifications for Portland Cement, adopted by the American Society for Testing Materials, August 16, 1909, with all subsequent amendments and additions thereto adopted by said Society and by this Institute (Standard No. 1 ) . 2. A G G R E G A T E S : Before delivery on the job, the contractor shall submit to the engineer a fifty (50) pound sample of each kind of aggregate proposed for use. These samples shall be tested and if found to pass the requirements of the specifications similar material shall be considered as acceptable for the work. All aggregates used shall meet with the approval of the engineer and shall fulfill the requirements of these specifications. In no case shall aggregates containing frost or lumps of frozen material be used. Fine Aggregate: Fine aggregate shall consist of natural sand or screenings from hard, tough, durable crushed rock or gravel, consisting of quartzite grains or other equally hard material graded from fine to coarse with the coarse particles predominating. Fine aggregate, when dry, shall pass a screen having four (4) meshes per linear inch; not more than twenty-five (25) per cent shall pass a sieve having fifty (50) meshes per linear inch, and not more than five (5) per cent shall pass a sieve having one hundred (100) meshes per linear inch. Fine aggregate shall not contain vegetable or other deleterious matter, nor more than three (3) per cent of clay or loam. Fine aggregate shall be of such quality that mortar composed of one (1) part Portland cement, and three (3) parts fine aggregate, by weight, when made into briquettes, shall show a tensile strength (at seven (7) and twentyeight (28) days) at least equal to the strength of briquettes composed of one (1) part of the same cement and three (3) parts Standard Ottawa sand by weight. T h e percentage of water -used in making the briquettes of cement and fine aggregate shall be such as to produce a mortar of the same consistency as that of the Ottawa sand briquettes of Standard consistency. In other respects all briquettes shall be made in accordance with the Report of Committee on Uniform Tests of Cement of the American Society of Civil Engineers. Coarse Aggregate: Coarse aggregate shall consist of clean, durable crushed rock or gravel graded in size, free from vegetable or other deleterious matter, and shall contain no soft, flat or elongated particles. T h e size of the coarse aggregate shall be such as to pass a one and one-half (1 y2) inch round opening and shall range from one and one-half (i}4) inches down, not more than five (5) per cent passing a screen having four (4) meshes per linear inch. No. 1 Aggregate for Wearing Course: No. 1 aggregate for the wearing course shall consist of clean, hard, tough, durable crushed rock or gravel, free from vegetable matter, and shall contain no' soft, flat or elongated particles. I t shall pass when dry a screen having one-half (^4) inch openings and not more than ten (10) per cent shall pass a screen having one-quarter (%) inch openings. No. 2 Aggregate for Wearing Course: No. 2 aggregate for the wearing course shall consist of clean, hard, tough, durable crushed rock or gravel 10 UNIVERSAL PORTLAND CEMENT CO. graded in size, free from vegetable or other deleterious matter, and shall contain no soft, flat or elongated particles. T h e size of No. 2 coarse aggregate shall be such as to pass a one ( i ) inch round opening and shall range from one ( i ) inch down, not more than five (5) per cent passing a screen having four (4) meshes per linear inch and no intermediate sizes shall be removed. 3. M I X E D A G G R E G A T E : Crusher run stone, bank run gravel or artificially prepared mixtures of fine and coarse aggregate shall not be used. 4. W A T E R : ble matter. W a t e r shall be clean, free from oil, acid, alkali or vegeta- 5. R E I N F O R C E M E N T : All reinforcement shall be free from excessive rust, scale, paint or coatings of any character which will tend to destroy the bond. All reinforcement shall develop an ultimate tensile strength of not less than seventy thousand (70,000) pounds per square inch and bend one hundred eighty (180) degrees around one diameter and straighten without fracture. 6. J O I N T F I L L E R : T h e filler for all transverse joints shall consist of prepared strips of fiber matrix and bitumen or similar material of approved quality, one-quarter (J/4) inch in thickness. Where the joints are protected with metal plates the joint filler shall be made to conform to the cross-section of the pavement and where unprotected transverse joints are used the width of the joint filler shall be at least one-half ( J 4 ) inch greater than the thickness of the pavement at any point. T h e filler for longitudinal joints along the curb, where a separate curb is used, shall, at the discretion of the engineer, consist of the same material as specified for the transverse joints, or of bitumen which will not become soft enough to flow in hot weather or brittle in cold weather. T h e thickness of longitudinal joints filled with bitumen shall not be less than one-quarter ( % ) inch nor more than three-quarters ( J 4 ) inch. U TWO-COURSE CONCRETE STREET PAVEMENT 7. J O I N T P R O T E C T I O N P L A T E S : Soft steel plates for the protection of the edges of the concrete at transverse joints shall be not less than two and one-half ( 2 ^ ) inches in depth and not less than one-eighth (}i) inch nor more than one-quarter ( % ) inch average thickness. T h e plates shall be of such form as to provide for rigid anchorage to the concrete. T h e type and method of installation of joint protection plates shall be approved by the engineer. II. GRADING 8. D E F I N E D : "Grading" shall include all cuts, fills, approaches and all earth or rock moving for whatever purpose where such work is an essential part of or necessary to the prosecution of the contract. 9. E N G I N E E R ' S S T A K E S : Stakes will be set by the engineer for the center line, finished grades and other necessary points. 10. E X C E S S M A T E R I A L : Excess material shall be disposed of as directed by the engineer, the free haul not to exceed feet. 11. O V E R - H A U L : Materials hauled a greater distance than the free haul from the place of excavation shall be paid for at the rate of cents per cubic yard for each additional feet. 12. C U T S A N D F I L L S : In cuts the final grade shall be obtained by rolling with a roller weighing not less than five (5) nor more than ten (10) tons. T h e engineer shall determine the depth of material to be thus compacted. When a fill of one (1) foot or less is required to bring the surface to grade, all vegetable or other perishable matter shall be removed before making the fill. Embankments shall be formed of earth or other approved materials and shall be constructed in successive layers, each of which shall extend entirely across the width to be filled. Each layer, which shall not exceed one (1) foot in depth, shall be thoroughly rolled with a roller weighing not less than {ivc (5) nor more than ten (10) tons before the succeeding layer is placed. T h e roller shall pass over the entire area of each layer of the fill at least twice. T h e use of muck, quicksand, soft clay, spongy or perishable material, which will not consolidate under the roller, is prohibited. W h e n the material excavated from the cuts is not sufficient to make the fills shown on the plans, the contractor shall furnish the necessary extra material to bring the fills to the proper width and grade. W h e n the earth work is completed the cross-section of the roadbed shall conform to the crosssectional drawings and profile attached hereto. All approaches connecting the specified pavement with other streets or alleys intersecting shall also be cut or rilled and secured from settlement to form a slope of not more than one (1) vertical to ten (10) horizontal, as shown on the profile and plans attached hereto. III. DRAINAGE 13. D R A I N A G E : T h e contractor shall construct tile or other drains as shown in the drawings attached hereto. Tile to be laid in a trench at least ( ) inches wide, and ( ) feet deep below the top of the adjacent curb. Such trench shall be backfilled with crushed stone or pit run gravel with sand removed, which after light tamping shall be ( ) inches in depth. 