ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN Production Note Project Unica Rare Book & Manuscript Library University of Illinois Library at Urbana-Champaign 2015 Reform, No. 8, George’s Hill. THE Committee appointed by the Affociation for difcountenancing Vice, and for promoting the Praaice of Religion and Virtue, to condua the Reform of the Criminal Poor, have opened their Inilitution for the reception of Children of Convias, and young Perrons,* who having been engaged in a Criminal courfe of life, are defirous of becoming ir.duilrious and honeil. Of the former defcription they have now in the Houfe Seven Children ; and of the latter eight. The Committee ardently hope to render the above Children, and fuch others as they ihall hereafter receive, ufeful and happy members of Society—They intreat your countenance and fupportto an Inilitution which fo evidently tends to diminiih the number of Victims to Public ' Juilice, and to fecure the property and fafety of Individuals. Your pecuniary aid will be thankfully received, and duly aeknowledged j and your advice and co-operation (if you ihall incline to give either) will be willingly attended to. A Deputation of the following Gentlemen, who cor.npofe the Committee, will ihortly have the honor of waiting on you, to receive fuch Subfcription or Donation, as you may be inclined to bellow, in aid of this Inilitution. Rt. Hon. D. LATOUCHE, Lord Biihop of OSSORY, Rt. Pion. R. MONCRIEFFE, Lord Sir FRANCIS HUTCHINSON, Bart. Rev. Dr. O’CONNOR, Rev. RICHARD BOURNE, Rev. Dean BLUNDELL, ROBERT DAY, Efq. Major General STRATON, PETER LATOUCHE, Efq. Alderman CARLETON, Rev. Dr. Me. DOWEL, PETER HOLMES, Efq. Mayor, Rev. GEORGE HORAN, HUGH SKEYS, Efq. SAMUEL ROSBOROUGH, Efq Rev. THOMAS GAMBLE, JOHN BERRY, Efq. WILLIAM COOKE, Efq. GEORGE CULLEN, Efq. JOHN! MACAULAY, Efq. P. S. A Pamphlet is juil publifhed, in which the Plan of the Inilitution of the Reform i$ more particulalry detailed ; and in which fome account is given of the Children now in the Houfe, and of the very excellent Inilitution in Loncon, on whofe model the prefent one is founded; together with an account of the Contributbps received, and the Expences of the Inilitution. -A N A D D R E S S TO THE p U B L I C, FROM THE c o M MITT E E FOR CONDUCTING THE REFO RM OF THE CRIMINAL POOR. TTEND, benevolent Countrymen, to a call the moil affe&ing that perhaps ever implored the ear of humanity, the moil intereiling that can be applied to the wifdom and policy of a Nation. Impelled by the preiTure of the moil urgent neceility, in this awful period of time, to check, under the Divine influence, the alarming progrefs of immorality and vice, we prefent for fupport an INSTITUTION, w® in this Kingdom, and calculated, if fuflained, to produce the greateil benefits that can be deriv’d from the donations of charity. We confefs a relu&ance in thus adding our voices to the numerous other claims on your mercy, when we view the many Foundations for the prote&ion and relief of the miferable, already fupported by your beneficence ; but witneflinj, for years, your readinefs to meet and mitigate every fpecies of wretchednefs, which the riciifitudes and vices of life occafionally bring forth, we are emboldened to expeft regard to a Petition which muil be deemed momentous in its fubjeft, as novel in its kind.—NotwithAanding that your pity extends from the cradle to the grave, and that you appear to embrace every defcription of poverty and pain that can be found applicable to either fex, in the deplorable Catalogue of human woe; yet, however extraordinary the cafe, no afylum has before this time been opened in this Kingdom, for a defcription of objects the moil foilorn of all others, the mnfl expofed to moral corruption, and confequently the moil intereiling to the public Weal, thefe are The Children of ConviSl Parents, and young Criminals under fentence of the lavs. Thofe miferable objefts have hitherto not only been abandoned to all the baneful effefts of poverty, temptation and uncorrefted vice, but ihut out from all friendly fhelter and regard—the former -were fuffered to continue within the influence of the infection which corrupted and deilro/ed the Parents, and the latter, after undergoing fome penalty, returned to the Community—imprefled no longer with a fenfe or abhorrence of their guilt, than during the transient recolle&ion of its puniihment.—To refeue, therefore, the offspring of Criminal Parents from the contagion of that vice which was fatal to their family, and to reffore to offended Society the young Criminal a penitent, virtuous and induilrious member, are the purpofes of ourww/L itutson, suiu u.v «^i££rofJ>ur Addrefs for your patronage _ ~ --------------------------------- ~ ■and fupport.„ t-v n u T? S S TO THE PUBLIC. AN A D D K E b b i ^ .^mr>oflinnate feelings require not to be ilimulated, nor your Surely, Countrymen, your c P occaflon—open your eyes and look around, liften as underftandings informed, y wc^! ft be fanned at the marks of deplorable wretched- you walk the ftreets, and you,[ the offspring of the profligate-,ifit the nefs and moral depravity w n behold there every vicious difpofition ftrength- Prifons to which the young rin ■ ■_ idicnefe, and kept alive in the memory by con ft ant ened by corrupt communications, aftJthe pcrk,d Gf confinement, the wretched creature recital of former cnmma ac s , ’ audacity, and impatient to try experiments of his aug- returns improved in artifice recruited ,n au^city ^ ^ ^ o|) your ufe. Refled mented knowledge in epre a mr of the remedy, now propofed, for an evil that on thefe melancholy truths, ^ ^SJcicty—Stand, we befeech you, between the living and hitherto has been moi p-im- , plague;—you will thus prove your fincere withes «1- ** “"It tl » in r fAc violations of which yon fc often to preferve the reputation and Nation ^ a charitable Eftablilhment/ as truly_ and fo fruitlefsly deplore ; yon wi fjI ^ thus makc fome at0nement forthepaft negled of politic as it is nove among t , ^ whQ have hitherto perifhed ignominioufly, before the thefe numberlefs vidims o pu ] ^ patronage and inftrudion. May the eyes of the well-informed and opulent, for want °yourpower, anymore fuch Almighty, therefore, difpote youtopreven ’ moft awful denunciation of di- facnfices, and imprefs on your hearts.andminds this^ fdlow.creatures_^ Son vine vengeance for the lofs, tnrougi °“ g g lftiait hcarthe word from my mouth; ft .,>■——* - -— hut K, WW viU i no?“'" *