12 UNIVERSAL PORTLAND CEMENT CO. 14. C A T C H B A S I N S : All catch basin and manhole tops and all covers of openings of any kind shall be readjusted to the grade by the contractor at his expense. IV. SUBGRADE 15. C O N S T R U C T I O N : T h e bottom of the excavation or the top of the fill when completed shall be known as the subgrade and shall be at all places true to the elevation as showrn on the plans attached hereto. T h e subgrade shall be brought to a firm, unyielding surface by rolling the entire area with a self-propelled roller weighing not less than five (5) nor more than ten (10) tons, and all portions of the surface of the subgrade which are inaccessible to the roller shall be thoroughly tamped with a hand tamp weighing not less than fifty (50) pounds, the face of which shall not exceed one hundred (100) square inches in area. All soft, spongy or yielding spots and all vegetable or other perishable matter shall be entirely removed and the space refilled with suitable material. When considered necessary or of assistance in producing a compact, solid surface, the subgrade before being rolled shall be well sprinkled with water. When the concrete pavement is to be constructed over an old roadbed composed of gravel or macadam, the latter shall be entirely loosened and the material spread for the full width of the roadbed and rolled. All interstices shall be filled with fine material and rolled to make a dense, tight surface of the roadbed. 16. A C C E P T A N C E : No concrete shall be deposited until the subgrade is checked and accepted by the engineer. V. FORMS 17. M A T E R I A L S : Where forms are required, they shall be free from warp and of sufficient strength to resist springing out of shape. Wooden forms shall be of not less than two (2) inch stock. 18. S E T T I N G : T h e forms shall be well staked or otherwise held to the established line and grades. Where the curb is to be constructed integrally with the pavement, the upper edge of the side forms shall conform to the top of the curb. 19. T R E A T M E N T : All mortar and dirt shall be removed from the forms that have previously been used. VI. PAVEMENT SECTION 20. W I D T H , T H I C K N E S S O F C O N C R E T E A N D C R O W N : T h e concrete pavement shall be ( ) feet wide from face to face of curb. T h e base of the concrete pavement shall be ( . ) inches in depth at the center and (........) inches in depth at the sides. T h e wearing course shall be ( ) inches uniform thickness. T h e finished surface shall conform to the arc of a circle as shown on the plans attached hereto. Note: ( T h e minimum thickness of the concrete base shall be not less than five (5) inches and the minimum thickness of the wearing course shall be not less than two (2) inches. W h e n pavements twenty (20) 13 TWO-COURSE CONCRETE STREET PAVEMENT feet or less in width are to be built on approximately level ground and a flat subgrade is to be used, sufficient fall for drainage at the sides of the pavement along the curb shall be provided by giving the roadbed the same grade as that proposed for the gutter. T h e crown of all pavements shall be not more than one-one-hundredth ( I / I O O ) of the width except, when deemed advisable by the engineer, the crown of a pavement built on a crowned subgrade may be increased to one-fiftieth ( 1 / 5 0 ) of the width to provide sufficient fall for drainage along the sides of the pavement at the curb.) VII. JOINTS 21. W I D T H A N D L O C A T I O N : Transverse joints shall be onequarter ( J 4 ) inch in width and shall be placed across the pavement perpendicular to the center line, not more than thirty-six (36) feet apart. A longitudinal joint not less than one-quarter (%) inch wide shall be constructed between the curb and the pavement where a separate curb is used. All joints shall extend through the entire thickness of the pavement' and curb (when integral curb is specified) and shall be perpendicular to the surface of the pavement. In pavements with integral curb the joint shall be continuous in a straight line through pavement and curb. 22. J O I N T F I L L E R : All transverse joints shall be formed by inserting during construction and leaving -in place the required thickness of prepared strips of fiber matrix and bitumen, or similar material of approved quality, which shall extend through the entire thickness of the pavement and the entire thickness and height of the integral curb when the latter is specified. Longitudinal joints along the curb, where a separate curb is specified, shall, at the discretion of the engineer, be formed in the same manner as transverse joints or constructed by filling with bitumen as before specified. 23. P R O T E C T E D J O I N T S * : T h e concrete at all transverse joints shall be protected with joint protection plates wThich shall be rigidly anchored to the concrete. T h e upper edges of the plates shall be even with each other and the adjoining surface of the concrete. All steel plates varying more than one-quarter ( % ) m c n from the finished surface of the concrete, as shown on the plans attached hereto, shall be ground to meet the specified requirements, or slabs in which such plates occur shall be removed and replaced with new material by the contractor at his expense. 24. U N P R O T E C T E D J O I N T S * : All transverse joints shall extend through the entire thickness of the pavement and the filler shall project not less than one-half ( ^ ) inch above the finished surface. T h e concrete adjacent to these joints shall be finished with a wood float, which is divided through the center and which will permit finishing on both sides of the filler at the same time. Before the pavement is opened to, traffic joint filler shall be cut off to a height of one-quarter ( % ) inch above the surface of the pavement. VIII. MEASURING MATERIALS AND MIXING CONCRETE 25. M E A S U R I N G M A T E R I A L S : T h e method of measuring the materials for the concrete, including water, shall be one which will insure *Note: (When the specification ('Protected Joints" should be omitted, and vice versa.) 14 Joints" is to be used, "Unprotected UNIVERSAL PORTLAND CEMENT GO. separate and uniform proportions of each of the materials at all times. A sack of Portland cement (94 pounds net) shall be considered one (1) cubic foot. 26. M I X I N G : T h e materials shall be mixed in a batch mixer of approved type and mixing shall continue after all materials are in the drum for at least one (1) minute at a minimum speed of twelve (12) revolutions per minute. T h e drum shall be completely emptied before receiving materials for successive batches. 27. R E T E M P E R I N G : Retempering of mortar or concrete which has partially hardened, that is, remixing with or without additional materials or water, shall not be permitted. 28. C O N S I S T E N C Y : T h e materials for the pavement shall be mixed with sufficient water to produce a concrete which will hold its shape when struck off with a template. T h e consistency shall not be such as to cause a separation of the mortar from the aggregate in handling. 29. C E M E N T R E Q U I R E D : A cubic yard of concrete base in place shall contain at least one and four-tenths (1.4) barrels of cement. A cubic yard of "No. 1 Mix Wearing Course" in place shall contain at least two and ninety-seven-hundredths (2.97) barrels of cement, and a cubic yard of " N o . 2 Mix Wearing Course" in place shall contain at least two and one-tenth (2.1) barrels of cement. T h e engineer shall compare the calculated amount of cement required according to these specifications and plans attached hereto with the amounts actually used in each section of concrete (including integral curbs when used) between successive transverse joints, as determined by actual count of the number of sacks of cement used in each section. If the amount of cement used in any three (3) adjacent sections (between transverse joints) is less by more than two (2) per cent, or if the amount of cement used in any one section is less by more than five (5) per cent of the amount hereinbefore required, the contractor shall remove all such sections and replace the same with new materials, according to these specifications, at his expense. IX. REINFORCING 30. R E I N F O R C I N G : Concrete pavements twenty (20) feet or more in width shall be reinforced. T h e cross-sectional area of the reinforcing metal running parallel to the center line of the pavement shall amount to at least 0.038 square inch per foot and the cross-sectional area of reinforcing metal, which is perpendicular to the center line of the pavement, shall amount to at least 0.049 square inch per foot. Reinforcing metal shall be placed between base and wearing course and shall not be less than two (2) inches from the finished surface of the pavement and otherwise shall be placed as shown on the drawings. T h e reinforcing metal shall extend to within two (2) inches of all joints, but shall not cross them. Adjacent widths of fabric shall be lapped not less than four (4) inches when the lap is made perpendicular to the center line of the pavement and not less than one (1) foot when the lap is made parallel to the center line of the pavement. 15 TWO-COURSE CONCRETE X. PLACING STREET PAVEMENT CONCRETE Concrete for Base 31. P R O P O R T I O N S : T h e concrete shall be mixed in the proportions of one ( i ) sack of Portland cement to not more than two and a half ( 2 j 4 ) cubic feet of fine aggregate, and not more than four (4) cubic feet of coarse aggregate, and in no case shall'the volume of the fine aggregate be less than one-half (J^>) the volume of the coarse aggregate. 32. P L A C I N G C O N C R E T E : Immediately prior to placing the concrete, the subgrade shall be brought to an even surface. T h e surface of the subgrade shall be thoroughly wet but shall show no pools of water when the concrete is placed. After mixing, the concrete shall be deposited rapidly upon the subgrade, to the required depth and for the entire width of the pavement in successive batches and in a continuous operation without the use of intermediate forms or bulkheads between expansion joints. T h e concrete shall be brought to an even surface, the thickness of the wearing course below the established grade of the pavement. Workmen shall not be allowed to walk on the freshly laid concrete, and if sand or dust collects on the base it shall be removed before the wearing course is applied. T h e reinforcing metal shall be placed upon and slightly pressed into the concrete base immediately after it is placed. In case of section, or an at the point of plete a section a breakdown concrete shall be mixed by hand to complete the intermediate transverse joint placed, as hereinbefore specified, stopping work. Any concrete in excess of that needed to comat the stopping of work shall not be used in the work. Concrete for Wearing Course 33. P R O P O R T I O N S F O R M I X T U R E N O . 1*: T h e concrete for the wearing course shall be mixed in the manner hereinbefore specified in the proportions of one (1) sack of Portland cement to not more than one (1) cubic foot of fine aggregate, and not more than one and one-half (1 y2) cubic feet of " N o . 1 Aggregate for Wearing Course" and in no case shall the volume of the fine aggregate be less than one-half ( J ^ ) the volume of the " N o . 1 Aggregate for Wearing Course." 34. P R O P O R T I O N S F O R M I X T U R E N O . 2 * : T h e concrete for the wearing course shall be mixed in the manner hereinbefore specified in the proportions of one (1) sack of Portland cement to not more than one and one-half (ijA) cubic feet of fine aggregate and not more than two and onehalf (2}^) cubic feet of "No. 2 Aggregate for Wearing Course" hereinbefore specified, and in no case shall the volume of the fine aggregate be less than one-half (}4) the volume of " N o . 2 Aggregate for Wearing Course." 35. P L A C I N G : T h e wearing course shall be placed immediately after mixing and in no case shall more than forty-five (45) minutes elapse between the time that the concrete for the base has been mixed and the time the wearing course is placed. *Note. (When Article 33 is specified, Article 34 should be omitted, and vice versa.) 16 UNIVERSAL PORTLAND CEMENT GO. 36. F I N I S H I N G : T h e wearing course shall be struck off for the entire width of the pavement, and from back to back of integral curbs when used, by means of a template or strikeboard. Any holes left by removing any material or device used in constructing the joint shall be immediately filled with mortar composed of one (1) part cement and two (2) parts of fine aggregate. Concrete adjoining metal protection plates at transverse joints shall be dense in character and shall be given a smooth finish with a steel trowel for a distance of six (6) inches on each side of the joints. After being brought to the established grade with the template or strikeboard, the concrete shall be finished from a suitable bridge, no part of which shall come in contact with the concrete. If approved by the engineer, the contractor may use a mechanical striking and finishing machine. T h e concrete shall be finished with a wood float in a manner to thoroughly compact it and produce a surface free from depressions or inequalities of any kind. T h e finished surface of the pavement shall not vary more than one-quarter ( % ) inch from the specified contour. XL INTEGRAL CURB* 37. C O N S T R U C T I O N : An integral curb shall be constructed, as shown on the attached drawings, to the established grade and in a continuous line on each side of the street ( ) feet from and parallel with the center line thereof, except at all intersections of streets, alleys and driveways, where it shall be returned to the street line, and at these intersections it shall be rounded to such a radius as the engineer may direct. T h e concrete for that portion of the integral curbs above the base shall be of the same materials and proportions as that specified for the wearing course. After striking off the pavement, the concrete for that portion of the integral curbs above the gutter line shall be immediately deposited. T h e top and inside surface of integral curbs shall be given a smooth finish and completed with the pavement to the point of stopping each day's work. XII. PROTECTION 38. C U R I N G A N D P R O T E C T I O N : Excepting as hereinafter specified, the surface of the pavement shall be sprayed with water as soon as the concrete is sufficiently hardened to prevent pitting, and shall be kept wet until an earth or other approved covering is placed. As soon as it can be done without damaging the concrete, the surface of the pavement shall be covered with not less than two (2) inches of earth or other material approved by the engineer, which cover shall be kept wet for at least ten (10) days. When deemed necessary or advisable by the engineer, freshly laid concrete shall be protected by canvas until such covering can be placed. Under the most favorable conditions for hardening in hot weather the pavement shall be closed to traffic for at least fourteen (14) days, and in cool weather for an additional time, to be determined by the engineer. *Note: (Article 37"to be]omitted if separate curb is specified.) 17 TWO-COURSE CONCRETE STREET PAVEMENT In the season of the year when the average temperature is below 50 degrees Fahrenheit,, sprinkling and covering of the pavement may be omitted at the direction of the engineer. The contractor shall erect and maintain suitable barriers to protect the concrete from traffic and any part of the pavement damaged from traffic or other causes, occurring prior to its official acceptance, shall be repaired or replaced by the contractor at his expense, in a manner satisfactory to the engineer. Before the pavement is thrown open to traffic the covering shall be removed and disposed of as directed by the engineer. 39. T E M P E R A T U R E BELOW 35 DEGREES F A H R E N H E I T : Concrete shall not be mixed nor deposited when the temperature is below freezing. If, at any time during the progress of the work, the temperature is, or in the opinion of the engineer will within twenty-four (24) hours drop to 35 degrees Fahrenheit, the water and aggregates shall be heated and precautions taken to protect the work from freezing for at least ten (10) days. In no case shall concrete be deposited upon a frozen subgrade. 18 ONE-COURSE CONCRETE ALLEY PAVEMENT I. MATERIALS 1. C E M E N T : T h e cement shall meet the requirements of the Standard Specifications for Portland Cement, adopted by the American Society for Testing Materials, August 16, 1909, with all subsequent amendments and additions thereto adopted by said society and by this Institute (Standard No. 1 ) . 2. A G G R E G A T E S : Before delivery on the job, the contractor shall submit to the engineer a fifty (50) pound sample of each of the fine and coarse aggregates proposed for use. These samples shall be tested and if found to pass the requirements of the specifications similar material shall be considered as acceptable for the work. All aggregates used shall meet with the approval of the engineer and shall fulfill the requirements of these specifications. In no case shall aggregates containing frost or lumps of frozen material be used. Fine Aggregate: Fine aggregate shall consist of natural sand or screenings from hard, tough, durable crushed rock or gravel, consisting of quartzite grains or other equally hard material graded from fine to coarse with the coarse particles predominating. Fine aggregate, when dry, shall pass a screen having four (4) meshes per linear inch; not more than twenty-five (25) per cent shall pass a sieve having fifty (50). meshes per linear inch, and not more than Ryt (5) per cent shall pass a sieve having one hundred (100) meshes per linear inch. Fine aggregate shall not contain vegetable or other deleterious matter nor more than three (3) per cent of clay or loam. Fine aggregate shall be of such quality that mortar composed of one (1) part Portland cement and three (3) parts fine aggregate, by weight, when made into briquettes, shall show a tensile strength (at seven (7) and twentyeight (28) days) at least equal to the strength of briquettes composed of one (1) part of the same cement and three (3) parts Standard Ottawa sand, by weight. T h e percentage of water used in mixing the briquettes of cement and fine aggregate shall be such as to produce a mortar of the same consistency as that of the Ottawa sand briquettes of Standard consistency. In other respects all briquettes shall be made in accordance with the Report of Committee on Uniform Tests of Cement of the American Society of Civil Engineers. Coarse Aggregate: Coarse aggregate shall consist of clean, hard, tough, durable crushed rock or gravel graded in size, free from vegetable or other deleterious matter, and shall contain no soft, flat or elongated particles. T h e size of the coarse aggregate shall be such as to pass a one and one-half (1 }4) inch round opening and shall range from one and one-half (i}4) inches down, not more than five (5) per cent passing a screen having four (4) meshes per linear inch, and no intermediate sizes shall be removed. 3. M I X E D A G G R E G A T E : Crusher run stone, bank-run gravel or artificially prepared mixtures of fine and coarse aggregate shall not be used. 4. W A T E R : W a t e r shall be clean, free from oil, acid, alkali or vegetable matter. 5. R E I N F O R C E M E N T : All reinforcement shall be free from excessive rust, scale, paint or coatings of any character which will tend to destroy the bond. All reinforcement shall develop an ultimate tensile strength of not 19 ONE-COURSE CONCRETE ALLEY PAVEMENT less than seventy thousand (70,000) pounds per square inch and bend one hundred eighty (180) degrees around one diameter and straighten without fracture. 6. J O I N T F I L L E R : T h e filler for all transverse joints shall consist of prepared strips of fiber matrix and bitumen or similar material of approved quality one-quarter ( J 4 ) inch in thickness. W h e r e the joints are protected with metal plates the joint filler shall be made to conform to the cross-section of the pavement and where unprotected transverse joints are used the width of the joint filler shall be at least one-half (L/2) inch greater than the thickness of the pavement at any point. T h e filler for longitudinal joints shall, at the discretion of the engineer, consist of the same material as specified for the transverse joints or of bitumen which will not become soft enough to flow in hot weather or brittle in cold weather. T h e thickness of longitudinal joints filled with bitumen shall not be less than one-quarter ( J 4 ) inch nor more than three-quarters ( % ) inch. 7. J O I N T P R O T E C T I O N P L A T E S : Soft steel plates for the protection of the edges of the concrete at transverse joints shall be not less than two and one-half ( 2 ^ ) inches in depth and not less than one-eighth {y%) nor more than one-quarter ( % ) inch average thickness. T h e plates shall be of such form as to provide for rigid anchorage to the concrete. T h e type and method of installation of joint protection plates shall be approved by the engineer. II. GRADING 8. D E F I N E D : "Grading" shall include all cuts, fills, approaches and all earth or rock moving for whatever purpose where such work is an essential part of or necessary to the prosecution of the contract. 9. E N G I N E E R ' S S T A K E S : Stakes will be set by the engineer for the center line, finished grades and other necessary points. 10. E X C E S S M A T E R I A L : Excess material shall be disposed of as directed by the engineer, the free haul not to exceed feet. 11. O V E R - H A U L : Materials hauled a greater distance than the free haul from the place of excavation shall be paid for at the rate of cents per cubic yard for each additional feet. 12. C U T S A N D F I L L S : In cuts the final grade shall be obtained by rolling with a roller weighing not less than five (5) nor more than ten (10) tons. T h e engineer shall determine the depth of material to be thus com- ONE-COURSE CONCRETE s& ALLEY Not less thdn 6" uniform thicknessx -Width of Fbvement ^LongitudinalJoint where specified Slope of dubgrade same as 'Surface of Concrete CROSS Note : - V denotes width of pavement 20 SECTION Longitudinal JointJ where specified UNIVERSAL PORTLAND CEMENT CO. pacted. When a fill of one ( i ) foot or less is required to bring the surface to grade, all vegetable or other perishable matter shall be removed before making the fill. Embankments shall be formed of earth or other approved materials and shall be constructed in successive layers, each of which shall extend entirely across the width to be filled. Each layer, which shall not exceed one ( i ) foot in depth, shall be thoroughly rolled with a roller weighing not less than Rvt (5) nor more than ten (10) tons before the succeeding layer is placed. T h e roller shall pass over the entire area of each layer of the fill at least twice. T h e use of muck, quicksand, soft clay, spongy or perishable material, which will not consolidate under the roller, is prohibited. When the material excavated from the cuts is not sufficient to make the fills shown on the plans, the contractor shall furnish the necessary extra material to bring the fills to the proper width and grade. When the earthwork is completed the cross-section of the roadbed shall conform to the crosssectional drawings and profile attached hereto. All approaches connecting the specified pavement with other streets or alleys intersecting shall also be cut or filled, and secured from settlement, to form a slope of not more than one (1) vertical to ten- (10) horizontal, as shown on the profile and plans attached hereto. III. DRAINAGE 13. D R A I N A G E : T h e contractor shall construct tile or other drains as shown in the drawings attached hereto. Tile to be laid in a trench at least ( . . ) inches wide, and . ( ) feet deep below the established grade of the pavement. Such trench shall be backfilled with crushed stone or pit run gravel with sand removed, which after light tamping shall be ( ) inches in depth. 14. C A T C H B A S I N S : All catch basins and manhole tops and all covers of openings of any kind shall be readjusted to the grade by the contractor at his expense. IV. SUBGRADE 15. C O N S T R U C T I O N : T h e bottom of the excavation or the top of the fill when completed shall be known as the subgrade and shall be at all places true to the elevation as shown on the plans attached hereto. T h e subgrade shall be brought to a firm, unyielding surface by rolling the entire area with a self-propelled roller weighing not less than five (5) nor more than ten (10) tons, and all portions of the surface of the subgrade which are inaccessible to the roller shall be thoroughly tamped with a hand tamp weighing not less than' fifty (50) pounds, the face of which shall not exceed % one hundred (100) square inches in area. All soft, spongy, or yielding spots and all vegetable or other perishable matter shall be entirely removed and the space refilled with suitable material. When considered necessary or of assistance in producing a compact, solid surface, the subgrade before being rolled shall be well sprinkled with water. When the concrete pavement is to be constructed over an old roadbed composed of gravel or macadam, the latter shall be entirely loosened and the material spread for the full width of the roadbed and rolled. All interstices shall be filled with fine material and rolled to make a dense, tight surface. 21 ONE-COURSE CONCRETE ALLEY PAVEMENT 16. A C C E P T A N C E : No concrete shall be deposited until the subgrade is checked and accepted by the engineer. V. FORMS 17. M A T E R I A L S : Metal or wooden forms shall be free from warp, of sufficient strength to resist springing out of shape, and shall be equal in width to the thickness of the pavement at the edges. Wooden forms shall be of not less than two (2) inch stock. Where the pavement is laid adjacent to buildings, fences or other structures, the side forms may be omitted at the direction of the engineer, but a joint must be constructed as hereinafter specified, between the pavement and such structure. 18. S E T T I N G : T h e forms shall be well staked or otherwise held to the established line and grades, and the upper edge shall conform to the established grade of the alley. 19. T R E A T M E N T : All mortar and dirt shall be removed from the forms that have previously been used. VI. PAVEMENT SECTION 20. W I D T H , T H I C K N E S S O F P A V E M E N T A N D CROSSS E C T I O N : T h e width.of the pavement shall be ( ) feet, ( ) inches, and not less than six (6) inches uniform thickness. In cross-section the finished surface shall have a uniform pitch toward the center line, except that the center twelve (12) inches shall be rounded to the arc of a circle which is tangent to the surface of the concrete at points six (6) inches on each side of the center line, as shown in the plans attached hereto. T h e dish shall not exceed one-fiftieth ( 1 / 5 0 ) of the width of the pavement. VII. J O I N T S 21. W I D T H A N D L O C A T I O N : Transverse joints shall be onequarter ( % ) inch,in width and shall be placed across the pavement perpendicular to the center line, not more than thirty-six (36) feet apart. When the pavement is laid adjacent to buildings, fences, or other structures, a longitudinal joint shall, at the discretion of the engineer, be constructed. All joints shall extend through the entire thickness of the pavement and shall be perpendicular to its surface. 22. J O I N T F I L L E R : All transverse joints shall be formed by inserting during construction and leaving in place the required thickness of prepared strips of fiber matrix and bitumen, or other similar material of approved quality, which shall extend through the entire thickness of the pavement. Longitudinal joints shall, at the discretion of the engineer, be formed in the same manner as transverse joints or constructed by filling with bitumen as before specified. 23. P R O T E C T E D J O I N T S * : T h e concrete at transverse joints shall be protected with joint protection plates which shall be rigidly anchored to the concrete. T h e upper edges of the plates shall be even with each other and the adjoining surface of the concrete. All steel plates varying more than onequarter ( % ) i n c n from the finished surface of the concrete, as shown on the plans attached hereto, shall be ground to meet the specified requirements, or slabs in which such plates occur shall be removed and replaced with new material by the contractor at his expense. *Note: (When the specification "Protected Joints" is to be used, ''Unprotected Joints" should be omitted, and vice versa.) 22 UNIVERSAL PORTLAND CEMENT CO. 24. U N P R O T E C T E D J O I N T S * : All transverse joints shall extend through the entire thickness of the pavement and the filler shall project not less than one-half (}4) inch above the finished surface. T h e concrete adjacent to these joints shall be finished with a wood float, which is divided through the center and which will permit finishing on both sides of the filler at the same time. Before the pavement is opened to traffic joint filler shall be cut off to the height of one-quarter (*4) m c n above the surface of the pavement. VIII. MEASURING MATERIALS AND MIXING CONCRETE 25. M E A S U R I N G M A T E R I A L S : T h e method of measuring the materials for the concrete, including water, shall be one which will insure separate and uniform proportions of each of the materials at all times. A sack of Portland cement (94 pounds net) shall be considered one (1) cubic foot. 26. M I X I N G : T h e materials shall be mixed in a batch mixer of approved type and mixing shall continue after all materials are in the drum for at least one (1) minute at a minimum speed of twelve (12) revolutions per minute. T h e drum shall be completely emptied before receiving materials for successive batches. 27. R E T E M P E R I N G : Retempering of mortar or concrete which has partially hardened; that is, remixing with or without additional materials or water, shall not be permitted. 28. P R O P O R T I O N S : T h e concrete shall be mixed in the proportions of one (1) sack of Portland cement to not more than two (2) cubic feet of fine aggregate and not more than three (3) cubic feet of coarse aggregate, and in no case shall the volume of the fine aggregate be less than one-half (j4) the volume of the coarse aggregate. A cubic yard of concrete in place shall contain not less than one and seven-tenths (1.7) barrels of cement. T h e engineer shall compare the calculated amount of cement required according to these specifications and plans attached hereto with the amounts actually used in each section of concrete between successive transverse joints, as determined by actual count of the number of sacks of cement used in each section. If the amount of cement used in any three (3) adjacent sections (between transverse joints) is less by more than two (2) per cent, or if the amount of cement used in any one section is less by more than five (5) per cent of the amount hereinbefore required, the contractor shall remove all such sections and replace the same with new materials, according to these specifications, at his expense. 29. C O N S I S T E N C Y : T h e materials shall be mixed with sufficient water to produce a concrete which will hold its shape when struck off with a template. T h e consistency shall not be such as to cause a separation of the mortar from the coarse aggregate in handling. IX. REINFORCING 30. R E I N F O R C I N G : Concrete pavements twenty (20) feet or more in width shall be reinforced. T h e cross-sectional area of the reinforcing metal running parallel to the center line of the pavement shall amount to at least *Note: (When the specification "Protected Joints" is to be used, "Unprotected Joints" should be omitted, and vice versa.) 23 ONE-COURSE CONCRETE ALLEY PAVEMENT 0.038 square inch per foot and the cross-sectional area of reinforcing metal, which is perpendicular to the center line of the pavement, shall amount to at least 0.049 square inch per foot. Reinforcing metal shall not be placed less than two (2) inches from the finished surface of the pavement and otherwise shall be placed as shown on the drawings attached hereto. T h e reinforcing metal shall extend to within two (2) inches of all joints, but shall not cross them. Adjacent widths of fabric shall be lapped not less than four (4) inches when the lap is made perpendicular to the center line of the pavement and not less than one (1) foot when the lap is made parallel to the center line of the pavement. X. PLACING CONCRETE 31. P L A C I N G C O N C R E T E : Immediately prior to placing the concrete, the subgrade shall be brought to an even surface. T h e surface of the subgrade shall be thoroughly wet but shall show no pools of water when the concrete is placed. After mixing, the concrete shall be deposited rapidly upon the subgrade, to the required depth and for the entire width of the pavement in successive batches and in a continuous operation without the use of intermediate forms or bulkheads between expansion joints. In case of a breakdown concrete shall be mixed by hand to complete the section or an intermediate transverse joint placed as hereinbefore specified at the point of stopping work. Any concrete in excess of that needed to complete a section at the stopping of work shall not be used in the work. 32. F I N I S H I N G : T h e surface of the concrete shall be struck off by means of a template or strikeboard. Any holes left by removing any material or device used in constructing the joint shall be immediately filled with mortar composed of one ( T ) part of cement and two (2) parts of fine aggregate. Concrete adjoining metal protection plates at transverse joints shall be dense in character and shall be given a smooth finish with a steel trowel for a distance of six (6) inches on each side of the joints. After being brought to the established grade with the template or strikeboard, the concrete shall, where possible, be finished from a suitable bridge, no part of which shall come in contact with the concrete. T h e concrete shall be finished with a wood float in a manner to thoroughly compact it and produce a surface free from depressions or inequalities of any kind. T h e finished surface of the pavement shall not vary more than one-quarter ( % ) inch from the specified contour. XL PROTECTION 33. C U R I N G A N D P R O T E C T I O N : Excepting as hereinafter specified, the surface of the pavement shall be sprayed with water as soon as the concrete is sufficiently hardened to prevent pitting, and shall be kept wet until an earth or other approved covering is placed. As soon as it can be done without damaging the concrete, the surface of the pavement shall be covered with not less than two (2) inches of earth or other material approved by the engineer, which cover shall be kept wet format least ten (10) days. When deemed necessary or advisable by the engineer, freshly laid concrete shall be protected by canvas until such covering can be placed. 24 UNIVERSAL PORTLAND CEMENT CO. Under the most favorable conditions for hardening in hot weather, the pavement shall be closed to traffic for at least fourteen (14) days, and in cool weather for an additional time, to be determined by the engineer. In the season of the year when the average temperature is below fifty (50) degrees Fahrenheit, sprinkling and covering of the pavement may be omitted at the direction of the engineer. The contractor shall erect and maintain suitable barriers to protect the concrete from traffic and any part of the pavement damaged from traffic or other causes, occurring prior to its official acceptance, shall be repaired or replaced by the contractor at his expense, in a manner satisfactory to the engineer. Before the pavement is thrown open to traffic the covering shall be removed and disposed of as directed by the engineer. 34. T E M P E R A T U R E BELOW 35 DEGREES F A H R E N H E I T : Concrete shall not be mixed nor deposited when the temperature is below freezing. If, at any time during the progress of the work, the temperature is, or in the opinion of the engineer will within twenty-four (24) hours drop to 35 degrees Fahrenheit, the water and aggregates shall be heated, and precautions taken to protect the work from freezing for at least ten (10) days. In no case 'shall concrete be deposited upon a frozen subgrade. 25 ONE-COURSE CONCRETE HIGHWAY I. MATERIALS 1. C E M E N T : T h e cement shall meet the requirements of the Standard Specifications for Portland Cement, adopted by the American Society for Testing Materials, August 16, 1909, with all subsequent amendments and additions thereto adopted by said society and by this Institute (Standard No. 1 ) . 2. A G G R E G A T E S : Before delivery on the job, the contractor shall submit to the engineer a fifty (50) pound sample of each of the fine and coarse aggregates proposed for use. T h e samples shall be tested and if found to pass the requirements of the specifications similar material shall be considered as acceptable for the work. All aggregates used shall meet with the approval of the engineer and shall fulfill the requirements of these specifications. In no case shall aggregates containing frost or lumps of frozen material be used. # Fine Aggregate: Fine aggregate shall consist of natural sand or screenings from hard, tough, durable crushed rock or gravel, consisting of quartzite grains or other equally hard material graded from fine to coarse with the coarse particles predominating. Fine aggregate, when dry, shall pass a screen having four (4) meshes per linear inch; not more than twenty-five (25) per cent shall pass a sieve having fifty (50) meshes per linear inch, and not more than five (5) per cent shall pass a sieve having one hundred (100) meshes per linear inch. Fine aggregate shall not contain vegetable or other deleterious matter nor more than three (3) per cent of clay or loam. Fine aggregate shall be of such quality that mortar composed of one (1) part Portland cement, and three (3) parts fine aggregate, by weight, when made into briquettes, shall show a tensile strength (at seven (7) and twentyeight (28) days) at least equal to the strength of briquettes composed of one (1) part of the same cement and three (3) parts Standard Ottawa sand by weight. T h e percentage of water used in making the briquettes of cement and fine aggregate shall be such as to produce a mortar of the same consistency as that of the Ottawa sand briquettes of Standard consistency. In other respects all briquettes shall be made in accordance with the Report of Committee on Uniform Tests of Cement of the American Society of Civil Engineers. Coarse Aggregate: Coarse aggregate shall consist of clean, hard, tough, durable crushed rock or gravel graded in size, free from vegetable or other deleterious matter, and shall contain no soft, flat or elongated particles. T h e size of the coarse aggregate shall be such as to pass a one and one-half (1 ^2) inch round opening and shall range from one and one-half (1 y2) inches down, not more than five (5) per cent passing a screen having four (4) meshes per linear inch, and no intermediate sizes shall be removed. 3. M I X E D A G G R E G A T E : Crusher run stone, bank run gravel or artificially prepared mixtures of fine and coarse aggregate shall not be used. 4. W A T E R : W a t e r shall be clean, free from oil, acid, alkali or vegetable matter. 5. R E I N F O R C E M E N T : All reinforcement shall be free from excessive rust, scale, paint or coatings of any character which will tend to destroy 26 UNIVERSAL PORTLAND CEMENT CO. the bond. All reinforcement shall develop an ultimate tensile strength of not less than seventy (70,000) thousand pounds per square'inch and bend one hundred eighty (180) degrees around one diameter and straighten without fracture. 6. J O I N T F I L L E R : Joint filler shall consist of prepared strips of fiber matrix and bitumen, or similar material of approved quality, one-quarter (%) inch in thickness. Where the joints are protected with metal plates the joint filler shall be made to conform to the cross-section of the pavement, and where unprotected joints are used the width of the joint filler shall be at least one-half (*/>) inch greater than the thickness of the pavement at any point. 7. J O I N T P R O T E C T I O N P L A T E S : Soft steel plates for the protection of the edges of the concrete at transverse joints shall be not less than two and one-half ( 2 ^ ) inches in depth and not less than one-eighth ( J ^ ) nor more than one-quarter ( % ) inch average thickness. T h e plates shall be of such form as to provide for rigid anchorage to the concrete. T h e type and method of installation of joint protection plates shall be approved by the engineer. 8. S H O U L D E R S : Materials for the construction of shoulders shall be approved by the engineer. II. GRADING 9. D E F I N E D : "Grading" shall include all cuts, fills, ditches, borrow pits, approaches and all earth or rock moving for whatever purpose where such work is an essential part of or necessary to the prosecution of the contract. 10. E N G I N E E R ' S S T A K E S : Stakes will be set by the engineer for 27 ONE-COURSE CONCRETE HIGHWAY the center line, side of slopes, finished grade and other necessary points properly marked for the cut or fill. When the grade line is approached the final grade stakes will be set for which day's notice must be given to the engineer. i i . E X C E S S M A T E R I A L : Excess material shall be disposed of as directed by the engineer, the free haul not to exceed feet. 12. O V E R - H A U L : Materials hauled a greater distance than the free haul from the place of excavation shall be paid for at the rate of cents per cubic yard for each additional feet. 13. C U T S A N D F I L L S : In cuts the final grade shall be obtained by rolling with a roller weighing not less than five (5) nor more than ten (10) tons. T h e engineer shall determine the depth of material to be thus compacted. W h e n a fill of one (1) foot or less is required to bring the surface to grade, all vegetable matter shall be removed before making the fill. Embankments shall be formed of earth or other approved materials and shall be constructed in successive layers the first of which shall extend entirely across from the toe of the slope on one side to the toe of the slope on the other side and successive layers shall extend entirely across embankments from slope to slope. Each layer, which shall not exceed one (1) foot in depth, shall be thoroughly rolled with a roller weighing not less than five (5) nor more than ten (10) tons. T h e roller shall pass over the entire area of each layer of the fill at least twice. T h e sides of the embankment shall be kept lower than the center during all stages of the work and the surface maintained in condition for adequate drainage. T h e use of muck, quicksand, soft clay or spongy material which will not consolidate under the roller is prohibited. W h e n the material excavated from the cuts is not sufficient to make the fills shown on the plans, the contractor shall furnish the necessary extra material to bring the fills to the proper width and grade. When the earth work is completed, the cross-section of the roadbed shall conform to the crosssectional drawings and profile attached hereto. 14. S L O P E S : All slopes must be properly dressed to lines given by the engineer. III. DRAINAGE 15. D R A I N A G E : T h e contractor shall construct such drainage ditches as will insure perfect sub and surface drainage during construction and such work shall be completed to the satisfaction of the engineer, prior to the preparation of the roadbed, as herein specified. T i l e drains shall be placed as sliown \n the drawings attached \\exeto. Tile to be laid in a trench at least ( . . . . ) inches wide and ( ) feet deep below the established grade of the finished road. Such trench shall be backfilled with crushed stone or pit run gravel, with fine material removed, which, after light tamping, shall be ( ) inches in depth. Open ditches must be constructed along the concrete road as shown on the attached drawing, the dimensions, side slopes and grade of said ditches being as shown on the cross-section drawings and profile attached hereto. At the time of the acceptance of the road, the ditches must be in perfect condition with clean slopes and bottom, containing no obstructions to the flow of water. 28 UNIVERSAL PORTLAND IV. CEMENT GO. SUBGRADE 16. C O N S T R U C T I O N : T h e bottom of the excavation or the top of the fill when completed shall be known as the subgrade and shall be at all places true to the elevation as shown on the plans attached hereto. T h e subgrade shall be brought to a firm, unyielding surface by rolling the entire area with a self-propelled roller weighing not less than five (-5) nor more than ten (10) tons, and all portions of the surface of the subgrade which are inaccessible to the roller shall be thoroughly tamped with a hand tamp weighing not less than fifty (50) pounds, the face of which shall not exceed one hundred (100) square inches in area. All soft, spongy or yielding spots and all vegetable or other perishable matter shall be entirely removed and the space refilled with suitable material. , When considered necessary or of assistance in producing a compact, solid surface, the subgrade before being rolled shall be well sprinkled with water. When the concrete pavement is to be constructed over an old roadbed composed of gravel or macadam, the latter shall be entirely loosened and the material spread for the full width of the roadbed and rolled. All interstices shall be filled with fine material and rolled to make a dense, tight surface of the roadbed. 17. A C C E P T A N C E : No concrete shall be deposited until the subgrade is checked and accepted by the engineer. V. FORMS 18. M A T E R I A L S : Metal or wooden forms shall be free from warp, of sufficient strength to resist springing out of shape, and shall be equal in width to the thickness of the pavement at the edges. Wooden forms shall be of not less than two (2) inch stock, and shall be capped with two (2) inch angle iron. 19., S E T T I N G : T h e forms shall be well staked or otherwise held to the established line and grades, and the upper edges shall conform to the established grade of the road. 20. T R E A T M E N T : All mortar and dirt shall be removed from the forms that have previously been used. VI. PAVEMENT SECTION 21. W I D T H , T H I C K N E S S O F C O N C R E T E A N D C R O W N : T h e concrete pavement shall be feet wide, ( ) inches in depth at center, and ( . ) inches in depth at the sides. T h e finished surface shall conform to the arc of a circle, as shown on the plans attached hereto. N o t e : (Crown shall be hot more than one-one-hundredth (1/100) of the width. T h e thickness of the concrete at the edges shall be not less than six (6) inches.) VII. JOINTS 22. W I D T H A N D L O C A T I O N : Transverse joints shall be onequarter (34) inch in width and shall be placed across the pavement perpendicular to the center line, not more than thirty-six (36) feet apart. All joints shall extend through the entire thickness of the pavement and shall be perpendicular to its surface. 29 ONE-COURSE CONCRETE HIGHWAY 23. J O I N T F I L L E R : All joints shall be formed by inserting during construction and leaving in place the required thickness of joint filler which shall extend through the entire thickness of the pavement. 24. P R O T E C T E D J O I N T S * : T h e concrete at all transverse joints shall be protected with joint protection plates which shall be rigidly anchored to the concrete. T h e upper edges of the plates shall be even with each other and the adjoining surface of the concrete. All steel plates varying more than one-quarter ( J 4 ) inch from the finished surface of the concrete, as shown on the plans attached hereto, shall be ground to meet the specified requirements, or slabs in which such plates occur shall be removed and replaced with new material by the contractor at his expense. 25. U N P R O T E C T E D J O I N T S * : All transverse joints shall extend through the entire thickness of the pavement and the filler shall project not less than one-half (y2) inch above the finished surface. T h e concrete adjacent to these joints shall be finished with a wood float, which is divided through the center and which will permit'finishing on both sides of the filler at the same time. Before the road is opened to traffic, joint filler shall be cut off to a height of one-quarter ( J 4 ) m c n above the surface of the road. VIII. MEASURING MATERIALS AND MIXING CONCRETE 26. M E A S U R I N G M A T E R I A L S : T h e method of measuring the materials for the concrete, including water, shall be one which will insure separate and uniform proportions of each of the materials at all times. A sack of Portland cement (94 lbs. net) shall be considered one (1) cubic foot. 27. M I X I N G : T h e materials shall be mixed in a batch mixer of approved type and mixing shall continue after all materials are in the drum for at least one (1) minute at a minimum speed of twelve (12) revolutions per minute. T h e drum shall be completely emptied before receiving materials for successive batches. 28. R E T E M P E R I N G : Retempering of mortar or concrete which has partially hardened; that is, remixing with or without additional materials or water, shall not be permitted. 29. P R O P O R T I O N S : T h e concrete shall be mixed in the proportions of one (1) sack of Portland cement to not more than two (2) cubic feet of fine aggregate and not more than three (3) cubic feet of coarse aggregate, and in no case shall the volume of the fine aggregate be less than one-half ( y 2 ) the volume of the coarse aggregate. A cubic yard of concrete in place shall contain not less than one and seventenths (1.7) barrels of cement. T h e engineer shall compare the calculated amount of cement required according to these specifications and plans attached hereto with the amounts actually used in each section of concrete between successive transverse joints, as determined by actual count of the number of sacks of cement used in each section. If the amount of cement used in any three adjacent sections (between transverse joints) is less by more than two (2) per cent, or if the amount of cement used in any one section is less-by more than five (5) per cent of the amount hereinbefore required, the contractor shall remove all such sections *Note: (Whenthe specification "Protected Joints" is to be used, "Unprotected Joints" should be omitted and vice versa.) 30 UNIVERSAL PORTLAND CEMENT GO. and replace the same with new materials, according to these specifications, at his expense. 30. C O N S I S T E N C Y : T h e materials shall be mixed with sufficient water to produce a concrete which will hold its shape when struck off with a template. T h e consistency shall not be such as to cause a separation of the mortar from the coarse aggregate in handling. IX. REINFORCING 31. R E I N F O R C I N G : Concrete pavements twenty (20) feet or more in width shall be reinforced. T h e cross-sectional area of the reinforcing metal running parallel to the center line of the pavement shall amount to at least 0.038 square inch per foot and the cross-sectional area of reinforcing metal, which is perpendicular to the center line of the pavement, shall amount to at least 0.049 square inch per foot. Reinforcing metal shall be placed not less than two (2) inches from the finished surface of the pavement and otherwise shall be placed as shown on the drawings attached hereto. T h e reinforcing metal shall extend to within two (2) inches of all joints, but shall not cross them. Adjacent widths of fabric shall be lapped not less than four (4) inches when the lap is made perpendicular to the center line of the pavement and not less than one (1) foot when the lap is made parallel to the center line of the pavemnt. X. PLACING CONCRETE 32. P L A C I N G C O N C R E T E : Immediately prior to placing the concrete, the subgrade shall be brought to an even surface. T h e surface of the subgrade shall be thoroughly wet but shall show no pools of water when the concrete is placed. After mixing, the concrete shall be deposited rapidly upon the subgrade, to the required depth and for the entire width of the pavement in successive batches and in a continuous operation without the use of intermediate forms or bulkheads between expansion joints. In case of a breakdown concrete shall be mixed by hand to complete the section or an intermediate transverse joint placed as hereinbefore specified at the point of stopping work. Any concrete in excess of that needed to complete a section at the stopping of work shall not be used in the work. 33. F I N I S H I N G : T h e surface of the concrete shall be struck off by means of a template or strikeboard which shall be moved with a combined longitudinal and cross-wise motion. W h e n the strikeboard is within three (3) feet of a transverse joint it shall be lifted to the joint and the pavement struck off by moving the strikeboard away from the joint; any excess concrete shall be removed. Any holes left by removing any material or device used in constructing the joint shall be immediately filled with mortar composed of one (1) part of cement and two (2) parts of fine aggregate. Concrete adjoining metal protection plates at transverse joints shall be dense in character and shall be given a smooth finish with a steel trowel for a distance of six (6) inches on each side of the joints. After being brought to the established grade with the template or strikeboard, the concrete shall be finished from a suitable bridge, no part of which shall come in contact with the concrete. T h e concrete shall be finished with a wood float in a manner to thoroughly compact it and produce a surface free 31 ONE-COURSE CONCRETE HIGHWAY from depressions or inequalities of any kind. T h e finished surface of the pavement shall not vary more than one-quarter ( % ) inch from the specified contour. T h e edges of the pavement shall be rounded as shown on the cross-sectional drawings attached heretOi XL PROTECTION 34. C U R I N G A N D P R O T E C T I O N : Excepting as hereinafter specified, the surface of the pavement shall be sprayed with water as soon as the concrete is sufficiently hardened to prevent pitting, and shall be kept wet until an earth or other approved covering is placed. As soon as it can be done without damaging the concrete, the surface of the pavement shall be covered with not less than two (2) inches of earth or other material approved by the engineer, which cover shall be kept wet for at least ten (10) days. W h e n deemed necessary or advisable by the engineer, freshly laid concrete shall be protected by canvas until such covering can be placed. Under -the most favorable conditions for hardening in hot weather the pavement shall be closed to traffic for at least fourteen (14) days, and in cool weather for an additional time, to be determined by the engineer. In the season of the year when the average temperature is below fifty (50) degrees Fahrenheit, sprinkling and covering of the pavement may be omitted at the direction of the engineer. T h e contractor shall erect and maintain suitable barriers to protect the concrete from traffic and any part of the pavement damaged from traffic or other causes, occurring prior to its official acceptance, shall be repaired or replaced by the contractor at his expense, in a manner satisfactory to the engineer. Before the pavement is thrown open to traffic the covering shall be removed and disposed of as directed by the engineer. 35. T E M P E R A T U R E B E L O W 35 D E G R E E S F A H R E N H E I T : Concrete shall not be mixed nor deposited when the temperature is below freezing. If, at any time during the progress of the work, the temperature is, or in the opinion of the engineer will within twenty-four (24) hours drop to 35 degrees Fahrenheit, the water and aggregates shall be heated, and precautions taken to protect the work from freezing for at least ten (10) days. In no case shall concrete be deposited upon a frozen subgrade. XII. SHOULDERS 36. C O N S T R U C T I O N : When shoulders are required, they shall be built upon the properly prepared subgrade, as shown on the profile and cross-sectional drawings attached hereto. T h e work shall be done to the entire satisfaction of. the engineer. 32